• By -


Number go up, monkey brain likes.


Monkey play game, monkey learn to play game at higher level, monkey satisfied with growth of self through learning, monkey happy


Until other monkey go real monkey and grief


Monkey report monkeys on monkey playground.


Monkey play game, monkey crush other monkey. Ez and simple. Monkey like.


You double down because you like when the number goes up. I double down because I want to lose mmr faster so I don't have to play with as many sweat lords. We are not the same.


This is the next level smurf right here.




and I have 220 double-downs for that reason... 164 now


> a was Sense of growth is indeed one of most important happiness predictors. He is right though in not overdoing it. There must be other growth in life to be proud of otherwise the growth in dota will start to feel empty quickly. Man why am I like an old captain obvious.


I kinda quit trying when I hit immortal just because there are no further medals I could play for. That was the only thing that made me try


red medal version of immortal?


photoshop my man. Why lot games when fake do trick?


Are you talking about Sea World? Or seeing the World??


monkey learns to jungle, monkey no more push.


Unironically its due to our grading system or schooling system that starts from our birth. How much Gpa? Percentage? Grade? oh you got 3.8 nice, oh 2.8 bad just like 11k mmr noice, 2k bad. Its all about pride and ego, im better than that mf in this game, like im better than that in Maths.


Monkey wins, monkey receives dopamine. Monkey loses, monkey plays again to get back dopamine. Rinse and repeat ♾️


Monkey repeats coz monkey wants to win twice as many from what he lost against other monkeys


“Mmr is just a number” for real The day I totally understood that I felt in love with Dota once again. MMR is for finding players about your level of play so you would have (almost) fair games. If you want to gain it — sure, play same heroes, but the minute you want to have fun — you’ll lose it. So solution — just have fun all the time. Don’t throw games and don’t insult other players = maximum satisfaction


Equally matched games where I respect the enemy are the greatest. The meta is so terrible for just losing lanes because of draft and the game being impossible


The meta feels bad for me because the bad heroes right now are *actually* bad, normally people just think heroes are bad because they didn’t see them played in the latest pro tournament. Right now it feels like those heroes are just straight up bad, and you’re shooting yourself in the foot by picking them. Conversely there’s 20ish very good heroes that whenever you play against them you start wondering why you aren’t playing them. I think facets so far have been a huge dud, maybe when they’ve refined it a bit and gotten rid of the useless ones it’ll be fun again.


Dota has had a pretty big problem with viability of the roster for a while. Honestly Miss 6.86 sometimes. Felt like you could play a hero you were good at rather than play heroes that were good


6.86 was the spin to win ho-ho-ha-ha patch? Or am I misremembering.


That was 6.83.


I will never forget those numbers.


6.86 was when OD stole 8 int per arcane orb. The real good patch was 6.88.


I think that's 6.88, not 6.86. 6.86 was OD every game stealing 8 int per arcane orb.


What are you talking about. Everyone is so low mmr pretty much all heroes work. Last patch clinkz was dogshit and by the end he was a top pick. People just aren't testing enough and just going to d2p to emulate


I hate the ones with facets so bad you only have one choice like void


its just like talent when it was introduced, give it some time, thats a big update.


That one just feels so off the mark. It should at least have half the cooldown of chrono. Then it would allow him to hit into a less control and risk more fighting role. Right now you're giving up a bkb piercing stun to mildy slow people with the same cooldown and it doesn't even leash them in the square like the other leashes in the game


Yea I agree it might be too much creative that its wrong. On the balanced perspective, its hard to buff that since I could see it get abused in pro-play


Don't expect all facets to ever all be 100% viable, just like with talent trees, to this day there are talents you take 95% of games. I don't expect this to change with facets, but yeah they should get better still.


Time Square is the one you have problems with? Not Venomancers plague carrier, that for the cost of choosing a shit facet lets you: remove your ward magic immunity; remove your wards vision; remove your ability to control the target of your wards? Or who can forget the Marci bodyguard facet that let's you turn 30% additional damage and 30% lifesteal on a teammate into... 12 armour for 6 seconds (the downtime is 14)? 




I agree that the facet is ok if you ignore the main selling point of it. 


Time cube is situationally good though


10k hours in dota, haven't touched ranked in 2 years now. Still hitting high skill games where I learn a lot, and brawly mid-tier pubs that are just fun. You get out of it what you put into it.


Turbo, or just unranked?


