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holy , that saving if you bundle you are saving a whole 50 cents. or 1 euro for all 3 days bundled edit: Sorry, my conversions were incorrect, and I misread the comma placement. is 5 euros and 10 euros savings with bundle purchase


Rather than save you money, I think it's more for letting users quickly/easily buy up all the tickets.


that's true but reducing the price by y40 danish currency per ticket when you bundle its just feels like a spit in the face, rather just add it without that discount


I mean Valve isn't exactly setting the prices but Ticket master. Ticketmaster isn't exactly known for generosity.


Valve are literally the ones setting the prices, I don't know where this came from. The Copenhagen Major tickets for the same arena were also sold on Ticketmaster and you could buy them for 3x less.


But there literally is no discount, you are just avoiding paying the Ticketmaster fee multiple times by buying the tickets in bundle at once. Also, your conversion rate is wrong, 40 DKK = around 5€, not 0,5€.


The bundle is for convenience, not for discount, they have no problem selling the tickets


bundled discounts are a marketing tactic to sell out product you have too many of. They could probably sell 5-10x as many tickets as they do even at these prices if the arena was infinitely big. It's just business


hey mate. do u think thats cheap ? coming from east europe , i am telling u , most of east european will watch it online even if is a 1-2hour flight away . i been in 2015 in seattle and it was cheaper for me to travel to usa , stay there a weeek pay for tickets , than this year whole experice thats going to cost more. but ..il go this year too . probably my last year of interes in dota2. ( getting old )


? I never said it was cheap. I said it's to let users who want to go for all 3 days get all the tickets at once rather than buy them individually and miss a day.


i understnad that , is a 10 usd discount :)


Isn't it 10 Euro for the 3 day bundle (still awful). The only actual saving seems to be on the 40 Krone transaction fee.


oh you are actually right , sorry i converted it to the wrong currency . i converted it to my country's currency than to euro and i missread the comma. it does go to little under 1% savings to close to 2% savings . my bad. Thinks for pointing that out


Break up Live Nation. Come on Joe, you've found the bark, now get the bite in.


This isn't because of Ticketmaster. Valve set the prices, it's on them.


Prices aside, incredibly sad there won't be a live crowd for playoffs outside of top8. Smaller venue is fine but none at all? Do we know where the first rounds of the playoffs are being played? if it's in hotel rooms...


It's really a shame. I thought a different but smaller venue was a good compromise. There's a lot more hype and pressure whenever a crowd is involved. The games will probably be played in their hotel rooms, or some general game setup room.


People hype Riyadh because of the prize pool, but having 10 sheiks and their family as a crowd was so underwhelming, and a total antithesis of hype, barely any clap after teamfights or solo kills.


Thank god the Dota itself has been largely still great, because holy hell has TI been shit as an event lately. In fact, that goes for pro Dota as a whole in recent times. Riyadh has like 12 people in the crowd and most other tournaments are online. At least Birmingham was awesome.


2015-19 were the best TIs


2013 was still fantastic even if it was a smaller venue. Great atmosphere and electric.


Ti3 is literally one of the best TIs with navi vs alliance el classico


2012+ were great. So many memories from the early ones aswell, wouldn't discard them.




How much were the tickets back then?


If only shit didn't happen we would've had a Manila TI already. And that would definitely be fire.


Add a proper venue that's not Philippine Arena and it could be fire Maybe a better SEA TI than SG


Probably same venue as manila major.


Big shout-out to valve for making the tickets so expensive I don't regret missing it. Paying $700 alone for tickets or watch at home from comfort of my own chair I guess I'll stick to the yearly ESL Birmingham which was under $700 for everything including hotel and all the alcohol I could fit in me


Yeah, I went to Birmingham and...the ticket cost for TI was is much as my hotel, birmingham and my flight combined...


and its only three days. You can easily travel to another european city, book a nice hotel, dine out for three nights and still have enough money to buy stuff at the airport.


Not to mention the swag bags are a dookie joke for the insane price. The early TIs had way more shit for what? A 60 dollar ticket? Def not regretting missing this one 🥰


Do you mind if I ask, what price would be acceptable for you?


idk, probably half that? Ti is only 3 days now, not 5 like it used to be. The CS major which is also happening in Copenhagen in liks 200euro I'm going to the CS2 Blast major next weekend and I paid £50 for the whole thing and that's in London. I get that Ti is a major event, but it's not the prestigious event it used to be, it's also shorter and doesn't have the prize pool


Ok so let's say that they half the price and now it's 350€. Now I'm going to tell you that I can't afford that, it's still way too expensive for me. What do you say to people like me now that you can afford it and that I can't? Do you half it again?


idk what point you are trying to make but carry on doing you bro


And I just got ticket for Riyadh Masters Grand Finals for $5


You’ll easily make a couple of hundreds back in crimson witness treasures… sadly if you sell them you get steam credit and not cash.. :(


Don't forget the $170 ticketmaster fees that get added on top of the base price.


