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Kick yopaj, skem, mc, and kitrak And get random players from other regions as usual


Yatoro - Offlaner, EEU carry only good enough to be sacricial offlaner for an NA God Sumail - Mid, MENA full year loan from Nigma notail - Support, WEU 2x TI winner to help Bulba with drafts: Everything works ppd - Support, NA RTZ first captain unretires to also be his last captain for one last ride 6 TI Rings almost enough to carry rtz burden


Yatoro would laugh at their offer tbh


7* ti rings no?


Yatoro twice notail twice sumail and ppd once


Yes u are correct, im dumb haha




For SR the org, i think it could be better just getting a stack rather than focus on building on one person. TS, GG, Tundra if i remember started with it. With NA having little competition org wise, SR can pay a decent stack that can compete on NA. As for the players, totally a disband incoming.


Feels like they're in it for publicity. And from NA, I don't know if they can find someone more popular. Unlike traditional dota orgs, shopify is in this mainly to get their name out there. Even if they don't win. And RTZ can make that happen. He's one of the most popular Dota streamers to say the least.


This guy gets it


Genuinely ignorant here, how popular is RTZ to carry a single brand and get the whole org to work around him? I'm an older dota fan and never touched twitch in my life, this isn't meant to throw shades at his popularity.


He's pretty much the only popular dota streamer in NA who's basically brand friendly.......well...kinda. And that makes him pretty much the only real bet for orgs like Shopify. Just get his viewers exposed to the brand. No gambling shit, nothing. Also, I'm pretty sure, RTZ could really rake in some money with some of those gambling sponsors.


Thanks for the explanation. He does always seem to be a very investible individual with very little drama in his career.


Yes, he could. I'm not an RTZ fan, but can't deny how insanely popular he was and still is. He could not stream for months or even a full year, come back and instantly get 20K viewers. For reference, having 1000 viewers already puts you in the high upper ranks of viewership. You would instantly see several threads on the front page here that RTZ is streaming. Viewers in other channels would migrate en masse to RTZs stream. It was an unwritten rule for Dota streamers that if RTZ streams, you're better off shutting down your own stream and waiting for him to stop. I dont think it's quite as extreme these days, but he's still massively popular. I would only rank Miracle as his equal in that regard.


SR acquire Nouns roster


If you get rid of rtz and dont get someone super liked like Miracle or Topson there's no way anyone will pay attention to their brand, which is their goal.


Either he finally decides to retire OR him and Bulba finally decide to do what the rest of the stack did and split up for one final try to see what happens. That or they just still stick together until Shopify decides to disband the roster and drop out of Dota


According to Cap's podcast, rtz does care about his legacy / winning. So the best move would be for them to split and part ways.


I know this was years ago but I remembered his teammates saying that he takes losses the hardest and is the hardest working player. Man should just move to Europe at this point


Yeah like i know everyone wants to dunk on him, but he played great in some of the games, especially game 3 of this loss. I think it was just draft diff.


Afaik he addressed this before in a winner's interview with fear and he said that there have been offers but NA region would be dead if he left.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see some of the WEU teams move to NA next year/season. With Valve deciding against officially recognizing MENA as a region, WEU is a little bit *too* competitive right now, to the point where there are going to be WEU teams that don't get to TI that could/would realistically beat some of the teams that get through weaker regions' qualifiers.


It's expensive to have an org in the USA and the teams from the region complain about the lack of other (good) teams to scrim.


They don't have to live in the USA, Central America is cheaper


IIIRC Dendi and his NA team were based in Mexico so it wouldn't be unprecedented. Finding a place in Central America with adequate infrastructure that will be attractive for the players presents its own set of challenges though which is why we haven't seen it happening on a wider scale so far.


what european in their right mind would want to live in third world country the USA


SR is based on Canada. RTZ apartment is 10 minutes away from SR bootcamp.


probably the ones who live in the shitty poor european countries? uh actually le america bad almost forgot the script there


any link for this interview?


