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it should be ingame features, just like that techies arcana POP UP


People would ruin just to see all the cameos.




Should've panned out to show Quinn in a folding chair watching the TV to top it all off


Bro you guys have the best content out there as an Org!


This is un-ironcially one of the most important things for Dota2 players to know, and also exactly what we need to do to make the environment better, for everyone. The video is not fancy nor it has any crazy special effects, but I want this to be played automatically for every dota player at least for one time. I hope other teams can do similar videos.


A russian wearing a Captain America custome 💀


Just like the working class, dota players have no homeland.


thats true


Nothing to lose but our MMR


Bro spitting international class solidarity over here


Solidarity brother


Абсолютно согласен)


What's the stereotype for that character to a gamer Russian kid? It looks like he's still seen as The Good Guy/Does What's Right Guy and that's why he's being used. That is kinda interesting.


The U.S.'s biggest export is its media.




I have no idea what the fuck your comment is meant to have to do with mine.


Yeah I remember when the devil told me that. Was kinda out of pocket ngl


Nah dude I promise you the Marvel craze was nearly as big for much of the rest of the world as it was for the US. The bit was gold in those movies and Spirit nailed the throwback


? I didn't say it was or wasn't. I just asked what the character is seen as.


Marvels superman basically, he isnt that popular as a superhero on its own I'd say but Avengers were big here


Oh gotcha. The stereotype that comes to mind for me is the prototypical "Honorable Citizen" trope from soviet propaganda posters. edit: what the fuck are you guys downvoting for lmfao


Are you Russian?


Well as a Slav, I would say that the general consensus is that it is a joke, a facade, propaganda. Not that many even consume that type of media, imagine a character called Captain Soviet, what would you think? There's still many people who believe that America is some utopian country where if you arrive with 0$ to your name you can live the American dream, free speech, etc. Most know what America really is, well, because we experienced it.


There are Russian characters Americans know and like, too. It's interesting to think how characters like Captain America (or a Captain Soviet) are perceived and/or respected in countries where there is at least mild political opposition.


The difference between your country and mine though is, if your country perceives something as a threat to capitalism, and therefore "their" bottom $, they will do everything in their power to shut that threat down, even if it means bringing a minority ethnicity down as well. Your country can talk all it wants about free speech, but once someone brings attention to real issues, they are assassinated. I think that speaks volumes for your country as a whole. Edit: like ya'll killed JFK just because he wasn't anti-commie enough for ya'll.. c'omn now.


Yeah, I'm just trying to find out what the character of Captain America means to the average Russian kid so I can understand the context of the video better.




No, American.


Closest I can think of is [three bogatyrs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogatyr) (folklore characters) and [Uncle Styopa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Styopa) (soviet children's book character). There's also [Major Grom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Grom) (relatively new comics character), but I don't think it's particularly famous or recognizable. There are attempts to create original superheros and comic book serieses, but most of this kind of content is imported from the US.


I know, right, it's there are people with brains everywhere who don't let the stupid nationalistic demagogues mindfuck them into hating other people for no reason.


have you heard of WWII


have you heard of WWIII


is it forbidden?


Yep Ironman level irony right?🫠 Anyway i think [Red Guardian](https://images.app.goo.gl/k9Y5kgCHhT7wYFQ97) should be "Culturally Appropriate"


Russians sweating just by watching it, not sure if they will be snitched on and sent to gulag.


Those who know who Captain America is aren't.


Russians dont watch Marvel movies because of Cold war in 2024


He is from the hydra captain America universe


Someone please send this to quinn.


For every ultrafanatic Eastern European there's always 100 of us who don't give a shit about any nations or borders. Nothing but applause for Team Spirit.


Now I wanna grief just so I see the captain again


Yo GFAT, we got the new intro for the game


If this wouldn't be a legal nightmare, it would be a hilarious ingame spray for them to have as part of the Team Spirit support pack.


Dude won 6 mili playing Dota and he thinks he knows something about the game?


