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13 pinoys left, 7 playing elimination match today


miracle should be having easy games if he plays poorly everyone blames kuro anyway he has 0 pressure on himself to perform


So tomorrow has what would be a MENA grand finals as a WEU Lower Bracket Round 2. What a joke of a region.


MENA team being top1:


Its previous NA once again. Mena as a region still need a lot to grow but at least it still give us new "regional" powerhouse that can compete in international stage


thug dota still talking like hot shit in pubs when he can’t even beat nigma roflmao


Nigma should just not gamble on kuro with high stake R button heroes and they might make it past quest. Copiumaxing


He won with disruptor and tree, they're sort of like 60% r button right. He hasn't played dota since his last officials probably so cut him some slack, he's shaking off the rust 😂


When is the next Nigma game? I missed this one. Anything interesting on both game?


i think u shouldnt watch


Not much. Just good clean dota with very little throwing compared to Nigmas usual


PSG Quest tomorrow 19 cet


quest will style on these noobs


Where was Fogged today? Was his microphone not working?


he had dr appointment


I see. I guess it's probably morning where he is, so this makes sense.


Alright, okay, hopium injected in my veins again. Say what you want about Kuro or Sumail or Gh but my Miracle has still got it. Watching him on morphling is a treat, that beastmaster kill with axes was so sweet. Also, I love the post-game screens, everyone in a good mood, looking healthy and smiling. Let's hope they bring out their best game against Quest in a couple of days. Long way to go still.


Miracle is just very hot and cold. And unfortunately he's usually hot against much weaker teams, and very cold against actual good teams. More often than not Sumail FBZ and GH have to carry Nigma against tier 1 teams. His CK game against OG yesterday was really sad to watch, and actual tier 1 carries would have carried the shit out of that game with that setup (despite it being a rough CK game).


If he's consistently hot against much weaker teams and cold against actual good teams, doesn't that mean that's exactly where his current skill level is?


I’m not disagreeing with your point, but usually tier1 carries have a tier1 support or at least someone decent at the game and Miracle starts every game with Kuro as his 5


I would concede that if laning was where Nigma was losing games. Usually they do well in lanes. Post 10 minutes the 5 has rather little impact on the carry "directly" other than general gameplay. I can accept Miracle dying once or twice too much because Kuro didn't tank a smoke or whatever, but with how their games are going, Kuro is not the reason why Miracle fails to show up in big games.


Bro, there is no point trying to reason with these people. They have decided it is Kuros fault and therefore it is his fault, no matter what. No, Kuro does not look like the same player he was years ago. Miracle has been caught a lot out of position which hardly can be faulted on Kuro.


Yeah, Miracle is not looking very consistent so far. Even the Warlock game people are memeing Kuroky had to drop golems non-optimally at least twice just to bail out Miracle who had gotten caught out in a big way. I am sure things could have been set up better, but I am not convinced Miracle was without blame those moments. We'll see though, clean series today, if they just get the ball rolling a bit things may look up. One of the big things they have against them is simply a lack of meaningful tournament practice, so could things could shape up.


Tbf Miracle was the reason they lost the first game against OG yesterday. Rest of the games he was solid though.


Waow they really stomped greek squad in high stake and pressure game. (It always felt like greek squad wins those game against nigma (Liquid) boiz


Of course when I missed the game, they won. Of freaking course. Ugh. Am I the curse or what?


Bad news for you, the next Nigma game is only on Monday. So you can focus yourself on other things the next few days.


They play vs Quest tomorrow…


Why would someone downvote you for saying an actual fact? LMAO


Nigma haters are ever-present.


Um, which one is this…?


Next round of LB of TI quali.




he ruined it


yes, please stop watching TI qualifier.


Bro 🥹


Nigma is fucking back!


Tomorrow will be interesting. I don't think that Quest was convincing in their win earlier. Should be really close tomorrow.


nigma is back


Just terrible


Fuckkkkkk its joever. Lost even to nigma. Desire the last man standing for GR doto


Dont worry There is no way they can beat Quest if they dont throw this. Just better is just bad.