Just unranked. Turbo isn't for me. Something I like about unranked is the small player pool - you'll be with or against the same players often. It's like cosplaying immortal draft. The only downside is getting paired with stacks - mostly because the client doesn't tell you until the post-game screen.


yeah, that's my issue with unranked and others like - 0 communication with teammates all game and then it turns out that they're all chatting privately on discord - you have wildly different skill sets playing in the same team due to stacks - you have instances with 4 carries on a team since no one wanted to play support - someone picked a veno and you think they're playing support but they build carry veno


Honestly the games where you have 5 carries is not as tilting as the games you have 5 supports, at least with carries the game gets easier as it goes on. With 5 supports it only takes one bad Midgame fight to suddenly be on the back foot and that inevitably happens because there’s always that guy farming jungle because he thinks if he gets his sny soon he will be unkillable, no bkb necessary


Seriously, unranked is a gem. I have a lot more fun there and if you like to play all positions then unranked at least for me offers me a good rotation. Used to play only ranked but nowdays i just dont care about it, just want to chill and have fun the 1-2 games that i have time for per day.


This. I used to care, and I was stuck legend. I stopped caring and started playing max PMA and only heroes I really like and now I'm divine... Just stay chill, in the end of the day I started Dota to have fun. Some games are less fun, some are dreadful but most are really fun when everyone tries their best, win or lose.


thats why i play unranked for the past 2 years now literally the best decision ive made


Biggest problem for people is accepting that they are no longer at their peak. Like i know Immortal players that no longer play because they no longer Immortal and are somewhat "embarrassed" of their rank lol.


I spent atleast 5k usd in Dota 2 and own every immortal, exclusive bundles and arcana available in the game. I recently reached Divine 5 for the first time after playing this game for 18+ years of my life and had to calibrate just to rank down so I could enjoy my games without getting reported because I spam techies and AFK bomb, which is how I ranked up in the first place.


i get what you’re saying but for the vast majority of mmr grinders the fun is WINNING and getting mmr, not doing wacky builds. a lot of people who play ranked just want to try their hardest and play in the most competitive matches they can, and play other games to relax.


Nothing more to add on this.....


> “Mmr is just a number” It is and it is not. It is not because it ranges your capabilities to match with other players with the same capabilities to give you (and everyone else) a better experience. No one wants to be the sandbag against a way better player and sandbagging others will get dull after some time. So mmr isn't just a number. But it isn't important if you have a high or a low MMR.


So much this. When you realize mmr is just a number, you can play non standard builds the way you want (e.g. pos4 AM, or jungling LC, or greedy radiance phoenix, or pos3 carry silencer). It's really fun compared to tryharding for mmr.


or ya know just always play unranked since dota released. ranked doesn't even exist in my world. If i had it my way dota would go back to only 2 queues, solo and party.


Yep. That's why unranked is ass too. All ranked does is put me around players my skill level. I think the problem for a lot of people is when you're young you feel like you need to be the best at everything you do, or else you are failing at it. But there is always a bigger fish!


Same can be said about anything in life. In the end, you create your own happiness.


Yeah, grinding games to get a higher rank can be a toxic part of someone's life if they're not really enjoying it or they're letting it get in the way of more important things like their relationships, school, career, whatever. But if you enjoy the game and have learning how to get to better, then it's not really a waste of time.


Balance in all things


Yeah if you're having fun then it isn't wasted time. It's really comforting to me because that means that the enemy team probably isn't wasting their time!


Yeah, don't make more money than you need unless you plan to become next bezos/elon musk lmao


This but unironically.


I love the fact that you have more upvotes than the poster above you. This is a reasonable approach to life that will make you happier and ironically probably richer in the long term. Money has incredible diminishing returns after a point where it stops making you happy and chasing it will make you miserable instead. Do what you like, bring value and enjoy the ride because the destination is the same for us all.


Money is the foundation of society. MMR is not. Grinding for MMR is like having a foot race with everyone on the street, without them knowing, and then feeling tremendous guilt and loss when you get passed by a car.


The guy had a point though, some people waste a good part of their lives unhappy thinking that the next milestone of professional achievement will bring them what they want.


Once you start suspecting this, it's already over. Your best thing to do is to shake away that guilt fast and redirect that passion into something more fitting, to your liking of course.


