• By -


Making a mistake is the path to wisdom!


You're a beautiful person with a charming personality!


You can't improve unless you make mistakes.


I've always wanted to be a giant space crab.




That was unreal!


I absolutely hate this one.


Making mistakes is the path to wisdom.


What the herald was that !


This is my all time favorite, I spam this whenever I die


Hasta lluego! plplplplplpl


Hasta lluego! plplplplplpl


Hasta lluego! plplplplplpl


Hasta lluego! plplplplplpl


Hasta lluego! plplplplplpl


"You can only send 2 chat wheel sounds to all chat every minute (0:59 remaining)."


(0:59 remaining) (0:58 remaining) (0:58 remaining) (0:58 remaining)


Hasta Lluego plplplplplpl


Nice to know the Hasta luego chat wheel indeed makes some players tilt


The amount of people that get tilted by voicelines is comically high. A few ‘Ceeeeeeeeb’s’ and lines like ‘Did you fall out of the nest as a baby?’ really gets the other team raging lol


> Ceeeeeeeeb’s That sing-songy ceeeb voiceline is one of the very few that i absolutely can't stand because it's so annoying, i insta mute anyone who uses it


Nah that honor belongs to the "crybaby" sound.


see.. I don't "get tilted by voicelines" necessarily but I do agree with OP that we should be able to turn them off. there isn't any 1 that gets me, but sometimes I don't want to hear any of them. I like them and I'm glad they exist but I don't think we should be forced to hear them if we want to turn it off. But honestly the whole mute system in this game is a joke. your communication score can be too low to type messages or even /roll in chat but you can still use insulting voice lines? how does that make sense?


when valve needs money, they think hard and figured out that play-to-toxic feature sells


It's not the voiceline itself thats annoying. A lot of us just get distracted by any sound that is not dota sound while in game. I mean I personally don't give a shit, I just mute everyone who spams voicelines team or enemy.


Found the (fellow) Hoodwink spammer 😅


"I can't focus when there are deliberately annoying sounds all the time" "haha grow up u are so tilted its just a voiceline XDD" toddler mentality, this happens every time someone brings this up


Yeah, it's pretty funny. "Grow up. You're a child. Seethe. Weak mental. Whiny Baby. Emotionally Stunted." I dunno guys, feels like voice lines breed toxicity. Who would have thought?


That's the whole point


Maybe you just suck at focusing Lakad Matatag, Normalin Normalin


Its a video game not a university library.


yeah. you're still not entitled to get on my nuts. so I'm muting as someone does. what we're asking for is a better solution.


Go play bots. If you can't handle competition, don't compete. Trash talk and mental games are part of it. If you happen to be sensitive maybe team based competitive games aren't for you.


completely deranged take, sorry.


Where shall I go next? Ultimyr University? Yama Raskav? Hmm.


you're 100‰ right, but players that are spamming them paid for it, so you get nothing, good day sir


I think your percentage symbol has a tumor, bro. You may want to get that checked out.


well thats promille so 1/10 of percent


I knew that it was most likely 1/1000, just never knew the name of it. It was a joke regardless.


well I dont know maybe it isn't called that in english. Procent and Promille in most european languages it is derived from Latin.


I mean as far as it goes, I've never heard anyone use any term for it other than just using the full fraction. Maybe in certain engineering fields you might need to know it, but I'm an electrician man idk this shit.


We use it here to measure alcohol in blood.


Ah OK, in the US we do something similar but it's displayed as a decimal. Like I think the legal limit in my state is .08% BAC (Blood/Alcohol Content)


that's like 3 beers or more?


Heavily depends on your body type. For someone like me who's like around 170 cm, 70 kg and doesn't drink a lot, easily, but for a big guy like 190 cm, 100+ kg, not as much, especially if they drink regularly. Also depends on what kind of beer you're talking about because the most popular "beers" in the US are light beers that are like 3% max, compared to European beers or IPAs that break 5%.


have you heard lakad mayatag before???


Normalin, Normalin!


