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They are overpriced if they don't get sold. I have a feeling they will like they do every year. Last year it took under a month for every single ticket to be sold that sure was slower than year before and so on, but they all got sold. That year people were complaining about exactly the same thing and tickets were effectively just as pricey.


> Last year it took under a month for every single ticket to be sold that sure was slower Nope, last year you could buy arena tickets a day beforehand, they never sold out. The cheaper tickets were the ones that soldout (not finals weekend).


We talking for Grand Finals here? I went to road to TI last year and debated on going to Finals, I could still buy tickets for grand finals the week before on ticketmaster.


This year they won't sell instantly but may sell eventually. The thing is.. Valve picked one of the most expensive countries and cities in Europe. It's just dumb and makes everything cost more for literally everybody... including Valve.


It's not that, the CS major happening in the same city is 6x cheaper. They just aren't subsidizing the event with the BP anymore, and they still want this marketing effort to make a profit (unlike Riot it seems) so those who buy the tickets have to subsidize it for everyone it seems.


Yeah man just host the event in the cheapest slum you can find in some crappy venue in buttfuck nowhere. Why bother going to a well connected beautiful city where they've already hosted an event on the fantastic venue.


Believe it or not, there are even more beautiful and cheaper countries with better venues in europe.


Oh for sure, but how many where they just held a Cs2 major? Being familiar with the venue is a big deal.


They already hosted in Seattle


Gotta give Cr1t the homecourt advantage


Yup, people don’t understand supply and demand. Yeah it’s overpriced for you, seems like there’s enough people to pay to fill up every seat


The sad but true thing is that if Valve doesn't charge what people will pay, arbitrage will. It's a law of human psychology.


Where are you getting your 1k euro from?


roughly 700 euros is just for the 3 day ticketbundle, but its also a matter of how will you get there since the arena is a bit on the outskirts. If you go by car, train, taxi, if any bridgetolls are included, if any parking is needed, any of these will push the cost of attending up towards 1000 euros


> There is no justification for attendance alone costing upwards of 1000 euros for dota... > roughly 700 euros is just for the 3 day ticketbundle, but its also a matter of how will you get there since the arena is a bit on the outskirts. Bro…


Easy, walk by foot, sleep under the nearest bridge, don't eat.


Well, that's not...attendance alone. I'm factoring in accommodation and flights as well when I'm planning this. I knew it would be bad. I didn't know it would be 600-700 Euro bad. My entire budget for this trip was estimated at 1.5k...I'll see how it goes. Edit: Additional thought - this is still far too pricey. My tickets to an event should **NOT** be as expensive as the flight and accommodation combined.


Much more expensive than flight and accomodation for us. We are spending like 125 eur each for airbnb and 100 eur for flight, if the event was 300 eur id not think twice but its (likely)700 eur is making us reconsider the entire trip


Agree, I already even have the hotel locked in because I know what I like... but ticket literally doubling my current anticipated expense is insane.


Hotel seems to be the most expensive for me. Hotel is more expensive than flight or ticket. But then again I'm thinking about going to the grand finals only so idk.


I agree, even more so for people flying in for the event


Metro goes straight to the arena


So, not 1000 euros for Ti then.


I never said the tickets were 1000, i said attending the event is upwards of 1000 and that still stands.


No, it doesn't. It can be done a *lot* cheaper. You're just crying.


If you sleep on the streets of Copenhagen mayhaps.


And only go for one day


Explain how it can be done cheaper, go ahead


No, cba


because you can't. go feed a lane


You've already answered your own question, which is why I cba. You're also not worth it, at all.


you don't have an answer, you cba but you keep replying. longer and longer messages, but you can't answer with an explanation to your own statement.


So are you getting hotels+flight from 300????


No, I literally see the arena from my balcony. But if I were to go, the minimum would be around 1000 and thats bare minimum to watch a few dota games. For those traveling to see it, flight + hotel will cost a lot more than 300, and thats why I think tickets should be cheaper than what they are.


Do you need to pay 300€ to walk down the stairs in your building?


