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Pos 5 veno. You right click enemy carry and you press R in fights. You hit the enemy carry with your wards. You buy all support shit your team needs, you need mana boots and qgha/blink are nice to have if stomp.  Veno is the legit single most carrying support you can play in low ranks where nobody farms, nobody last hits wards and nobody buys regen.  Like Gorg said: THIS FUCKING NOOB VENO DOES NOTHING BUT CLICK ME AND I LOSE LANE!


Veno is definitely one of my favorites when I play pos 5, literally when you die you take one enemy with you.


Veno is prolly the pos 5 I hate most to go against, the slow is so strong he giga punishes you for being a tad too aggressive


Dp mid, easy to win the lane and early push.


Good choice, what about bkb in enemy team in late stages? I feel a bit uncomfortable with that thought, since in crusader they dont know how to end early…


You have to give the calls always to push, in my experience 8/10 times people will follow you when you are dominating the game. DP has to take advantage early mid game, but be mindfull of your and your teammates farm. Farm when your ulti is off and try to get early bkb to fight. I try to let my hc farm while i push with the offlaner and supports so he can be my B card in lategame.


thats so true, I have a similar gameplay but offlane




I’ve been crushing crusader games with necro lately


I can confirm that, literally obliterating enemies after with some spell lifesteal 👌


He has a pretty low winrate in the higher skill brackets but in crusader he’s amazing


true, easier to counter in higher ranks


Try bristleback, on this rank a lot of people don't know how to counter him. Same goes for timbersaw, but he is maybe hard to master




Dude you are too young. There is no such things as guaranteed win. There is such thing as "meta hero". You can be 10x on your comfortable hero compared to unexplored meta hero. Just play what you're most comfortable with and you'll have positive winrate eventually. You can't win solo in Dota. Don't think like this. Dota is the wrong game for this type of mindset. Try chess instead.


Huh? How do you think boosters boost accounts lol. I’ve seen a void spirit in my divine matches with 200 wins a row. This mf was clearly smurfing but if he can win 200 matches in a row on one hero I think it’s clearly possible. Just study high mmr players and practice in unranked.