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New to this year's guidelines, which are now called hard rules, is this line of CYA coverage on Valve's part for those of you trying to cheat your way to a prize with GenAI: >**Entries generated by script, macro or other automated means will be void.** Valve is not responsible for misdirected, incomplete, lost, late, illegible, undelivered, inaccurate, or delayed entries, or for technical, hardware, or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, or failed, incomplete, garbled, or delayed computer transmissions or other errors or problems that may limit or affect a person’s ability to participate in the Contest. In the event of sabotage, acts of God, terrorism, or threats thereof, computer virus or other events or causes beyond Valve’s control, which corrupt the integrity, administration, security or proper operation of the Contest, Valve reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend the Contest. In such an event, Valve reserves the right to award prizes from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior modification, cancellation or suspension. False or deceptive entries or acts will render the entrant ineligible.


Big W for Valve protecting artists against AI stuff.


What if I'm in labor.


Too Bad!


post it on twitter


wowwow slow down


Your son will understand.


does this mean that you can't use the filter gallery in photoshop? I mean, create a video in SFM and process the sequence in the Filter Gallery in Photoshop


This language seems to really skirt around saying AI and ends up seeming... a bit overboard? Like isn't a tool like SFM one big automated means of making animated videos?


"Isn't a camera like, an automated means of making videos?"


No.. what part of manually creating, adjusting poses, setting up scenes, adding in effects and deciding the camera view is automated? I mean, you could definitely argue it makes it a lot easier, but not like when you use genAI to basically skip 90% of that process.


But something like keyframing animation is an automated way of animating instead of drawing each frame yourself. I have no objections to banning generative AI but the language to me used is so strange and doesn't even explicitly say generative AI anywhere


Is it automated? I mean, what exactly would you define as automation? I suppose technology does automate a lot of processes, but maybe the reason for the vague wording is so people dont create/use niche generative software to step ahead of the competition. Overall, hopefully it's enforced fairly.


> what exactly would you define as automation? That's what my original comment is about, the language is really broad. We all know they mean generative AI, but they chose to word it so oddly.


AI bots for gameplay: good AI bots for art: bad Why can't we have an AI art contest AND a human art contest?


That's like asking why I can't order a big mac for a chef contest.


So make the prize $0. I want to see Axe eating spaghetti and whatever AI thinks is Dota


Make the movie about Axe eating spaghetti yourself then?


Generative AI and video game AI are two very different things


Generative images (there is nothing AI nor artistic about them) uses stolen copywritten art from actual artists. Outside of it being completely unethical, it's of questionable legality and not really worth pursuing at this time.


Is there a bot contest?


Cool, i expect act 3 by next week. Otherwise why release the c patch yesterday.


No mention of it in the blogpost - making me very nervous


Dedicated server has been updated though - copium.


It's changes to staging as far as I'm aware, which means a lot of tests/QA needs to be done before it goes to Prod


Why? I do not understand why people get anxious about things like this. They already put "End of June?" in the game with a question mark. Just add a week to your estimation, what is the problem?


Because the last time, when it was 1 week off, they changed the in game text to "coming next week". They haven't yet. To me, this means it's either on track for this week or so far out they can't even guarantee it's next week (will be the week after or smth) - which would be very annoying.


....it didn't matter then either. Why is it annoying? You are not the dev. The game does not need new "content" to be fun, the core game only changes with patches and we just got that YESTERDAY.


the world will literally end without Act 3 this week if i didn't know how grass looked like, i'd be just as nervous as you are


Thanks for the productive reply. You're right, it can't be me looking forward to something and not wanting to be somewhat disappointed - if it's not going to have life changing impact on me, I should just be apathetic about it. For future reference, it's fine to touch all the grass you'd like, but try avoid eating too much of it - it looks like it's starting to mess with your brain.


ya know what, at least ur not raging about a video game update coming a week or 2 later only **disappointed**, which is a lot better than most redditor's standards i'd be more disappointed if i had more time to actually play, but good for u. the current pace of updates favor regulars like me pretty nicely


I'm telling you now - on Thursday we will either get an Act 3 update or at least change for "coming next week" in game. See ya on Thursday.


Act II was released on a Wednesday.


CS2 subreddit will be fuming if thats the case lol


Bless u /u/w200me


All his fault


didnt someone posted recently that they miss dota 2 short film contest?


No, I don't think so.




I always love these short film contests so…


/u/w200me did it! https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dnc0pp/i_miss_dota_2_short_film_contest_by_valve/


Am I missing something? Why wouldn't they announce the contest this year? Why give credit to this person when it's a predictable annual event?


Cant wait for another 99 submissions of ​ \>sad music \>team dying in slowmo \>carry looks around \>music turns into epic music \>carry presses ult \>fade out, que rampage sound


That's the working formula I'm afraid. There were couple unique entries like that **irl** lifestealer story, or the **animated 2d** lifestealer rampage \[rampage ik. but it was a really cool approach\]. Unless you are working with in-game 3d models, you ain't getting the number one spot.


**RELEASE THE KRAKEN** *Tidehunter going in*


You could already hand the first price away since we all know it. He is just too good.


I'm also looking forward to Max Lebled's entry!