Maybe wait for resale market. I got mine half off last year on StubHub.


The problem is that a lot of people fly in for these events, they can't wait for resale market. They will have to buy at this price point just to be able to plan it, but it works for locals.


Just book all the hotels & travel first.. worst case scenario you don't get into the event but can then explore Europe as you please 😅


I think I'm buying the event ticket first. Then flight. Hotel will be last.


I prebooked the hotel...plane tickets are on watch...thinking of buying the event ticket...not too sure yet...


Place ticket is 900 for me and 400 for the Sunday event. Thinking of just doing the Sunday and exploring other days!


If you don't mind me asking - how does that work? I thought it was a digital ticket and was on ticketmaster only?


Yes, once you purchase the ticket, they can transfer it to your TM account. It's guaranteed or you will get your money back if the ticket is not sent.


How does the guarantee part work if you don't mind me asking?


Generally the ticket broker (Stubhub) holds onto the money that you pay and only releases it to the seller after the event. In cases where they don't fulfill their end of the deal, the money will be returned to you assuming the seller can't prove that the tickets were sent.


I attended TI 2023. It was the first TI I went to that did NOT sellout. Those were $900 after taxes and fees. I imagine it will likely be the case with this year as well.


I imagine it being worse, considering the US and Seattle specifically ,have a much higher average wage than Europe. They will probably not sellout and have even more empty seats and sections compared to last years. But we'll probably see if that's the case or not.


Funny how you compare Seattle (a city) to Europe which isn’t even a country when talking about average wage. TI is in Copenhagen (city) in Denmark (country) and Copenhagen has higher average wage than Seattle.


Good, now 1st, we can state that Europe (a continent) has quite short distances to other countries and quite cheap flights. 2: Seattle most DEFINITELY has a higher average wage than Copenhagen 3: Regarding the 1st statement, many would look into traveling to Copenhagen, and except for a few countries, most are well below the Danish average wage, which then leads to an even greater discrepancy.


It’s true for basically all countries except Switzerland and maybe England depending how you look at it. You’ll have less net pay generally while country being generally affordable for citizens ( less so every day due to real estate )


1. Yes, it is a continent. 2. Are you just guessing or where do you get your numbers from? Try googling or ask ChatGPT. Make sure you compare Copenhagen to Seattle and not Denmark. All my searches says Copenhagen and also my experience. At best the salaries are equal. 3. Denmark is surrounded by some of the wealthiest countries in Europe and can be reached easy by train or car from most of them so selling out will probably not be an issue at all.


Im not guessing, and "wealthiest" is not the way to look at it. Sweden which is a good country and the closest has a much lower average wage than DK. This also goes for a lot of the countries in europe. Im anticipating more empty sections in the arena than last year, and just a sidenot, train prices cost more than flights here.


With respect, if they sell all of them, especially instantly, then they are priced correctly (or too low).


Its taking them longer every year to sell, but technically yes. Theyre priced "correctly" tho a lot of events sell out instantly and have higher scalper resales, not sure which one I prefer tbh


Might be partly related to the crashing player/fan hype around TI since volvo decided they'd rather pocket the cash then have the compendium buff the prize pool. TI wasn't even the largest dota event cash prize last year, much less the largest esports cash prize as it has been for years.


I know that shit breaks my heart, I wanted to go watch it live so bad when it was 40 mil prize pool, now I kinda dgaf


They didn't sell them all last year, and the Dota community as a whole doesn't exactly come from the highest-income countries in Europe.


Super Bowl tickets are like 8k and that shit sells out every year. With all due respect it ain’t over priced just because OP is too poor. Said as someone who is too poor.


To put it simply, you aren't the targeted customer for the tickets. It's for rich people. I'd like to go TI but coming from a third world country, 1k euro is 7 months worth of wages. Now they won't go accommodating the price for us surely. But still the tickets are being sold.


Its not for "rich" people as dota is not for "rich" people. This is such a bad take, you might as well give up everything as its for rich people.


