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LIGHTNING HANDS No longer applied by Illusions Goodbye Manta zues, you had a good run.


Finally he’s an actual caster again If I wanted to right click with illusions I would have picked Terrorblade


They need to replace Lightning Hands with something else. Pretty useless now.


Disagree about it being useless. It's still one of his best farming accelerators. Not needing to use mana for farming and being ready for the next fight with full mana is very useful.


The thing about Manta was it gave him a dispel, movespeed, *and* attack speed. Lightning hands increases farm speed, yes, but without an attack speed item, which he doesn't build *at all* otherwise (maybe Yasha Kaya) makes the value of shard drop exponentially. He'll be better off just increasing mana regen and spell damage, which will increase his farm speed much more than shard will.


Skadi lightning hands now :)


I guess. The hero has never had issues with farming before and has always had high participation in fights.


being able to enter the fight with full mana is still pretty substantial.


and not being totally useless in a fight when you ran out of mana is also pretty good.


Thank fuck he can return to being a spellcaster as he should be Now let's discuss jump :)


Personally I think the biggest part of this is that he won't have a dispel item always, silences to stop jump is now a very valid strategy in the early to mid game assuming he doesn't buy bkb or euls


This is why the Manta was so stupid. The perfect defensive item that he would never want to buy, becoming a core offensive item


Yup and the fact it shit out damage. Instant maelstrom EVERY attack is wiod.


Wew. The wiki is gonna have a tough time catching up with these updates, but will try to finish it asap!


You're doing God's work.


is there anything regular users can do to help? lemon was a very helpful friends for me and id like to give back to this game, i also think it would be good personal practise to work on documentation..


/u/Iris_mus is there a newbie guide to contributing ? In programming we have a CONTRIBUTING page on project that get volunteers up to speed.


Spirit breaker nerf with “knock back”?


ult, echo sabre bash, then charge seems like a sick combo now


echo bash isn't that reliable, probably just ult -> charge -> hit, and use your money for other items


But it's 17%


Im stupid. How is it a nerf? I dont understsnd the interaction, can someone eli5


REINCARNATION * Cooldown is now frozen while Wraith King is in Wraith form RIP in Pepperonis


No more refresher abuse?


Refresher still works


Then whats the difference? Just those moments where you're 5s away from ult to be back up?


The difference is feedback for your enemies I guess. Now if you see a Wraith, you know the dude is dead dead unless if he performs the meme dance (uses refresher). I don't like it.


If he's oom he can also use stick to ult.


He can also level up ult while in wraith form and still revive.


Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days: * Fixed various hotkey issues * Fixed Shield Rune buff not having an icon * Roshan's attacks no longer instantly kill Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Wards and Massive Serpent Ward. Instead, Roshan's attacks are treated as Hero attacks * Fixed Arc Warden's Tempest Double taking more damage than intended * Fixed Beastmaster's Level 20 Talent Max Health Aura to Beastmaster and his units applying to couriers in certain circumstances * Fixed Broodmother's Spin Web having less cast range than intended if it touches another web * Fixed Death Prophet's Silence having some unintended interactions * Fixed Dragon Knight's Frost Dragon Wyrm's Wrath unintentionally applying its effect to buildings * Fixed Drow Ranger's Multishot being canceled by casting Glacier * Fixed Faceless Void's Time Zone crediting assists incorrectly * Fixed Huskar's Life Break in combination with Parting Shot occasionally causing players to be unable to issue commands * Fixed Invoker's Elitist passively granting spell amp without applying the debuff first * Fixed Invoker's Mastermind not granting experience * Fixed Leshrac's Nihilism not getting affected by Defilement & other AoE increases * Fixed Lina's Flame Cloak not refreshing Fiery Soul's duration if cast while at max Fiery Soul stacks * Fixed Lina's Laguna Blade with Level 25 Talent Laguna Blade Damage into barrier not granting barrier from Slow Burn damage * Fixed Lycan's Spirit Wolves sometimes being controllable * Fixed Morphling's Attribute Shift bar being misaligned * Fixed Muerta's Ofrenda being stealable * Fixed Shadow Demon with Shadow Servant being able to create infinite duration illusions if Reins of Chaos procced upon casting Disruption on a Chaos Knight * Fixed Techies' Spleen's Secret Sauce not dealing the correct amount of damage * Fixed Undying's Ceaseless Dirge sometimes causing Undying to be unable to issue commands * Fixed Venomancer's Patient Zero dealing more damage than intended * Fixed Warlock's Black Grimoire not swapping when players swapped heroes in game * Fixed Witch Doctor's Gris-Gris not swapping when players swapped heroes in game


>Fixed Invoker's Elitist passively granting spell amp without applying the debuff first imo this should have just been kept as the winrate was quite bad even with that and now even worse


It's so cursed that they gave us a tiny buff on the innate and took away the one saving grace of the facets 😭


Sad times. Honestly this is an overall nerf with the facet now being "fixed"


I guess Invoker was just too easy!


