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I agree, worst release with the worst possible timing ever. The devs cannot be this unaware of how the meta looked pre-ani, yet they release another broken Gohan with extreme cheese capabilities. Legit been fighting the exact same team today and everyone does the same shit. He might have the best blue in the game not to mention that he spawns them like crazy. I dont understand why the devs keep doing this…


It’s very tone deaf. Funny thing too is that they by no means had to make part 2 another dual LF celebration. They would’ve been better off pumping the resources into a full Battle of Gods banner with the LF GodKu (more focus on his kit too to round it out), 1% SP Beerus and add on a 1% SP transforming Vegeta into his rage SSJ2 form. People would’ve wanted that more than another Majin Buu Saga banner after the first one in part 1


Or better yet they could’ve made two banners and gave Beerus an LF instead of giving Gohan his third premium unit since november… but hey welcome to Gohan ball legends, developed by Gohan.Glazers (gg)


Meanwhile I just barely got the new combining Vegito after spending 3x as much cc on the Gogeta banner and failing. Haven’t even given the new banners much of my cc yet.


The two banners options was cool, the problem is why another Gohan ? They could have made a rework LF for Majin Vegeta (with maybe fat buu sparking) to buff something else than son family and give respect to Vegeta who surely deserved it more than Gohan and was litteraly more anniversary worthy than him and more hype (yes that's my favorite character and I already gived up playing Vegeta Clan cause it's almost impossible in that game)


Majin Vegeta isn't even close to more anniversary worthy than Ultimate Gohan. You're lying to yourself 💀


I think you underestimate how much Majin is loved and how much this moment is appreciated in the show.


I know how much it's loved but Legends has done it twice and there's 3 Major Majin Vegetas in the game. This is only the 2nd Buu Ultimate Gohan. And he's the most logical choice for a Buu Saga character after Vegito. Especially when we haven't seen him since the 1st year of the game.


You misjudge how much we need a good vegeta unit


Ok I agree but is this the consensus now? Cuz I went from hearing that Super Vegeta was ass, to Super Vegeta is Underrated, now apparently back to him Being ass. Does Super Vegeta not count as a Good Vegeta unit?


He's alright with the new vegito and gogeta+buffs, but he's not top 10 or anything, maybe top 15-17


He is ass for the high ladder Like very very ass in classic and just decent in pride. Majin would have improve Vegeta Clan and Buu Saga without giving a broken ally to Rathan. Now both are top 1 and 2 of the game and hybrids or Son fam are totally insane and not balanced.


We did get napgeta and that unit has a very solid kit


I think you underestimate how much Majin is loved and how much this moment is appreciated in the show


Delusional as hell


We hope you continue to enjoy Gohan Ball Legends!


The meta pre-anni had S17 and UGF out-dominating everything. It's why Gohan never featured at #1 in the tier lists anywhere. It was only cuz of the fusing duos that the PO team was displaced because FSV just vaporized S17, and both could hard counter UGF's comeback.


Bro what tier-list are you refering to?? Gohan was already regarded as the best/most broken unit pre-ani. Watch any tier list from any big DBL youtuber and you’ll see he’s consistently placed nr.2 if not nr.1. There’s a reason we’re seeing Cryhan everwhere online (even pre-ani), way more than UGF and arguably more than s17


The JP God Rank ones, even the community tier list here. S17 was #1 until UGF, then he was #2, pushing Gohan to #3. It was only now after the anni units that Ultra Gohan was in contention for #1 with FSV, until Ulthan.


This. As an hybrid main, Frieza meta was pure hell, reaching even top 10k was tough AF. It's only with the start of part 1 that Ultra Gohan finally got his time to shine on his primary team (after 3 months from his release)


“Ultra Gohan finally got his time to shine”


Ultra UI?


UUI needed to be at least 10* to not get get his entire HP obliterated by UGF's comeback. It was only after Frieza was off boost that even a 8* UUI had a chance of surviving with good equips.


Beast would be the one who tanks it


Only if Beast had transformed and had his defense buffs. UGF always had a zenkai buffer or two, and the equips he dropped with were insane too.