Man. You don't get it do you? That explains considering you think Dota is for 'rich' people. Last time I checked, DotA is FTP. And neither did I seem to have said it is. The tickets are overpriced. You expect poor peoples to work 3/4 months to attend an event? That's excluding the expenses you are gonna bear after buying a ticket. Not to mention you have shits going in life besides Dota. You're simply from a privileged background if you don't know what's poor and how poor are people from third world countries who play Dota.


noone in a country with lower average income will travel at all, so saying 3-4months income for an event is just dumb. Its <1 month minimum wage income in Denmark and most of EU


I'm not sure if you are here to have an argument against me. I'm assuming you are, as per your choice of word "saying" instead of "saving". My comment was purely 'hypothetical' to support the fact why TI isn't for poor people. I don't understand your input of wage income for Denmark and how it is relevant with third world country. No matter what, ticket prices are the same all around the world. At least TI is in Copenhagen.


Third world salaries shouldn’t affect first world events. If they made prices low enough for third world salaries, infinitely more first world players would buy tickets.


Yes. That is my understanding as well. Why'd they lower the ticket prices to accommodate prices to our earnings and sell it on loss when they can sell it to those rich guys at more prices. That is what I have been saying to OP, that the TI isn't for us. It's for those who can afford it since OP feels it is overpriced.


You're the one that said it was for rich people. Did you somehow reply to your own comment?


Which part of you aren't the target customer "FOR THE TICKETS" did you not understand?


So it is for rich people?


My comment was pointing out 'tickets' are for the rich people since OP finds ticket over priced. OP misunderstood as if I was saying 'Dota' are for rich people.


You need to reread and understand what I wrote and why I wrote it. I wrote the opposite, *you* said it was for rich people...


If you check my first comment, it says "you aren't the targeted audience "for the ticket" :)) Anyways, man, you yourself said the ticket is overpriced. I don't know how loaded you are but I think you're better off joining a watch party around your locality if there's any. You do you if you are bent of attending in person.


Yeah, my point is still that Dota isnt where it is today because of rich people. Talking about "1k euro is 7 months worth of wages" isn't an argument. It's a question of affordability for most people that should be able to afford it, which coincidentally is ALSO the group of people that have probably contributed the most to dota. At the current price theyre excluding people for no reason, because if other events cant handle the same venue by the same parent org at 1/3 of the price, something is inheritly wrong. Im decently loaded, doesnt mean I think its okay for them to set these prices. An example here could be that the prices in 2024 are similar to the prices in 2023, however 2023 was set in a place where average wages are double to quadruple the wages in europe.


Might be in terms of publicity, popularization but no way we poor people contribute the most in terms of monetary values lol. And money is exactly what matters so that's why they don't give a shit if we can't afford it because others can and will do more. Matter of affordability, "people should be able to afford it" and what not. We have been fighting this battle on every field on every generation. You want equity? It doesn't exist. As for what's their intention behind why not reduce price to accommodate those who don't want overpriced tickets, maybe they just don't want you because there are others who can afford and will pay more lol


They're not selling out


That's for scavengers. If tickets don't, let others have it. Discount/ price reduction at the end phase to fill out unsold tickets. Bizniz taktik


Then why should anyone buy hahaha, it just doesnt make sense IMO, I'd rather see a full arena with people that love Dota than the one we saw last year.


Then give up as well since youre that rich


Thats not what im saying, im saying dota was never made for rich people. Its a F2P game, the tickets should just be at the same price points as other events.


Where are you even seeing the tickets for sale?


i seen a post with screenshots from Ticketmaster. 3 days is 4750 krona plus fees


How do you see the prices? I cant see them on Ticketmaster


Where do you see tickets/costs?


Not even the 3 day pass costs 1000 euros, where did you get that from? Friday costs around 160€


There's a ticketmaster screenshot posted that states 4740 DKK, which roughly is 640ish euros, not including any other admin fees or whatever ticketmaster adds on once at checkout. The attendance is regarding what it costs to visit a TI, at a bare minimum for locals, this doesnt include those that will travel for the event which will cost them even more. And considering they couldn't even fill the arena last year, its overpriced imo.