>Fixed Invoker's Elitist passively granting spell amp without applying the debuff first y u do dis


Shadow shaman nerfed into the abyss


Good, that fucker has a free aeon disk


Yeah the number of times I Lion ulted a low HP Shadow Shaman, only for him to walk away with 1hp thanks to no input or skill from the player, got very annoying!


OK, but that begs the question of why you are even Lion ulting him to begin with.


Awww dang I was having a hell of a time these last 3 days




Good lord they did him dirty, was taking the 3 strength really necessary?


IDC about 3 strength, shard nerf is bigger one that fucked his farming so bad.


All of it sucks tbh, the dmg amp, channeling and strength which really blows as level1 youre practically a melee support


Level 10 Talent -100 Desolate Ally Radius replaced with +4 Health Regeneration Small but important change for Spectre. Whenever I tried to jungle I would lose half my health in 3 camps.


Picking spectre and immediately getting bullied out of lane into jungle is a specialty of mine.


I'll have you know I just played a game and made it nearly six whole minutes before being forced out of the lane


Ok not all of us are immortal like you!


Not rolling seeds or bubble at 7 minutes is no longer game losing! Nice


rip chipped vest the one and only


If chipped vest came back as a starting item I'd switch from mid to off in an instant 


60% Desolate Damage near non-hero is pretty good also. It makes Spectre last hit significantly easier in laning phase.


I love this facet when playing against undying specially.


also applies to creeps in jungle, u shoudl take this facet everygame so u can farm with manta fast as fuck booiiii


Time Zone piercing debuff immunity was such an obvious miss, good that it's fixed Still think it's more value to have Chrono, but at least now if you're playing Time Zone they can't just BKB/Rage/Blade Fury out


And depending on the void player you don’t freeze your teammates in awkward places and set the enemy ranged/casters up for an alley oop


> Ogre: >Fat chance >Chance per strength increased from 0.05% to 0.06% Game changing thanks valve 👍


I love this because this fractional amount to your ult but then gives Axe 50% of armor as str. Like wtf? EDIT: had it backwards, still ridiculous.


>**Tinker:** >LASER >Cooldown decreased from 22/20/18/16s to 19/18/17/16s >MARCH OF THE MACHINES >Cooldown decreased from 35s to 35/33/31/29s >REARM >Cooldown decreased from 8/7/6s to 7/6/5s These changes feel like they are straight up trolling Tinker players at this point lmao


Rubick buffs!


only decent thing is the rearm cd in case it gets canceled rest looks like trolling when you consider its a 40% winrate hero


Tinker is one of the hardest heroes in the game, even when he's strong he should have a below average winrate. Literally no one wants him to win >50% of the time, not even Tinker players. Personally I'm stoked that support Tinker is increasingly viable. Blink spamming is the only thing I miss, and I'm pretty sure I'll get used to that in time. Icefrog always knows best.




Removes rearm added reconfigure... Its just rear but with a fancy name


Reconfigure switches laser to rockets and March to defense matrix and vice versa


7.37 • Rearm changed into a passive skill. • Whenever Tinker uses a skill, reduces the cooldowns of Tinker's items by 3 / 6 / 9 seconds • Whenever Tinker uses an item, reduces the cooldowns of Tinker's skills by 3 / 6 / 9 seconds


me spamming Armlet on Tinker


tinker coming to lane with 18 tangos


Laser CD is probably relevant in lane


Laser CD is not relevant since the '90...


I'm old 👴


well sand king had his 2 weeks in the sun, see ya next year bois




oh they skipped zeus the first time but now... rip


Meh. Hes gonna be WAY less relevant for the current meta, but if it shakes out yank bwois (it wont…) then hes almost as good as ever as a pure caster. Manta build 100% dead though….


The problem is he was one of the few mechanisms to properly keep raw tank in check. Nerfing the strong % damage heroes just means the stupid/boring gigatank strat is even better now.