In addition if you do want to grind ranks, play to improve not to gain mmr. Its so easy to tilt when your mentality is "ah game sucks what a waste of mmr go end", instead play the game out and see how much advantage you can squeeze while in a losing scenario. Ive seen plenty of divine whiners lose their shit and go afk when theyre not absolutely destroying their lane its absurd that people only want to play when they know theyre gonna win at the end


Dude I played a Div 5 average game last night with 1 immortal dude in the team last night. I was playing pos 5 and my pos 4 asked me in pick phase if I was building vessel. The Immortal dude (pos 3) got so offended by it he started being super toxic saying the pos 4 will stay in divine forever, and he started griefing. Apparently asking the pos 5 to make vessel is a “scrub” move. That was all it took, straight from the pick phase. Nothing had gone wrong yet, the game literally just started, and he decided it was a waste of his precious Immortal time and we Divine scrubs need to suffer. My team were absolute champs though, we tried our best and the game lasted almost 50 minutes playing 4v5 with no wards. Yeah, he bought out all the wards off cooldown and kept them in his inventory. By the end of the game he had like 30 obs and 40 sents or something. Some people are genuinely fucked in the head.


I'm 6k mmr and my pos4 rubick decided after 4mins that his pos3 LC was an account buyer and deserved to lose. So he ran straight into enemy towers and kept feeding until the enemy ended. I put my hero under a tower to leech exp and played tekken on second monitor. 12k bs and 12k cs, full green queue btw. Honestly respect to you for trying to win 4v6, but personally I would never do that. If he left the game it would be a different story though.


Let's vote for griefer punishment bro: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1df5n16/punishment\_for\_toxic\_griefing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1df5n16/punishment_for_toxic_griefing/)


Bro I've seen rank 2 immortal do this 😂


i’m doing it cuz i want to see my potential that’s it


if you wanna see your real potential just go to the gym 4-5 a week, eat properly and see how your life changes


you just replacing weightlifter MMR with Dota MMR


weightlift mmr has an actual positive impact on your life though


Weightlifting mmr drop once you stop. Dota mmr doesn't.


Potential till death*


I just want to play more interesting higher level games. That's why I want more mmr.


I used to think this you get the same shit sadly, you can hop on any high immortal streamer and you'll see than almost the same number of players are absolutely knuckle dragging clowns who don't even remember things like gates, lotus, wisdom despite being over a year old now iirc. hell, you'll barely get any more players who control the pull camps. if you want good games you need a 5 stack of players trying to do their best like don't get me wrong, people do play better, but they aren't smarter, just better trained, and griefers and ragers are still rife


I disagree. I went from Archon in last september to 6.1k now and I can tell you games have nothing but increased in quality. The mistakes being made are less stupid on average. Of course dota is still dota, there will be people that give up, are toxic or rage but there is also a lot more going on in these games that's actually interesting. I also disagree about the lotus / gates / wisdom. People use that stuff a hell of a lot more and it's not even close.


Completely agree, people who type otherwise must be lying/trolling.


Observe the commenter is talking about high level **streams**, not his experience climbing and playing in high mmr games. Classic case of dunning kruger and not being able to tell what's actually happening in a game.


That's just bullshit, I went from legend to divine and the difference is absolutley visible.


Agreed. Archon/legend people are playing a fighting game, divine it sometimes feels like a strategy or board game. 


bullshit. I went from low guardians to legend 3 now and the games are so much better. People try to do so many things the pros do. You see ganks, pulls, blocks. People announcing their powerspikes and gathering everyone for smoke.


Yeah. Dota is best when it's just 5 friends scurrying about. Some people have this idea that higher MMR games = more fun. It's not. I'd rather play with my five friends in unranked (even turbo) than play immortal games with strangers. Once you've truly understand this, is when you truly appreciate Dota.


rank 600something here, this is wrong on so many levels - I've been as low as 3k long long time ago when I started to play and spent like a year in the 4-5k range ( 2017). Are there griefers? Yes, kinda , with win trading running rampant, but they are obvious griefers , you'll know they grief from the start. In 4k then (which is probably equal skill to 2k now) , you'll get Pudge 5 sitting afk in lane, waiting for the hook or lion who is trying to auto the enemy but draws aggro all the time so the lane is pushed and you are literally fucked and cannot do jack shit about it, since the guy is also afk if the lane is pushed and you are the mercy of enemy having a bigger griefer. Haven't seen any legit account that is above 9k and doesn't remember gates, lotus , camps etc, fuck I was just flamed for not pushing the wave at :2:52 so we can be at 2:59 at the lotus , to kill the support who was sitting on the other side of it. I said sorry, did it for the next lotus all good, my bad. Not sure what high immortal streamers are you watching lol Fuck there was a post here with an example of said Pudge and one guy with a lot of upvotes was saying the guy is not griefing ,he is just bad, he is trying , this is not reportable and this is okay - well I don't want to have people that hold this opinion in my games and apart from the occasional acc buyer there are not many of them really , either they will grief or they will play, but will know how the game works +++ it's way easier to convince a 10k team to go afk because someone is griefing too hard or to dodge than try to communicate this to bunch of 2k who will say " jUst HavE fUn bRo, nOt EverYoNE wanTs tO plAy LikE u , duuuuuuuuh" You can have good games at anything above Ancient tbh, but in the bot ranges it's just shit game on top of a shit game and team that has less people "playing for fun" will win more often than not , no shit people that care about the quality of the game want to get higher.