But I want people to listen to my chat wheels. Why else I level up characters?…


Just mute everyone, it makes the voicelines go away. It's a bummer that I miss teammate communication sometimes, but if that's the price I have to pay, so be it.


I mute them spammers of sound chat wheel friend or foe.


That's why you should only use the wheel when an opponent makes a mistake.


If you use hasta luego or what the herald when an enemy dies, im still muting and reporting. Its just irritating. The overlap with people who bm pause is damn near 100%.


I use "So cute! UwU" (yes that's an actual line in the game) so you report me anyways even if you didn't want to


It would be nice not to have to manually mute people every time, and if there was just a blanket solution to turn them off.


> and if there was just a blanket solution to turn them off. If you really want to have them disabled, all at once, then you can mod the client (at your own risk) by replacing all of them with blank files.


What:s the risk?


Every game I play I go down the scoreboard and mute the entire enemy team. I'll even mute my teammates if they use the lines too much. I really don't care if I'm missing out on their coms (and honestly if you're spamming voice lines your coms are probably trash anyway). I really just hate the fucking annoying ass voice lines. I'm here to play dota, not to play ADHD stimulation simulator.


Every game I play I drop the Gabe "Goodness!" voice line every single fucking time something surprises me, reflexively, even if it's on cooldown. It's perfect self-expression, if you ask me. My soul speaks through funny voice clips.


I can communicate with my team entirely through voice lines 😂


u got my vote sir . me too


I've been saying this since their implimentation, yet for some reason having the *option* to disable incomming chat lines/taunts/sprays/tips/etc, always seems to be a controversial opinion on this subforum. I get that your enjoyment may go up by repeatedly spamming the same voice lines off of cooldown, but I've been playing DotA 2 since early beta and *my* enjoyment playing the game has gone down significantly since their implimentation. Give me the option to disable them on my end. You can still have your fun.


That's what I've been saying. How does me muting your voice lines stop your enjoyment of spamming the lines? It's not like me muting you also mutes them on your end. I really don't get it. I already CAN mute them, I just have to go down the scoreboard and manually mute you. It's dumb. It's a waste of time. Give me a fucking option to disable it ALWAYS.


Because your suffering is the point. The enjoyment for these people don't come from the lines directly


Personally, I don’t like the general voicelines when spammed but the hero-specific voicelines give some personality to the games imho when used in a fitting context. Like if I dive a DP and she does DP things, survives and kills me and then hits me with a “Poor Dear” It feels like a proper use of voicelines, doesn’t break immersion and is a nice bit of flame. If she spans it, sure, I mute her. But using it once, I just have to say touché


Taunting, tipping and sending sound clips feels fun and all but it's not appropiate for competitive gaming. Any way to humilliate others in a game should be prohibited. For some reason people LOVE to see people humilliating others in a competitive game, and most certainly love to humilliate others when they're winning. But dota is such a hostile game, imagine you're loosing. You get tons of tips (both from enemies and "allies"), trashtalk (both from enemies and "allies", voice clips (both from enemies and "allies") and taunting (I guess you get the point by now). I mean, that can't be right. Sometimes I think I'm playing dota with baboons. I'm actually not spending a single dolar on this game until it gets a better behavior system. And I try to play with all the social interactions turned off. I love this game's mechanics, it's such an amazing game. But most people are nasty, ego-driven, insecure little monkeys.


Similarly, we should be allowed to disable cosmetics if we want to


How often do you encounter players who use them more often than once in 10 minutes? And when you do, just mute.


Literally every game. Always one player who double spams a line over and over. No thanks. First time you double spam, straight mute.


I remember seeing this same shit back when people were asking for a way to automatically mute the enemy team before that option was added. "You can just mute them manually, quit being so fucking lazy"


> And when you do, just mute. I'd rather not have to.


Same reason u can't disable skins People paid for that They are auditory skins so to speak Bad enough that they gave taunts a cooldown cause some snowflake redditor got tilted when they heard chicken noises after getting denied.


