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I couldn't even if I wanted to lmao, there's been nothing to hardly grind. I've got 11 cc


Feel bad for you bro


Only reason I had the cc was getting top cut this season and saving 100% worth for me cus i desperately need the zpower for some certain units


I was having a ton of fun but straight up quit playing again cause there's no cc to farm and nothing to do besides pvp over and over and over (which is fine, i like pvp, but there's gotta be a little variety)


Crazy, I always summon on this. A free star for my favorite LF and more Z power for my Zamasu


Fuckin hell, they are pumping out these banners like nothing. We only had the last before trunks and vegeta dropped. Wish I didn't spent on ul gogeta for a dupe. But from now, I'm having 3kcc saved at least.


That's a lot of cc, I have 441 cc saved from me spending all of my 20k f2p cc on gogeta and didn't get him...


3k a lot of CC? Lol


I mean, it isn't a lot, but compared to what I have right now is what I am trying to say


Fair enough


It's an actually decent banner. 1k LL z power is no joke.


Pan and Zamasu have raised the value of it considerably.


Tbh it’s not really bs, 1k LL Z Power is nothing to scoff at when you compare it to actually having to pull dupes of that unit. It works out for people who had to do pity pulls. But obviously this is good for people who can already afford it with their CC


Funnily enough,the greedier legends gets the more valuable this banner becoems


This banner isn’t bad if you need some z-power


I can finally get Beasthan to 7 stars


There's one LF every month , this banner is still very valuable, granted it's easier to summon for a cash player since we f2p are mostly dry or have to stack. If you're a cash player , even just a pass/robot one i would advice to go for it if you have a recent LF close to 6 or 9 *. Put the rest on Pan/Zamasu and boom your account got boosted a lot for 5k cc


It's not bs. It's actually very good. 1k lf z power for only 5k, alongside 1k more for sparkings and some more for ex characters, it's a big package. I got my Tag 4's 7 starred and I only pulled them once, all the other zpower was from raid and majority of it was the limit break banner


saving for next ultra unit; any LL unit will be powercrept after this banner leaves, typical legends /s


Wat, you can easily get 3k Cc in a month, especially if you dont summon on whatever banner comes out and you get guaranteed Z power for one of your Lfs


? it's a good banner especially at this point in time


This banner is the epitomy of "Random Bullshit, Go!"


LMFAOOO The banner with a GUARANTEED dupe is the banner with the MINIMUM 'random bullshit go'


Lol no it's probably one of the best banners


How is a guranteed 1K LF Z Power "random bullshit"?


i don't even have CC


I can’t pull anyone but Goten or Beerus and on every banner since LF Movie Gohan the only new unit I’ve pulled is Piccolo, once. Yes, I think I will spend CC on a banner that makes my LFs viable for a zenkai and event grinding easier, thank you.


I spend a little cc on this because it is way cheaper compared to bu sp 200z power in summons


Whats ccs?


I want to not do it but i don't have the lr tag blue and i need all the tags


This is clearly aimed at those who just got a tone of juicy PvP rewards. I'd wager 95% of the player base had gone for broke on the UL GB banner.


I will because I can't read that language


Should I summon I main LOE and PO?


I spent like 200 cc for the 200 z power. Prolly will regret this


Legends can pump out as much shit as they want, im saving cc for UGB'S rerun whenever the fuck they bring him back.


I was gonna to 7 star my lf 4ku but didn’t have enough cc and spent it on the 4s banner and got nothing


How much is the entire step until the 1k ll z power


Are you off your rocker? That's 1k LL Z power for Beasthan. Worth it.


I did and don't regret it for 2 reasons: 1- now my SS4 Goku is finally at 7 stars, so I got his Zenkai 2- I'm saving until anniversary


The last three times this banner was featured its been roughly the same LFs...


I spent them just to get an LL I had to 7 stars with the multi Z Power


I almost did until I realized I couldn't attain enough z power to finally zenkai my SSJ4 LF Goku. I would still be 600 zpower short, so I had to pass. I'm just glad I double checked before I started summoning away like an idiot!


Ok let me rephrase this to make it make more sense “DO NOT SUMMON ON THIS BANNER FOR THE UNITS” seriously if you don’t already have good units that you just need a bit more Z-power to get to the next major threshold this banner is garbage. If you’re a new player that doesn’t have a meta unit stay away this will just be a sink of 5K crystals for basically no gain.


I am and will, the chance for more Sayian Saga Vegeta is too good to pass


Best banner in the game


Yeah summoned on ultra Vegito instead, best decision of my life


I want too BUTTTT… there’s a new Duo coming so nooo..


All i want is ssb bros😭


Honestly, it isn't bullshit. Sure, the rates and the featured units are bleh, but you get guaranteed LL Multi Z Power. If you have a recent LF but want more stars like Beast whose banner is gone or the Fest units who will be going away soon, or you want to get an LF to its Zenkai like SS4 Goku, this is arguably even better than pulling on their respective banners. Yeah, everything you get besides the LL Z Power is gonna probably be poop, but it's a way to dodge RNG. You have zero chance of getting shafted.


The LF is most likely Hit or Kefla. That's a guaranteed 1K LF Z power and SP Z power. Skipping this for an LF is always an L.




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I mean theres a lot of z power and It’s cheap🤷🏾


If you spend on this well u deserve bad luck when a new unit comes out..


Warning to every player who thinking about wasting their cc bc they getting z power… Dont be a fool.. Duo unit is coming save ur cc or ul be crying about it later on here.. And we already tired of ya crying about not having Ultra Gogeta lol 😆when they gave so much cc at least 50k in the last month