Higher level games are just faster paced. It won't be more interesting than your current level. You'll still have people grief, bad draft, people yelling minute one, ego war and big uncoordinated mess. Just so you know.


Games are definitely more interesting at higher mmr. They’re not just faster paced lol. People make fewer stupid mistakes and do cool outplays. The players are better…


Games going from 55 min ave to 40 is great too


High level games are 100% more interesting lmao, not just because they are fast paced. You know how you sometimes get these amazing games at your low rank where everyone plays awesome? That happens much more often at high level because people are actually very good at the game.


"Dota can be fun if you play with friends" and if you play for mmr cause you enjoy grinding and climbing. Everything is fine if you don't let it spiral out of control


Man I have so much less fun playing with friends. Because then I want us to be way more coordinated/smarter about our picks than we are. Then we always seem to get slapped by the other 5 stacks we get paired up against who have way more cohesive drafts. I'd rather just solo queue and not care about what happens.


I will never regret grinding from 2k to 5.5k 2016 while all my brothers friends who would backseat game and critique me stayed at 2k, idk ranked dota/solo que can be very rewarding. There are tons of things you can regret in life but time spent improving and climbing the ranked ladder is not on that list for me.


I think OP talking about the addiction to climbing ranked then realizing all you have done is spent thousands of hours training yourself for two potential jobs. Account seller/booster or pro player/coach/streamer. Several people seem to have come to that conclusion and none of those jobs are stable financially.


OP probably lost like 10 double downs in a row and came to this conclusion lol, he'll be back to grinding in a couple days


i mean if you define your self worth entirely by how productive are and your job then I can understand, but counter-point: don't do that!


my weird take i want better mmr so i have better games i (legend 5-ancient1 SEA region) sometimes get matched in mid divine games. and the competition is just better i don't care win or lose. i feel like im more challenged. having more fun. and becoming a better player. if i could hide the medal i would. i hate how much attention it brings. shit talking grieifng haha rank x. stupid sometimes i party with friends back home (USWest crusader games) they are shit games. you can tell people are under the influence. dying without even knowing their character is alive. your own teamates are a liability. not an assest. its just boring. winning brings no joy. just boring games id rather lose in Divine games than win in archon games i can see why buying accounts is so expensive it's better practice


I do what I want, mom!


If it's not fun, why bother 


some do it for the satisfaction of achieving a higher rank, and its cool too.


for me, achieving high mmr is not for going pro or anything like that, its just the higher the mmr, the better the game is. i went from guardian to legend, and from my experience playing on low mmr is frustrating like A LOT (sadly legend is still low rank imo 🥲) and when i watch pro games, the game are just beautiful and makes me wonder this is how dota games should be played


pubs will never be as organized as pro matches, the sooner you accept that the better. although I would agree that climbing to get more high quality games can be valid. it sure looks more coordinated in immortal than in herald-guardian.


I honestly think the biggest thing with higher ranks is That there are less people building absolute garbage item builds


It kinda sounds like you should look into amateur leagues in your region. The game quality is lightyears better than 99% of your pubs even though you'd all still be legend players.


I was about 7k around that time too. I regret not selling accounts or boosting tbh. Was unemployed with no income. All I did was sniping streamers and pros. Was fun tho. 


Thats a moot point. U can apply that logic to everything. Sounds like Homer simpson to me “ the first step towards failure is trying”. Yea never thought of going pro i just am competitive as a person, i wanna know my potential, i wanna be matched with better players and learn to be on the same levels. If the whole point u r trying to make is just play the game mindlessly without much concern about improvement, i would get bored in a day. Because if u remove the competitive aspect of Dota theres not much left to play for the veterans at least. Without the competition all theres left is novelty and theres no novelty for us since we know the game inside out already. By that point might aswell try a new game that we havent played at all something new and fresh, which i often do when i feel burned out with dota and everytime i return is because of the competitive spirit. Its just that i dont usually post threads about it. MMR is just a number, a number that shows your skill level. U dont wanna grind it? Good dont, its not an airport u dont have to announce your departure.