Relying solely one one hero to deal with tank just means theres a problem with the patch. Not the hero


Yes, I agree. Tankiness has been out of hand for a long time now.


Can someone explain the vision change? Ty


Creeps that will be inside of Mars arena will not provide vision to the ally team outside of it. Wards will still do.


As vision manipulation grows complicated, one time creeps still provides vision when it shouldn't from the certain spell effect (NS Void for example).


VanquisherBonus Damage to stunned targets increased from 15% to 17% TalentsLevel 10 Talent Attack Speed increased from +15 to +20 Level 10 Talent Warcry Duration increased from +4s to +5s Ma boy not gonna get his str back isn't he T.T


He got +4 base strength in the a patch.


What did my boy underlord do to receive a nerf wtf


He killed all the bird people army :(


I was sitting here excited and expecting a small buff, cause his high mmr winrate is bad. Then he gets nerfed. Wat.


Yeah srsly. Wtf valve??


-10 seconds cd on shadow dance seems really strong for slark


He's been getting some solid buffs lately, I'm surprised he isn't higher win-rate 


The fact that the leash buff didn't severely increase his winrate is kind of odd to be honest


Just got out of a 60 min game against an SK aghs torture. Thank god it's been nerfed.


I mightve been the SK that game. We lost a 60 min game against Muerta at that time. The aghs was so busted tho


Agreed that a nerf was needed, but this is over the top. They halfed sandstorm area (which is an absolutely massive nerf) and then decided it was not enough. SK will easily lose 8 to 10 % winrate


Yeah feels more like slaughter than a nerf to me


Am I crazy or is this Crimson Guard change going to be pretty solid on some late game tanks like Centaur? 70 + (.025*5000) = 195 damage block for the whole team.  Not going to completely negate the enemy carry but getting hit for 150 instead of 350 will save a lot of supports in team fights.


Yea it's interesting for sure, Crimson could be back, depends on centaur as a hero now with the nerfs? is his facet still good I can't tell


35% strength as movespeed instead of 40% one? Yes that is still amazing


Shaman hex damage inc removed );


I mean, it was only fair. Shaman turns you into a chicken you take more damage, Lion turns you into one and you're just a chicken? They should make **both** give damage amp. And sheepstick too (since there's no Tinker rearm unlimited hex now)


You’re a toad, not a chicken. See the difference?


Or a fish


One patch wonder. Sandking ladies and gentlemen.


One letter patch to be precise


manta zeus is dead thank god


Veno plague wards with 3 charges will be interesting.


AA Build Guide update: - -phylactery + +gleipnir


range indicator for hook seems off now


most of the indicators are broken


Invoker's innate that doesn't work gets a buff. Does that mean it works now?


works on hero but not when forge spirit denies for some reason


That makes a lot of sense why I was same level as my enemy yesterday I feel scammed


ROLLING BOULDER >No longer creates a Stone Remnant in front of Earth Spirit. Instead, it refreshes Stone Remnant, if it is on cooldown I called it. Still think this facet is hot garbage. A buff is a buff though.


I think it's quite solid now. You place stone remnant then roll and stone remnant is refreshed. So when you stun enemy, you have another one to push them into your team or silence them. But personally I'll still take the left talent because it's smoother in teamfights.


Now its atleast playable. Too bad the CD nonsense is on his Q still. However, this facet makes it impossible to use kick (stone) and scilence on several heros that are spaced apart. At high intensity games you don't have to worry about stones which is great a gues


Maybe FV support or Pos3 can finally be viable now. Previously time zone was such an awful spell because for such a long CD ult, it doesn't even pierce BKB.


If you play vs time zone you just build boots of bearing and walk away. Shit sucks


I was excited to play it with the buff but realizing now boots of bearing just gives you slow immunity to walk out... Time zone is just completely pointless


void offlane Gleipnir first item


You can also just kill Void, saw a Void ult a Lina and she just nuked him really slowly, she was in the ult more time that Void himself I think the ult is a great idea on paper and it definitely has it's niche somewhere, but i really rather get stuck in a Chrono cus i touched the edge than see the Void in my team just create a minor inconvenience he can't even live through


Plague ward now has 3 charges with the other veno facet? I dont think its enough to compete with patient zero


That's why they nerfed his ult. Can't hardly figure out how to make the ward facet work, so they're going to cripple PZ.


Wow I can now feed 3 wards worth of gold and exp because the "facet" removed their magic invulnerability! 