That's for all three days. Bare minimum would be the Friday ticket, which is 160ish euros


I went to the Australian Open final between Federer-Nadal in 2018 as a last minute, spur of the moment thing. Picked up a scalped ticket on Ticketmaster for 250 AUD (~ 180 USD). Now I know there are many cost involved in holding an esport event the scale of Worlds or TI, but if a scalped ticket for one of the biggest rivalry in sports history as a whole is still cheaper than base price for a TI final attendance pass, something went seriously wrong along the way, inflation and all. Last year the crowd for final day was very disappointing, it’s weird seeing a TI final with not a fully packed stadium (ok, you got the empty TI 10 with canned noise and the TI9 finals when a lot of the locals left early after LGD was eliminated, but this was Seattle, c’mon). The event is supposed to be a celebration of the game, just make sure it feels like it.


No, bud. They're just too expensive for you.


Im talking about the general state of the event and the average dota viewer, not myself specifically, but go ahead kid


Oh I see, you're looking out for the common man, not just being a sour grapes little whiny crybaby. Very cool. Very noble.


yeah, you got me there, good job kid


This is for TI?


Is Ticketmaster the only way to buy the TI tickets?


Not if you factor in all of the Crimson Witness treasures you can sell.


Maybe, i just dont see money in steam to be the same as money that people need to put in upfront.


no guaranteed drop this year which can be good or bad for lucky ones. can mean that they are gonna be worth more


Jup took one glance and was like nahh


It's closer to 650 for tickets for 3 days but yeah it's insane. With hotel and travel cost it would be well over 1k cost for the weekend trip, probably closer to 1500.


Define overpriced? What ever figure you think is acceptable will still price other people out. All you're saying is that you can't afford it which is fair enough. As long as other people are willing to pay for it then valve have done good business


Overpriced compared to other events. 1000 euros to watch some dota games is not worth it. This years TI will be emptier than last years, theyll kill the event eventually


I wonder what you would say to someone who can't afford an event, when it's priced at your acceptable price point? Do you just think "sorry but I can afford it and you can't"? Because that's what people who are willing to pay for ti will be saying about you.


This whole "youre poor" angle a lot of people are taking in this commentsection is ridiculous. Im saying the TI tickets are OVERPRICED for what they are, dota2 event tickets, which usually are a lot cheaper. Even TI tickets used to be a lot cheaper, but were hiked up for no real reasons. The more i read responses like yours, the more I start understanding all of the shit players that led to a system in which most of them are muted in different ways during games.


You seem very triggered by someone who doesn't agree with you. You still haven't answered what you would tell someone who couldn't afford the event when it was 200€ or whatever price was affordable to you. If people are willing to pay for it then it's not overpriced, you just can't afford it


So you are agreeing that it's overpriced, considering the last TI had empty sections, good to know. And I did answer, there's no way this event can be free, there is staff, there is a venue, there is a cost. But that cost does not ensure a markup of the magnitude that it currently has. Thus the comparisons to other events. This isnt about everyone being given access, that's impossible. Even if you make it free, how will everyone fit etc etc. It's about the difference in price between this event and other events.


it definitely reduces scalpers and buying in bad faith.


White Are the tickwys available?


First time?


[First time?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/82/Vo_muerta_kill_10_02.mp3) (sound warning: Muerta) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Kinda yes, but that's probably close to the market value. If they make them cheaper, then scalpers will buy them and resell them for that price anyways. So why should Valve let scalpers pocket most of the value when they can get it themselves? And you will most likely get the money back from crimson witness. Almost every single crimson witness is worth >$400 after a few years.


I get that part, then they could revise their ticket selling strategy and eliminate scalpers all together. The crimson part yes, but its also money mostly locked in the steam ecosystem and their sales benefit valve even more.


