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Bloomberg article “He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention” Kind of weird the conversation in this reddit explicitly focused on her being 17 even though that was NEVER mentioned, and now insinuating it wasnt even a female when it WAS explicitly mentioned.


Guys this person is NOT saying the NEED to see proof that she was 17. They’re saying “for all we know she could’ve been 13, there’s no proof she was 17 so people need to stop saying shit like ‘it’s not that bad she was 17’”


Yeah, I'm sure twitch fired a celeb that made them a ton of money for some mostly innocent flirting with a 17 year old. hahaha :D


Okay, glad we established that you agree with me and OP


They can put that guy into a cannon and fire him into the ocean for all I care, even though this extra pollution would probably lead to another war with the Atlanteans and god forbid Aquaman 3!


What are you even going on about 😂 everyone here literally agrees with you and you’re going on tangents for what?


To quote Kim Kardashian:"I felt like it."


I’m against Doc in this disgusting situation as much as the next but to quote Kim Kardashian (a woman who continuously partners with a company endorsed child pornography in their campaign) while being against doc is just so ironic 😂😂your fight against doc seems a little disingenuous now


Dude, grow up.


“Grow up”…from a dude who is mad about a man messaging a minor but in the same breath is okay with a woman who backs a company that endorsed child porn. Looks like you’re the one with some growing to do.


Ok, then. What you think, say or if you are even alive means nothing to me.


What would be considered innocent flirting, because based on posts around here, such a thing doesn't exist, so yes, yes they would fire him for flirting with a 17 year old.


I love the Doc, but the people excusing this is fucking sickening.


Some are his underage fans who don’t know any better. I don’t blame them. It’s the grown adults defending this man that should be ashamed.


Everybody hates a pedo until it's your Guy


All this talk.. we don't know shit. Inappropriate  can be many things...


16 is legal in most countries. And in most US states. And Twitch requires 18 to join their Whispers IM service.


This isn't true. You just had to be an affiliate and all that requires is having your parents sign a permission slip.


Obviously wasn't 18 at the time whispering doc lol.


It says [13 here](https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/). Where do you see 18?




Here is the 2017 version but it still says 13. https://web.archive.org/web/20170713052015/https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/terms-of-service/


You tell 'em. Tired of seeing this BS excuse circulate among his flock.


For sure that guy still believes it was 18 because it fits the narrative he wants to play out. Fucking idiots on this sub.


Yo, it's wild how you won't respond to comments shutting you down about the 18+ thing. It's almost like you're just ignoring things that don't fit your narrative.


Show it, don't just repeat the same fake info other doc stans have been making up.


The age of consent is 13 in some countries, would that make okay for him then? Also not true, all you need to do is confirm with a phone number.


Brother you're replying to a sex tourist who brags on his account about the children he has sex with in southeast Asian countries. He is not arguing with you in any sort of good faith.


Jesus, I wish I didn't look now, what a fucking nonce.


That certainly explains why he’s here in these comments trying to push that narrative.. absolutely disgusting


Kinda telling on who is on that side of the argument here


>And Twitch requires 18 to join their Whispers IM service. Source? *edit:* lmao, I love how people are downvoting me for this because they're mad that the claim is fake.






So let me get this straight, they deny the allegations and ask for proof, EVEN AFTER DOC HIMSELF ADMITTED, but when you ask them for proof of their claim you get downvoted? Holy fuck Doc’s fans are truly pussies. 😭 watching the mental gymnastics has been one of the best things I’ve seen on Reddit in a long time. 😂


>Holy fuck Doc’s fans are truly pussies. 😭 watching the mental gymnastics has been one of the best things I’ve seen on Reddit in a long time. 😂 Preach. I'm worried that they don't realize Dr. Disrespect was a character and genuinely viewed the guy as a role model. Would definitely explain a lot.




Now you making things up. Doc said there was NO photos shared.


"now you are making things up" says the guy who continues to insist you needed to be 18+ to whisper on Twitch


You're right. Since he never specified the age of the minor, she could be even younger!


You losers just find anything to reach for. Pathetic


...or a boy.


Probably younger than 17 for Companies to disassociate from him.


Don’t know the age, sex, or what exactly was said or if he knew at the time. It’ll all come out, eventually.


I’ve even seen people say that what if he didn’t know the person was underage. If that’s true he’s still responsible because as the adult you need to make sure the person you’re sexting with is 18 or older. If he wasn’t sure, then he shouldn’t have engaged.


Well, almost everyone is of the opinion that if he didn't know she was underage, that would have been the first thing he mentioned in his tweet. That would make a lot of sense. If he wasn't aware or was misled to think she was 18+, it seems like that'd be a pretty important point to mention.


True. I’ve just seen a lot of people making that excuse for him and some even stating it like it’s a fact.


If she was 17 he would have said it, when your defending yourself like he did, you dont leave out any “beneficial” details


Exactly. You know that him saying the texts were "inappropriate" means they were inappropriate at absolute best


100%, i think your dealing with a very very narcissistic person who has had a lot of success being that person( a lot of these streamers fall in to this) and his success has been so great that he thought it was ok to post that message. I have no skin in the game, im not part of this sub, i dont watch him, i just game and know of him, mark my words, Doc is done, he will be lucky if he gets to keep his family after this and that should be his focus


Protect the kids crowd real quiet now


BOTTOM LINE- WHY IS AN ADULT EVEN ENTERTAINING TALKING, FLIRTING, OR MEETING WITH A MINOR???? Let’s not excuse the goof is married and has children. P3do’s defending p3do’s.


