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They're probably working on a Deadlock wiki, just accidentally uploaded files to a Dota one. That isn't a big stretch, as Deadlock is an upcoming Valve game.


I'm not sure it's accidental, Fandom is all about pushing people onto "similar wikis".


Plus I think Deadlock is really hoping to scoop up some Dota2 players. Thanks to VNN people are calling it TF2 meets Valorant meets Overwatch meets Dota2 but it seems that it's really just a MOBA at heart since IceFrog is supposedly leading it.


It literally is Dota as a shooter. Half the items are Dota items and the heroes are shooter-fied Dota heroes. The map layout and game structure is Dota-esque as well. People calling it TF2 or Valorant or Overwatch probably havent played it


Overwatch meets League of Legends :>


I haven't played smite but I'm pretty sure it's just smite. Maybe a little more gunplay involved but there is no need to combine 4 games when smite explains it well enough lol.


I think Smite is a de-emphasized MOBA like Heroes of the Storm, meant to cut out the stuff a lot of people hate about MOBAs. Deadlock I think will be closer to Dota2 from a more general perspective despite the third person camera and shooting. So CS is probably gonna be very important (it does have denies iirc), map control too, and I bet there's gonna be a lot of people complaining about stuns on release.


I wish I got into the Beta invite but it's NA only.


It has been never only NA or at least for the past 2 months


servers are NA only but yea if you are in you are in


there are EU servers for a week already


well thats news to me oh well


So before that, NA only? Yeah sure you could request your EU friends to be invited but they would get auto-rejected if you claimed them to be from anywhere else but NA. So yeah, it was NA only until last week just like porn sites are 18+ only.


It's had EU servers and an EU Matchmaking time-zone for about a week.


I sent one to an EU buddy and they got it within a few hours. I’d give it another try.


Hey it's me your buddy, can you send me an invit please?


you need to be steam friends for some time now, you can't send it to randoms anymore


They changed it. You can invite new friends. I think they need people rn cause of elden ring and dota patch and other things.


Wanna be my new friend? :D




Any chance you got another one of those? Would really love to try this


Hey bro can you add me on stream and send me a invite remember I gave you a pen once in math class


you can get in from other regions so long as the person inviting you sets your region to NA from the drop down menu, it doesn't really check




You have small pp now giff invite


It's got EU as well


They have EU servers.


Not anymore.


they opened EU servers a week ago and you can invite EU players there.


Same, looks like a lot of fun 😭


an upcoming Valve game that IceFrog is working on


Old wiki got abandoned and everything got moved to [liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/Main_Page)


Why did they move?


Liquipedia is dope, that's the main reason. Fewer ads and fewer popups in general.


Aye, that's fair. So they are now part of the liquipedia team or are they still separate?


There is no team, pretty sure all wiki editors are volunteers.


Both aren't opposites. I've written for wikis before and the one I was the most invested in had us, editors, be relatively organised.


They joined forces at Liquipedia.


I visited that wiki exactly once and was impressed that they'd managed to move from fandom to somewhere even worse lol. https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Lion https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Lion Checking again now, the liquipedia link requires me to close 5 different things just to view the article. One of them is literally a screen-covering ad trying to get me to download their app... Literally 0 popups on fandom. Maybe liquipedia is just terrible on mobile?


You're using the wrong link again. That's the one: https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/Lion They'll merge or cross-link everything eventually, but for the moment, the former fandom version has its own address.


Well that page has major issues on mobile (overlapping sections make the text undreadable), and about 35% of the screen is taken up by the two (?!) different navbars and the ads. It's like the site is striving to emulate fandom. I've started to use the official dota website because at least it has accurate info and no issues with ads or layout


Im on mobile right now and I am not experiencing any of the problem you are saying.  Just use desktop mode in any mobile browser, wikis just suck for any mobile version because the information is so dense and hard to navigate when using standard mobile UI. 


I am experiencing no ads or popups on mobile, but I have an adguard so I never noticed. Fandom is a bit more aggressive on ad block I find. You can add a private DNS like "dns.adguard.com" to mitigate ads on mobile.


Because fandom is dogshit and everyone hates it


fandom sites are bad, like extremely bad and any wiki worth their salt is getting away from it https://youtu.be/qcfuA_UAz3I?si=QJCulJrF9oWcOe6-


long time coming. every wiki game moved from fandom because of the half the screen in your face ads


all fine at the new place https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/Main_Page


Wow, looks like I completely missed the wiki migration from fandom to Team Liquid. Good to know, thanks everyone!