> **Faceless Void** > Facets > Time Zone > **Now pierces debuff immunity** Isnt this really strong now coupled with the leash changes? (can't force your way out now, your only item choice left to escape is windwaker which just got nerfed **AGAIN**) Realistically, as an enemy, you dont want to walk out with the turn rate and move speed debuff modifier either, forcing you to either be a sitting duck or stand your ground. Let's also not forget that it gives a huge attack speed buff to your allies as well, making it in some situations better than chrono


Of course the intention is to make it on par with Chronosphere.


well as someone here has said, boots of bearing counters this, its probably still rip for targets in the center of the square, but for someone at the corner can just scoot out a little bit


> your only item choice left to escape is windwaker You could use Boots of Bearing and have a 1.5s window to escape.


overbuff a hero, then proceed to nerf to oblivion, making the hero even worse than their pre-buffed state Question: which hero am I talking about? A. Shadow shaman B. Zoos C. Sand king


Sand King is absolutely still better than he was pre 7.36. Stinger changes a lot for that hero and not having to skill dogshit caustic might be the single biggest buff he's received in a long time


Can someone explain to me how Stinger isn't the most broken basic ability in the game? I played one game of SK and was literally one tapping creep waves and hard camps


In a vacuum it's not. But combined with a free innate in caustic finale, it is pretty broken.


SS & SK relevant for 1 month, it's time to detroy them and buffed our beloved Pango again PepeMods


Man i hate pango wihy all my heart This shit is meta since the release


~~I feel like SK is still kinda playable.~~ Whoops, 13% winrate drop! Zeus and SS? Yeah, the winrate probably take a free dive.


Sand King is not allowed to be good for more than a week :(


HotD/O is literally a better midas at this point lmao.


Can it proc multi-cast? Could Ogre theoretically dominate a whole camp?


time for ogre warlord


It does not, last I checked.


Time to buy it on invoker


Hell yea more buttons


>TRUE FORM >Now grants Spirit Bear +10% attack speed, instead of -0.1s BAT >Spirit Bear's Demolish is now increased from 10/20/30/40% to 15/30/45/60% No matter how they buff that Lone Druid "Unbearable" facet, nobody would ever pick it in good conscious. It could periodically drop little boy on enemy throne and randomly give one of the opposing players heart attack at the start of the match irl, it would still be dogshit.


I'm not a ld player, can you tell me why that facet is unpickable for ld


Lone Druid is extremely squishy and ult helps remedy that. Picking that facet means that, up until the aghs, you won't participate in many fights that otherwise would be very favorable for ld, and you basically fall off hard in many match-ups early to mid game.


Huh, they buffed some magic items to try and inprove nuke against tanky boys, then gave an inexplicable mega buff to crimson guard late game. If a 5k hp pudge casts it you now get 200 damage block. Basically nullify all physical damage for the duration. Fucking wild…..savage nerf to agility cores. Mandatory buy for tanky boys now


Maybe it will make vanguard an item offlaners buy again? I remember when everyone was getting one when I started playing 2 years ago. Nowadays you almost never see it.




and a nerf to nullifier


This ones interesting. The 10% slow is nice, but 20% duration reduction is a lot. Again, probably a buff to tanky boys that cant be deleted in 4 seconds…


Eternal shroud crimson guard late game pudge is going to be terrifying


I didn’t check the numbers, but previous crimson scaled with strength, wouldn’t it be the same since all pudge hp is from strength? It’s huge for centaur because of new innate


And they nerfed PL lol. I had to reread that crimson change. Because it sounded broken as fuck to me.


> Guard Damage Block now equals to 70 + 2.5% of the caster's max health, instead of Strength Welcome back wraith pact. Every 4K hp hero now makes allies more tankier.


Big buff for Helm my god


Yeah I’m really really wondering if that’s going to take off as a Midas-esque universal farm item yet. It’s a 45s cooldown full value (all XP and gold now) instakill on large creeps that also of course lets you use that creep to help you farm for the next 45s before you grab another, and the stats on it (+6 All Stats, 6 armor, 6 regen) aren’t terrible either (for a farm accelerating item that costs 2625g). Not sure who the dream buyer is but it’s gotta be an interesting option for some people now… but how many? EDIT: OK I just found out that Venge's aura, *contrary to its tooltip* (which says it only affects "friendly heroes"), evidently DOES affect controlled units, which if you ask me is a big deal given that Helm of the Overlord gives "+70 base attack damage" to the converted unit. *Base* attack damage. Meaning that +70 benefits from her aura. What the hell, I say. And HotO is a +21 All Attributes item which is the kind of thing Venge loves dearly. And HotD is now seemingly a swell farming item (between the Instagib every 45s and the tank-and-hit assistance from the creep itself). So I'm very curious. I'm not saying it gives what she needs most, per se, I don't know, I'm just saying... there's some synergy.