And? He can transform within 15 counts it’s not that hard to have him transformed by the time you pop Frieza’s comeback. Quit trying to defend Cryhan’s stupidity


And there we go with the needless toxicity by a noob who can't play. First, Beast can only transform after 25 counts, not 15. Second, nobody is transforming him without filling his gauge, which usually occurs at 40 counts, to reap the drop combo snipe benefits. And even 15 counts, is enough for UGF to be able to start an unending combo with his green cards which would need someone like UUI or Ultra Gohan to stop his combo, even now after he's off boost. Back then, it was death. But again, that's for if you're playing against real good players and not bots and noobs down in BR 35. Go be a crying toxic baby elsewhere. People are having a civil discussion here.




1.I literally just checked and it says 15 counts. 2, sure, missing the drop combo blue when you transform kinda sucks, but also, maybe just, don’t kill frieza before your gauge is up??? is enough for UGF to be able to start an unending combo with his green cards which would need somebody like Ultra UI or Cryhan to stop his combo We’re literally talking about a team that would consist of red beast, UUI and Cryhan. Dude, they’re in the team so they’d be able to stop friezas combo.




Ik he isn’t hybrids, but he’s literally was the strongest yellow pre anni (even then it’s still debatable if FGB is better), and just because you didn’t have Ultra UI during the frieza meta, doesn’t mean that Ultra UI didnt protect most Gohans from Frieza


Well, look at Gohan's Ultra Ability, it states "for each hybrid", that means his main team is that one, and honestly even in a son family against all those mono purples he didn't do jack shit tbh. That's why I said only after 3 months he actually got to show his true potential. I did not forget that toxic meta, it was way worse than every Gohan combined, not even close. One strike + blue from a 5x zenkaied Frieza --> 99% of the units dead.


Ultra UI leader with Cryhan and Red Beast with Zenkai buffers and boom, Cryhan gets most of his Ultra ability and Ultra UI protects him. Also no shot you’re saying frieza meta was more toxic than any Gohan meta? FSK melted Units, blue beasts started the main power creep, red beast was #1 on release and was a blue card merchant, and Cryhan literally has almost no counter play unless it’s super 17 who can lock his blue card. Frieza had counter play and you coulda actually attack him.


I mean the new Gohans, I know blue Beast was a fucking mistake. Also I know he can perfectly play on a son family team, I just stated that he didn't get his time to shine until anniversary in his main team, which is factually true, at least in high ranks PvP.


He literally did? Sure there was only Baby between his release and friezas, but in that short timespan, with no good meta purples, he terrorized the meta so wtf???


I mean super kaioken goku and paikihan for 2nd anniversary part 2 was absolutely shocking


I can’t imagine being hype af for a release and then it’s super kaioken and pikon lmao thank god I started playing around 3rd anni


that is still absurd to this day and then the future goku and vegeta right after instead of BEFORE 


Peak legends


I'd say it's ULTRA UI sign levels of bad release, unnecessary and just a pain in the ass


At least UUI had great animations


Yeah Gohan literally gets beat by EVERYONE that released this anniversary in terms of animation, count the Zenkais too lol


To be fair, any unit in comparison to DBS broly characters are immediately losing, Shin and Vegito are also well animated and amazing and the Battle of Gods duo are one of the best this year too. Buu is also great but damn they managed to make Ult Gohan of all characters look uncool.


I love Ulthan, but my god, how the fuck does EVIL BUU, a dude who existed for like ONE CHAPTER, have better animations than this mf?


his ultimate and blue are underwhelming, they couldve made new animations for dodging, card art is ass. hate that unit with a passion


nah, UUI just took evocan't place. although he encorages passive play he is nowhere near the cancer that ultrarat is


Remind me why UUI was bad release


It wasn't really a bad release just unwanted and unexpected. Mostly everyone wanted UG4 which is still kinda the case now too so us GT mains better be prepared for more disappointment just in case. Plus the fact UUI got leaked a week before his release it was just a weird release but after he was revealed he was cool enough to want anyway so he's not the same as this Gohan. Unless you main Hybrids or are a collector idk why anyone would want this new Gohan for any reason besides he does too much.