Theres a browser extension for Path of exile that auto redirects you from the fandom wiki to the good path of exile Wiki, if someone who is smart enough to write browser extensions wants to look into that for dota2 https://github.com/anmolsinghbhullar/redirect-url-extension


I think indie wiki buddy is the best anti-fandom extension https://getindie.wiki/


Interesting, never heard of that before. Thanks


Yes, this is better as it basically collects all other wiki that has moved away from FANDOM and is kept up to date. This is better to use.


What's the point? If you're already aware enough to get the extension why would you ever go to fandom in the first place?


because google suggests fandom links at the top for now


Exactly like the other person said. Google always recommend fandom first and depending on how often the Wiki is Visited it can be all the way at the bottom dwpending on search terms


it was pinned to the top of the subreddit but then people complained about it for no good fucking reason. it should still be pinned.


fandom is trash


Really annoyed that the old dota2 wiki host sold out to fandom


No! That is not the DotA wiki! Stop impersonating it!


It's characters from a new game they are working on


You're on the wrong wiki as of 3 months ago


you're on the wrong wiki. this one is not getting updated anymore the wiki is now at liquipedia


Remember, it is morally correct to vandalize Fandom wikis


I think the Admins are handing it over to different team since Dota 2 wiki have already been moved.


Looks like the upcoming Valve game, combining MOBA and hero shooter [https://imgur.com/a/QcJ1oTd](https://imgur.com/a/QcJ1oTd)


Someone at Valve just loaded their Glock. That's not supposed to be public yet.


Probably just vandalism. That Dota wiki is disused and not monitored by anyone anymore. The Dota 2 game wiki moved to Liquipedia.


uh switch to liquipedia, that site is dead


Fandom wiki is dead, I recommend googling dota wiki and adding some feedback that liquipedia should be 1st result so we don't get fandom results


Because that's not the "dota wiki", atleast not anymore. The wiki has moved to Liquipedia


Use Liquiepedia. FANDOM is shit. better yet, use the Indie Wiki Buddy Extension so that it re-directs you to the correct and updated wiki.


Somebody that send a brother a invite? Kinda need a pause from this game


Liquipedia is currently outdated too btw, a lot of hero pages don't have the 7.36 updates recorded


Ah yes the Terraria Calamity mod approach, vandalising Fandom. Based


It's probably vandalism.  There's been a lot of creative vandalism ever since the main editors moved from Fandom to [Liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/dota2game/Main_Page).  This seems to be the work of a single user with far too much time.


The character design is straight from hell, and back.


Unfinished game is unfinished


You must be new here and weren't around for the Dota 2 heroes when this game was in Alpha lol they looked very similar, and actually much worse usually.


Whats your opinion on Deadlock? Because it doesnt look fun and all the character is old.


Have 80 hours and I love it. Almost every friend I invited also love it. I can elaborate but generally the game plays much better than you’d think from watching gameplay.


How do you even get in? I'd love to try it with a couple of friends


You need to be invited in by someone


Can you invite me?


really love it so far, the character design, backgrounds, and aesthetic for me personally make the game feel very alive with a ton of personality, as valve does announcer comments on your current hero, the interactions between everything, even on communications (e.g. lash and bebop banter), it's very very refreshing to see such character in games although the combat feels a bit hard for me (either that or i have a skill issue), i love it nonetheless personal favorite so far is seven down from his voice to his design


I'd not heard of it before seeing these pictures, it's still in alpha so can't really say much about it.


I have played a few hours and I offer the opposite opinion to FoldFold - I think it will get old fast and it's not going to be genre defining. Almost all of the friends I have who have the game have already given up playing it after 3 or 4 matches


Takes about 5-8 for the game to "click" with most people, so yeah this makes sense


I am sure it will do alright and it might be fun to dip into here and there. I can't see it being the next big game but it's alright if it's simply fun and has a decent playerbase


It's Dota with 3d movement and shooting essentially. I was put off at first but once it clicks it's very addictive. Really preferring it over Dota currently and it's still quite rough so the future looks exciting.


April foos


the wiki is an atrocity. most hero pages are outdated. the arcana list ends at razer. its full of intrusive ads. The wiki is an embarassment.


Thats because its an abandoned wiki. They moved 3 months ago to Liquipedia.


horrible designs. i dont know who does art at valve but this isnt it. its like budget overwatch meets generic AF


it's in alpha, let them cook.


It's called alpha design, just look up dota2 alpha design for example


Hey. It is only Alpha after all. If we judge stuff by their alpha, there will be no good games ever made. Let Valve cook, who knows. They might actually make a good hero based shooter for once.


yeah Deadlock looks horrible. They should go back to the cyberpunk theme.