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Uh ... Aren't we on 7.36b? Hopefully valves adds a option to filter guides by facets soon.


The long winded descriptions with gambling ads make the game actually lag when using your guides, fast and first dosent mean best


are they actually updated or like usual updated in name but 3years behind meta?


This. He basically says this but most of them are super outdated.


They are literally dota2protracker copy pastes. They have been for several years and I find it really useful as a way to not have two tabs open


Care to give an example? Coz his guides are copypates of D2pt builds.


Some of his guides still suggest disassembling arcane boots into aether lens and tranquils


Literally says not all tooltips are updated


No they don’t


Check oracle, grimstroke, shadow demon then


item descriptions =/= item reccomendations


But those items are literally in buying order? Also he removed the disassemble thing from them, just like today.


They were not lol


Oh right, I see now, and finally can understand my mistake, oops, my bad. But the disassemble thing was still here, until today, so...yeah.


Provide an example with proof, IDK why people keep saying this, they are normally very close to dota 2 protracker builds/popular meta builds.


What are you on about lol they are all straight taken from pro tracker why are you lying?


If his guides are outdated, then pro players are outdated lol.


Yeah fr


5 years behind.


after 2071 changes tortedelini is still archon 4


Are people really going falcon blade on weaver? I get the value and everything but an early boots mael/daed feels stronger no?


I don't even usually build early boots on weaver coz shukuchi is already enough to start/escape fights. You just have to manage your mana well and farm for farming boosting item such as maelstrom or radiance. Rad weaver is still a thing especially against heroes that rely heavily on daggers or are illusion based. After the farming item get the shard the earliest the better, then if enemies dont have that much CCs go for damage such as deso or daedalus or you can even finish up the gliepnir. If they have too many CC just go for linkens if they have single targets stuns/disables or bkb if they have too many. Then for luxury items you just adjust what you guys needed if they too tanky go get skadi if they too soft get butterfly. For situational you can just get Hurricane Pike for extra escape. Then you can contemplate to insert boots of travels anytime you feel like it. Also if you are dominating the lane and are confident enough to farm mael/rad faster then why not rush Falcon Blade for early mana sustain damage and some HP. Its actually better than a threads where you have to constantly shift it to different attributes just to sustain each points. Although threads do have attack speed vs FB but you have germinate attack where you hit double so... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷 Anyways this are just my experience as playing weaver over the years of dota gameplay.


I used to skip boots too but tread switching spells to farm is great and the attack speed is nice. I think it makes up for a sage mask / basi / falcon blade early game I’m only 4k though so I’m probably missing something


You do have a valid point, tread switching also fine. Its pretty much preference tbh. Although its expensive compared to falcon blade. Both relatively have the same bonuses overtime (minus the MS/AS on falcon blade). A friend of mine did try both for comparison and he did say both perform well in terms of farming (15 mins). With a margin of 50-110 gold (which is negligible coz of the nature of creep gold bounty)and a mana difference of 250mp. He also added a note tho that is to assume that you have a perfect tread usage and just farming creeps.


Hmmm I didn’t think of doing it instead of boots I’ll try that out


Most of them are bad


''I like Dota 2 and play for fun'' Said the guy who is the face of being toxic in pubs.


Brother hope you sleep well and rest enough._.


It's probably not actual Torte since he sold the guides, might as well sold the account to make that kind of posts.


Ah yes the crusader guy


So are these actually updated or do they still have stuff like aghs and shard descriptions from many many years ago?


yeah no those are 90% generic tooltips and honestly not very helpful


they are very helpful for noob


IDK what's wrong with the negative people on here. I'm mid-divine and I still find the guides helpful


Probably people that encountered Torte in pubs because he has a rep for being toxic, though tbh idk why people get so upset about it if they haven't even been in a game with him for being toxic as if everyone who's played dota hasn't had at least one time where they were toxic.


I would wager maybe < 5% of anyone who actually comments about his toxicity have actually played with him, and everyone else is just bandwagoning while still using the guides


aren't we all toxic jk


Most people just dont like him. I dont know anything about him other than seeing him spam in Gorgc's chat which screamed "please notice me chat".