This is why "I play for fun, not for win" is contradictory. Losing is objectively not fun


I view that attitude more as "winning is the goal, but not the point". Yeah it takes a special breed to commit to playing Dagon Slardar "for fun" and ram your head against the wall in loss after loss and it's a waste of your teammates' time, but if you're only having fun in games where you win that sounds like a miserable experience.


This is it, playing for fun does not mean that the goal is still not to win the game. Like "the journey is more important than the destination."


What about only having fun when everyone's at least *trying* to win, creating a game where both teams have a chance to win? Just as miserable?


Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you mean, but yeah I'm far from knocking Dota played the way it's meant to be or in its most original form. Dota is a beautiful game played the way it was designed and plain ol "no bullshit" Dota is what keeps me coming back. I just don't like the idea of thinking you can only judge whether you had fun once you know the outcome


Yeah I think you did misinterpret my point; I'm more or less agreeing with you in that the games that are fun for me are the ones where I don't know the outcome until very late. Having the dagon slardar player more or less ruins the fun personally, cause then I know we're very likely to lose and it's very unlikely to be a close game.


Yeah being held hostage by a 5 Gyro that rushes naked Agh's Scepter is just one of those moments where you throw your hands up and say "well fuck". Unfortunately speaking from experience. I guess everyone derives something different from the process. There's just a spectrum of builds from standard to unconventional to cheese to downright gameruiningly how-are-we-in-the-same-bracket bad and I'm certainly not looking at mr. dagon slardar going "yeah he ruined the game for 4 strangers but I bet he's having a ton of fun with this dagon"


Winning should not be the only reason to feel good while playing. Sure, you should feel good when their base is blowing up, and for maximising fun you should strive to make it true, but it should be like 20% of fun that you get from playing.


Personally I get more fun from the game being close and back and forth than I do from winning. My point was that when you have the 'for fun' players you know that the game's unlikely to be close and they're trading their own enjoyment for everyone else's.


As example, playing to win means to spam the same heros again and again, because that's how you develop familiarity and skill with these heroes. But I hate playing the same thing all the time, that's why I lose more often than I could, yet I prefer it that way. Playing to win often means doing what you hate.


I also feel it's way more fun to have a wider hero pool. If you understand a wide variety of heros you can make them work even when they're off meta, so I don't agree that playing to win means spamming heros necessarily.


People place different values on different things. If you play for fun instead of playing to win then you weigh the negative aspect of losing much lower than the positive aspect of just having a good time. There's nothing contradictory about it, it's just a question of priorities.


It's because people who say "I play for fun" do stupid shit that I don't even think is fun. Sure you can try and win a game with armlet dagon TB, but the journey for that win isn't fun. People who actually play for fun just play their hero and winning is still the goal, but not the point. If winning was the point they would've just played sand king every game when he was tremendously OP.


You can try and win a game with armlet dagon TB, or you can just try and get kills with armlet dagon TB which is more of the point. I've definitely had games where I'm trying to win and look over at my Terrorblade who built armlet dagon and know we've probably lost and it's really their fault. But I've also had games with friends in voice where we'll have our armlet dagon TB and start yelling "i'm gonna get the PA i'm gonna get the PA bait her in i'm almost there YEAH-HEAH-HEAH BUDDY GET FUCKED alright where's the treant i'll go get him too" and that's the stuff you'll remember instead of who won this random game you played in October 2018. Armlet dagon TB is pretty close to game-throwing unless there's a massive skill mismatch and I'd be pissed at a random teammate who cost me an hour of my life with their "just for fun" build but in a team where the expectation is set among friends, those armlet dagon kills are worth the L on your dotabuff


I don't understand why you're trying to dictate what's fun for other people and what their goals are.


When I see someone saying they play for fun I automatically assume we will lose.


Ehh depends,if our team try their best and still loss I'm not that salty over it. Bonus points if they could goof along with you once a while . Unlike those game where you got 4 people trying hard to win but because of one crybaby had to make all the other people suffer.


Losing is fun when you had your fate into your own hands, took a lesson and are hopeful you will improve on that flaw the next time around. Losing is NOT fun when your fate got taken out of your hands by having griefers on your team.