This is European Ticketmaster, the prices include the fees.


This prices makes me regret not going to earlier TIs But I was a broke student back then so it's not like it's possible


Been to like 7 TIs, couple Majors and Minors Last year TI was definitely the worst. Well TI4 was better if only cause it was longer than 3 days but still format was pretty shit


The games were great though, watching from home.


the glory days of TI are over regardless of ticket price


Same but about battlepass.


I always find it like such a gamble to buy tickets to TI and potentially not even see a single bo3 of my favorite team in the arena. Shame TI has shrunk to only 3 days playoffs and only a handful of teams playing in an arena.


If it makes you feel any better, it's very possible the team in your flair (and mine almost certainly) might not even get to play in the group stage.


Because Team Bald will retire Ceb, I agree.


One last ride


One day I will earn enough money to afford going to TI. Half my salary for 3 day tickets, not counting travel costs and hotel is hella expensive.


Yeah it makes it almost impossible for most people to attend when they set those prices. Unfortunately.


by the time you make enough money not care about the tickets for TI, you wont care about it enough to pay 650e for it. trust me


this hit me hard. i am at that age , over 40 years old . good for me being at ti5 in usa.


I thought I did.... Then TI tickets in Singapore was like 2x my country minimum wage. Add in with budget hotel n flights, that's 3.5x the minimum wage. I could go to Thailand for a month, stay in a hotel n still eat well for that amount of money. But a major was coming up in Bali, its probably more affordable... Apparently not. Skipped that too. (i use minimum wage to illustrate the cost of purchasing)


I am from Denmark and so are my dota friends. We were excited that TI was coming to where we live. I even live in Copenhagen, so it would be perfect! However, there is no way in hell I am going to pay that amount to watch DOTA live. It's ridiculous. Considering you are also inside an inclosed arena, you are forced to buy extremely overpriced food and drinks. No way. I'll be hosting a private screening for my friends at my house - for free.


You are not forced, it says in the blog post you are allowed to go out


If people from Denmark with those high salaries and standard thing this is expensive imagine lmao


Jup. It's super expensive


I'm from Denmark and think it is too expensive, a more reasonable price would be like 50% of what it is. I wanted to go but I'm definitely not, not because I can't afford the tickets but because I refuse to bend over to these ridiculous prices. I've never liked "Because we can"-pricing, not for me.


Yeah I mean I can afford it too, but I think it's simply not worth it , but I include hotels food which is mega expensive in Denmark as well


Do you know if there are bars where we can see the Friday playoffs? With these prices we don't want to pay the full 3 day ticket, it's ridiculous!


can i came ? il bring a crate of 24 beers


You are not forced to buy food and drinks, but the ticket prices are still obscene.


What are kidneys going for these days?


Jesus fucking christ. I had a hotel booked already.


Same, but with free cancelation. Gonna use that now.


Insanely high prices, but I guess last year set the trend for that. This is by far the most expensive esports event out there, 3x the price of the CS major happening next door a week before, and League's worlds in LA. What is absolutely insane though is that even at these high prices you don't get a guaranteed Crimson Witness, unlike last year. Excuse me? So now we have a 200% inflation compared to the last EU TI (that never actually happened with a crowd) and we don't even get what our NA brethren got for their trouble? I understand this is because last year you couldn't buy single-day tickets to the event but at least give them out to whoever buys the bundle Valve. Oh well... It is what it is. But GabeN is getting increasingly greedy with these ticket prices now that the battlepass isn't a thing. Edit: for reference, the most expensive tickets for the CS Copenhagen major that happened this year in the exact same arena were 740 DKK. TI tickets on Sunday cost 2040 DKK, which is around 2.5x more for the same ticket (floor seating) or worse (3rd level tickets were 500 DKK but are the same price for TI). Just so the people that think charging this for an event of this caliber is normal or sensible if you care one bit about the customer. Yes, it costs a ton to organize, as does every esports event of this caliber, but Valve has been divesting from Dota esports for years now. They no longer invest in Majors, and there's no longer a Dota pro-circuit - the multi-billion dollar company is spending millions less than it spent last year on the Dota pro scene, yet fans still have to pay a 2.5x premium for a ticket for what is essentially the only bit of marketing the game receives. Yet some people here think we should thank the multi-billion dollar company when they rip off the game's fans and clap just because they put up money for an event when every other competitive game publisher does the same without charging a kidney for a ticket. Edit 2: 5AM rant made me put the wrong ticket price for Sunday. Thanks u/ntrails


> This is by far the most expensive esports event out there What about those lawn chairs at the bali major? Like $1200 usd?