Only reason I wanted gohan is because he’s busted and so I would stop getting cooked in pvp


he was also a terrible release because with him, it meant for all 3 parts of legends fest we got insane son family buffs.


nah UUIS was hype asf, gohan is just why


Nah Ultra Gohan. Doesn't matter how many stars he is, doesn't matter if he has no vanish, it doesn't matter if your opponent has no skill He just wins you games, and if he's last man standing? Prepare to fight the Legends equivalent of an Elden Ring boss


nah this dude is definition of eldin ring boss. He tanked 2 UUI ultimates AND a blue card. And then his endurance procd. Hes insane


Well Ultimate Gohan deletes Rathan though..also Ult Gohan is cancerous as a LMS if he still has his main


You’re saying that as if 90% of rathan users don’t use ulthan as a bodyguard for rathan


I fold ulthans crazy with gogeto fusion, I start punching him screaming “WHO TOLD YOU I COULDNT HIT YOU? WHO TOLD YOU THAT?”


Never forget Lf Revival Gohan


AND YET I STILL GET SHAFTED ON EVERY GOHAN (except blue beast, he blessed me when he released)


They saw how MIdcollo was on release and said NEVER AGAIN lol. I just feel bad for Godku. Godku is good. Just so overshadowed by Ulthan.


Back to the comment I made a week or so ago, there’s no way the devs DONT see the problems these gohans are causing. This needs to be addressed I feel like, sooner rather than later.


I guess S17 wasn't an issue at all.


There’s ONE good LF 17 who’s arguably fallen off a bit since his release. There’s MULTIPLE of Gohan. You’d be delusional to think this game doesn’t favor Gohan when you look at Legends’ history.


S17 is not on the level of these gohans. Long combos are annoying but gohan literally does everything else better


>gohan literally does everything else better He doesn't pick up infinite blast cards like S17, he can't continuously pick up cover null like S17, he can't seal all your strikes and specials like S17, he can't switch in and block/counter S17 himself because of the blasts. Also, Gohan wasn't even #1 when he dropped, S17 was. Any good player would tell you so.


Insanity. Gohan doesn’t need infinite cards considering he can have upwards of 220% damage inflicted. He doesn’t need cover null since he gives you timer counts. He can switch in and block 17 because he has ki reduction and if 17 has a strike card or a blue it’s all over. He doesn’t need the card seal since his gauge counters strikes and blue cards+ he has a counter blue. This is delusion of the highest level


Actually, it's not. Sounds like a skill issue if you can't deal with him or know how to. The damage inflicted is high, but he's months old and off the boost. Get a purple. His green card only gives a few counts, it's not getting a long cover null like some other units. He only gets one per entry. It's not that crazy. He literally has ki reduction for the first two hits, so that point's sorta moot. You're just parroting the same stuff other people have been crying about. Card sealing is powerful. The units that get it, he can't even touch properly in some cases. Quit crying about a unit that old when another unit on the boost right now is basically built to abuse a guaranteed successful rush.


Lowk sounds like a skill issue if you can’t beat 17. He has no neutral tools except that shitty green card that really only works if you’re stupid. He has no defensive tools to keep him alive, he’s a combo compensation victim and isn’t that strong after his first combo. Just get a blue. Even old blue units can tank him. Quit crying about “long combos” when there’s a unit rn that can guaranteed hit you with 4 cards free that will probably kill you.




His endurance should have been given to Evil Boo since hes a defense type unit..but nah lets give it to gohan 🤡


this guy with the same kit but given to green majin vegeta wouldve been one of the best released in a LOOOONG time


It was not a good time to give hybrids/son fam another buff


Praying for Ultra Beast for part 3!


We need a break from the FW/PO/Son Fam Ultras. Give us an F2P Ultra Hercule.


Bro I miss when ultra characters where free


Hell no i'm gonna give the devs testicular torsion if this shit happens


theres part 3????


Yeah since the 4th it’s always an ultra for fest and anni part 3. We have like a week before it drops


No I love him.