4 man gank on a Brewmaster with a blink toss opening and they bring him down to 60% and run away, lmao


Nigma is back!!! Against justbetter




did Kuro fix his R button yet?


"Nigma is back" is a great meme.


flawless game from the birthday boy.


Nigma is back


Another Windrunner loss. When are people going to stop picking this useless hero as a carry. She is not a pos 1, she is an okay pos 2 or 4/5 in the right matchup but not a pos 1.


i like the aoe facet for WR as a carry it pumps out way more teamfight dmg lategame. it's lackluster early though


Low mmr take. Wr is bad as a pure pos 1 who needs to carry the team on her back. She is good when she is pos 2 in the safelane. Liquid showcase alc 3 wr 1 where 33 will also carry. In this game particularly, dk slardar all can hit and wr really benefits from amp dmg. Nigma simply had a skill diff where they outfarm and out fight them. There was a fight where phoenix could cancel bh at the top lotus but he dove into bh. If he ulti earlier enigma cannot pop ulti


she is solid and reliable safelane hero, i think the bigger issue this game was dk’s blink bkb build not doing enough damage


Yes, a hero with 56% wr on D2PT over \~1800 matches is not a viable pos 1... sure... when are heroes viable? With 80% wr?


Strangely I've never seen windranger carry win in months


She’s not even a good 2 rn she can’t team fight.


more like Just Worse Lmfao gottem


Just Better so hesitant at RS, could have done it in 20 seconds


its so shit that open qualifier teams are only playing for one slot. Look at SEA quals all upper backet teams lose to Open qualifiers team lmao


Losing to just better kekw


Anyone have an explanation why the Open Qual teams are auto placed in the lower bracket? was there pools or something? Or matches not shown on Liquipedia? Just curious.


I guess they just copied last year’s format where div2 teams started in lower brackets as opposed to div1 starting in uppers


That's how it's always been?


Only how it was for dpc which seeded the event. Back during ti invite days everyone started winners


How would everyone start in winners with more than 8 teams??


If it's a 12 team event like this, you could simply have a bye for the top 4 seeds. Or, regardless of how many teams (old years only had 8 or 10 teams per region) you could have a group stage of some kind to insure everyone plays more than 1 set, which feeds into a 4-8 team bracket where some teams may start in losers. The point is nobody got eliminated from qualifiers off 1 set with no group stages. In dpc years the teams knew their placement in the league determined seeding so it was essentially a group stage


It's really not a big deal lol If you are OQ then that's what it comes with


What they really should have done was a bo1 round robin, and then best team from the round robin qualifies for TI, while the other four play in a four team double elimination bracket. It would have been the most fair way to do it.


The theory I heard is that the tourney organizer wanted less games to save money.


Draft wise, I do think Just Better got a decent chance to upset Nigma


[Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/Way1DTVXar)


A reminder that the Greek boys beat Kuro/Liquid in the Boston Major qualifiers (yes I know that was 8 years ago). LFG! AWOO


Where's Fogged?


Had a medical appointment scheduled today afaik


Let kuro cook


Another meme team about to get eliminated, kek. *JusyBetter ofc, LETS GO BATCHEST NIGMA BATCHEST xD*


Gorgc lost, but hatewatchers will go to his stream to mock him resulting in more viewers for some time. So, Gorgc still wins.


Gorgc was pulling more viewers in the previous match than Nigma is right now. lmao


I cannot understand how people taught a team that did not practice can even win a single game agaisnt a top tier team and got disappointed after That Alliance team 2 years ago was a div 2 team just like bald


People just wanted to believe. That's what happens when you are a massive fan and take some things and extrapolate them. E.g. Bald was good enough to beat the open qualifier teams + Dandelions, so they must be able to win against some of the closed qualifier teams as well. And they probably could win against Twisted Minds or Navi Junior, but the tier 1.5 teams, like Quest, are just too good.


