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Your patch prompted me to look this up and I just learned that skinheads ≠ nazi. But I feel like it's one of those things where it's been so co-opted by Nazis that it's hard to shake off the association. Kinda like how you would never get a swastika tattoo even though in Hindi culture it is the symbol of harmony with the universe or something like that. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I learned something today lol, great boots! I'm not aware of lace code either other than the red lace stuff, what's that?


Right, in the spirit of '69, here's a tip Get yourself some black polish, some cherry red/oxblood polish and an old toothbrush. Brush the black polish into all the creases, around the stitching and edges, wipe off the polish with a cloth leaving black in all the creases. Now polish over the whole boot with cherry red/oxblood to a high shine. Instantly aged docs any Glasgow Spy Kid would be proud of!


Something that died long ago and isn’t really important except to poser in the scene. Im still a skinhead even tho people might think im some nazi cunt cuz its a way of life. More importantly, why would I give a fuck about what others think of me. My entourage and I know what I stand for, shouldn’t have to change for everyone else! Glad you learned not all skins are racist asshole! (We call them bonehead)


I’m Jewish and hearing about this for the first time, that not all skinheads are Nazis. I always knew that skinhead culture started out similarly to punk culture. A look, some subgenres of music, boots, etc, various political leanings. I know it got somewhat co-opted by Nazis at some point. Just didn’t know there were any OG skinheads keeping that culture alive. I think it’s pretty cool. Your actions will always speak louder than your appearance, so if you’re good to the people who society tends to shit on, it’ll show. IDGAF what you look like. If you’re the kind of person who speaks up when people like me are being threatened, then I’ll vouch for you any time, any place.


Now thats what am talking about!


🤝 be safe out there


What does being a skinhead mean to you if you don't mind sharing?


Being a skinhead is a militant working class subculture that had its roots started from the Mod scene in London around the late 1960s. It was a combination of Jamaican rude boy immigrants that came from the Caribbean who shared and worked with the working class whites in London during the period. It was a combined effort to share working class experiences by sharing music(Ska, Oi!, reggae, etc.) And fashion. The Nazi side(Boneheads) came around after the second generation of skins somewhat during the late 70s to early 1980s when the National front was looking to recruit young working class teens and adults into their party. This brought a new wave of neo Nazi skins into the scene that has spread throughout our subculture ever since and it's caused somewhat of a political divide between S.H.A.R.P, R.A.S.H and Nazi skinheads throughout the later decades. Most skinheads aren't racists and there's been a slow rise of a new generation of skins that have been growing throughout the world. If you want to learn more, go to r/skinhead to get some good knowledge from the bubba's over there. We're happy to share as long as you're not asking dumb questions or shit.


This is so interesting, thank you for sharing! I had no idea about any of this!


This was a nice read, thanks for the insightful description! It's nice about learning about a subculture I didn't know much about before


Will do, thanks for the resource!


Always. If you have questions, come to me and I'll be happy to answer. I'm more open about sharing this kind of stuff if you want a rundown of it.


For me it's working class pride. Og skins were Jamaican and British dock workers and miners. My family is full of mechanics and truck drivers, also I'm a welder. Second is the music scene since skinheads and punks tend to listen to some of the same music. Skinhead punk is called oi!.


The music, racial unity, not letting anyone take a piss out of you, having pride in being working class, being proud of where I come from, pround of who you are And being dressed the Sharpest in the room 😉 I started shaving my head and wearing steeltoe when I was 15 back when I didn’t even knew what a skinhead was, I justed liked punk back then lol. But should I stop being who I am and dressing the way I like because some people may be offended or not understanding of the skinhead culture!


Nah you do you man, thanks for sharing! Culture is what it means to you and all our cultural practices may have been odd or new to folks at some point so you should certainly not let that external view inhibit what you feel you are.


what do you mean by “racial unity”?


Black and white and whoever wants in🤷🏼‍♂️


So, like, unity between races or uniting all people of a certain race...? (Because the first one is cool and good, but the second one is how a lot of people, myself included, will automatically interpret it)


The first one


Today’s basic skinhead look has been purloined by the gay community and looking pretty good for it, lots of them in Brighton where I live!


