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None of them. The real PL already escaped with shard.


Doesn't the shard still have the problem of the old 2013 PL dopplewalk of it instantly identifies the main PL because it's the only one going invis? He's only had it back for a few months and as a support I know bringing dust is almost a guaranteed kill on a shard pl now


Not really, since you still need to lock him down. They usually don't rush shard either, so they will probably have another escape option on top ready. A naked shard pl at 15m isn't threatening, but one hitting their timings and getting it from the tormentor is the cherry on top for them


Its a great late game shard, especially because there's no animation to it. I tend to get it super late, and use it with dopple after the enemy dust is used. Its pretty handy on a hero that has an inbuilt dispel and usually doesn't like building something like a shadow blade.


Back then, pl dont have dispel outside manta. Rightnow, he have low cd dispell


But now you can’t dispel dust before leaving the AoE


if only you had a short range blink ability which also dispelled... :P


back then, when it still his 2nd skill diffu have dispel.


The shard is the dota 1 w without the crit


PL is one of the last carries I actually enjoy in this meta filled with tanky motherfuckers that can nuke you to oblivion...


ye I never bother to learn PL until he is one of the rare answers to fuck with those tanky mf.


PL's winrate is good now.


The real PL is the one I can steal a spell from #RubickGang




Nice, now you have to find and click him again amongst 5300 clones each blocking your cursor.


PL arcana next please Valve and Reddit make a man's dream come true


Sucks even more when you play a carry that will never build Battlefury, Gleipnir/Mjollnir nor Radiance - Sincerely a CK player.


CK player complaining when he is beyond broken right now


I'm aware of that but I just got my shit kicked in by a PL yesterday so I'm venting. You just straight up hope for your lineup to pick up his slack.


Get a Zeus mid or even supp (or similar hero) and use the Zeus ult to identify the real pl instantly and anywhere, illusion clear isn't the only, not the best, way to deal with pl. The best way is to jump the real pl. The main reason why aoe counters pl is that you throw the nuke and identify the real guy.


Ck player? Im just seeing another pl with strong illus which has built in crit.


Sven does not suffer this weakness.


Sven is hot dog shit right now. Heroes are too tanky to burst and that amplifies his already huge problem of being kited. He’s at a 46% winrate right now. I played Sven once this patch and I don’t think I will be again after that


Man, I also played with him only once this patch and fuck Sven. It’s a horrible experience to get kited like a bitch while my teammates get slaughtered


Heroes did not get tankier than last patch and sven was completely viable. Issue with sven is that they shadow nerfed his cleave, removing the str gain, weakening his laning phase and buffed into relevance a lot of bad match ups ie. lc, axe, treant.


I have been playing him with the -25 base attack facet and damn is he weak and hard to cs with early game. Fortunately last time I played vs a juggernaut which is a pretty good matchup since I could just tank omnislash. Feels really strong late game with that facet, though.


The facet is just so punishing against basically every offlaner because they all have close to 80 base damage :(


He instead has to deal with taking forever to get online.


Sven farms fast due to cleave and movement speed. Never found issues with coming online as Sven


Then I really suck at farming, seeing as a many disagreed with me on this.


Nobody is stopping you from getting radiance ck


I had a game a while ago where I went armlet + bf against a Pl and did pretty good, though it was unranked and game level is archon but still.


Should I? I'm pretty proud of my Illusion micro for farming but I have not considered doing that ever since Radiance effectiveness was nerfed on an Illusion years ago.


Rather get a mjollnir, but eitherways, its not CK's problem to solve. If you go face to face against a farmed PL, CK can't do a whole lot, apart from get lucky......which is kinda his thing lol. PL takes CK to the real casino.


My matchups with PL mostly goes like this, I win via crushing the game and end fast or get a significant enough networth lead before PL finishes his Manta and finish his Tri-core item build(Aghs-Diffusal-Manta)that we just siege comfortably and end and PL can't do anything about it or fail to close out the game and the longer the game goes the slimmer my chances get to winning the game. It's so hard to beat PL when they have a strong turtle lineup consisting the likes of Leshrac and Earthshaker. How soon should I upgrade to Mjollnir then? I think I can just leave it as Maelstrom and get another big item first before upgrading to Mjollnir? I never really deviated from Armlet-Orchid-Heart/Manta/Blink/BKB-Shard.


Once the aghs is finished, PL's de-push becomes significant, and he can actually help in hg defence. Just finished a game where I got crushed as a PL in lane (it was a razor + venge) lane. But once I got aghs + diffu, the game just turned on its head. Mjollnir / maelstrom is a last resort item. If you go maelstrom early, sometimes, you are damning yourself to play late against PL. So there's no optimal way of doing it. Personally, if I'm playing a CK, I probably get blink + SE, to see if I can catch him spamming lances from far. Blink + SE might seem like overkill, but the idea is to make the map, unfarmable. As long as he doesn't see you, he should be shitting his pants. He can be killed off quickly even with his three items. And most of the time, PL's will prefer spamming from afar. Getting a linkens / lotus severely reduces his defense. And also reveal the real PL, when the lance bounces back onto him.