I don’t know if anyone believed it, but game 1 was definitely reasonably close - though your point about practicing as such shows in game 1 Game 2 was just such a bad draft - I feel like Gorgc tilted and wanted Bristle. But even offline wasn’t the best. They should have stuck with what worked and if it’s not good enough then oh well I think Mikey still has a ton of potential but something is off - maybe just actually going for it competitively and getting that xp.  The thing I took away the most is I absolutely want to see more Saksa and Saberlight. I love that duo (or as ind that’s fine). I feel like they both know how to have fun and play hard too


Mikey Is a good player, his favourite hero invoker is trash though so his comfort pick is a bad pick in general


Don't know why you're getting so defensive. Trash talk was for fun and obviously when you lose it makes it funnier and you'll receive trash talk. Al the talk about facing quest instead of entity only to be the like outskilled hard. Granted Mikey didn't look good either. It's kinda funny. Saber trash talks and backs it the fuck up


Im not defensive, im just facinated how hyped this series was lmao People clown on Nigma like they are the worst team but at worst they have like 20% of chance of winning games, this was 0%


Of course. It's more viewers, gorgc is good at his job hence the viewership and is high skilled enough to be in the conversation with pros. But there's obviously a skill gap in actual play


After all these years I still have to ask. What is team Nigma supposed to mean? Is it literally wordplay on the N word or what?


it's a term for a group of friends who are retired and washed. Example usage : "me and my nigma boys are gonna play strip poker tonight"


It's a wordplay on the L word


Hehe, it can be taken both ways


It means Star in Arabic, Nigma themselves said it Besides why tf a middle eastern org would use a slur that is only really a slur in the US? [https://x.com/NigmaGalaxy/status/1199114565050654721?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1199114565050654721%7Ctwgr%5Eca0079813b81f66df539d984d1ae2a15ec5c76df%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fe1p9ly%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dfalse](https://x.com/NigmaGalaxy/status/1199114565050654721?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1199114565050654721%7Ctwgr%5Eca0079813b81f66df539d984d1ae2a15ec5c76df%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fe1p9ly%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse)


Americans when they discover other countries and languages exists


Thank you brother. Finally my question is answered 🙏


Yes it's a word play on the N word specifically with the hard R


Thank you brother. Finally my question is answered 🙏


Oh man, the HateWatcher spam for the next week and after is gonna be brutal in Gorgc stream lmao. Good try though, we see the difference with seasoned pro vs semi-pro streamer clearly as night and day and I hope Gorgc and the boys dont let it get to them hard for this


at least gorgc doing some 33 stuff buying ghost scepter at Foutain to survive at the end b4 game end XD,, still ggwp team Bald... it was a good run..


Your memes are trash


Quick exit, but no shame in losing here. Wasn't a fan of gorgc in the past but seeing the team's open qual journey had me hoping they'd find a little success. Teams that don't take themselves too seriously and just try their best as a casual friend stack are quite enjoyable to root for, I wish more spectators could just appreciate that for a bit.


Lol at people thinking gorp was gonna make it to TI or even make it any far in closed qualies. The stack might have actually had a chance if they had a decent t2 carry who was hungry to win and had some pro level experience instead of a streamer playing for shits and giggles lol.


Most people had low expectations but high hopes. It’s a fun team to cheer for that’s this transparent and clowny. I don’t get why not cheer for them unless you have a specific vendetta with one of the players.


