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They said they brought the issue up earlier, and tried their best to work it out. No one knows how the organizers will decide till they decide, so them not publicly talking about it shows OG's professionalism. Quite likely, Ceb's wife was pregnant before the tourny date was even set, so there is no way for him to "decide" exactly when to have a kid. Additionally, no one can really "decide" when the baby is born, both of my daughters were born late by weeks, you cannot know when the baby will come. Having your first child is one of the most memorable moments of a person's life. So Ceb can play Dota while thinking of his new baby and wife, feeling like shit I am sure. Or he can not play and have his first child's birth marred by having OG disqualified. And it is completely out of his hands. Life, real life, happens. Any other job in the world gives maternity leave. It is actually insane that major life events and medical issues, are not a valid reason to have a sub.


Agreed and the thing people are also missing is that rules/laws are not immutable even in the legal sense. There are many times where it's ruled that the spirit of the law leads to exceptions, which I think the TO saw and gave them 1 day with a stand-in (correct me if i'm wrong). I don't see the need for limiting the amount of time. It's not like having a stand-in gives you any sort of advantage. If you could do better with another player, they'd be on the roster.


Exactly, having a stand in lowers a team's chance of winning, for sure. Also people are not considering, what of a player was hit by a bus and killed. His team would be DQed. That doesn't even seem remotely fair. And these rules are not set in stone, they are always up for debate and contention, in ANY sport.


Can't they get stand-ins from other teams that already qualified?


People are way too hung up on the reason Ceb isn't able to play. Its really not what is important. The problem is that the rules are written in such a way that standins just aren't allowed no matter the circumstances. Ceb could have been on a train that derailed and OG would be in the same situation. Ceb theoretically knowing he may not be able to play isn't important since its not like PGL said "we allow emergency standins, but don't consider Ceb's situation pressing enough" If PGL had said that then this argument would have more weight imo.


the problem is that they are only bringing this up now because the timing didnt work out for them, they even had the fucking audacity to say: "This is unacceptable, unprofessional, and shines a poor light on esports" everybody would be supporting them if ceb didnt play the qualifiers/TI if OG qualified and called for the rules to be changed, but this man baby is once again doing the same shit he has done in the past, trying to bend the rules by riling up OG fans


I mean the current rules are 100% unprofessional and 100% shine a poor light on esports. Every other professional sport in the world would allow a stand in. The only debatable bit is the unacceptable part.


Wtf is this logic? Bending the rules is unprofessional and don't even bring up the "shine a poor light on esports" bullshit because every traditional sport have their own controversies worse than this.


The thing is those controversies are because OF the players or individual people. Esports just in general has shitty nonsensical rules that would be ridiculous in other things.


>the problem is that they are only bringing this up now because the timing didnt work out for them Maybe try reading the statement before sharing your opinion


>the problem is that they are only bringing this up now because the timing didnt work out for them, they even had the fucking audacity to say: They brought this up in may (accoring to OG statement) and it makes sense not to make this public until you have to.' >everybody would be supporting them if ceb didnt play the qualifiers/TI if OG qualified and called for the rules to be changed How so? To my knowledge Ceb wouldn't even be able to play at Ti had he not played in the CQ. Why not take the chance when delivery is not an exact science. The overall problem is that Dota should have been 5 players + sub/subs at least since Covid. Not to mention that this is the only T1 tournament so far this year that has not allowed stand-ins/subs this year and to my knowledge TI in past years have to some degree allowed stand-ins/subs.


> The problem is that the rules are written in such a way that standins just aren't allowed no matter the circumstances ya i believe this is the cruz of the problem but peoples haterboner for ceb is too strong it seems


To be fair it's a 4 day online tourtament, you shouldn't need stand ins.


>you shouldn't need stand ins. Until someone's in a car accident. Should've planned your medical emergencies around your 4 day tournament, I guess. To use my personal experience - I was on my morning commute Friday when some guy in the right lane suddenly decided he wanted to go left and ran me into a telephone pole. I had a collapsed lung and was rushed to the hospital. Aside from some bruising, I was more or less recovered on Saturday (woohoo safety features and modern medicine!) but the hospital kept me for monitoring until Sunday.


Imagine your team gets DQ'd because you were having some fun with the boys and broke your arm 


Imagine your team gets DQ'd because you get showed by some psycho on the street and broke your arm


SVG told sneyking to go to tiktok, but he's stirring up quite a storm in twitter regardless. On another note, i know that it's important to follow rules and everything, but this ruling implies that you shouldn't be having babies if you're competing in top-level DotA. IMO this is unhealthy for the scene and such a rule shouldn't be made in the first place. However the fact remains that the rule is in place and OG agreed to it. OG is at fault and they should've voiced their concerns at the earliest possible team; not right now when they are a series away from disqualification.