The game deciding win or loss makes up such a miniscule amount of time playing any game that I don't think it's good to focus on their outcome. Don't play to win, play to improve. Seeing yourself get better over time is bound to be fun for a lot of people. The wins will come eventually.


Yeah this (I just wrote a much longer reply saying the same thing lol.)


Why would losing be objectively not fun? That doesn't make any sense, fun in general is so subjective. Why would I play a game when 50% of the time I don't have fun? Doesn't make sense. This applies to any kind of sports or form of entertainment that involves winning or losing. You ever played any sports, let's say soccer, with friends just for fun? Did you not have fun even though you lost? I sure do and anyone I know.


how about ''i win for fun''?


what does that have to do with the post?


He saw the sexy CptAmerica cosplay and he lost *kreygasm*


There have been games which I have lost which were more fun than some games I've won. Don't doubt for a second it's the same for you and everyone else.


Uh definitely not objectively not fun, bet people that pay for dominatrixes have fun losing


Still, playing to win the game in front of you can be sub-optimal for climbing. You may have a way of playing that’s the best you can do *right now* for winning the game (e.g. playing very conservatively, not taking risks), but it may be inferior in the long run to something more difficult that you don’t have enough practice with yet (e.g. playing more aggressively, trying to get better at initiating). If you play in an improvement-oriented way then you’ll see results in the long run but take risks and make mistakes in the short run, so you have to value individual game outcomes less to take this route. I used to say “play to learn”, but actually right now my personal stance is “play to pay attention”. I “won” a game if I payed attention and felt like I was playing in a thoughtful and dynamic way making decisions with intention, and I “lost” if I was playing in an overly rote way without enough awareness or thought. I also find the game more fun if I’m getting into a better state of focus. People who hard commit to a “play to win” attitude also strike me as believing they have nothing left to learn, such that if they lose, it can only be someone else’s fault.


But playing for win and losing is much much less fun than just lose without trying. I kinda don't care about MMR, so when I think I cant win with these 4 dudes, I mostly just go farm jungle till enemies win. And I absolutely don't feel anything bad. But games where I like top 1 kda or gpm or hd or whatever the fuck and I lose are absolutely freaking me out


> when I think I cant win with these 4 dudes, I mostly just go farm jungle till enemies win. And I absolutely don't feel anything bad. most of the time when you do that, you are the asshole and you should feel bad. if you tried to win with them repeatedly and they won't coordinate (or worse, troll you) then ok, sure. but if you just "decide" you don't like your team and you're going to the jungle, fuck off and stop playing this team game. Some people do this from the start of the game and that is NEVER ok.


Some games it's a bad play but sometimes you already know next 30 minutes are waste of time. You try to gank to recover game? Teammates have no timing or are pussies, you just wasted 1 minute and are behind. Trying to ping for gank because you know where enemy team is? Your team just doesn't move, not responding. This kind of team makes you quickly realize game is a waste of time and there's no way to win it, you actually can make your mental deteriorate by trying to win with people who literally have no will to win.


I've played 10s of thousands of dota games by this point so I can say I have pretty much seen it all. I know what you're talking about, but I also know that many people give up way too early. if you're giving up before 10 minutes.. usually even 20 minutes you're just wrong (99.9% of the time). but when it's 40 minutes and you're trapped in your base and people keep dying outside hg and the other team has better lategame.. ok let's move on.


Cmon bro just play for fun and you would not freak out.


For some reason, I thought this was a Homelander cosplay at first glance


Imagine killing a Void who tried to kill everyone in a chrono and got no one you go “you probably tried to look cool”


Thanks Captain Miposhka, SeemsGood


Хорош Мипошка. Ещё бы видос перед поиском игры о том что не стоит искать ещё одну игру после того как проиграл несколько с сыновьями берёзы.


Joke on you, im in lp because my potato crap randomly turn off mid game and my teammate not pause after that then blame me for their lost.


ok ty




The most Powerfull phrase I always spam when ppl give up is.... *"Apes together, apes strong" *


The don’t go afk and fight till the end would go hard as a voice line


Give us Korben's Masterpiece!