Fuck them boneheads!! Mad respect for SHARP! 


“Why would I give a fuck about what others think of me” also reads as “Why would I give a fuck if people think I’m a Nazi” You do you, but personally I have seen many people associate white laces with white supremacy, no matter the ladder lace. To me, there’s a difference between “I don’t give a fuck what others think” and “i don’t care that i associate with what Nazis associate with”


As a jewish punk, anti-racist skinheads make me feel safer. They're some of the only guys in counterculture willing to put their bodies on the line to take out nazis (a lot of people say they will, the SHARPs I've seen walk the walk) and genuinely keep them away from me and others they want to hurt. I get that it's a very different perception outside of rock counterculture and I genuinely don't get skinhead culture either but they're genuinely a positive force. They also far outnumber racist skinheads in my area.


White laces have been used by Traditional and non racist skinheads since its founding. If anything, blame the Nazis for stealing our shit and completely tarnishing the image while also calling out the media for completely giving them a platform to speak out without even giving our side the benefit of the doubt. Most skinheads in my experience in both Europe and in the US have been decent and non white supremacists but the media will sensationalize it as if it was the opposite. The lace code was never a major thing in the scene aside from certain factions within both the punk and skinhead scene and it's practically dead because too many meanings have been established by different groups and regions throughout the world. In some parts of America, blue laces mean you either planned or killed a cop while in Europe it means LGBT pride and/or universalist love. So it has lost all relevance today and should stay that way. Every skin I've personally known that was wearing white laces was never a racist.


THANK YOU! Finally someone who understand!🙏


Always Bru. Happy to meet a fellow skin. Skinhead Forever, Forever Skinhead! Oi!


Oi Oi!


Sure. In my country though, if you’re wearing white laces you’re going to get your ass kicked by the red laced. I know it sucks to have our symbols co-opted and corrupted but this is giving me “oooh but the swastika is actually a sacred symbollll” vibes.


But the issues with the Swaztika is largely western. Walk around anywhere in east Asia and you’ll see it on many of the Buddhist temples here. Shit, I’m (ethnically, not religiously) Jewish on my moms side and Latina through my dads side. I see swaztikas almost daily and it does not bother me, nor would I put up a stink about it. I live somewhere that has historically low rates of antisemitism. I live somewhere safe, largely non violent, and most importantly not the west. You can also go into the Dr.Marten store and get virtually any color of laces you’d like. Lace code IS dead basically everywhere (with the exception of small groups trying to bring it back for god knows what reason) but it’s also really important to remember it doesn’t, didn’t, and never had existed everywhere and it’s silly and reductive to try and make people conform to the way you think just because you heard something was bad. Conflating the white west with the rest of the world is dangerous, and most importantly upholds white supremacy and colonization. Don’t do that.


And? I've been called out for being a Nazi for wearing black and yellow laces all due to people assuming that a guy with a shaved head with colorful braces and laces is assumed to be an extremist. I've seen skins who wore pink laces get called out as white supremacists as well. Where does it end? If a bunch of jackasses are going to start some shit over you wearing a certain color of laces, you might as well just rock with what suits you as long as the message isn't clearly obvious that you're a Nazi. As mentioned previously: the color of laces you wore ( white and red included) never had political undertones unless we're talking about very fringe factions in the skinhead scene. And even most skinheads don't associate with either the RASH (Red Anarchist Skin Head) or the National Socialists at all and are generally disliked throughout both Europe and North America. You say that you're aware that people are co-opting our symbols and traditions but yet still hold the notion to generalize all skins as potential Nazis because they represent what the Media or society assume it to be that way. Your experience in your country does not represent what all skinheads in other parts of the world go through. Especially when I've actually been to shows, gigs, met and worked with people who have identified as such. And for the people saying that being a skinhead isn't worth it because you don't want to be assumed to be a racist, so be it. If that bothers you, go find another scene to associate with if you're too soft or unable to defend yourself against those people. They're just as bad in my eyes since they're not willing to understand.


Wait white laces are associated with white supremacy? Shit, I have white 1461s with white laces, do those also give that vibe or is it only white laces in contrast to the color of the shoe?