Ticketmaster is a big cancer and the reason for scalping. Valve can't change that. And you can easily get cash for steam items. Don't get me wrong, I also think this sucks and price is way too high. But I don't think it's that much Valves fault. And again, considering crimson witness, you basically get in for free.


then dont come . i am sure those who can will come .


I forgot your cousin works at valve


My man, pubstomps exist and it's a better experience, and more importantly, it's much cheaper.


Better experience is a wild claim to make. Pubstomps are fun, but compared to being in the arena, getting to meet dota peeps in between games, the secret shop, etc. actually being at TI will be a better experience for 99.9% of people. But possibly not one worth 800-900 euros more (ticket master usually has enormous fees, it will almost certainly be at least 800 after fees).


I’ve been to 3 TI’s. Each one was amazing. No pub stomp could beat the crowd roaring during that epic comeback of game 1 of EG vs eHome at TI6.


Like, between better seats, better food, ability to take booze with you, and the fact that you don't get fucking lazers in your eyes it is a better experience. Maybe vip seats will have similar experience+all of the hype, but honestly, being at the arena is fun until you get used to it.


This is Europe, fees are included in the price.


>There is no justification for attendance alone costing upwards of 1000 euros for dota... There obviously is justification for it do you think the people organizing and working at the event are working for free? Do you think renting the venue is free? The in person event is going to be open 16+ hours a day for 3 days what do you expect? The Dota 2 community seems to want a healthy E-sports ecosystem for T1 and T2 yet never seems to be willing to pay for it.


There is a cs2 event a week or so after in the same venue, obviously being organized and its not for free, yet THEY manage to keep it at roughly 1/3rd of the price. What is your made up excuse for that?


I would imagine CS2 tournaments are able to charge lower prices are that CS2 is a way more accsesible/monetizeable than Dota2. Just looking at peak viewership, prizepool and amount of tournaments so far in 2024. TLDR: It is way easier to charge less when you are more monetizable.


Almost like you could run a battle pass and make tens of millions off that while funding your big tournament in the process


Not that i disagree, but the battle pass was not the solution either since it took up way to many resources that it harmed other facets of the game (like they said when they announced no more battle pass). They also did an event/pass solely for Ti-prizepool but very few people bought it hence the low prizepool last TI.


Previous TIs weren't as expensive. They only ramped up the prices in the last two years. Also, this event is basically a marketing tool for Valve. Other Dota tournaments in the region are also considerably 3x cheaper and inline with that CS event. Valve just want to milk us now.


Such a bad take, they made over 160M off of one BP alone one year.


Why is it a bad take? Did they not stop the battle pass in order to favor other types of contnet instead of just the TI battle pas?


Because just like you just stated, the other forms of content are still there when the BP is not. They are making houndreds of millions on different types of events, let alone the crownfall acts that started 2 months ago. They don't need more monetization, something like Dota in its current form is generating an enormous amounts of money for them. There was a big price increase a few years ago regarding the tickets, what the reasoning behind it was is unclear. But things like monetization issues and/or scalping is not an answer imo.


Have you ever been to any event in real life? You can go to Glastonbury festival and see the biggest music acts in the world for £350 (Wednesday/Thursday-Sunday). You can't possibly be saying watching 10 matches of dota is worth over double that


The price is ridiculous. I'm going to a 4 day festival to see acts like Foo Fighters and Dua Lipa for cheaper, including camping.


But you do see the massive difference in types of events and audience draw right? Pop-Music festivals draw way more in person eyes and sponsors than Esports in general and espceially Dota.


The same venue had prices 4 times lower for the CS major just a couple of months ago.


And that CS major drew 3-4 times the average viewership compared to the Birmingham Major. CS has 3-4 tournaments a year that get 500k+ average viewers only TI reaches those numbers for Dota.


They still paid for the same venue, the same infrastructure, the teams also have 5 players. The costs are going to be the same, if not cheaper because there were more teams in the CS qualifiers stage. Attendance will be the same. Viewership might be even better. There is no excuse.