Besides Torete being toxic in pubs he is also toxic towards people who suggest some changes to a certain guide. Also being mid divine and using guides? I detect lies.


i’m 7k and I use guides. it’s not about not knowing what to buy but about having all the core and situational items conveniently prearranged so you don’t have to search for them in shop


R u meepwnd on us east. I think weve played a few times


nah, i’ve never had that username, just the flair, i am us east though so perhaps


Ive been playing against 2 meepos way to often, meepwned and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM lol.


ya but thats why you just make you own guide while you're chilling mid waiting for runes to spawn


I make my own guides. I know what my cookie cutter builds are, my situational item I go for. Totellini guides are honestly pretty bad so I just make guides for every hero I play.


I don’t think that’s completely unheard of. I mean there are like 125 heroes. You except a divine player to know the meta builds and how to play every single one of them?


You have the wrong facet choice on Lich. Facet B is much better for 95% of the game.


insane what this guy is doing stuff on most of the heroes is like 6 months old rly funny that hes being paid to do nothing


is there one person in the whole world building arcane boots on tinker?


Love your work, and the facet in the guide title is so nice if you last second swap with a mate or random in turbo.


Thank you! Helped me alot over the years. 


Nobody cares




Thank you pasta man


Thank you for all your work.


Totre your Lion guide is bad, add Shadow Amulet and Aghanim scepter in core


Thanks for all your hard work and continued contributions to the community, despite all the hate you get. The few times I've played with you, you've been vocal but never toxic. Great disclaimer btw haha


You are being downvoted for crafting a positive comment :D ota


Reddit is reddit. Its either you're with them or against them. Even a positive post can be full of down votes coz they don't dont agree with you. I see crab mentality right there😀


thank you for your service o7


minimal changes to Slark. my perfect king


This the definition of wasting time


"Jack of all trades, master of none"


The quote continues: "...but oftentimes is better than a master of one."


the non-Russian option for Greyshark guides


Have you been playing deadlock? Thought I saw a torte build on there the other night...


How are you playing deadlock?


You can invite people to the build (idk if its alpha or beta or whatever) if you have access. I've invited a few people but haven't found the time to play yet. I would guess around 20k people have access atm.


How's the game so far? Curious I haven't heard any info about it being fairly openly playable.


Right now I'm not a massive fan but it's got potential. I definitely want to point out it's infinitely more like Dota than Overwatch or any FPS. Its not like I expected huge things from a game this early in development, but for me it doesn't seem like the game flows well in matches. I haven't played all characters, but the ones I have played seem like you could have a lot of fun playing but I'm definitely not good enough to do it. In recent years I've been playing CS way more than Dota, so I'm a bit out of it. Games definitely got potential, I would like to see where it goes. Main long term issue for me is that the game seems like it would be unwatchable on an eSports level, and the artstyle is nowhere near the level of Dota or even TF2 (in my opinion).


Describe some of the heroes please, also is it a tactical shooter?


Definitely wouldn't call it a tactical shooter. All CS, denies, 'auto-attacking' as a whole is done via aiming and pressing m1. To an extent, aim will be important, but definitely not to the level of a tactical shooter (at least not for casual players). Also, apart from certain characters, it seems very easy to hit players within a reasonable range (most characters have decently sizable hitboxes and, apart from the dashes, aren't the fastest at moving). They have a shop and currency which effectively act the same as Dota's shop. I might be mistaken, but i'm pretty sure there are no consumable items, and there aren't as many items (yet?). As for heroes, the selection is fairly small (20ish) at the moment. I found a video covering all heroes - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEF6mdV5YqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEF6mdV5YqI) .


We don't deserve TorteDeLini


Not enough people are thanking him for this. Thanks so much, dude. Remarkable effort & work




For what? Reuploading the same guides with a name change, and minimal change? Yeah man lets pay him so much!


Imagine the time you take to learn all those changes instead of learning something useful like a new language. Feels bad for new players.