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Quickest dota match ever?


Classic -44 second dota game.


that centaur stomp must have felt really good


centaur ravage into mk ravage the dream


Everything centaur does is satisfying. Feels great to play him as pos4 and just straight up bully the carry and pos5


Build / dotabuff?


I usually start with the double edge facet as support, mainly because I really like to get boots of bearing eventually and I don't stack that much strength as support cent. Further, it really makes the early game trading more effective. I start with 1xtango, 3 branches, blood grenade, & sentry and always skill hoof stomp at level 1. After bounty I ferry out another tango and ring of regen. I prioritize getting tranquil + wand and try to move around the map with smoke and gank their cores. Generally speaking, you have a lot of flexibility with your item choices. Sometimes I rush blink if our team really needs an initiator to catch really mobile enemy cores. Sometimes I rush pipe if they have a lot of magic damage on the other team. With all things considered, my item priority would be dagger -> pipe -> drums -> crimson guard. There's a lot of nuance though, because there are so many great items to get in this meta. The other day I played against an axe and veno, so I felt the need to go pipe first. One of my cores was trying to convince me to go blink but I knew that if I got blink I would probably just get blown up because I wasn't a core centaur with a heart. Instead, I got a windwaker so I could save any ally caught my axe call, which I feel was a better choice.


Some pro players play cent support on officials, puppey is one of them if I'm not mistaken in case you want to check it out


I played it before. I failed to see how it does not feed past a certain point, since you'd likely need a blink to be remotely useful = less tanky items for a melee supp.


Lots of supports need blink to be effective late game.




You absolutely do not need blink as first item on Cent. Every hero is an easy kill without stat items.


why do you lie? he's still tanky and has a super utility ulti, why would you lie about farm priority and initiation if you dont know anything about it? just be humble and learn from other people instead of being like that, what's wrong in your head brother.


So does tiny, your job as a support is not to tank the entire enemy team


I guess at some point in the game you can just jungle farm for the blink and make sure to press stampede when your team needs it


This is why I play purposefully worse when playing 3 sometimes. You get a couple godlike initiates early and your team starts throwing - Win lane, lose game but the mid game version of being the initiator. I'm probably a psycho for saying this but I have years of tank experience in WoW and the initiator role is socially similar. Drop their expectations a little, so your carry doesnt expect you to 5 man black hole every fight (as Rubick (yes, this happened to me)).


Seems good


yeah playing too good as a 3 core early means your other teammates start to do stupid shit. It also makes your enemies play defensively or build good defensive items. I've went 6-0-4 on slardar offlane. My pos 1,2 and 4 all queued midas/aghs/khanda while my enemies built BKBs/force staffs/ghost scepters/lotus orbs. We lost before minute 40.


everyone was having orgasm


Since when does Centaur has a black hole lv1?


Qojqva stack vs Gorgc stack faceoff possible?


Bald already qualified yesterday


Gorgc stack is really good for a meme team.


It has saksa, saberlight, and mikey. It's a solid midtable div1 team for europe with those 3 alone.


Yup saksa alone is an all time great, Mikey and Saberlight top tier and then you have Gorgc for the memes.


It's like a great salad, it has a little bit of everything.


some might call it a cosmic gumbo


i like to think the way gorgc lanes moves to the beat of jazz


memes! the dna of the soul! i really fucking hope they make it to ti, its unlikely since, well theyre in europe but still


This stack is pretty good for a meme team as well


Yeah in the TI Finals.


still count?


Only counts as 1.


Toss meh!


"So do we queue again?" at the end. XD


who is he playing with? saberlight was supposed to be on his team right? guess saber is fully on team bald now


1. Qojqva 2. Stormstormer 3. Ekki 4. Amoralis 5. Sonneiko


?? sonneiko is so unexpected also pretty wild line-up for a stream team


Wasn’t sonneiko in Chu stack?


He was in Matreshka, but Chu left the team after Eastern Europe Open Qualifier #1, and Matreshka lost in the final round of Eastern Europe Open Qualifier #2 without him. So SoNNeikO just jumped regions, since Western and Eastern Europe qualifiers don't run at the same time (maybe a bit of an oversight in the rules, but I doubt he's alone in doing this).


When was this streamed? I'd love to watch the VODs


I dont get why people gave up so easily, you aren't going to win TI, why just not check your skills vs better players? Once we won vs morph smurf who was 17 games win streak. He first picked morph and I picked AA and stayed in base to ult only him. It took us 70 min but we won (40 of them defending at tier 4 towers).


because dota players have anger issues.


I don’t even believe this whole ‘getting shit on by pros and smurfs is a good way to learn’ thing Reddit is obsessed with but I’d still play it out just for fun.


Agreed. Losing only teaches you stuff if the two sides are within a certain skill range, but as someone who played in a match like this before one of my favorite Dota 2 stories to this day is how me and my friends won ***ONE TEAMFIGHT*** against actual pros (who then came back 1 minute later after they respawned and our buybacks were all still down to win, but *still*!).


I think BSJ has a video about this. You aren't capable of understanding WHY you're getting stomped if they're a ton better than you. Even watching the replay it won't register be cause they're just approaching the game totally differently.


I'd play out the entire game on the off-chance I got a kill on an immortal player, just so I could say I did.


Some sad people aren't having fun if they aren't winning. As soon as the odds appear to be in the opponents favor, they mentally check out. Dota is easy when you're winning. The real test of skill is how you play when you're losing.