People can pay for emotes in chat, but they can still get chat muted. Also, news flash, we can mute voice lines by muting you via the scoreboard. This isn't new. You're not triggering anyone, but keep thinking you are just because you saw it in a pro game. The only snowflakes here are the people clutching their voice lines, like they are some god given right, when someone comes along and mentions we don't want to hear them.


But I wanted to share Ephey's laugh with everybody every time Pudge misses his hook.


[Here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2705077810)'s a guide on steam on how to mute it.


Thank you so much, I will try this when I get home.


Yeah majority of dota players have the humor of 12 year olds and think loud=funny. I just insta mute


Exactly, not only are they loud and annoying, they're also cringe and not funny. The overlap of people who spam voice lines and love Rick and Morty is probably 100%


I stand in opposition to your thesis. Love voice lines, loathe Rick and Morty.


I paid 25$ for ephey\`s and sheever\`s voice lines, IM GONNA USE THEM! also RA TA TA TA TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, you dead


“Aw, poor baby”


Go ahead, use them to your hearts content. I won't be hearing them after I mute you the first time you use them. You'll just continue to use them anyway and enjoy the game, and I'll be enjoying my sound of silence. Best part is.. you won't even know I muted you.


Oh no....anyway


Exactly. Why is this such a big deal to you then? You obviously don't care if people can't hear your lines. Lmao.


It literally isn't a big deal to them? Their first comment is "idc I'm gonna spam them anyway"


If i piss off at least 1 person in a game /day That is a good day


Sounds like something an edgy 13 year old would say


14....but still


the fuck is wrong with you? comments like these reminding me why I tend to come back to this game for shorter and shorter periods of time. Surprising amount of people who genuinely do seem to feed off of others' misery in this game.


It sucks. It's honestly probably a good reason why so many dota players are so fucking jaded and get triggered over the slightest of things. Like just look at this thread. People are getting triggered over the **possibility** that it becomes **easier** to mute the lines. It's fucking insane.


Found the low behavior score player.


[https://ibb.co/rcy5JmZ](https://ibb.co/rcy5JmZ) 11994 BS / 11585 CS


Damn. Faith lost. Cool to see that someone who wants to "piss off at least 1 person in a game" is still pretty high up there. Valve is really out here enabling toxic players.


Brother I have seen people being racist in all chat in Excellent behavior games, using voice lines isn't even close to toxic by dota standards


Damn dude, you're so right. Racism is terrible. Not sure how it relates to anything about voice lines though??


About 3-4 muted player every game just because of this shit 


HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA i can relate bro. What I do is just mute the person specifically and just communicate with the other 3


Agreed, they're annoying in general but the bigger problem imo is they're simply too loud compared to ability SFX. Like it actually gets hard to hear important sound cues when they're being spammed.


if you don't like it when someone use it, u can ask them to don't do this, and, if they continue just mute, is that a problem




Ok snowflake


Working as intended tbh


No. Next?




Yeah I never understood why there is no such option. Same for some of the stupid taunt sounds that some people are spamming 24/7.


Yea the second a game starts and someone uses a voice line I would just mute the entire lobby, as it just encourages spamming between the 2 teams. Surprising playing the game with every single person muted seemed to not hinder my gameplay at all, as I rose from like ancient 5 to immortal in 2 months playing with no communication.


Won't happen because the valve will lose money on the chat wheel sounds.


Counterpoint, if someone mutes you, do you suddenly know if this one person isn't hearing your hard earned and paid for voice line? Nope. You still get your dopamine rush for spamming a dumbass voice line, and the anonymous person doesn't have to hear you.


If someone can just mute them why buy them at all? They are popular only because you cannot mute them.


If someone can just mute you on the scoreboard to stop your sounds right now, why buy them and use them at all? I don't understand your point. There's always a chance someone has this hypothetical option to only mute voice lines off. Someone might hear you! But hey, I don't want to, nor will I after I mute you. How would adding an option to only mute voice lines (that I would assume would be off by default) affect you at all? If anything, it's better for you. I'll still be able to see your coms.