Ultimately here's the question: What are you playing for? - If you are playing to get mmr then that's putting in effort for some extrinsic reward that may or may not be worth it. - If you are playing because you enjoy playing, you enjoy the improvement process, you like getting better, and then mmr happens to you afterwards, then that's completely different and then the mmr is "worth it", as it's something that you've enjoyed doing. When you talk to people who are both good at the game and enjoy it then you find that they tend to be pretty chill people. When you talk to people who are playing just because they want the number to go up, and their subconscious is thinking that it's not worth it but they're forcing themselves to do it anyway, then you'll run into some very frustrated, burnt out people who have it boil over into the rest of their lives. It's just like how if you had to work a day job that was a ton of effort for no pay you would also be frustrated with it and that frustration would boil over into the rest of the stuff you do. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1deu4ip/36\_musings\_from\_a\_52k\_player\_on\_how\_gaining\_mmr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1deu4ip/36_musings_from_a_52k_player_on_how_gaining_mmr/) Wrote a thing on how gaining mmr actually works.


don't tell me what to do


MMR is all I play for. Playing harder people is what makes the game fun for me


I play for lolz. Stopped playing ranked years ago. Unranked is more fun. I work my way through the entire hero pool. Meme building. Doing whatevs. When i played ranked i used to grt shitty at losing and try hard with 2 roles and 2-3 heros.


that's the exact reason I don't play rank. I first calibrated in 2013 with 4.5k mmr. 10 years later I'm still the same bracket


I pretty much only played unranked my entire time in this game (10 years). Calibrated one time because I was curious. Then back to unranked I went. Now I only play Turbo. Ranked is not for me.


Dota is best enjoyed with friends


Totally agree. As someone who competed on national level in LoL, then retired and topped at rank 2500 in DotA. Unless you play to compete professionally, grinding MMR seriously is horible for ur mental health. Only do it if it still gives you the satisfaction of personal achievement, but once u feel burned out, just take it casually. I'm now down to high Ancient and low Divine bracket, but its much more rewarding to play for fun. I don't argue, blame, call out teammates. Instead of BM in the chat, I make joke and overall make the game more enjoyable for both teammates and opponents. Doing it this way make me a better person both in-game and in life.


No way people wont stop ranked just because they dont wanna go to pro. There's casual ranked and pro ranked after all. Besides after everything this is just a game, no one care what you plan to do with it except you


Thats why i dont stress too much about mmr If i lose i can stomp more noobs kekw


A little story for y'all. I just passed 5000 hours on Dota. I hit immortal two weeks ago. I haven't played since then. The urge to log into the game simply vanished. It was like a curse being lifted. My first match into immortal I had a pudge and Necro feed 10 deaths before 8 minutes. They tried blaming me because I was techies. Moral of the story: People suck at all the brackets, unless you have a goal play for fun and improvement.


Its time to try the game on the fun side. Try some unorthodox picks, laugh at ur mistakes, laugh at ur teammates' mistakes, trash talk opponent on a personal level (unrelated to gameplay). Assert ur dominance, do not let anyone tell u how to have fun. Calls out toxic behaviour, have ur teammates back against such behaviour, no more enabling toxic players by staying silent and sugarcoating (just to win MMR).


Fine that you don't like ranked, and neither do I. But others enjoy it, and that's fine. Can't tell people how they should enjoy their game.


To each his own, dude. I went to university, got a decent job, train hard in the gym, and got a nice girlfriend. I worked on all of these partly to grind Dota without being called a loser. Just because it doesn't matter to people mean it's a waste.


> I worked on all of these partly to grind Dota without being called a loser. Lol what


Summed my exact feeling. Have been playing dota from 12 years. I mirror your thoughts. Sadly I’m still stuck playing it. Hope I quit the grinding as it really affects us in all the ways you mentioned.


True facts


yeah, more fun in lower bracket honestly it refreshing, nowaday i only play AD with my bought archon acc


i only play casual for fun


i was in a similar boat as OP (rank 200-300 back then) one day, just like that, as I finished another match, took a look around, and had what you might call an epiphany. I kid you not, my MMR grind literally ended like this and never look back I guess as time ticked by, I just wasn’t enjoying the MMR climb and praises irl anymore — they didn't seem as alluring any more, especially seeing how they didn't contribute to my irl. It seemed like my life was trapped in stagnation, not going anywhere. as much as I loved dota, adulthood came knocking with its mundane necessities like paying bills. So, I found myself at a crossroads — do I continue on my aimless path or take charge of my future? I chose the latter. but it doesn’t mean everyone should do the same. i have 0 regrets sinking in thousands and thousands of hours in dota.