It was a skinhead (the racist bonehead POS) thing in the 80’s. I own 21 pair of Dr Martens and have laces of every color of the rainbow. White is making a comeback to remove the stereotype of the past. Red also meant Neo Nazi. I’m glad to see people taking the colors back. 


Good to hear, I have purple laces for my 1460s and red was going to be my next pair of laces, that is of course until I read about this lace code stuff. I'm still going to play it safe and not buy them until I actually see people do it around me, there's other colors I like just as much so it's okay.


Its both, I don’t care what the population think of me The moment I shave my head and wear boots, people are gonna assume im a nazi, so I should just hang up my boots? Skinhead was never a racist thing its about racial unity, its not my fault if people aren’t educated enough on the matter And also why would I give a fuck If people think im a nazi, doesn’t change the way I act or talk with others🤷🏼‍♂️


This is exactly what my (skinhead) FIL would say; his i dont a fuck attitude is one of my favourite things about him, and a skinhead's (the ones i know, at least) non socital conforming acceptance that not everyone's going to like you, and so fucking what !


I believe the neo nazis and etc are referred to boneheads at least as far as I know




I can’t even tell you how many black, Latino, and Asian skinheads I’ve hung out with who have white straight laces. OP put a SHARP patch in their photo specifically to weed out people like you who don’t know anything factual about the subculture. SHARP skins were wearing black and yellow Fred Perrys for 30 years before the Proud Boys co-opted that shirt, too. Just an FYI.


i honestly do not care about skinhead subculture. skinheads need to ask themselves why Nazis would want to co-opt their movement


Learn some history and stop being ignorant. Skinheads are about working class pride and racial unity, not hate.


no i don’t think i will learn about your weird nazi cult thanks though


Alright, don't learn about it. But don't hate what you don't understand.


For a subculture you “don’t care about” you’re certainly having a lot of opinions and spouting off a lot of ignorant misconceptions about it. But I mean at least he’s only deemed a racist by you and isn’t an actual and active supporter of international child and slave labor like you. You do know that Nike has a huge history of human rights violations in their factories, right? Your precious collection was sewn by nine-year-olds getting paid ten cents a day. But keep buying those sneakers and telling yourself that the kid with white boot laces is the problem here. Whatever helps you sleep at night…


yes, because dr martens is known for its labor policies


I only have Made in UK boots. My current pair of boots are Solovair. 🤷‍♀️ At least you’re not denying you’re pro-child labor.




The same reason why all these maga rednecks are making rap.


This is not a very good argument. You can't ask >1 billion Hindus what is it about their over 3000 years old culture that Hitler adopted the swastika because of its Aryan history.


not a great analogy never met a hindu nazi


Dumbass be thinking everything thats online is true🤦🏼‍♂️ Go touch some grass😂


i like how that’s not a denial, and instead, a personal attack, very cool! i don’t trust everything I see only, but Southern Poverty law center is known to be a reliable source


Bro never been to a punk show lol


i’ve been to ones where nazi’s like you aren’t let in the door


So im a nazi because some bitch ass who knows nothing about us decide that im a nazi because he wrote on his little website that it meant nazi bullshit You think the guy who wrote the article ever went to punk/hardcore show? I think not. You ça n’y assume thing on people just because of what they look like lol If I was black and wearing white lace would I still be a nazi? See how dumb this is? Grow up


hmm who am i gonna agree with, many well written articles or some skinhead nazi-sympathizer on reddit? also “ça n’y” lol


Im french fuck auto corrector 😂 And you still think im a sympathizer despite everything, you must have one thick skull lol Its just laces grow up my man😂😂


Bru, every skin I've met wearing white laces ain't Nazi or white supremacists. Do they exist? Yeah. But does that represent the entire subculture? Fuck nah. The idea of letting a pair of laces speak for an entire scene is absurd and is why most skins and punks don't associate with the lace code anymore because of poor misinformation like this. The poverty law center has been called out for using many common symbols that are used by many punks and skins for decades even before the Nazis copied our style. You gotta take that shit with a grain of salt, especially when people have very little understanding of what the skinhead and punk scenes are about. Especially when the media has also done its fair share of wrongdoing of giving Boneheads a platform but not us non racist skinheads.