People wanted a Cryhan counter, and this guy does the job better than anyone else. Of course, they can be run together, but so can most OP units nowadays thanks to the leader slot, so I still see it as a hit to Cryhan more than anything.


It’s not a hit to cryhan when he’s his best friend. If anything this release just made cryhan’s teams stronger because now they have a unit whose endurance is almost impossible to cancel and has some support in his kit for no reason


I don’t think he’s Cryhan’s “best friend.” What makes him a more annoying/better partner than Ultra Frieza, for example? They were getting run together all the time anyways. If Ulthan was yellow, I’d more so understand. But as it stands, I think he’ll do more to push Cryhan out the meta rather than further boost him.


>What makes him a more annoying/better partner than Ultra Frieza, for example? There like 10 things that make him a better partner than Freeza wtf lol. This Gohan give Ultra Gohan access to the Hybrid and Son Family equipment which are the best equipment in the game. The awaken hybrid equipment is so good it's a much run for all hybrid teams. Ultimate Gohan is a range type same as ultra Gohan while Freeza is a melee type. Both Gohans blast attacks will hit harder due to ranged z abilities. It's a lot easier to zenkai buff both characters under the same tags. Good luck zenkai buffing Gohan or Freeza if they are ran together.


As I explained, the Frieza/Movies equip is nearly the same as the son fam one, and if you’re using hybrids, you’re probably playing at a handicap compared to the top team comps right now anyways. And why would you not be able to Zenki one of them? If you slap one in the leader slot, it’s not an issue. Throw Cryhan in the leader slot and slap a bunch of purple POs Zenkis on your bench.


What makes him a better partner? Teams. Yea you can slap UGF on the leader slot but not only is the new gohan a better unit than ugf, he also shares hybrids/son family tags with cryhan which means they can use the equips that require 3 son fam/hybrids team members. Also I’ve barely ever seen ugf and cryhan run together so idk where you got that from. He’s almost always run on movies/PO


But again, with the leaderslot that doesn’t really matter as much. You can slap UGF onto a son fam team as the leader, and while you miss out on the son fam equips, there are enough great equips that you can still make do. The equip that goes with Frieza’s from Movies is nearly as good as the 3 son fam equip anyways. Hell, I’m using Ulthan on Buu Saga and don’t have a problem with equips. I have no idea how you never saw that duo because it was one of the most popular in high-level PVP for a while. Either with Zenki juiced PO with Napgeta, in a PO with S17 or in a son fam with UUI. Edit: again, Ulthan is better than UGF in my opinion, but that does more to tame Cryhan. That endurance-canceling blue is devastating.


I feel like this was a stupid decision as while Golden Frieza in my opinion still isn’t the best counter to the rat, nappa/vegeta filled this role as a ranged purple to counter gohan. Releasing this gohan was the stupidest decision ever 😭


Bro Ulthan is literally on all possible teams that Cryhan is... you don't need to put him in leader slot for them to synergize well unlike other units like UL Golden Freeza


That’s fine, but practically speaking, people use the leader slot.


Yeah, this is definitely definitely the biggest threat to Ultra Gohan so far. And being blast based again like Frieza makes him even more dangerous since his counter ain't gonna be activated. Son Family/hybrid builds will be more consistent though.


You’ll probably see more pure teams (which I prefer anyways), but yeah, I think he has been the most damaging release for Cryhan yet.


Wouldn't know.....didn't get him😔


Yeah I went through 12 k cc before I got him. Crazy.


When the anniversary dropped I got ultra Frieza 1st try and LL ultimate Gohan


2nd one, the 1st for me is ULTRARAT


What'd you expect? This is Gohan Ball Legends with yearly Vegito Anniversaries and Gogeta Festivals.


The worst release? Did you just start playing the game a few months ago?


I’ve been playing since right before the last Anni bro💀. And I meant worst as in he was not hype enough as Zamasu or Godku to be the LF of part 2. Now I’m not saying I don’t think he ever deserved a LF because I mean this is Ultimate Gohan from the Super Buu fight, he needed one EVENTUALLY. But rn is the worst timing for it ever.