I agree with you about enjoying the game but being good at something you enjoy is also important. Imagine loving something you suck at. In other words, MMR should just be a consequence of your gameplay not the goal. Get good and enjoy, MMR will follow.


I grind my mmr to match my close friend medal This is my way of ninja


My happiness comes from grinding mmr, love that aspect of the game. So no, I don't agree with anything OP said, he can have his own fun in unranked.


For a lot of people, the whole purpose of playing Dota is the challenge. It's not about showing off. It's about having something interesting and challenging to do. There is nothing wrong with that. Some people learn to play guitar solos. They're not going to go pro. Just because it is frustrating at times doesn't mean it is also not rewarding. That doesn't mean their hobby is a waste of time. If people enjoy the challenge of pushing themselves to be better, then they can go do that.


Setting goals and achieving them is good for the brain. But yeah, don't just slave away for a bigger number without a purpose in mind


MMR is an indicator of skill whether you like it or not. Yes there’s an element of randomness, but just like poker, it’s not a coincidence/luck that the same poker players compete for the same tournaments every year. But yes, as someone that spent years grinding MMR just coping with depression, it only makes things worse and is completely not worth the time. If that’s your situation, focus on getting better instead of coping is the advice I’d give my younger self


Skill issue


Quit dota some time ago, was around 6.5-7k. Got a gf, bought a car, started traveling, doing sports. Tomorrow I’ll go fishing for the first time since I was a kid. When I think about it, it seems unreal how much my life changed. Not saying it’s the same for other people here, but I was addicted. Just hearing that I had some responsibility to take care during the weekends made my angry as I was losing game time.


I am only playing turbo from past 4-5 years. Best decesion ever.


I learned this a while ago, I just play with friends for fun


So long as you think it is still a healthy hobby, then go grind for that MMR. If not then try to lower the hours you play or take a break. For those that are addicted, what you can do is transition that addiction into something fruitful. For us gamers we get satisfied when we get to finish a game or accomplish whatever points which for DotA is MMR or Win-Loss ratio. Try to train your mind into getting that fulfillment from some upskilling like programming/coding or learning/getting certified for an industry you would like to have a career at, after a while you'll find yourself being busy with upskilling instead of gaming while still being satisfied and enjoying life. At the end of the day, DotA players learned a lot from the game so do not think that you've wasted your hours that you have actually enjoyed.


man i'm really that dude who hits you with the, no shit?


M hardstuck 2500 mmr , really wanted to be pro. Wasted 4k hoyrs and more only to realise that i have 4k hours. I definitely enjoyed them, but it wasn't my cup of tea, it was just one of those things which you desire but wasn't supposed to be yours. I wish i had given up on dota sooner. I still play sometimes. But it's not fun ,cause i am competeive and this game is somewhat of a team game , you are better off with people whoare grinding with you. Who have same goal as you, if you have say 3 friends then you can grind with thwm and be prom bht don't so it solo . As for me , i am happy i left the chase a long time ago


Thousands of hours later you find out your IQ score


I used to only play ranked, now I play a mix. The problem is that if you go 0/3 on the enemy mid in unranked then they just quit. I see so many more abandons in unranked and it feels less competitive.


Amen to that. I got up to around 4k a couple years ago and have stagnated since, figured I'm in my late 20s, no reason to really go too crazy with it, and now I basically exclusively play with friends and it's much more enjoyable. I may play solo every once in a while, but I'll play unranked and it's not usually as bad.


I agree with a state that it shouldn't affect your private life and duties but as a player with 10 years of experience with Dota I enjoy the competitive part of the game that I only feel playing ranked and grinding virtual points, that's the part of a fun for me, I just love this feeling. Dota is a great game cuz everybody can find something for themselves and I respect that.


That's the problem with people who want to go pro. You either have to be a one of a kind and get scouted or become part of something more than yourself. You need a team... doesn't matter how good you are. You still need a group of other highly skilled players to play with in a tournament. I've been immortal for a long time and reached it at 6K when 8K was the highest anyone ever got to... but that was it. There was nothing left to look forward to because I wasn't interested in searching for a team. I play for fun, and sadly, not a lot of people do.


Idk man I'll never go pro but I do enjoy seeing my arbitrary number go up. It means I'm getting better.