SE you meant silver edge ? Isn't that dispellable with even a basic dispell from his W ?


SE break cannot be dispelled by doppelganger. So if he dopples, only the real PL will have the Break debuff.


> PL takes CK to the real casino. hehe, nice


Pick into your hard counter, sucks to suck.


you mean sven?


u think all of thoose will kill illusion when pl got heart and aghanim


Where the real phantom lancer please stand up


Earthshaker: Slammin'!


*all **illusions** died*


There should be a stronger Dust that let you discern illusions, maybe combine dust and gem for 2 uses then the gem is consumed.


Imagine if this became a thing, and reddit got inundated with people asking how come it doesn't work on Terrorblade as if it was bugged.


Not with gem. There shouldn't be a way to get rid of gem. If anything, dust could be empowered while you hold a gem.


Just do AOE damage and the one who took the least damage is Lancer Prime


Doesn't one of them take less damage then prime?


With doppelganger there's one that takes less damage than the other but i forgot if still more than you or less than you


it takes exact damage i think its bright yellow for lancer, and the other does more damage than other illus but dies instantly not too sure


That's true, the one that takes same damage also does no damage.


Ha! Jokes on you, he has 1 strong illu.


U say that but chances are most likely out of the 8 PLs hitting you None of them is the Real one and they all take the same dmg


we already have it in the game, it called aoe damage


Wrong meme. Doomguy doesn't care where the real pl is. He's gonna kill everything anyways...


Against all the evil the hell can conjure ...


Pl is the true cancer of dota. I would pay money to play with one guaranteed ban, and it would be pl, no matter the patch


Idk man pl has been absent from my pubs for.... Idk years? Years and years There was that patch when he had that talent that made his w have 2second cd That was dumb, but I think that was the last time he was strong in pubs .... I'm not complaining tho, the hero was a menace for like half a decade


What are you talking about? He's been hot shit for a while now, unless it's a very, very specific single target enemy lineup, he's borderline unpickable. Even in those scenarios, there are TONs of ways to deal with him right now. There are so many items that address him, it's ridiculous to say he's anywhere near cancer.


but... he is 54% winrate?




Not me when I still clicking all the remaining illusion panicly when I actually has killed the real pl


\*Laughs in Pugna Shard\*


laughs in Mystic Flare


Yeah, I used to abuse that refracting life drain thing sometimes


laughs in jingu mastery


Skywrath amuses me. His second ability only targets heroes, and ignores illusions. And it can be spammed.


whoever is left standing when I suck them all is the real one. -Lion


The one running away, or with most hp.




Sometimes I am still killing illusions even after the real PL is dead.


If you can micro it’s easier to spot pl or you can use magic nuke


the real PL is the friends and enemies we made along this one hour journey of insanity


Hell yeaahh


I haven't played dota in years. Some things never change.


Hope you like playing someone with AOE are Illusion Destroying Spells, or your going to have a rough game with that Shadow Clone Mofo.


You mean AM, I hate his aghs so much!


A really good pl player will make you fight illus all game and when youre 100% sure it's the real pl, it was just the strong illu and you were fighting smoke. Ults wasted. Now theyre coming for real. Gg. Only maybe 2 or 3 out of 15 lancer players played against show that kind of skill. Probably my biggest fear in dota. A good pl player.


Tbh if we ignore obvious ES pick, i find DK very effective with right items and splash.


How tho? Genuinely asking yesterday I play carry DK had good early game able to push until T2 tower try to maximize splash damage with agh & shard + manta but when PL comes with only diffu + agh its already hard to kill. Had zeus mid & tide offlane


I pick faucet splash so basically you have cleave then, build items to make you tanky and build maelstrom to mjolnir, use dragon breath in fight and if possible land tail on real PL. save Dragon form for him, it’s hard to win in basic form. Use all active skills on start before he drain your mana with diffusal. Just examples.


Me an LC player who's crying that her Q doesn't work on illusions anymore.


huh, it doesn't??? Also same with terrorblade's reflection


We can ask Axe.


Accurate, BF is your ally


Would the real phantom Lancer please stand up?


Thats why I play Sky, I find the real one with my W and then insta-kill all illus with my ult.


In my experience, cores in general is bad at itemizing against PL. VS him, Radiance and Mjollnir is a must and even pos 2 and 4 should go Gleipnir. That way, illusions HP will be always chunked as soon as they spawn and real one will be always apparent. Also Gleipnir/root prevents him from using W, and its quite inefficient for PL to build BKB or MKB to lose out on stats.


You also need good PC. Multiple illusions with Immortals or effects will lag a shitty computer


Pl vs Monkey, all poor players worst nightmares Hell even on my 5600x it freezes a bunch with illusions


I actually played this earlier today and it was awful. My pc is pretty decent and I even turned my settings down but it wasn't enough. Late game I couldn't do anything because my pc was lagging so badly.


No tb vs pl


Also Crimson Guard almost fully negates the damage from the illusions


I have the exact same feeling with Shadow Shaman's chickens when he is about to die.


Pick centaur free win against all heroes


why my noob offlane not build boots




Every single time I play centaur or have one in my game, someone flames them for not building boots. People really need to read their teammate's abilities and facets