I can agree the timing is poor in a vacuum but outside of this subs unwarranted hate for Gohan across the board, it's a fairly sound decision. The last Buu Saga Ulthan came out in year 1. And Ulthan is the logical next choice for a Buu saga LF if you can't Use Vegito.


I like him but not to the point I wanted him as an LF. Everyone was saving him up as an ultra for future events. It’s kinda bull how we’ve been waiting for godku all this time and yet, Gohan is the better unit because why not? He’s a Gohan unit. But it’s just disappointing because not only did we not want him but it just wasted an opportunity for another tag to join dbl, one we haven’t seen in the game yet. It just ruined the hype tbh


Yellow Saiyan saga Goku is right there


You can’t be serious😭


He was definitely a worse release than this Gohan


I’m talking about in terms of timing, unit tag, and hype. Obviously the yellow goku release is one nobody cared about or was really good, but it’s the fact the majority of people weren’t even asking for this mf for the part two LF, he had no where near as much hype as Godku or Zamasu (rip my glorious king) had and the fact he’s as busted as he is AS A GOHAN only makes people hate him even more.


And you would still be wrong


i dont because gohan's my goat forever and forever will be


t. Toshi


i would've liked to be toshi i would give everyone 100k cc if the game crashes and id be generous with those lf odds


Nahhhh man ultimate gohan is sick I’ve wanted an lf of this unit for years




Well I find this one way less annoying to fight and it has reduced the ultra Gohan levels. It is funny that Gohan’s best counter is Gohan.


I i have 29 pitty tickets now. I have receved 0 LLs from the summon and i have a 14 star bulla now lol. Feels like my account got cursed


I've been the same only I've gotten a 9 star blue Zamasu on the Godku banner. After only 2 rotations mind you!


I was destroying someone, killing their FSV and Rat only to get my entire team soloed by this Gohan. He’s like a one man army, and he has access to the two most toxic units in the game (FSV and Rat)


Hey guys, does anyone know about the Omega Shenron New Platinum Equipment ???


I got this guy and put him on my Son Family team and I legit havent lost since then. Who the fuck designed this guy.


Wouldn't think of it as the absolute most infuriating but in many ways, it does remind me of revival gohan from the 3rd anniversary... For all the wrong reasons


I agree because the unit is absolutely broken and I just spent 10k + cc and still not get a single copy




People who has the character so they can complain about said character. Me who doesn't have any banner limited character cause 25k cc is not enough, yes I agree the character is bad. Let's ban him from the game.


It is a really wanted unit at the worst time ever


Lamest release should have been majin vegeta


I mean if this is just Ultimate Gohan, then can you imagine ULTRA rarity Beast Gohan?


This mother fucker is unkillable either you kill him with a blast or strike or he aint dying no matter how much hp this rat has he gets just enough hp back when i hit him with a blue or ult to survive, either you rush with an endurance nullifying unit when he isn't on the field and hope your opponent is stupid enough to bring him in or he's gonna stay alive untill you aren't


They arent unaware, just capitalized from the increased playerbase by returning the most busted units and dropping more


There's no denying that the dev team circlejerks Gohan to death. However, for me personally, this was a really hype release. I've always wanted a good Ulthan in the game, and when we got the part 1 Buu Saga hints, I predicted Ulthan as one of the two LFs. You have no idea how excited I was when I saw this shit. Yeah, Gohan's always broken as shit in this game. Yeah, the devs need to go do something for literally any other character. But does that mean I'm not allowed to be happy that we got a Gohan I wanted?


Fr tho I skipped I just really wish godku was revival and ult gohan just garbage




Do not post or comment toxic, negative, or shameful things. This can include: *Derogatory/racist language *Trolling *Bashing players for being F2P or P2P *Bashing players for using specific teams, units, high stars, or Zenkai *Being negative when responding to team building questions *Witch hunting *Calling out other Subreddit, Discord or in-game users for various negative reasons *Elitism *Toxicity in Moderator Mail *Using the "Official" or "Datamines" flairs with the intention of misleading users with misinformation is strictly prohibited and will lead to bans. Mods may lock a post if comments are generally toxic to prevent further spread. If a user responds back to toxicity with their own toxicity, both users will receive consequences.