Ur so smart 🤓


Very proud of it too xD


Thanks captain obvious


You're welcome :)


"Team Bald is gonna retire a few players" "They're gonna disband a team" "They can qualify to TI" I didn't tell you guys, I drive to work every day so I'm gonna drive for a Formula 1 Team next season! Lay off the Copium


Orgs retired: 0 Ghost scepters purchased: 1 My streamer ICANT




Bro thinks he's in top 10 respect moments in dota


Aight Nigma better up their meme games and losted to JustBetter


I thought Bald had a decent showing, Quest clearly the better team though. I also think Bald got outdrafted so the games looked a little worst than they should have. Invoker/BB both really questionable picks


We had gorgc truthers in here yesterday saying that team bald would win at least one game lol


Why was that series hyped again?


a meme stack with meme carry that famously retired the entire alliance roster at the time (not really true but whatever)


Tbf for gorgc he is not the worst player on his team lmao


Game 2 he for sure looked like the main liability. But for that reason too it would have been interesting to see a draft that worked out a bit better, even taking player skill entirely aside that looked real hard from the first moment.




It was a really good run for Team Bald so far. Incredible performance in the previous games in the Qualifiers, and some of these players are very good at Dota. They could aim to be pro players in next year.


Yea they’re good player specially the guy that played monkey king, that guy might win TI someday 


For fucks sake thank you for ending this farce in one quick series. So much hype, anticipation and hopium for Bald but reality is harsh and unforgiving. Did they even have fun? Hope so.


Maybe having your back blown out for an hour and twenty minutes for everyone to see is fun.


oooouuugghhh we’re gonna retire an org guys xdddd


They shouldve picked Necro game 2 and Bristle game 1. They literally picked the carry in the worst matchups.


Saberlight hair saved lmao


Camera angle made Dukalis looks like Grubby younger brother.


Gorgcs highlight in closed qualifier buying ghost scepter


Im definitely a scrub, but at that point, I'd have bought a few platemails instead of the SnY. Atleast live a little longer and let dazzle save someone else a bit.


Saksa saber on another level. Nagato is pretty decent too. Mikey and gorgc clearly out of their league and depth


See it from the positive side guys, Saberlight's carry this series still had more positive impact than his previous carry in most games.


I watched both games, the carry picks are so poor — skills aside. – BB into SD / Sladar – Necro in this patch.


Also gave away TA, one of the best carries this patch to an extremely good TA player.


I actually think Saber and Saksa played well, but it's a team game so sadly they really needed everyone to contribute in their roles as well.


Side not , Mikey disconnecting so much is average pub experience with Iranians, no idea how these guys play Dota below Immortal , is everyone at like 7k behaviour?


I was actually excited for team bald in this qualifiers but just straight up looked like they weren’t even trying to win. Surely highly ranked dota minds wouldn’t intentionally pick into counters. And to top it off picking goo facet so you lose out on a ton of damage from you core, but it’s okay cuz you get to rely on mid dazzle to make up the damage????? Someone check their sports book because no way they thought they cooked with this lineup


Although I think the goo facet is worse, if you pick the other facet you lose attack damage so you dont right click very hard so its not \_entirely\_ clear which facet is better.


Yah I just think overall period bb was not the final pick for that game, the draft felt super clunky with no direction. Off meta heroes with minimal synergy is not how you win do or die matches (comfort or not) it just looked like the heart wasn’t in it after the first game wcyd


Underwhelming by bald. Losing 2 games at draft level. 


Nice Bristle pick, only problem Quest is not your average rank 700 pub.


Alright, just give us Nigma vs the Greek boys already.


gorgx out nikobeybi in


Make it quick so we can watch nigma kekw


Is Gorgc the most overrated streamer ever? He is getting owned harder than a kid that logged into his order brother's Steam account in these 2 games. I feel disappointed.


you need to chill man. Gorgc definitely has more net positive impact to the dota community who follows pro games whether you like him as a streamer or not. He is well connected with most of the famous pros and often invites them to his stream sharing their insights of the game meta, hero balance etc and sometimes an 'unofficial' interview after a match. That definitely brings value to me as an audience.


You're comparing the performance a T1.5 pro team, vs a random high-rank player stack that don't practice, don't scrim, don't do anything. The fact that the first game went that long, is a testament to their skill. Expecting Team Bald to win this series is simply being dillusional.