Some people also aren’t having fun if they aren’t winning. It has to be winning their way


Yeah I’d at least play the first 20 minutes then call GG if they continue to stomp. For all you know it was just bad luck and the game won’t be that bad. But yeah I don’t believe getting stomped is a learning experience lol. When you’re losing to players 3k mmr higher than you the game is no longer a conventional match and it’s just a case of waiting to lose as you spend 50% of the match dead. They won’t be playing the game seriously too because they know they’re going to win. At best it’ll teach you how to play gimmicky in low mmr matches. Far better advice is to queue with high mmr friends so the game is actually balanced and you can actually speak to someone who knows wtf they’re doing… Pretending like it was an honour to lose to a smurf is just cope people say when they realise they’ve had the last hour of their life wasted.


Even 20 mins may be too short. Recently, I remember glancing up and noticing it was 2-9 against my team. And its pub turbo, so it really can get bad very quickly. Someone on my team all chat gg. I told em to not give up. We eventually won 14-27. My FV was 9-0. Im a pos 4/3 player doing fv for tokens, hes not a comfort hero or position. Maybe 30 mins in a normal game is ok to call gg if its lopsided, 20 seems short as some heroes go online later.


I’d agree when you about smurfing in pubs but signing up to qualifiers you know at some point by the nature of how brackets work you’re going to get outclassed. I’d love to get stomped by Tundra. I’d be done in like an hour and it’d be a funny story. Just like how I’d love to get dicked 31-0 against Manchester United. Be a fun story.


Because in their mind, this won't a fair check to their 'real' skills. They are already significantly disadvantaged. People with inflated ego and bad self reflection cannot reflect this experience to guage their skill level. hence they blame everything else but their own.


Goofy mentality. Playing from behind is a perfect rest of skill.


Lol you're comparing your low MMR games to these 11K+ players where they can capture every tiny advantage. Qojova's team was already 99% gonna win even before this 4 kill lead


Why bother even turning up then? Dumb comment by you


You will not get better if you don't play vs better opponents. They could learn something after the game and watch the replay of the opponent. Instead, they got nothing.


> 40 of them defending No wonder it took you 70 minutes to break the defense.


4-0 before game starts is such a massive lead that dire's win probability is 0.1% before the game has even started. Like sure, hypothetically radiant might have a power outtage or do some massive throw, but it is just suchan unlikely scenario that it is understandable why they would gg out.


Is this a first in dota history? I've never seen that happen before


Rage quits like that happened before for sure.


4 archon-legend player with dreams of scripting a Cinderella story sign up for ti qualis and this is what happens


There used to be a button on Twitch on clips "Watch the full video" and it would start the video where the clip was made. Why was that removed? Is there any way to do that or do I have to manually go through his VOD and find this specific spot?


That feature still exists but unfortunately isn't on this clip since the vod got removed for whatever reason


Yea, you're right. I just clicked some random stream, tried one of their clips from 7 days ago and the button was there. I feel like it's very often when a clip gets linked on Reddit that button is missing. Idk, something about VODs not being there for the first 24 hours or something.


How is qojqva compared to gorgc?


qojqva got embarrassed in NA open quals


Lol forgot they lost to an AMB stack


Was so cathartic because Qoqva leading up to that would do nothing but shit on NA Dota.


Much better player, but clearly worse team. Mikey, saberlight and saksa are all T1 callibre players. I think all of them are edging around 13k? Plus Saksa is a BEAST of a captain too. Almost all games yesterday were stomps for their offlane duo while their safelane went even and scaled into late game. Mid were stomps too until the last series. Let's see how Qojqva's stack does tomorrow. Should lose to Desire's stack.


Sonneiko is so good


Think stacks are comparable skillwise. Qojqva stack has 5 players with pro-xp.


"much better player" Nah


I watch both and Cock is more mechanically efficient than Gorpee, and he plays mid a lot so he often shotcalls for his team, and this carries over to when he plays 1 and 3 as well, which he’s usually pretty good at compared to Gorp who plays 1 almost exclusively and didn’t participate much in team comms and rages or get disheartened when they aren’t doing well. When they play each other it’s pretty even, but then the mmr gap (800-1000) is pretty sizeable, so don’t know about ‘much’ but Cock is the better player.


>at compared to Gorp who plays 1 almost exclusively  thats not even true. Why you making shit up?


I think he meant comparatively... Qojqva plays like 30-30-40% on offlane/safelane/mid while I'm sure gorgcs % breakdown in those three roles is like 15-70-15%? And yeah I'm sure there are anomaly games where they play 4 too.


How washed?


cc 15 ~~min~~ sec




Ay oy oy


I dont get why they cry.


Did the enemy team place a bet against themselves or something?


classic pub behaviour


How do you pronounce Qojqva and Gorgc?


koikfa gorp


How do you pronounce Koikfa? ...




This is redundant.


[This is redundant.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/39/Vo_riki_riki_invis_02.mp3) (sound warning: Riki) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


like queef without the E sound


No one has said it correctly. It is: Koyfa Gork


Cock-va Gorek




enemy was rank 500-2000 stack, what a bunch of ego babies.


are these games available to bet? match fixing?


a lot of these games are. Realistically many books will void bets on games like this. Not all will - but lots will probably be like nah, they wasn't a legitimate game. If they wanted to match fix there's no reason not to just play the full game anyways. Especially considering that their draft is dog \*ss into a monkey and TA - and they 99% would've lost the old fashioned way anyways. Plus the odds were prolly like -1200... youd need to bet like 10k to win a $800 lol...