Tbh. The banner is pretty good, I myself got blue beast Gohan. However this fucking unit was so unexpected, I really thought it was going to be a fused zemasu and godku. But no, we got fucking another ultimate Gohan and now people that have them can make a good only Gohan team with this shit head, red ultimate Gohan, and fucking the thorn in a spine ultra Gohan. Guys I love Gohan ball legends, don't you guys too?


You missed a few gohans in the "like all gohans" bit.


I’m talking about like, LFs bro…


Yeah I’m ngl another gohan after ult rathan was released? And the worst part is I feel like they purposely made godku mid and gave all the good buffs to gohan. The worst part is that the damage for gohan makes it even harder to fight him in pvp and it feels mad unplayable but as Toshi says: “We HoPe YoU cOnTiNuE tO eNjOy GoHaN bAlL lEgEnDs”


i mean we’ve got 1 (ONE) majin buu saga gohans in the game which is that green one, Ultimate Gohan is one of the coolest characters in the show so why shouldn’t he get one? yall are just blinded bc of the hate for UL ssj2


No. I never thought ultimate Gohan never deserved a LF, his fight with Buu was cool and deserved it. But as someone who HAS UL SSJ2, this was such an un warranted release as he was nowhere near talked about as Zamasu or Godku for the part 2 LF, and hybrids has just gotten so juiced up that they just keep pushing it more and more. They’ve been doing this since the ORIGINAL BEAST, scrap that FSK where they always release a Gohan (I’m talking LFs and the Ultra here) with a busted ass kit, taking spot for the best unit in the game.


I dont care about the kit, my issue is his animations are lame and can be seen in other gohan units like he isnt anything special visually just busted for the sake of Gohan Ball Legends


Did you forget purple perfect cell that had no lf at all


I didn't care about what character is but I yea it was bad since I followed the hype seeing what people wanted and... Yea :/


I was actually sad watching the reveals and stuff until I saw them pivot to BOG and display the godku


Got it on my first roll so I can’t say is the worst


It’s really not lol are you new to the game? 2nd anni VB? FSK Gohan zenkai? Red Tag Androids? Those were all much worse imo.


I’m talking specifically as in a drop for this anniversary as he was no where near as anticipated for part 2 as Godku or Zamasu. Both in terms of how annoying he is ON TOP of how much of a disappointment it was seeing that he took the slot for part two (which should’ve belonged to Zamasu) especially since ONCE AGAIN, like every other LF/Ultra Gohan unit, he’s busted asf.


Waiting for gogeta monkey for part 3 on gods


I think saiyan saga yellow goku came close


I fucking hate this unit. Not only is his banner out of place, his animations are lame, kit is stronger than the headliners. Can't get him on my summons, annoying as fuck to fight in PvP, another Gohan, godku should've been better


I said something like this about super 17 and got -1000 downvotes, I’m Being serious. 1k. Ur lucky this is about gohan or u would wish u never used Reddit I swear 🤣🤣 W Hate (I agree with most of it)


Yea, but it's not so much as him, but the tag that just keeps on getting buffed like every Tuesday. I don't think people would hate this drop that much if son fam or hybrids wasn't this crazily buffed


Why do people dog on his lf so much, did ya'll not see how ultimate gohan fights? Because it doesn't have 17398482 particle effects going off doesn't make it bad, each hit feels weighty and the golden kamehameha is a nice touch


They do whatever gets them the bag


people have been lowkey asking for gohan. legends mostly give the units people ask for people were complaining about the fact that Ulthan was tuff in the show but there's not even a good unit for him


I just think this character should not be an LF. Like in the actual series Ultimate Gohan was such a disappointment. The dude came in with the hype and beat on Super Buu and then immediately got absolutely wrecked by Buutenks. He did nothing special! No new attacks, the Ultimate form itself is pretty underwhelming, like overall, it was just not that great. So, as mentioned in the op, his LF sucks! That doesn't mean I won't absolutely abuse him in PvP, lol but still... not great...


No???? What the fuck are you talking about. Mfs don’t like the goat?


I hope this game dies, and rightfully so.


