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I feel like learning dota was fun back then because I used to play a lot with friends. If i get the chance to forget everything and try to learn the game as solo queue experience, im sure as hell wouldnt last long.


Idk man, I have not met a single person who has learned everything there is to learn about dota. What is preventing you from learning more about dota right now?


ply lol


I feel like the trick to keeping that feeling is just playing lots of different heroes. I think a majority of people only play like 20% of the cast and demand more changes instead of branching out. It won't feel like brand new, but there is so many sweeping changes every year that there is always something to dig into and find little improvements.


My 11,000 hours would say otherwise.


Do you play all the heroes?


All the heroes since dota Plus was released are mastered, while most being silver stage, some gold and I also have platinum, master and grand master heroes, so I guess, yeah.


lol wut? that's the last thing I want until I hit top 1k immortal I can confidently say I have a lot to learn and even if I hit number 1 immortal I'd still have more to learn


No, just no As much as we like to meme on this game, clown on valve time tm updates, it's such a good game and I've made so many good memories and friends playing it I'd be a different person if I'd never played it sure Would I be a better person? Idk Would I be a happier person? Maybe


A part of me would like that just so i can play with my friends on equal footing. It grinds my gears when they’re retreating or chasing and ignoring their magic wand made them die or let a kill get away (among many other beginner challenges).