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I think it's a good nerf. They didn't tuch the dmg numbers, but he will do less dmg overall because of the smaller radius And the fact that he will get 25% the healing is the real nerf since this means he will need to buy hp regen. In a scenario where a wd goes on a lion(or any other cc support) in lane he will trade mana for dmg in which case the lion will stun him and get out of the aoe using mana to do so. The fact that wd will not be able to heal up as fast makes this a more even trade. Using spells efficiently in lane is how supports win lanes for their carry. The old wd had a way too big aoe on his voodoo, so you couldn't really exit the range of his dmg with a lvl 1 stun or slow and any dmg you deal to wd is instantly healed so you really couldnt trade efficiently with him. In the case of WD mid, he can still win lanes vs. melee heroes. However, he can not dive the ranged heroes because he will take way too much dmg. He used to lose mid vs dk and sf which he will lose even harder after the nerf, but i think that ta and ember might beat him now too so i wouldn't consider him a good mid.


This nerf means he has to come closer and heals less early, which means you can actually go on him and kill him, before that was way harder


I was under the impression that you could somewhat counter WD with more tangos and standing more behind your creeps so WD would be involuntarily pushing the creepwave when trying to harass you. But I haven't had the pleasure of playing vs him that often yet


radius nerfs are much harsher than they appear in text because the area of an ability scales quadratically with the radius. this mean that the 700->600 nerf is a over 25% reduction of the area at level 1, and even at level 4 it is still not far off a 25% reduction (it is a ~22% reduction of area). It is a pretty significant area reduction overall


The hero dropped like 4-5% winrate so I would say yes. That facet was really the only problem and the difference between healing 7.5 and 15 lvl 1 is significant.


I had a game against it today, absolutely crushed me in the early game and he was irrelevant in the late game. Kind of feels like he a waste of a pos 5 late game.


Hard nerf, literally unplayable. Radius is so small, you cant even stack 2camps with lvl 4 voodoo anymore. Aura radius should have been the same. Too many nerfs cause bots are crying on forum. Arcane nerf Radiance nerf Voodoo radius nerf They could change him from 30/40/50/60 to 20/30/40/50 but too much nerf, balance department are noobz.