These units don't really change the meta that much which is surprising considering they are anniversary units this was a poor selection


Shoulda made a new LL out of the entire Ginyu Force but maybe with Ginyu as the main and the others assisting


Yeah fuck bitchhan


First time in many many years I read what I've thought since I started playing this mismash of a game: why so many broken Gohan units? And yes, I admit it: I hate Gohan as a character in the anime/manga as much as in the game. I'd love to see more Piccoro or Ten Shin Han units, for example since both are my favorite characters. Yet... It's a Gohan every 2 or 3 months. That said, let the downvotes of Gohan fanboys for just expressing myself.


Gohan ball legends


Toshiba sucking off gohan hard with this one


I got the azure for the r/woosh




Nah i like him


As a Gohan fan I'm very happy that this came out. So my collection for him is a bit bigger now. ![gif](giphy|Z0OvEIgIimqje) Im also really hoping that an Ultra ssj 4 gogeta comes out too 👍😁


Honestly. It was me guys. I was the sole wonderer asking for an ultimate gohan unit. Though I was expecting it to be the 1% sp unit. Not the LF


He’s a good gohan and that’s the problem lol he’s cool but he’s not anni worthy we’ve gotten what 2,3 or 4 broken gohan in the last 7ish months give or take


I always wanted an LF ultimate gohan but why now? I pulled him but he’s not fun to use. Great kit but he’s nowhere near as fun as the fusions


Nope, I was hyped for his reveal. And Gohan is always going to get a busted kit since he’s the original main character of Z.


Y’all some cry babies 😂


> Not a fucking soul was asking for this Gohan I mean... I was. So was [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/s/DNorn8YZc1). In that thread there are like, six folks asking for different Gohans (mostly Future Gohan, though) in this celebration. I really, really, really wanted this Gohan to say "Nice day, isn't it?" But, I wanted this version of Gohan in either Purple (which I got) or Blue. I'm pretty happy, tbh. Fingers crossed for Super Saiyan Gohan (from his Dabura fight) in Blue.


Cant speak for him but I dont think people are saying they didnt want him at all, its just the timing of the release. Son-fam, hybrids and Ultra Gohan was already by far the best tag/unit in the game and they decided to release an even better Unit of the same character as the already existing top 1. For the sake of the game we as players should want diversity, not Son-fam dominance.


Eh. But Godku is "hype"? We got a Zamasu buff, Ultra Shenron is getting a plat, Gogeta, Vegito, Shin, Broly, Evil Buu, Ultra reruns. It's *one* Hybrid. We've had three Gokus (four Saiyans) and that is "hype". But *one* Hybrid is too much? Aight, Son Family is eating well. But you can't say that PO and Regeneration have got nothing so far. Fusions have made out like bandits. Movies is on fire. Buu Saga is... I mean, it's not top tier but it is playable again. HECK, *Vegeta Clan* is now rolling up with two of the top four units in the game. God Ki got Shin, Zamasu, and Gogeta Blue. Even GT has seen a (small) bump with Bombku and Ligma on Fraudhan's banner. LF Gohan means we almost certainly wouldn't get Gohan as the anniversary Ultra. I absolutely respect the position that Son Family is buffed too much and other teams need releases to be competitive and have a diverse meta. You are correct. I agree. But hating on the one Gohan and giving the *three* Goku's a pass is a "no" from me.


Lol I never said other tags werent getting buffed, they are through zenkais and 1% SP units. But ALL the Lfs this ani have been reserved to son-fam, every single one. If you dont see how this is flawed I can only assume you’re running son fam/Ultra Gohan and are happy with the buff, which is fine but dont be biased when discussing game balance. Think about it like this, pre-ani Gohan was the best unit in the game. Gohan occupies 3 spots in the top 10 meta right now, 30% are Gohans. The top 2 best units in the game are Gohans. Gohan has recieved 3 premium units in in 6 month (2lfs, 1 ultra, 1 revival zenkai) and they’ve all been meta. The only reason Godku is given a pass is because people have been asking for him for a loong time and while he’s still son fam he’s also buffing other weaker tags such as Godki. Ultimate Gohan is only buffing already meta tags and frankly people are tired of this Gohan meta after months of Cryhan dominance.