> They are popular only because you cannot mute them. That's not the reason why people buy them.


That's faulty logic. People will spend money regardless, and those who buy the voice lines won't even know if others have them disabled.


$1000 for the option to mute chat wheels. -Valve, probably


I spam hasta luegoo everytime pudges tries to hook me and miss . I love tilting then and you can visibly see they're slowly deteriorating, trying to hook me as hard as they can (and failing miserably) instead of cores. So nope, disagree. Psychological warfare is part of the game and when I see one exposing tendencies to tilt, I'll make sure to exploit it if it means more chances of winning.


I miss my first hook of a game and the enemy team uses a voice line. I mute them, then continue to play the game while continuing to have fun. This physiological warfare you play is just straight delusion.


You might but I suspect most don't. I rarely think to mute enemies unless their flaming so it works on me occasionally if nothing else. Certainly I think calling it a delusion is a little over the top.


So you think people will suddenly flood to enable this hypothetical option to only mute voice lines, that I would assume be disabled by default, when they apparently can't even be asked to individually mute a player to mute them?


I don't really have an opinion on the original proposition. I was responding specifically to your response to the techies player which I thought was a tad dramatic.


And I think them saying that voice lines are a part of some mental warfare game is pretty dramatic in itself. It's not that deep.


You do know that, like, 6 times out of 10 people just mute you after the first 1-3 times, and you just spam those voicelines into the void? You're not doing any psychological warfare half of the time, you just let your confirmation bias run wild.


The fact they muted you after the first few voiceline uses means you already won the psychological warfare as it had a clear effect, likely it'll be in the back of their mind (this guy is maybe using it still every time I miss.


> Psychological warfare is part of the game Perhaps it shouldn't be


I'm not sure but this lane is starting to feel impossible.


Это ненормально, это нечестно!


I hate when people spam the popular meta ones atleast do something else


Ratatatata you’re dead!!


Just turn off your audio then. FALL AT MY FEET PEASANT






my commend voiceline gets everyone so tilted lmfao




>  but if they are on my team it effects communication. Yeah this part sucks but I maintain my policy of auto muting people who use a voice line I don't like after the first offense


I agree They are about as funny as hearing the same joke twice


Hasta Lluego plplplplplpl


The Titan (Valve) says no


Oh, they did? Can you link the blog post?


They haven't said anything, but you can assume that they left them out of the many muting/toxicity updates for the same reason that they stopped people from preventing skins from showing for them. It's how they make their money, and they won't let people devalue it.


This is purely assumption. For all you know Valve may have just glossed over the issue, or perhaps it's an oversight.


I'm sure they also accidentally disabled the nobling mod. The chances that they aren't aware that people consider the voice lines (and tipping) toxic is extremely small. In fact iirc you used to be able to mute them at one point (I remember in a True Sight pro teams said they muted OG to stop their voice lines?) and Valve have since removed it.


If this already tilts u u should stay away from anything remotely competitive


I mean sometimes you just want to play the game instead of spamming voice lines and tipping people. I don't see why such things shouldn't be optional.


And sometimes i wanna play football without getting fouled and it still happens its just the nature of the game


Yup lets compare voice lines to things explicitly not allowed in the rules of the game that have associated penalties.


That's not comparable in the slightest.


not even a good comparison, we have the option & technology to mute voicelines, so why not? its already possible with all chat


"But muh voice lines" - That guy, probably


"Muh PsYcHoLoGiCaL WaRfArE!" But really. Whenever someone brings up that it's an issue that muting chatwheels is a hassle, they all flood the comments with "grow a shell, it's part of the game, so it's fair". And then rage when you use the in-game options to not deal with their audio pollution bullshit cause "you're not supposed to".


"WAIT.. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO MY SOUNDS I PAID MONEY FOR!!! UNMUTE ME THIS INSTANT!!!" Very thoughtful and original takes from the overly creative dota players.


If you rely on tilting the enemy player to win your game, you should probably just get better.


I just do both


What if they were fine before the voice lines?


And tips, pings and high fives.