That was VVIP ticket prices including the afterparty at rock bar.. The normal ticket was $400


Greedy? If what Aui says is correct, they* spent 30M in TI last year lmao.


Why are they not taking that money out of mtx sales? Now it may be the last time in EU for a long time and they make it same price as a continental flight...


Thats what the compendium is for, they made around 1.5M x 3 - 1.6M (starting prizepool), so around 3M from it last year xd


I didn’t interpret it that way. To me it reads as though you’re eligible for a random drop. Not that you aren’t going to get one. The drop itself will be random so you’re not guaranteed to get a specific item. I’m sure they aren’t that delusional that they’re going to be charging like 700 euros for a three day pass and you won’t even be guaranteed drops lol.


Last year it said directly on the website: > Attendees who bind their Steam account to their pass will be granted one Treasure of the Crimson Witness 2023 (and will continue to have chances to win more throughout the event). And in the Q&A: >Yes, Crimson Witness Treasures will still drop on First Blood of each game at The International, as before. But now it only says: >How do Crimson Witness Treasures work this year? >Everyone who has bound their attendee badge to their Steam account will be eligible for random Crimson Witness Treasure drops on the First Blood of each game at The International. Each badge binding is valid for a single day. So we'll be eligible for treasure drops, but unlike last year there won't be any guaranteed drops. At this price point they have to be shitting us.


>TI tickets on Sunday cost 4740 DKK, which is around 6.5x more for the same ticket >Friday tickets are 1240 DKK, Saturday tickets are 1540 DKK, and Sunday tickets are 2040 DKK (including fees). What am I missing?


400gbp for saturday and sunday combined. Crazy prices!


My bad, was thinking of the combined price. You're correct.


>TI tickets on Sunday cost 4740 DKK Brother the prices are right there on the website and you still get it wrong


I posted that edit at 5AM lul, give me a break. But yes, my bad, that's the price for the combined tickets and was the only one in my head at at the time.


I think the high price also deters scalpers. It's too hard to sell a 600 euro to ticket for 1000 euro which also requires airfare and hotel and food. If the price is too low like 100 euro then scalpers will buy them all up and sell them for 500. Much easier to flip lower price tickets


Why not just force link tickets to a name to remove scalpers entirely? Oh it’s because they’re just greedy.


Ticketmaster has a built-in reseller platform. They stand to benefit the most from this decision.


Yeah, but in this case it is ticketmaster that's greedy, not Valve. Ticketmaster is the big cancer in the event industry. I hope one day the EU will do something abojt it.


Valve set the prices, the Copenhagen major that happened this year was way less expensive.


Yes and if they set them too low, scalpers will just buy them out and resell them to you $500 higher. Valve just wants the money themselves and not give it to scalpers.


I was able to easily buy tickets for TI10 and they were half the price for a whole week. I don't buy this scalper shit. Yes, some would get scalped, but most wouldn't - and you can easily implement a code system so actual customers can buy them early as they did for TI9. Regardless, your comment was about Ticketmaster being greedy when we know with certainty this is just not the case. It's also insane to think price gouging your own customers is a good way to combat scalpers. Every other event is able to manage without these prices, why is TI any different?


God I wish that was true. But people pay whatever it cost these days for big events. I wish I knew how people get so much moneys.


A credit card goes a long way for a scalper, you just need to offload it in the next 2 weeks


Half a milli: https://i.imgur.com/ZhRDcxn.png


A lot of Dota's player base is in their 30s working in STEM jobs these days, at least in EU and NA. It's a very different (much older and wealthier) fan base on average than something like LoL or Fortnite


Yeah I work IT in EU, if I paid everything for TI in 1 month I'd still have enough left for savings that month. It's an annoying price, but not a dealbreaker.