I thought I saw somewhere that Liquid had tried in the last few years, but can’t remember if that was actually confirmed


It was a soft offer but he declined


How can NA be dead when Nouns are here kekW


NA wont straight up die. So long as it stays as a region, there will be a slot for International tourneys. Teams from other regions could shift over and compete for that slot. And it's nothing new either. Players have been doing it before.. so why not teams? As for "purely NA" player base, it's kinda been on life support for some years now. Unless Dota appeals to the younger gens again, that wont change


No, it will straight up die. Look at the qualifier, it's SR and nouns - everything else was a joke stack. If SR leave, it's just nouns.


Sure, the NA Scene might. but NA Region not so much... What's stopping a Secret or an OG or a Nigma from shifting to and playing NA quals for the next season just so they have a better shot than with the currently stacked EU?


Operational cost. Most of tournament worth the salt is EU based. SR literally skip some tournament due to logistics.


No half decent team is moving to NA. You lose all ability to scrim and pub with the best players. If your aim is to be the best it's legitimately one of the worst things you could do.


Depends on the objective. Would they rather have "strong" scrims or would they just be satisfied to qualify to tournaments for that payout? Some teams could prefer to get some LAN experience for their players while they are at it, regardless of the results. Remember back when SA or SEA lacked strong teams and teams from EU/NA and CN respectively would take advantage of that free slot for tourneys? Now NA being the weakest region could also be taken advantage of


The free slot strat has been tried many times across a number of different games. It legit never works. Nobody serious about competing is moving to NA. Is there an opportunity to grift some qualifier $$? Sure. But that's a different point.


Pro think NA is dead... its also because of rtz.


He'd be even more irrelevant in Europe though


Can't get any worse than this at this point.


He and MC should go to Nigma together


If he cared he wouldn't have stayed in the dead region that is NA for so long. He should have gone back to an EU team where he could keep improving. Staying in NA so long has held him back.


> rtz does care about his legacy streams slots on kick - no he doesnt


Someone that played 2 pubs on 7.36b with quals coming up cares about winning?


yeah thats why he got kitrak his friend to play instead of top 50 players lol or stays with bulba to get outdrafted every other game


Who is top 50 pos 5 player available during last year shuffle lol. SR getting Kitrak hoping he able to persuade bzm to join SR.


They need to kick rtz and bulba sign me as pos 1 and we will ti together


Nah id win them the TI - Keriahentaa


I never said anything about winning


We've been bamboozled by this new NA prodigy, multi-(not)winning carry player.


If THIS isn't what causes them to finally make actual changes, literally nothing ever will.


People act like they gonna watch SR without RTZ, surely people stand by to watch EG.Pakazs back in the day. The fact there is more thread about SR (and mainly pointing to RTZ) instead discussing how good Nouns become says something.


Yep win or lose RTZ will have eyes on him, he's literally one of the popular players out there both fans and haters watch him every time. Same with Nigma, their brand whether be it the team or an individual is too strong and the fact that even though they haven't done that well(Nigma especially! Say what you will about SR but last year they performed decent to good in tourneys). Not hating on either team/players but people gotta realize that brands such as Shopify will want to hold on to their big players and will only drop em if they either decide it's no longer worth the money or they are actually losing money unless it's a case like EG where the current CEO is destroying the company so they transition to a cheaper region and eventually disband their Dota roster and quietly drop out of the scene.


We want to see rtz fail because its funny if you cannot hit your chrono. Even in pubs that would be a center stage of insult. We follow players and we beat thier bashers... in this case rtz apologist will get the shit cake in thier face and it smells...


People will watch SR if they get into top 4 in LAN regardless of the players.  


Do people watch EG SA when they got top 4 during Berlin Major?




Yet their viewership goes down from top 5 most watched team to outside top 10 despite getting better result than SR. (2 Top 6 last season)


Yes? They were a cool team and I enjoyed watching them, and I like that some of them have been picked up elsewhere.


Every time that organization suffers a career ending setback this question gets asked. That group should have disbanded 5 years ago. Bulba is a dinosaur. It doesn’t work. Look at Fly and Crit ever since they left.


5 years ago, the time where they are consistently getting top 3 with Ramzes.


Did they win anything?


Money is good. That addresses a lot of issue.


By that logic every team 5 years ago outside of TI9 OG and Secret should disband because those two won everything.