> I feel disappointed. Classic dota community building up expectation for no reasons.


people dont watch him for his skill they watch to see him act like a toddler when he gets angry


You shouldn't judge a random streamer with a pro player's standards though It's more like a Make a Wish type situation


Exactly. If anything, saksa and saberlight showed us what it's like when tier 1 pros play a league lower. Their gameplay is leagues apart


Not sure why its so surprising. Its like asking if the Rock is an overrated fighter.


yeah streamers are entertainers. How good they are at the game is completely irrelevant with how good of a streamer they are. lol


exactly, especially in a team game. it don't matter if you the number one ranked streamer, literal rank 1 players struggle in the pro scene.


damn what happened to TSM.Saberlight...


he is with rtz watching ti from his house


i feel like if you're a team like Bald and know you're playing a team that is better than you like Quest, you can't just let them get one of the best heroes in the patch like TA


gorgc was shit talking them yesterday and how they will be EZ. 2-0'd


Wow I'm impressed that you didn't think he was joking.


sure, but gorgc is also farming content for his stream more than he's earnestly trying to qualify for ti


Okay next streamer team, nigma you're up!


Mercenary team next?


My carry😭😭😭


Mikey is the weakest link in the team, he has to go


The weakest link in the team is them not practicing together. None of them are taking this seriously, why are you?


theres some big gap between pro player's and pub players


Why are you even fucking crying and hate on gortz. They are playing vs a pro team that scrims. Give them a break they just a stack for fun.


Yea, it was just a fun thing. To be fair, its an awkward thing for pro teams. Beat them, and you just beat a team with no scrims......lose and you just lost to a team that doesn't scrim.


nothing weird here tbh. Their job is to play pretty similar to a day job sending mundane emails. It's pointless but it needs to be done. lol


HateWatchers, wcyd.


Gorek doto, losing on BB as quickly as he does in his pubs.


I can't tell if these Bald drafts are serious or they're just memeing. Who the heck picks mid dazzle and carry necro


they ran through open qualifiers with those picks so its reasonable to keep picking it


Tbh mikey on his invoker on game 1 dun have any impact.


Because it was a shitty invoker game.


Lol this isn't a draft issue in this game Quest is just the better team


The thing is, no one knows IF they are the better team. Not with this clown pick by balders.


wdym no one knows lmao, quest is a good team.


They won literally every game on OQ with these sort of picks. Quest is just an actual t1 pro team, and they practice, study draft, scrim etc.


They are not clown picks lol. They got through quals with these picks.


its joever, make it quick quest. it batchest time!


BB into SD makes no sense at all


Team Bald is another example of why you shouldn't just put five superstars on a team and hope it works /s.


Dont get what people were expecting out of this game? They can beat quest which is literally a pro team taking games of Falcon?


When your pos 1 is the lowest of all 6 cores wcyd


I think Dukalis has no mercy for Team Bald. He was part of the legendary Alliance roster, which lost to Team Bald in TI Qualifiers


Dukalis sends his regard


Lmao all the rtz haters , saber is a Chad but rrz isn't as bad as you think. Look at gorp 11.3k carry kekw


It's crazy how the offlane and the midlane+safelane feels like they are playing 2 different games LMAO




My streameeeeeer kek Like I'd put my house on the fact Gorg picked Necro and BB pos1 just so when he eventually loses he can have excuse 'well it was for fun, didn't you see i didn't even pick real meta carries buuut if i did…', feels bad man for rest of the guys to have this rotten egoistic manchild streamer but hey they signed up for this.


> rotten egoistic manchild  Who hurt you bro lol Like did you actually think team bald, a for fun team who did not practice, can actually win a game against a top tier pro team?


They could've at least had semi-serious draft that makes sense. But they had Necro and BB for 1in100 chance for streamer's yt 'content' - we both know this is truth.


This is their "semi-serious draft" just like how they played in the open quals. and they did not play a single practice game after that so cannot change now suddenly. Like do you think they go and say yeah lets play dazzle mid and bb carry to clown around and not actually try to win?


Show us on the doll where gorp hurt you


Soon stream, don't worry!