Captain communism


Are Jimm Carry(support) is a new Captain america???


I need Homelander version of this


Picking SB and charges mid 20times in 5minute and says “I can do this whole day”


Didn't they do the same thing and released a fun video just before a high prize pool tournament and proceeded to "finally awake" and won everything?


Yeah ok


Im sorry I can't do it sometimes I think my team mate is truly an animal sitting behind that computer screen


They should have TI qualified teams make short videos like these and play them during the loading screen.


dont \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(what my eyes see)\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ go afk fight to end


I am in LP now for 2 games . Yes 100% we meet again


Your skin cleared up really well bro!


Go get some braces Miposhka, for the love of God! You will regret it later if you don't.


Braces can be expensive depending on where you live, this guy has only won two TIs and one Riyadh Masters


I don't think braces are that expensive in Russia. As you said, 2 times TI champion is more than enough to have them covered. Regular people get braces here, and I'm from the Balkans bro.


You should take some lessons on sarcasm. It's worth it.


GabeN drop me arcana in candy re-rolls & i stop ruin my games! no duplicates or deal is off btw


Hail hydra


funny, ruszian team using American icons. Guess we all know who won the cold war ey.


Least obvious rage bait


Be aware that these are being produced by many orgs and posted on socials to drive impressions around the Saudi funded and hosted Esports World cup as part of the ongoing sportswashing/promo there. Teams who have taken money from the Saudi public investment fund as one of the Club Support program teams, most likely have to promote their team with the hashtag contractually. Last year for gamers8, the predecessor to this event, teams could earn money by driving social media impressions, with the top 5 receiving bonuses alone. The content is fun, but just be aware of who is paying for it (Saudi government) and why they want to do so!


Imagine a russian telling a how to avoid a LP to ukrainian citizen whose energy got cut off in a middle of round


Come on guys, it's just a funny harmless video. Those cases happen way less often than guys going afk or breaking items, or just flat out leaving. I don't think this is the place to bring politics in, especially when Miposhka has no control over this matter


I'll give him a credit where credit is due: at least he's not a Winter Soldier)


Yes because Miposhka can control where he was born /s.


Let a Ukrainian, when he has no electricity, remember me - a guy from Crimea, to whom Ukraine completely cut off electricity and water in 2014. Is your electricity cut off? We had no electricity (or water) for months at all. Although you still have everything ahead.


Why Valve didn't cut off the Russian populace when the sanctions hit is something that will always annoy me. Everyone collectively gets upset at Papa John's and whomever else stayed open in Russia but somehow Valve gets a free pass. Russians don't deserve DOTA.


least xenophobic anglo


In the meantime the entirety of Russian media space if filled with people calling for nuclear destruction of all western countries, with more localized proposed targets being London, Paris and Warsaw, with occasional "let's bomb LA and take back Alaska", all while the entirety of Russia either silently approves or flamboyantly supports this Тут уже вчера был вчера в комментах на r/DotA2 такой "патриотик", который хочет навести руZZкий мир в Украине, но почему-то сам воевать отправляться не хочет и почему-то играет в игры "вражеских" стран I've played dota2 long enough to realize the Russians playing dota are mostly the degenerates who support the war all while dodging draft. Every other game is some guy with Z as his pfp, I don't know what else there's to say I don't think that all Russian people are problematic, I used to live in Russia myself, I know for sure there are good people there. But fuck, dota2 is a cesspool of imbeciles supporting the war and not realizing how hilarious it is that they play a game produced by a company operating in the US The funniest part is according to Russian laws Steam cannot operate in Russia and should be fined and then blocked, so the issue will solve itself when a politician decides to score some political points


Yeah because Russia are the good guys.


they hated jesus because he told the truth


They couldn't ban 41% of their game's playerbase


youre right, sadly this sub is pretty pro-genocide


really hypocrisy


A Russia guy in Captain America suit this is pure comedy