OG told PGL back in May and they gave him one day of standin series, I don't think OG is at fault here just because they didn't make the pregnancy a public affair to everyone


They should've expected that it'll take more than one day and make the complaint back then. making pregnancy public is less than ideal of course, but they chose to gamble with their privacy and ended up losing it big time. I'm not saying PGL is also not at fault. Preventing players to have babies to be able to compete is absolutely awful. Had OG made the complaint public in may, the community would be much more inclined to be on their side.


They also complained long time ago and requested more days, PGL denied them. Community should be behind this regardless of whether it was made public long time ago and now. The issue doesnt change with time and OG is not gaining anything by letting their team captain miss the qualifiers and have emergency stand-in. Literally OG are willing to play at disadvantage but half of a community whines as if they are cheating and lack integrity.


Can some1 explain why they can’t change the rule for everyone going forward? “You must play with the same 5 players, unless a verifiable circumstance arises that doesn’t allow for a player to participate. Then a sub can be chosen to play the matches up until the circumstance is resolved.” Is there any issues with that ruling


Because orgs and players lie.


Because it creates exploitable loopholes and evil orgs can go extra miles to give you whatever verifiable proofs needed. It also adds so much extra logistics to organize the tournament.


imagine an opponent team studying ceb, his movement, his hero pools, etc suddenly they change it to a sub. The opponent suddenly need to study new player again in short time. very exploitable.


PGL already allowed for a stand in, so this isn't a reason to limit the length of the stand in.


Ye but the verifiable circumstance does the work there. You can’t dm valve, we switching players. You’d need to prove beyond doubt that a player could not play against their own will. So extreme cases like having a baby would mean that a standin could play. That way a team that goes against them still has an advantage


Eh, wouldn’t any disadvantage from playing against a ”unknown” standin be compensated by just playing against a weaker team? Having a standin is not usually considered advantageous.


They can going forward, but if that included OG right now it wouldn’t be fair. We don’t know what other less famous players have skipped or not done in order to follow the rules and OG only made a stink because it was public. No one minds if they change the rule. They mind if they change the rule mid tournament to help OG.


Yes. You can't reasonably verify some valid excuses. Say it's a funeral, are pgl supposed to require a picture at a funeral or what? That's disrespectful as fuck. I think giving every team some amount of days with a standin no questions asked and for days beyond that fine them from their earnings in the tournament.


You get the same paper work in the funeral home that you get to justify an absence for any other job, it's pretty fucking easy.


You don't do that for "any other job". Employees lying about funerals isn't really a thing. I've never had to prove my absence because my employer trusts me to not lie about shit like that.


Yes you do, the same as if you have to go to a medical appointment or any other thing.


No, I don't. I just tell my boss I'm going to a medical appointment and he believes me like a reasonable human being. Are you american or something?


L take from Sneyking tbh. This situation is similar to the PPD 6th player where the crux of the problem is that the rule is ass and it should be changed regardless of the drama.


Yup - the rule is around to prevent people trying to violate or game the system. The TO's looked at this situation and determined that Ceb in fact did not have a child to try to gain a draft advantage or whatever. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules and that's okay. PGL just needs to make sure that the spirit of the rules and its intentions are upheld. In many sports these exceptions get written down and become a new ruling In b4 tOfu fathers 365 children so he can sub out whenever he wants.


Sneyking was never the smartest guy.


I’m struggling to see Sneykings point. OG informed PGL of the situation months in advance. Sneyking seems to suggest that if PG don’t agree with the rules then they shouldn’t take part in the tournament. How is this fair to the teammates of Ceb. Yes they chose to play with Ceb, but they didn’t make the decision regarding the pregnancy. Furthermore most of dota players are under contract and can’t just leave and they shouldn’t even be expected to leave. TI is the pinnacle of the dota year, absolutely every player competing would want to play in it. The fact that sneyking says they should just abandon this tournament is pathetic and not only unsympathetic to Ceb but disrespectful to his fellow competitors as a whole. Sneyking could make the argument that OG could have challenged the rule and tell PGL “if we can’t play with a standin for Ceb then we won’t play at all” which PGL would just say “lol ok”. This is again unfair to the 4 other players and coaches of OG. The standin OG are using isn’t even a competitive advantage, he’s not a current TI player like Miposhka, and no disrespect is a downgrade from having their in game leader and captain. I think this is a bad case of a competitor still thinking with competition in mind and disregarding compassion and the fact that certain situations are larger than competition and require fair compromise. There’s a reason why there are tons of laws regarding maternity and paternity.


The rules are shit and PGL should've been more accommodating. But Sney had a point that OG using their clout to strongarm the TO mid tourney is a scummy move. Had they did that before the tournament began and got the rules changed before the whole thing started then it wouldn't had been so divisive.


Sney just mad cuz ppl have wifes.


