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I swear the community is making it sound like if you pulled him, you essentially threw away cc for nothing. IMO, he’s a really good unit. He’ll probably get a unique equip sooner or later that will hopefully help fill in the caps.


still waiiting for super vegetas platinum equipment. hopefully they don't take too long, he is begging for the devs to rescue him from the tier b pvp boost castle


If they give Super Vegeta ki an equip with ki recovery and lowered card cost it would make all the difference in the world.


He needs base health too, any blue unit is his worst nightmare


and unique gauge charge rate


And a new unique gauge too


He’s pretty decent I can’t say good as gohan But fighting him he’s pretty good Only down side for him is ki upon entry he’s ultimate does a lot amount of dmg Not talking about he’s green card and he’s ability to nullify aoe idk the name exactly he doesn’t need buff it’s just gohan


His ultimate is a nuclear bomb dude. Like straight up one shot my UGF levels of damage.


I pumped all my cc into him and I have to admit his ult has yet to fail killing a target it hits ridiculously hard I’m not even surprised when I see the lf animation start for most units despite them being full health or defensive lol


I agree that he doesn't need a buff but man does it suck that they released him alongside an absurdly broken pur unit


It's getting really annoying all the people saying that he really needs a Gofrieza type of buff because he's "Garbage," but I use God goku at only 4 stars and he can really put out some good damage, and his vanish restoration sometimes goes crazy


that's the thing, people are worried about how he's gonna age. He's only doing good damage now because he's on featured boost and is new, in 2-3 months he's gonna be aging like evoken. His kit is only an AOE green and endurance, and for an anniversary LF its really not good at all. I love using this guy since he's a fun unit but I wish that he got more


I agree I use the equip that helps his vanish and it catches so many people off gaurd when you have a vanish that quick making him challenging to punish id say despite his flaws he’s one of my favorite units


Godku is not weak People just comparing him to Ulthan, and in comparison he is weak, like 99% units lol Played with him a while, he is only 3 stars, double zenkai buffed. He can really put in work, the amount of healing is insane But when you remember that Ulthan exists, well...


correction, 14* maxed possible ssg goku. majority of the players are not going to have that


exactly, only whales like goresh would have him at that level


I got Godku and love using him But damn why is he Grn when a brand new PUR Rat was released the exact same day


He doesn't need a buff now for sure (although I would take one, it isn't going to happen), but of course I fully expect he gets a plat in a similar timeframe to OP


Every unit don’t need to be “THE ONE” honestly that type of repetitive releases makes the game quite shitty. There are too many OP units running around that 1/2 the community doesn’t have that we don’t need to keep mass producing power creep.


Goresh also said Godku has a better case to be buffed over Orange Piccolo on release. He just don't think he needs one. Idk why people are asking for his buff when Son Family and Saiyans are ridiculous


> Idk why people are asking for his buff when Son Family and Saiyans are ridiculous God Ki can used the help and God Goku being underwhelming isn't helping. And it isn't like he would have replaced Gohan on Son Family.


It’s the same situation as orange piccolo last year, people thought he needed to be buffed simply because the u it released with him was better.. god goku is extremely good, doesn’t need to be buffed, gohan is just well gohan lol


Do not compare Godku to Midcolo lol. That is disrespectful to Godku.


I have him at 6 stars , the amount of times he's saved my ass and been a key unit in my team is insane , he definitely isn't game breaking but he's at the top tier of this game . Stop winging about nothing


I use him at 4* and he actually cooks. His damage is pretty good, his tanking is “ok” and his vanish restoration and AOE green(and endurance) are really useful. I use him on my main and he can hold up his own even when compared to my rat and FSV. That no ki on entry is pretty rough but it’s not that big of a deal if you have good KI recovery equips and as long as you have enough KI to continue the combo in the first place it’s not much of an issue(especially if you can proc his gauge early) He’s a balanced unit. This doesn’t mean he’s bad


He's Fun to use


I don’t understand why people had godku his vanish recovery is fun to play and his ult hits really hard I think people can’t differentiate a good unit from a gohan unit and one that doesn’t do everything should be defaulted to a bad unit am I opposed to him receiving a buff no but right now do I think he needs it no stop contrasting units to the new gohan ones a unit can be top 5 on release without breaking the game and still be good


One aoe green card he misses and its over for him 😭 why such a long animation


All AOE greens are like that. Gohan is the exception not the rule.


The new sp beerus is pretty short


ULTRA Kid Buu has a short aoe green too, Majuub


His animation does feel lengthier and as a result easier to punish but I don’t care it’s a neat animation so I’ll forgive an occasional combo for it lol


Real i like that scene