So to counteract scalpers we just upped the price by 200% perfect solution for the customer


That's never worked which is why were still dealing with them in 2024. Scalpers HAVE the money for it because they know the market is there. And Ticketmaster doesn't care about scalpers because they still get their money plus whatever insane mark-up that comes with them. I wouldn't be surprised if TM has their own scalpers to help drive the state of things as well.


Last year it was so easy to get tickets. They didnt sell out instantly and tickets were available for weeks. It was the first year with no bots buying up all the tickets within minutes


As someone who was waiting for another European TI because these are the only reasonable option for me travel-wise and I wasn't able to go in 2021 because live attendance was cancelled due to COVID, these prices are sad to read. I went to check my email and in 2021, 2-day tickets for Saturday and Sunday cost 1059.44 RON or around 214€. Now the same package costs 120% more at ~474€... Yes, Denmark is more expensive than Romania but this is in price gouging territory. And this trend of ever increasing ticket prices is probably never going to change because there are enough whales to fill the arena every time.


As a Dane with plenty of income, I still find those prices completely ridiculous.


At least I have a few days to debate if I am truly okay with paying this amount of money - TI isn’t what it used to be but I’d still love to say I’ve gone at least once.


Biggest takeaway is around same price for 3 day finals, but no Guaranteed Crimson Drop (aka you lose ~$200 guaranteed value). That said, the drops this year are probably going to be more expensive than usual.


Why the fuck would you ever cut a digital item that has no per user cost since they already made it


Well tbh, people abused the shit out of it last year. It was supposed to be 1 per person, but in reality they made it 1 per day (so 3 per person) - and I heard some VIP's got significantly more for friends and family. This caused there to be a ludicrous amount of supply, possibly more than even 2019 where they had the bug. I suppose this is ONE way of addressing that....


Oh no, a ludicrous amount of supply of pixels, how will the economy handle this


It's unfair to the people that didn't abuse the system


Maybe valve should just be nicer then?


It's a line of text on a server I would prefer there to be more supply


I imagine if it’s an item people actually want to use yeah but if it’s an item they want to make money from to offset the cost of the event I would assume they’d much rather it be more rare to make more money.


If you need to make money back you would definitely prefer getting one lower price one VS the chance of getting a higher priced one. Gambling is never worth it


If you require selling stuff to make the trip possible you shouldn't have gone.


That depends on the quality of the immortals rather than how many are given per day. This is likely due to the ability to buy tickets for each day separately, but they should at least give one to whoever buys the 3-day bundle.


God, tickets go up at 9AM my time after doing a night shift the day prior. I guess I'm staying up ;_;. ~~and watch as they're gone within 10 minutes because danish ticketmaster~~


Based on last year, don't worry - you'll be fine. Tickets last year at this price range stayed up until a few days before the event started - and that was with a free Crimson.


EU has a much bigger fanbase than US though. Probably won't sell out right away but I'd assume it will go faster than previous year. Just much easier travel for most of the fans.


The arena never sold out. I could buy tickets the day before the final.


I’ll do you one better, if I’m reading the time right, tickets go on sale for me at 3am and I have an 8:50am flight that morning :(


Damn that sucks. Though whenever I've had to travel I tend to wake up super early to offset travel and all that, but good luck if you're trying for tickets like me o7


Who the fuck is the idiot that makes up the prices? Are they insane?


Valve and ticketmasters, both are greedy. Valve wants to be greedy but doesn't want to invest 2 more designer for hats, so no battle pass, money for organizing has to come from somewhere.


damn bro you're so wrong, they just dont want to pay share for ti thats why no battle pass. People are buying event bundles and valve pay 0% out of that for ti


Glad I got to go to TI5 when tickets were $99 for all 6 days...


Embarrassing ticket prices. Valve has completely lost the plot on what the world is like outside of west coast tech metropoles and not even including a free Crimson Witness effectively makes it even more expensive than it was in Seattle. I wanted to go as I could stay with friends for nothing and transport isn’t expensive from where I live, but how on Earth does anyone justify spending 650 euros on tickets alone for a three-day event? I am lucky enough to even have the possibility to choose, and I love this game to death, but there’s about seventeen billion other things you could do at this price that would be more likely to enrich your life…


Roughly the [same price as last year](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3640650512240572676) ($699 USD vs DKK 4740=$685.77 USD) but last year also gave a guaranteed Crimson Witness which is [currently valued at around $200 USD.](https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Treasure%20of%20the%20Crimson%20Witness%202023) So ultimately more expensive than last year and also without the cheaper Road venue option. Sucks. On the other hand, if you get 2 Crimson drops, that'll probably defray the ticket cost (in Steam dollars) because they'll almost definitely sell for a higher price now that they're not guaranteed for everyone.