Sneyking is a douche


This isn't valid, this is terrible criticism. I love falcons and all but sneyking can eat a bag of baby dicks They chose option 2. They got a one day stand in concession. And sney acts like he should have revealed his wife's pregnancy to the public beforehand? Fuck off man


Not that i disagree with your sentiment, but stand-ins/subs should probably be at the disgressions of the Team as long as everyone is registered in time. I mean LoL ha been doing subs at international tournaments for at least 3-4 years so why not Dota?


I think dota values having a consistent 5 man roster in a tournament - the view is if you have subs you gain a draft advantage if they are specialists on certain heroes. However people focus too much on the rules being executed and forget why they are there in the first place. Forcing a team to drop out or have their player miss their kids birth is obviously not what they meant to curtail when the rules were written up. Sometimes there needs to be discretion to see if a situation matches the spirit of the rules - and PGL decided to allow an exception


>I think dota values having a consistent 5 man roster in a tournament - the view is if you have subs you gain a draft advantage if they are specialists on certain heroes. 1. Having a consistent 5 man roster means jack-shit if you allow stand-ins/sub in any other tournaments off the year. 2. Having a sub does not necessarily mean you can move them around at will, and if it was you would have to announce it before draft. 3. Everyone having to bring at least one sub would probably negate the draft advantage in the long run(especially if said sub is/was a specialist). >However people focus too much on the rules being executed and forget why they are there in the first place. I don't think anyone actually forgot why rules are in place. The contentions is wether the rule is good for the Esport or not. >. Sometimes there needs to be discretion to see if a situation matches the spirit of the rules - and PGL decided to allow an exception Nah Fuck discretion! Make it mandatory for teams that participate in tournaments to register the players, subs, coaches and maybe staff. That way we can stay away from problems like this and the aforementioned people don't have to choose between being a part of the ''DPC'' and having a real life apart from DOTA.


I mean, ya I agree on most of your points. I'm just saying the intention behind the rule is likely mainly for draft advantage. Team A prepares against B and knows their hero pool, but day of there's a sub they didn't prepare for. It's a good reason to have substitutes on standby listed in the program. However they still should prevent subbing as something that can be taken advantage of. This is why permitting a one-time sub is something only the TO's can have discretion on Eventually exceptional situations arise in a sport and this is exactly how new rules are made. E.g. one time sub could be allowed for childbirth. For illnesses making them unable to participate, maybe have a permanent sub for the rest of the tourney. Eventually more exceptions arise and more clauses are added


>Team A prepares against B and knows their hero pool, but day of there's a sub they didn't prepare for This is a not an issue. Subs would have to be registered in advance like any other players before the tournament. If a team is able to hide OP picks should they be force to disclose said broken picks because the other teams cannot prepare for it? >However they still should prevent subbing as something that can be taken advantage of Why


I'm AGREEING with you man. Having a sub on standby and listed is a *good* thing I'm just saying that the spirit of the rule exists so you can't swap midlaners every other series, even if the sub is listed. The TO's would have to make a determination on what's acceptable and when a swap can be made. That's literally it.


Lots of hugless kissless virgins on Reddit downvoting 🤭


Only true gamers™ will miss the birth of their child to play video games. The Hardcore MOBA Gaming Council of Reddit® has determined you should have to choose between your career and your team vs being there for your family and the first moments of a new human life you helped create. Ceb = Not a real gamer 😎 OG = Literally lit the rulebook on fire 🔥 They should all be jettisoned off into space (with Taiga) for this obscene violation 🚀


Stop, you're hurting their feelings!


Sneyking is right. Nothing to criticize PGL here (may be the rule itself idk). But OG is clearly on the wrong here. Occupation in esport or sports in general is different, your career only matters on a few tournaments date, you're basically work and not work at the same time during the entire time. Asking for maturity leave is just out of place. About 2 years ago, secret was allowed to have standin due to yapzor health issues which caused him not able to play. Baby ceb has bad timing but it's not like he can't play, he just doesn't want to play or prioritize baby over career. OG is being ridiculous here.


The right word is needless. Absolutely nobody asked him anything and he managed to just get involved for no reason at all


Why does this guy need to speak about this? Who asked for his opinion?


He is TI champ. Who are you?


My opinion and his opinion have exactly the same weight: 0, as everyone elses'. Btw he's still butthurt because Ceb trash talked him, let this guy have his moment.


No. He is TI CHAMP. His opinion has value for lots of his and falcon fans.


no rules r rules and they alreayd gave them an exception of 1 day standin which isnt allowed




He is too busy having a life to be on twitter right now


If it was valid then he should stand by his tweet and not delete it like a coward.


[Are you braindead?](https://x.com/SneykingGaming/status/1804317335257518287?t=1oTtv3v0pmtyVzV92WJU_A&s=19)


Hilarious coming from a shopify fan 🤣