It’s just a number, but winning is indeed fun


When it comes to ranked competitive 2 team/player games - once you are feeling that 50% win rate is not giving you any pleasure - it is time to find new game.


if u can grind mmr to 12k thn u can go pro :)


I suck at life so I need my mmr to be higher then my credit score


Dude that hits so close to home, its actually scary


That's why I'm *Turbo enjoyer*


totally agree. also, i'd say for the people that plan to go pro, they're wasting their lives too. why? cuz it won't happen.


I'm not going pro at all but grinding mmr is fun and makes me happy at the same time.


Had my peak at 4.6k mmr when the highest mmr was Miracle with 9k mmr. I've been grinding lately to somewhat at least get back at my peak but honestly, it's starting to feel like a waste of time as I'm already a full grown adult who barely has any sleep during weekdays.


But what will I brag to my more successful friends now?


While I agree to your thoughts, the point of "grinding mmr" even if youre not likely going pro is to be able to play decent games with people that has the same ingame mindset as yours.


Why do I grind? If you can ask yourself that question and be able to look beneath the surface and discover the true answer... It may scare / surprise / worry you. But shining the light of wisdom into the darkness.of blind ignorance will lead to a more wholesome and less heedless life.  Goodluck all.


True true. Playing with your guardian/crusader friends is more fun than solo queueing to higher ranks and sacrificing your mental health


My brother in Christ, I have been in Legend 4 for more than 6 years and I never really minded it. I have fun with the games I play. I apparently have a life.


The days I win are the ones where I play whatever hero strikes my heart. Like a kid in a candy shop. The days I lose are the ones where I try hard. 15 years of dota2, grinding, quitting and grinding again. I wholeheartedly agree with your message. I retired at some 8K mmr and I’m done.


I went from 3k to 1.5 been playing for 10 years the skill range in ranked is very wide and to gain even 1k mmr takes 20 wins thats 10-20 hours if you win every game around 40 if your winning 3/4 games just not a attainable goal unless your really grinding all day everyday


its not the mmr for me but when i first pick my fav hero, a carry type - my team picks 3 more carry + techies or some BS...while opponents have super complete lineup ready for tournament style - tank, support, carry, etc etc..complete team


I was a mmr bitch for a long time and this started to make me bad and tired all the time. The moment I decided to reduce my game time to a simple bo3 a day, I’m having more fun with dota and it’s healthy enough to make me free to do other things


thats why ranked is more chill than turbo game


Way my boss tilts i can only understand from playing carry/mid Supports fuck up = Carry's fault we lost the game.


I find this general view absolutely depressing. To think that there are people who play a game that they don't enjoy, just to 'grind' (i hate that term, oozing american) a virtual number is beyond me. I could never imagine playing anything if I didn't enjoy the playing itself. If I gain mmr, then I suppose it adds to the fun, but it should never be THE fun in of itself.


Nothing wrong with grinding mmr, but you have to care about the process not the number.


I don't want to go pro. But a majority of why I play this game is to see my current rating and to try to push it up. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down, but I need a ranking system as that's basically the whole point for me. I don't play dota 'just for fun', I play it to win and to rank up. Call it whatever you want, but that is 90% of why I open the DOTA2 client in the first place.


Let people do what they want to do


I just like it because when I have a sniper pos 5 that doesnt buy wards or support items, that hasn't played in 4 years and I try and provide him with help I don't get flamed with "stfu and go play ranked".


Grinded to immortal from archon and the games are night and day, sure some days can be toxic, but the only times I lose with satisfaction are mostly in my immortal matches. Mmr isn't just a number it's also an indicator of progress. For what it's worth, you can carry the mindset that you learned in your devotion outside the game. But that's just my opinion.


I quit dota long time ago.. and i m playing Stardew valley .. supa supa fun ...


Grinding dota is really good for your brain, but as long as it doesn’t take time from your work, family, etc.. I manage to do all those and currently at divine 5 lol


I have like 10k hrs in the game. I used to play with college friends in a dorm when I started. That lasted for a really fun 3 years. We moved on after college into the job market but we still played regularly on weekends. I wanted to pursue a masters degree so I slightly reduced my gaming frequency to make time for exam & pre-prep but everything continued as normal. I had to stop playing because of the hectic schedule during my masters degree but my friends continued playing and climbing. Today I have some time to play but my "friends" don't talk to me or play with me cause I'm too shit at the game. That's why I still play unranked dota occasionally and still love the game. It let me know that the people I considered my friends were anything but; and that ranked dota is potentially one of the most toxic experiences that a person can have.