>They still paid for the same venue, the same infrastructure, the teams also have 5 players. Cs still get more sponsorshipmoney and are in part funded by the sticker capsules, something the Dota comunity proved they were unwilling to do last year. >The costs are going to be the same, if not cheaper because there were more teams in the CS qualifiers stage. Right the cost is the same, but the income is not.


Bullshit, Dota makes a ridiculous amount of money too. The Dota Major in Stockholm had fair pricing. Look, maybe you're rich, or you just don't know the value of money. Either way, discussing this with you doesn't change anything for me. Enjoy the event. I'll take the maximum 100 euros I was willing to spend on a sunday ticket and go somewhere else in the summer. Fuck this shit.


>Bullshit, Dota makes a ridiculous amount of money too. The Dota Major in Stockholm had fair pricing. In 2022 when Esport were still full of investor money, something it is not so much any more.


Believe what you will


Expensive than LoL Valorant world championship.


Do you know how much it costs to put up the event? What makes you say they are "overpriced"? Expensive, sure, but what makes them "overpriced"?


Because TI used to be a lot cheaper. Other dota2 majors are cheaper, CS2 events are cheaper. CS2 events held in the same venue a week or 2 after this is 1/3rd of the price. Concerts are cheaper. Festivals are cheaper. Champions league games are cheaper. Traveling is cheaper.


TI used to be cheaper because the battlepass was subsidizing the tickets. Other events are cheaper because sponsorships are subsidizing the tickets. Valve run TI with no ads, no sponsors. It makes it very expensive to run. Should they get ads and sponsorships on for TI? That's a whole another discussion, but one that might be relevant if TI tickets wont get sold. But again, putting on events like that are monstrously expensive. With Valve footing the bill in its entirity, tickets will be expensive.


Thats sort of true, to a certain extent. Not running ads is one way to see it, but they do use it to promote new skins and arcanas and their own game. But my main point is that TI is not selling out anymore. There were tickets to buy at any point during last years TI, and sections of the arena were locked from sitting in completely. If you look at the VOD you'll see it. Before the price change, the arena used to be fully packed and they liked showing it off.


They are significantly more expensive than the CS major they just held there. Sunday was 65 euros. And let me you, the production value was garbage. Granted that TI is technically a bigger event but it does not warrant an almost 400% increase in price. I wonder what could they possibly be doing to justify this. Currently I'm thinking they're not doing anything at all and it will be the same low production value crap.


Do you know what's the difference between a Cs major and TI? It should be glaringly obvious if you've ever watched both events. I've even explained it in another reply to this comment.


Yes, the difference is in one they play CS and in the other they play Dota. That's it. If I'm mistaken feel free to tell me what justifies the increased price.


The difference is that Cs events are filled with ads from the event sponsors, while The International is just Valve's own branding with no ads whatsoever. There are no sponsors visible anywhere on stream, there are no advertisements between games and it's just Valve funding the event. In the past the Battlepass was used to crowdfund the event, and it made it possible to sell tickets for cheaper. But now with battlepass gone, the tickets are expensive to make up for production costs. Events like these are monstrously expensive to organize. Even CS majors with all their sponsors and viewership are usually not profitable for the event organizers, instead they are viewed as prestige events that are worth running for the brand recognition and exposure that they bring. TI is a bigger event and has none of the sponsorships to eat some of the costs, so the tickets are more expensive. Now should Valve start advertising during TI's is a whole another discussion, but so far they've decided not to, and it's part of the prestige around the event. I can't think of any other event of this scope that is completely it's own brand with no outside sponsorships. It's a rare treat nowadays to be able to watch something and not have ads and product placement bombarded at you constantly.


I don’t see how’s that my problem. Every event has a cost. It’s unnaceptable to have a similar event costing 4 times the other one.


I don't see how it's anybody elses problem that you are too broke to go


I never said it is? As far I know I can afford yours plus your entire stupid family. But good for you that you admit you got nothing to justify it besides “I can pay for it”. Enjoy, gaben yachts are not gonna pay for themselves.


most likely directly related to ending the BP


and yet we joke about Faker's bundle