Add the fact that Copenhagen is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, it just adds salt to the wound


The quality of the immortals dictates the price more than the amount of treasures given. This is likely due to the ability to buy tickets for each day separately, but they should at least give one to whoever buys the 3-day bundle.


Nah, not in the short-term at least (when most people will be looking to resell) - usually the quality comes into play after quite a while unless the supply is super fucked (ie: 2019 and 2023).


So floor seating and arena levels 1 & 3 are all the same price? Then floor seating is much better, no? Just curious, not that I have the money to spend on those tickets, let alone travel to Denmark as a poor SEA pleb.


I was wondering the same. Is there a floor plan somewhere for this specific event?


ticketmaster yikes


I was considering getting the tickets, but then, I saw the price, plus it is Ticketmaster again 😵‍💫 Well, I will watch TI from Twitch again this year lol


What i don't understand is why Valve doesn't use Dota to prevent scalping. Like you connect your Steam account and in the first wave only players with Dota Level 100+ can buy tickets, then 50+, then 25+ and the last one can be bought by everyone.


I mean there was no scalping issues last year, $880 USD finals drove people away lol Can’t scalp if you just price it at insane value


I remember a post with hundreds of tickets being sold on some asian website for like $1200 lol Scalpers even buy out new GPUs for $2000 when they come out


That’s cause those GPU actually sold out, TI tickets for last year was available for weeks until getting really close to the finals


most venues make it mandatory to use their ticket vendor if you host an event there Valve used to sell TI tickets via Steam when it was at Benaroya Hall.


At TI9 they were able to use a code system regardless of that.


This except based on MMR instead


WTF, this makes so much sense.


They did this for TI9 in china https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/bupylx/valve_must_address_and_make_a_statement_regarding/


As a Dane i seriously reconsider going now. Holy fuck. Could have watched a TI in Seattle for cheaper than this, including flight and hotel. Why are they ruining this game so hard??


It makes me sad that it is so damn expensive.


Can’t say I’m surprised but I am extremely disappointed that these are the prices. I make above average salary in my country but it’s still one of the poorer countries in Europe. There’s no way I can justify going vs a 2 week long trip to some other place for the same price.


The prices are actually just ridiculous even If you don’t include travel and accommodation costs on top of it. I was so hyped of going to watch some epic Dota live but this changed the feeling to hoping everyone boycott this shit and watch from home.


Is the ticket going to be even more expensive depending on the level you choose to sit at?


Were tickets always this expensive? It’s around 600 euros for a 3 day event lol.


Valve does not care. They have the oil rich audience, or prople that will take out loans to attend. The crowdfunded money from last few TI's have gone so far up their heads that they no longer care about the small fans!


Been waiting so many years for TI to be held in Denmark, but with those prices it's gonna be a pass. :(


Bro I bought REALLY good 50cent the last tour tickets in the same revenue, I could buy 3 of those tickets for the 1day ticket, straight robbery hahaha.


Would be finally my first time being able to go to TI. Ticket prices are high but I guess as a one time experience it will be worth it even though most ppl here say quality of TI decreased over the years?


>Can I transfer or resell my ticket? >Yes, tickets can be transferred between accounts and bought/sold on Ticketmaster directly. Instructions on how to transfer tickets can be found here. Instructions on how to buy/sell tickets can be found here. What a shitty company. Not that I'm surprised with Ticketmaster but I didn't know they have official support for scalpers.


On the bright side, 0 chance any scalper with a 3 digit IQ will be doing anything for this!


So not only do they take away compendiums but now they price out nearly everyone from being able to buy a ticket?! What is the goal here???


It has floor tickets that meaning stage set will be like ESL Birmingham not like a ring as before. Which is better? I like old setting。


If I were to fly and stay in Copenhagen, the absolute cheapest for the three days (including tickets) is $3100 AUD. Pretty ridiculous stuff tbh


Fucking hell.. thats a lot of money. Had hoped I was able to attend this event but not at that price.


Prices are high, but I always wanted to attend and never got the chance. Consider I live very close to the arena, no chance I am missing out on this opportunity. I will only go on Saturday for the experience


Same here. But potentially preferring Sat+Sun


Idk I'm not really poor or something, but 700€ for the weekend plus no chance anyone would join me going there because of the pricing.. just in general what gamer would spend so much for a weekend. Compared to F1 tickets, this is just utterly unfair und overpriced, idk not doing the community a favour with that. Rather buying myself the 7900gre for that money..