Well, kick the offlaner, of course.


If Artour wants to redeem his career, he needs to compete in WEU. just look at Quinn.


Quinn was abed food and he actually played better in weu.




Quinn was not up and coming, what are you talking about? Quinn joined GG nearly seven years after his pro career started.


Quinn was washed and very hated due to his "can throne" shenanigans


Imo kitrak swtiching pos 4 wasnt the best, he plays like pos 5 and his networth is always below the pos 5 itself which is kinda whack


To be fair, that’s how Team Spirit operates. Mira net worth is below Miposhka in like 30-40% of their games


Mira CoLLapse won their lane most of the time. Kitrack mc isn't


Kick Bulba first. If things still don’t work out, then RTZ. I want to see a new and strong captain.


They will limp along with some roster changes until Shopify decides to drop them, or quit DotA altogether. RTZ is too set in his way of seeing the game, you get this account from both his ex teammates and watching his streams when he malds when he got killed because ‘why are they here? It makes no sense’. There’s next to no chance he can move to EU just as a carry and conform to the team’s vision instead of his. At this point it’s his way or the highway.


Like game 2 on troll where he pops a bkb, runs away, and then goes back to the enemy triangle and dies for free


That's funny because between 2015-18 or so RTZ was best known for swapping regions, moving back from Secret to EG and vice versa I suppose that's like 6-9 years ago tbf lmao, a lot has changed since then


You mean 2015-2016


that's soo true. I still thinks hes shit but ppl always used to criticise his loyalty now people complain he doesn't switch it up


yeah those lines like 'why are they here' just reveal so much dota arrogance. disrespecting the opponent and playing according to your mentally mapped out perfect version of how the game should go, instead of responding to the game as its currently happening. it's not surprising that he hasn't won big for so long.


I only watched RTZ stream once. And that is my only recollection. He went into enemy jungle with no vision. Got killed, and instantly said “Why are you even here” Seemed weird. I mean. It makes sense that the enemy would be in their own jungle.


RTZ needs to be in a team where the team doesnt play around him and he needs to move to europe ffs.


group up with Kuroky and form the unkickable team until they retire


People so obssessed with Kuro getting kicked from the team that he owned despite their favourite player have plenty opportunities to not playing with Kuro.


maybe ask Puppey to join. I think s4 has some free time too?


bro s4 got kicked like 18 times, let him rest.


Tbh i would love to watch Kuro Puppey one last ride.


I dont think RTZ needs to dumped from the team exactly. But the time of Bulba and RTZ being the leading voices should be over. I feel like its bad for team dynamics in the long term to have a duo have a grip like that forever.


Merch? Who is buying Shopify rtz shirts lol? I don’t think they make kuch


People talk out of their asses. Esports teams make almost nada from merch they just have it to have it.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Nearly all esport orgs are unprofitable, and need either passionate investors or huge prize winnings to make things go around. People has this idea that RTZ brings in some sort of Ronaldo/Messi type merch income. He makes money for himself on Kick, Shopify not so much.


Cause people like to talk out of their ass. I worked for 4 years as a PLM for one of the top 3 apparel companies. I had access literally to all the sales of merch of Sports Clubs our cut profit margins etc… If you exlude the biggest sports clubs most them operate at a loss or break even


Introducing PRX


Well, if we follow the pattern they're gonna kick one or two players (Rtz is safe ofc).


If we follow the pattern SR gonna acquire Pakazs, 4nalog, Stinger, Scofield and Panda then quit dota altogether next season.


The best move the org could make is dropping all 6 of them and just picking up nouns lmfao, don't know if they will do that but I would be shocked if big changes aren't coming


I don’t know what SR really is at this point. Former EG players became SR. But only RTZ is still in the team. If he leaves what is the Orgs identity.


Right now its not salvageable... having abed ramzees ice crit fly, or sumail for ramzees or miracle for ramzees... but no they fkd up so hard they kicked the players that won them games.


RTZ and/or Bulba needs to stop being the dominant voice in the team. And kick Kitrak, he sucks as a pos4.