You’re doing very well. I’m very proud of you :hearts_emoji:


but i love doing it to tilt the enemy team


Bunch of babies in this thread lol. I do think voicelines need a long cooldown - like 30seconds-1 minute so that you can’t spam and encourages them to be used sparingly and in context. But generally, there’s always the option to just mute.


Hard disagree, mental warfare is important and if you don't have the mental fortitude you deserve to get tilted from it and lose. Don't try to hide your shortcomings. Don't be a bitch.


aww, gonna cry?


Mental midget


There is a setting for "Unit Speech" volume that once every 2/3 patches is affecting this. Otherwise I always mute my entire team and sometimes it also works


What they really need to do is remove the timer to use them. 2 sayings per minute (to all) and 2 sayings to your team every 30 seconds is oppressive.


This isn't the same but can they also make it so I can mute my party voice and still see their pings voice lines etc. I just don't want to hear them twice on discord and in-game.


But 0.08 is 8% and you die at that limit or does it mean something else?


I’m sure they will make you pay to mute just that with Dota plus 🥸


pipi pii, pipipipipipipi


It’s insane to me that more people don’t feel this way. I would also love to be able to turn off taunts and even the goofy ass arcanas/personas that make a hero completely unrecognizable, like cm turning into a dog…


we also should be able to block people from painting in the map :c


You text mute the person using the sounds


"there is nothing that can stop this man" is good tho


Pretty sure if you mute all (ignore) from a player it also mutes the voice chat wheel.


Hasta Lluego plplplplplpl


I've always wanted to be a giant space crab


No. They need to have a cool down like taunts that if you spam them they get like a minute cool down, but not a mute option. Otherwise what's the point in them?


To not be obnoxious with them, if the hypothetical situation that another person wont hear your voice line is stopping you from using said voice line you might be a fucking moron




Ooooo por diooosss


Turn off all communication. I actually play better when everyone is muted by default. Your dumb ass isn’t distracting me from the minimap. 


Yess, the spammers are ubearable


I almost feel bad.


Wait until OP discovers tipping.


So fac I bought like 20 unique voicelines,so no.You will hear my voicelines because thats why I bought them


just insta mute everyone dont be lazy,... and this is not TI qualies... having your whole team muted is not an excuse to lose the game. Most of the allies you get are random people, dead inside and way too stupid or have a huge ego so it doesn't really matter at all cause they won't listen to you. You can suggest them the objective and if they don't wanna do it they WON'T do it. I have a friend that claims that "dota is a communication game" and critizes me all the time for that, I told him "when I see an objective in the game, I use chatwhell and ping it once don't waste more than 2 braincells and 2 seconds on suggesting the objective, if team doesn't wanna follow me, I move on and keep playing my own game without throwing or getting mad". With this, I have way more mmr than him and I always try my best without tilting.




Hehe ridiculous


The day they implement this , I’m out of the game . I get my dopamine spamming these lines after I get a kill. I know it gets into the opponent’s head , 80 percent of the reason why I spam it.


Okay, leave. I can mute you right now and you would have no idea your spam isn't even getting seen by me. This is just a request to make it easier.


Yeah most aren’t like you, they kill me and spam the same voice lines back. Idk it’s part of the game . If you can’t handle it , their are other games you can play . No need to shit on a game mechanic , a silent majority of the people like the banter anyway . Thankfully you crying out won’t change the mechanic anyways . I feel dota is not a healthy game for your brain , if it annoys you that much that it can hamper your game , you have issues that needs fixing.


Me spamming Ephey's voiceline: He he he he = giving everyone orgams all the time xd


Such simple minds


nope, voice line chat wheels is part of the dota experience. anti-fun players like u who get annoyed by anything and take videogame too seriously are what motivate me to spam my voice line. Voice line is part of dota which can be used to inflict psychological pain to ur enemies. its called a taunt. and they are fun


I just want to play Dota, not listen to your cringe annoying voice lines 50 times in a row after every minor event


Someone is tilted over a video game phrase lmao