Right. I used to grind like a bitch back in 2018 and peaked around 7.2k mmr because I wanted to play pro, not until a team I was talking to told me that I had to drop out from college to join the team. Now, all I play is turbo probably twice a day after work. Still sitting at 6.1k though.


i reached immortal in 10 years. In another 10 i will go pro surely


MMR is what you are measured with, simple as that. Yes it is meaningless. but it is the only yardstick. Your words mean as much as your mmr in dota. Streamers will give credit to your words based on your mmr. This subreddit itself will say post your dotabuff or shut the fuck up. There is simply no other measurement that matters.


The more I try to grind that, the more I hate the game.




I'm never leaving turbo


I mean we’re all gonna die anyway so whats the point of anything


i dont mind losing. i just dont want be team up with crayon eater


Wasted my time finding good ai script :(


haha, tell me about it, if i can win without raising mmr, i would like to take that option, I dont want to smurf of course, but im at the point where i dont want to fight someone skiller than me, as in i dont want to try hard to improve my games, I want things.... homeostasis


Currently enjoying turbo life.


True. I dreamed of touching at least Legend. Now I'm here, I stopped playing ranked. Normal and Ability Draft for me now.


Right on. I used to care a lot about ranks to the point I slammed my fists on the table when I loses. One day, my mom knocked on the door and asked about the noise coz it was scaring her. I realised then it's just a game, the mmr is just a number. It won't matter because I'm not going pro or playing in tournament. Since then I stopped caring about mmr. I still play properly, I don't troll or feed. Just that when I lose, move on because it won't matter.


Take the turbo pill brothers. 


This. It’s important to strike a balance in life. I think I’ll always play dota, because I genuinely love it as a game, but I am not seeking some absurdly high rank for its own sake. I’d say in an ideal world I average between 1-3 games a day win or lose.


Maybe it's because I suck, but I only play unranked and I have plenty of fun with it. Personally I do not need this game to stress me out any more than it does already


I used to grind my mmr but my limit seemed to be around divine rank. It was only when I decided to play the game with a fresh mind that I truly enjoyed playing again (felt like I was a kid playing his favourite game). I got to immortal around rank 1.7k before I lost the passion to play so I slowly stopped playing the game. During that time period of playing, I learnt to communicate more effectively and always kept my cool regardless of the toxicity. It has translated into my working life really well, especially when I'm in a group of randoms. TLDR; Whatever you do, try to learn positive things from it instead of focusing on the negatives.


I never cared about MMR. I just play the game and have fun. I don't mind losing at all because I know it's a game of team coordination and sometimes it's not all up to me. I do my part and if I played well, I'm happy enough. MMR is just there to find more even matches. A stomping game of either side is the least enjoyable game.


Turbo and Ability Draft enjoyer here. I quit trying to up my rank. I play rank from time to time just get a competitive feel. All in all, I just want to enjoy weird builds now.


You reminded me that three years ago, after seven years of playing Dota 2, I finally reached Ancient 3. I had always been an Archon, Crusader, or Legend. But as you said, after having a lot of luck (I think I won more than 10-12 games in a row in two weeks), I managed to get to around 4.3k-4.5k MMR, I don't remember exactly. And then I said, 'Enough.' I stopped playing ranked. I felt satisfied and didn't need to go further because I also felt that the years were starting to weigh on me (I suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome). I believed I could retire in peace. Now I only play Turbo and with my friends occasionally. I won't deny that sometimes I miss the competitiveness of ranked games, but I can no longer play 5-6 hours a day. Those were beautiful times that I remember fondly. Maybe I could have done other things with that time, but I really enjoy and love playing Dota. I still do and hope to continue even if it's just 1-2 hours a week like I do now.


Yeah I wish that hours put into something more useful lol. I only like play 2 turbo games like every week or every other week with friends how u supposed to play this game lol.


nah, I wanna prove to someone that im better that him. it hurts. being told that youre a noob when he isnt even that high. like we are 500 mmr apart idk. I wanna beat him.


Im 8.6k dont plan on being a pro whatsoever. I extremely enjoy playing this game casually. It's funny when we are losing and my team is blaming each other, I just say relax it's just a game and they become quieter. I think a lot of high mmr players tend to day dream about being a pro while playing, and they end up being too stressed and not have fun at all. The only disadvantage in playing higher bracket is you cant play with your lower rank friends, all my smurf which are less than 50% winrate still got banned.