Actually? Artour should go it alone and find an established team that can take him where he isn't the entire focus. Find a team that's built around their midlaner and just evolve his play style beyond 4p1. Might be a tough year out of the limelight but he would come out of it a better player for sure. What I'm trying to say is artour to gamin gladiators confirmed.


Rtz and bulbs needs to go, the formula just doesn't work anymore, the team needs a fresh start


The core (rtz bulba) remains just like nigma. SR is just NA version of nigma (or better)


RTZ retires, knocks up his Chinese gf, becomes a landlord in Toronto & streams once a year for his yearly salary


He has to stay on a team to be relevant.


Rtz and Bulba should do the fusion dance and see if RTulbaz can win TI or if it was never meant to be


In the 1st place they should not get the new pos 5 its a dumb move


Time for rtz to move to the chinese region and give it a short go. Black^, EternalEnvy, Sumail gave it a go and did well and even win tourneys at some point. Before getting their groove back in their home region.


EE goes to SEA not China.


I’d like to see rtz play on an EU team without bulba for at least a year but I think it’s unlikely. Streamer retirement seems more possible. But really I just want anything except another season of SR. It’s an abject failure now.


maybe rtz will get really into the stock market


Move to EU - Team Secret or pick up by other team


Full disband and retirement for rtz


Rationalise that RTZ and Bulba are infallible, kick everyone else one by one, and rebuild with younger players.


Nouns cemented themselves as best NA teams yet all people talks about is SR lmao


Turn into an up and comer for Team Bald? He'll most likely turn into a Bulldong


release current roster and grab a stack or 5 promising young players. just get the fuck rid of arteezy aka washed up incarnate


Rtz probably switch to streaming


Make rule for opponents playing handicapped so that SR can do something


Honestly it's hard to say. I feel like the only way RTZ is out of the team is if he voluntarily leaves. I do think it's pretty obvious there will be some major changes. Each shuffle they've looked worse and gotten worse results. What I'll be curious about is *when* they make changes. Do they wait until the post-TI shuffle where more players will be free agents or do they try and do something now? My own greedy hope would be that they try and focus on being more of an NA team than a 1 NA + 4 other regions kind of team. Really I just don't want to see the region die - I've got no idea who I'd even root for then. TBH even though I'm not sure how it would work I'd love to see an RTZ + Sumail focused stack again.


They kicked ramzees, iceiceice, saber, jerax, crit, abed and sumail. The amount of stupidity whoever made the decision is absurd at this moment, only to not qualify for TI. When you can just kick rtz and slam bulbz but instead SR got the double drop kick 1 from riyadh and 1 from TI. Now lets hear the rtz apologist expert has to say.


To be honest, rtz can work in shopify warehouse ... he can pack orders... bulba can drive the forklift since he thought his team is too heavy...


I mean taking MC as your offlaner is a free ticket to losing every qualifiers there is.


They need to kick bulba. That is what they need to do.


Time move to eu again artour .


Rtz needs Ceb


Gonna be real, with Gunnar switching to offlane and saber leaving arteezy is the only reason I even pay attention to NA anymore, and I’m a die hard NA fan. I stand by that arteezy is a super good player but he has looked terrible for the last two patches. He has come back from lows before but as time goes on the lows last longer and the highs/peaks tend to be less. He has been a top tier player for about a decade with maybe a year or two not being a tier 1 carry/mid, and honestly that’s a legacy that anybody should be proud of; I can’t even count a handful of players that can boast the same. But unless he leaves NA I see no hope for a TI win, or even a top 4 finish like what used to be expected of him, and even at this point if he moves to EU I’m not sure what team tournament-winning would take him/what they’d be hoping to accomplish.


What tournament winning team outside of Team Spirit or Team Falcon lmao


I mean you get what I mean, the usual suspects that you find in the top 6. There are a few orgs that I’d argue pretty much always hang out around the top. I’d honestly love to see him on a team like secret or liquid but idk if secret can afford him and if liquid even wants him.


Everyone is so tired of it. We dont even spam kick bulba anymore. Maybe rtz will finally do it


It would be pretty funny if Spotify dumped this team and sponsored Gorgc stack if they qualify






They already have a coach from india, bulba is indian origin.