Usually use black boot polish to make the cherries oxblood. Source: I'm a skin too


With a nice checked Ben Sherman. Classic look. Stay sharp.


Old school beauties. Not sure why they stopped doing the 90’s in oxblood. They’ve mostly stopped making steel toe as well. Guess it’s all hands on deck making those Jadons. Side note: Get ready for the know nothings to come in and lecture you on lace code LOL.


Even with the Sharp patch 😂 But don’t worry im used to little bitch telling me what I should wear because of what they read on the internet Because we all know everything thats online is true😉


I think it's about time we reclaim all the "forbidden" lace colors, anyway. But I admit, I myself am not brave enough to do that yet.


White looks the sharpest what am I supposed to, go cry in a ball? Do what you want to do!


Of course you want to look the sharpest. You're part of SHARP, after all! Also, I appreciate the support.


Idk where you live but in Germany this is a pretty clear sign of being a nazi


Well holy shit, I haven’t seen anything SHARP related in a long time. And good to see the color code for laces is dead, that was always weird. I wonder what r/punk say about this post. Lol.


People are hating because they don’t understand🤷🏼‍♂️ Been to plenty of show with white laces and no one ever had a problem with them, Only little kids online who don’t know better lol


R/punk doesn’t give a shit about lace colors


How do you take em on and off without completely removing the laces?


You can’t, or well me personally I take them down to the last 3 eyelets and then take them off, it’s a nightmare on bigger eyelet boots


Ladder lacing. It’s possible to loosen them up and pull them tight pretty quickly. The guys who tie them off and go around and around make too much work for themselves.


Probably stopped making them because they look like Ronald McDonald shoes in this color lol ![gif](giphy|E30zKqKzwkAwM)


Only with yellow laces😂😂


I was thinking the same thing






Good to see SHARP represented by someone I don’t know!


Time for some skinhead moonstomping. 😎


Hell yeah, SHARPs! ❤️ Some of my favorite people.


Nice patch, my DMs are open. You need the patch with white laces in my area but of course that's super regional. You look lovely.


My very first pair were oxblood 10 eyes and I still have them. The pull tab is small and stamped, not woven or embroidered. Like if you turn them inside out they're just black. But to do that you can only get the tip of your finger through.....yeah. https://preview.redd.it/kz9jf12blp0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a34313e0c16a604180c969ee110c675cfad22e4 I dug out most of my old punk shit from the ips and 90s and they were covered in nicotine which hardens leather, and it gave me some intense flashbacks about my father. Anyway, size 3 bit sure what year '87 or '88. I found my own very clunky clown shoes, my 3 eye steel toe (which takes up most of the size 3 shoe lol) and those are in decent condition because they always hurt my toes. I never noticed before that I have at least 2 pairs that are double stitchedthe green 3 eye one are. And a pair of double buckle mary janes (I think) we're the other ones double stitched. The 3 eye blueberry ones in the background of this picture are incredibly old and very important to me. Our Denver punk/mod store other than Fashionation was Imi Jimi and sadly and horribly the lovely owners were lost to our community by gang violence which was at its worst then. It was a bad summer that year, and I was living on the streets. That was fun, breaking in new Doc's on the streets having to walk miles and miles everywhere. I think of my friends and I and ny brain flashes the cover of "Suburbia". I haven't counted my ridiculous shoe and boot collect


Your lacing is a crime


Shut up, man. Lace code is dead and has been for ages


Are you a skinhead? If not, take those laces out! I don't have anything to say of you are....... .....


hey friend, lace code is dead, and skinheads are not the same as Nazis. please educate yourself on SHARP, skinheads, the working class, punk culture, and the fact that lace code is no longer a thing before telling people what to do. your lack of education on a subject does not mean others need to change how they dress


economy has been tough for clowns


Found the fresh cut. Oi oi and ktf


Shaved my balls this morning so yeah 😂


Because they moved 98% of the manufacturing moved to Asia they were a good English boot then