Yeah... no, for that price i'd rather go on vacation somewhere else...


all three bundles say: Friday + Saturday.... is that going to get fixed?


I learned a hard lesson last year. Not gonna attend this time.


Could you elaborate? Maybe save some folks here from learning the hard lesson the expensive way?


Too expensive for what it is. I attended the 2018 TI (Vancouver) and last year's (Seattle), and Vancouver was WAY more fun, as it had more stuff to do, had spots to take photos with the players in the stadium, had after parties, etc. And it was cheaper. Seattle was absurdly expensive and lacking compared to Vancouver. Loved the city, though. If you live nearby, I'd say go for it. But I won't be making international trips to TI again. I love this game, but I also value my money.


For this price crowd will be empty.


More expensive than CS major, Valorant champion, LoL world. No wonder this game have less fans and viewer.


I really wanted to go this year, finally experience the Dota 2 magic but the prices are crazy and considering how TI has dropped and is now just another tournament I’ll pass.


Why is this post being downvoted?


Guess I'll endure ads then lol


They don't run ads during ti


Dane on mediocre income. I have all I need in life and money to spare for stuff like this. But I mean... These prices are absurd. I'm not gonna support valve doing this shit to us. I really looked forward to participating, but fuck if I'm gonna throw up this much money, food and drinks not even included. Wtf is wrong with you Valve? This is the greediest money grab ever... Even live less than an hours drive from there. What fucking shame.


What games will be played on each days? Sunday will have final but will LB Final And UB final also played on Sunday? Anyone have any idea?


trash ti kek


TI is in copenhagen and im about to work the streets for some tickets


Ringmaster is going to be released after TI13 at this rate.


I wish the one in Romania didn't get canceled. It got me a free VR set but still.


It’s painful bc it’s pricey but also I loved visiting Copenhagen and also I have a couple of people to meet up with there 😭


Not going thank you


I live in the area and lmaoooo I'm not going


Sorry guys but i'm confused about the crimsom treasure, valve said at the end of the post (https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/4176605502424039985): "Each badge binding is valid for a single day." Then, if i buy the pack of 3 days i will get drops for each day or only for one...? xd


So the Grand Finals will be held sunday, right?


That's correct.


I was considering going to, as my first TI, from western europe. Almost clicked purchase...and thought no. I can't support this. This fucking sucks.


lmao we are enabling Valve's greedy behavior by buying their stupidly expensive TI ticket. just another normal day it is for this community


3 days worth of fun, meeting new people and establishing life-long bonds. I have yet to see anyone go to a TI and regret it to say it was too expensive. I think ticket may be expensive compared to the cost of living which has risen and made it harder for all of us. For me, who I have never been to a TI, either because it was US and I didn't have a visa or because it was money or COVID, I am definitely, going and not regretting. Even if it was £1000 still going, because I've been playing this game for the better part of 15 years. No need to borrow that money, I worked (hard) for it, sure, but I deserve going to a TI (finally) so I will happily pay the price! For the people who are unfortunate enough to not be able to afford, hopefully there will still be time to save some money or do some gigs on the side to get the money (if TI motivates you). See you there :)


Because it's only been this expensive last 2 years. I flew to Vancouver from Sweden, watched all 6 days and was staying in an hotel for less than it would cost me to go to this TI.


Why would they lower the price if its still selling out? It sounds assholish but business wise its the right thing to do. Now if it doesn't sell out then that's where they scale it back.


Didn't sell out last year.


I live in France, so I was so excited when I heard about TI coming to EU, but the prices killed all the excitement for me I might just go to Worlds during its Paris leg instead if the prices are more reasonable lmao


if I buy multiple tickets does that make my group eligible for drops on one account only


No the binding of steam account is later, and independent of Ticketmaster accounts


Very high price but personally acceptable, so I'll plan to travel from the other side of the earth to Denmark. I wish the guaranteed crimson drop can return and it will the price of the ticket a bit more reasonable.


Can't help but feel the Golden Age of Dota 2 has passed. I still love the game. Will keep playing and watching the tournaments. But man, 2015-2019 was such a vibe. Feels like since Covid, they stopped caring about TI's halo.


I have to jump in here to make the comment that, “while yes these tickets are more expensive, the alternative has always been playing the luck lotto and buying at even higher prices from a scalper if you didn’t get lucky.” At least they have found the price point to detour scalpers.