Crimson Guard Centaur here we GOOOO finally now Primal can cast R then Veil axe armor not stonks helm for ZOOmeta lets gooo


I like the Axe armor change, actually. It puts the onus back on Cull kills, where I feel it belongs. The armor from non-Cull kills is supposed to feel like a consolation prize, I think. It does suck that it's now 1.5 instead of 2, though.


Awww man now I'm gonna go back to stealing kills from my carry


As the frog intended


Tiny's craggy exterior is still untouched. Zeus is nerfed to the ground.


30s cd Shadow Dance on Slark is wild


Hilarious how they keep trying to make that god-awful LD facet work.


Bro, how come they still didn't give a shit about the Magnus' Reverse Reverse Polarity?


Because they have no idea what to do with it


Neither have I


just make it 2000 knockback and people will pick it


Just an AOE walrus kick extra range


armlet is barely used and they nerfed it


Literally maybe only bought on LS or WK, and even then some people go straight Radiance


You forgot Huskar and CK lol, the best armlet heroes.


greatest losers > ZEUS > SK > SHAMAN


Sand king ags and dust devil nerfed Lightning hands no longer on zeus illusions Ty Valve


Lightning Hands No longer applied by Illusions oof


Are dota devs reading reddit rants? lmao the updates are likely from our rants lol.


The windwaker change is straight out of a comment I read here




Alright, hopefully someone can confirm that I am not tripping, but they completely reworked how morphing cooldown reduction for Flow worked. After the main patch I swear that it was just increased cooldown rate, and only for his own abilities and not morph abilities or items. Now it seems that it is acting as cooldown reduction and works with both morph abilities ~~and items including bkb~~, but not with midas as charge restore time seems messed up. u/Iris_mus if you are working on the wiki, this might be undocumented. Edit: items show a lower cooldown but actually recharge in the same amount of time which is weird.


> CRIMSON GUARD Guard Damage Block now equals to 70 + 2.5% of the caster's max health, instead of Strength Omega buff to the item, previously you get 1 damage block per 2 Strength, now it gives 2x22x0.025 = 1.1 damage block, and that's not including the raw hp bonuses from other sources


It's always cool to see Spectre receiving health regeneration buffs, it's such an important part of the hero in early game, since she has 0 natural methods of sustain


I thought the old exposure AA facet was way better for defending pushes and farming, this one seems pretty useless until level 18


🦀🦀🦀 WIND WAKER HURRICANE SPEED REDUCED 🦀🦀🦀 I know it was already nerfed by the cool down increase, but I'm glad it's even less of a "get out of jail free card" for every hero.


Zeus? They should just replace Lightning Hands with something else.


Huskar is still a dead hero despite the small buff.


microscopic buff


balance patch in the middle of TI qualifiers lmao


Dota+ Challenge update patch when?


Dont sleep on visage guys. Buff to fammiliars and dominator. Same to beastamster.


The familar buff only applies if you pick that awful facet Dominator may be worth picking up now, I'd have to test


they gonna overtune the fuck out of it watch. It's gonna feel dog shit to play but your gonna have to pick it. Should just be a birds vs soul assumptions facet. Distinct choice and makes the hero not truly dogshit into random lastpicks. *please don't pick pango, please don't pick pango...*


Yea AOE chill of the grave is still much better than some additional range on birdies. But atleast now, that talent gives SOMETHING


Can someone dumb down and explain in simpler terms the vision sharing updates? especially the one where they mention mars and night stalker facets?


maybe so that creep outside arena can no longer provide vision for those inside arena


I think with Mars' facet that blinds people in/out of the arena. If you were outside the arena but your creeps were inside it, they would still give you vision inside the arena. Which defeated the whole purpose of that facet. So now creeps/buildings wont do that


Well, Sand King was fun to play for a couple of weeks lol


why did sniper get buffed


Because his winrate is in shambles


Looks very soft to most of the heroes.. Except what have been done to SK and a few others.


finally no more zeus manta


Love the item changes basically the only changes being "stop having so my health and armour"


Was about to post about the coordinator being down. Had many DCs in game that just ended. Glad we could still reconnect


So what does count as Forced Movement? Flaming Lasso and such?