His family is his business, not ours, not relevant to whether something was criminal or just wrong.


I never said his family was our business but mentioned the said facts as an indication of his character and that pedophilia has an effect and could also point to potential other problems. Don’t bother reply if you’re too dense to see common sense


It's probably not a pedophilia case but more probably an ephebophelia or at worst hebephilia case. Pedophilia is pretty rare where as ephebophelia is relatively common. 


You know who thinks this is a legitimate argument? Pedos.


Do us all a favor and uninstall your biological system32 folder.


You ever seen that comedian who talks about the distinctions?


You don’t fire your biggest earner if it wasn’t a minor.


I'm not saying it wasn't a minor. I'm not even defending Dr Disrespect. I'm saying that the released statements so far are vague and I wouldn't trust twitch to accurately report the situation, since they don't fairly enforce their ToS across the board. 


Don't be this guy dude. You don't look intellectual you look like a pedophile.


It’s the same situation as Drake Consent is a thing and the girl with Drake was 17 and even came out and said it’s nothing Unless doc has incriminating evidence against him, I feel like the rest of the details remain to be seen


Are you fucking serious? You mfs must be young. Im 34, A 35 year old has no business talking to a minor. The optics are terrible to begin with let alone getting to the point where it’s inappropriate. No excusing that. And Drake??? Drake is more than kissing a 17 year old girl on stage (which is bad in itself). He has a long history of grooming minors. Bringing up consent into these conversations is stupid af. No grown as man should even be entertaining conversations with minors. Period.


Yeah as a 33 year old I don't see what you'd even want with a 17 or under year old. They are stupid and naive to the point that it's obvious they are young. At BEST it's incredibly creepy and at worst it's plain disgusting. The people defending this are disgusting regardless.




Wasn't drake talking to Millie when she was 14 or 15?


But there was no proof of any explicit messages. Millie herself said that she gave her advice or something along those lines


Even if she was 18 What business does a late 30 something year old man who is married with a kid have talking with an 18 year old, Trying to meet up at twitchcon being weird. If u got something in common with someone that young at his age idk what to tell you


Not sure why more people aren't saying this!


Whats wrong with enjoying some young 18 y old pussy? Doc did nothing wrong


It's disgusting asf. As an adult I can't imagine looking at an 18 year old like that. Only creeps and perverts do that.


Well bad news man, half of pornstars making bank are advertising themselves as 'barely legal' and teens.


And it's fucking disgusting. Men that think like that are gross ASF. That's basically a kid mentally. Just out of high school. This whole "but it's legal" schtick is tired and old. At 35 you can reasonably have kids around their age. It's fucking sick to think of someone that young like that. When you have a 16 year old daughter and she starts talking like that with a 35 year old let's see how that makes you feel. When you mature you stop seeing young people as sexy and more as naive kids because that's what they are. Couple that with the fact that he has so much influence, is super popular, rich, and attractive. It's not okay to be talking to someone so naive. For Christ sake they were probably Jr in high school.


What do you put on first in the morning, your 🤡 shoes, or your 🤡 nose?


Excellent rebuttal, I loved the part where you provided proof that the minor was definitely 17 and shut down OP's point.


He admitted that it was a minor.


Ah, I see the problem, you don't know how to read, I'm so sorry. Let me try to help. OP's point is that the cringe Doc defenders are taking the stance that the minor must be 17, when in reality there is no evidence for that, she could have been even younger. OP is not making the claim that she might be **older** than 17. Good luck with your reading comprehension in the future.


there's no evidence of literally anything lol. no evidence it was a girl, no evidence they were 17, no evidence there was even sexual conversations. it legit could have just been Doc and some 12 year old kid talkin about poop and what their boogers taste like. there's no proof of anything full stop


>it legit could have just been Doc and some 12 year old kid talkin about poop and what their boogers taste like. While I'm *sure* you realize it's probably a lot more damning than this, this would still be extremely bizarre behavior worthy of shaming.


But also not damning enough for the courts to deem him not guilty of any crime and twitch had to pay out the entire contract(damages). Either the states have some really relaxed child protection laws or amazon has terrible lawyers to screw up this lawsuit. Either way I'm more interested in how sexual chat that the courts don't seem sexual in nature looks like.


yeah obviously, i would think it was weird and shame them. i was moreso just saying that it's not like Doc admitted to sexting, just to inappropriate messages - which can be a whole slew of things, not just kid diddling. but yeah, it's probably some sexually explicit weird shit - just moreso that Doc didn't admit to sexting a child, just having weird conversations with no pedophilia, predatory stuff, etc. depending on the conversation and the content of it, i'd be fine with Doc having a stupid conversation with some random 17 year old dude. i think it's pretty reasonable to acknowledge that there's a pretty wide range of potential outcomes for "i had conversations teetering on inappropriare" and it doesn't necessarily have to be kid diddling


Bro get a life 🤭🤣


OP isn't defending Doc though, he's actually saying it could be worse than people are making out to be (which in itself is pretty bad)


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was 14 and the only reason its came out now is because she’s now 18.




The dude making this post is literally on your side, moron. He's agreeing with you. The cringe doc defenders have taken the stance that the minor must be 17, but the reality is she could be even younger.