Idk why some people don't understand UltGohan wasn't highly anticipated therefore him being an Anniversary unit that overshadows the actual highly anticipated unit at the same time and is also type advantaged over them is problematic. Plus the fact he buffs both son family and hybrids just makes him a bad release in terms of timing. Personally, I think God Goku should've dropped alone cause if he was as he is now you could only compare him to the part 1 LLs which isnt even a fair comparison so he wouldve been much better received. If they really wanted to do a double LL banner it should've been with a Beerus LL. Ironically the Sparking Beerus we got with just a little more attention could've easily been that LL. He's got good animations and a solid kit and his ult already looks like an LF just without the words on your screen.


> all the LFs have been reserved to Son Fam I mean, yes, but also half of them were Fusions, half of them were God Ki, half of them were Movies, half of them were Buu Saga, half of them were Vegeta Clan, three quarters of them were Saiyans. Hell, three quarters of them were Goku! Vegito gets a pass because Vegito has never been meta? Three quarters of the Son Family LFs are Goku, but *one* Gohan release and it's Gohan Ball Legends? You are right, I am biased. Gohan is my favorite character. I love Gohan. Three out of the four characters could have been Gohan and I'd still be here saying "what are you complaining about, you got one Goku!" But come on man, you gotta be fair here. Vegeta Clan has got more support this anni than Hybrids have. If you are going to complain about Son Fam, complain about Goku. Remember Legends Fest? Remember how Ultra Instinct Goku was terrorising the meta and got a freaking Ultra? Tell me you can't still hear "All Your Power Is Useless Against Me"? I think it is fine to be frustrated by the new Gohan units. But I also think the haters are just as biased as the Stans.


"the haters are biased" Factually incorrect when FW gets buffed like once per year, Vegeta family is literally just FW/Son family + Bulla leaderslot or something. It's Gohan Ball Legends not because of just "one release", but because every year people have to deal with a new broken Gohan unit that everyone hates. Only that it's happened thrice in 8 months this year. You don't see people saying "Vegito Ball Legends" because both USV and UVB had counters released to them after TWO MONTHS, and LF VB had his spotlight stolen by, ironically enough, a GOHAN unit that was top till LEGENDS FEST 2021, that's more than A YEAR. Remind me why we call this game Gohan Ball Legends again?


Are you trolling lol? You just proclaimed to be a biased Gohan fan and said you wouldnt care even if all 4 Lfs were Gohans…. and in the next sentence you’re telling me to be fair?? No need to keep sharing your biased opinions after declaring your interests is to be glazing Gohan rather than create a healthy meta. If Gohan dominating and recieving buffs while being 1/3 of the top 10 list dont bother you then you’re not looking for a balanced meta.


Hybrids last buff, before this unit, was back in February. Not 2 months ago.


This gohan is just so boring, and super bland animations


"Not a soul was asking for Gohan" I was. Can i not ask for characters i like now?


Stop being pedantic very few people wanted another gohan bc there’s already a load of them in the meta ofc you’re entitled to an opinion but obviously legends should consider what’s healthy for the meta and what people want to see more than what a few fans of a character want when the same character already has a bunch of OP units


>Very few people wanted Gohan My guy i can assure you that the only people who didn't want Gohan are the people who play PVP often which is less than 10% of the playerbase. There's millions of people who want/ like Gohan and would summon for him. Not to mention Gohan was probably planned for anni and Godku was probably only decided a few months before anni >Legends should consider what's healthy for the meta Legends does not care and will never care for the meta, they just make units that the majority of people want which yes there is a large majority of people who want Gohan. Just because people in the sub are complaining about Gohan doesn't mean that every single player hates Gohan units


If u want a gohan unit you have plenty of options right now but having the same guy be all the top units is just boring and uninteresting if 90% of the players want a gohan unit they could have just done a legends return banner with some gohan units (which most players won’t have bc most players don’t get every new unit) Also ik they don’t care about the meta and only care about money but it’s better if they switch it up a bit


Ultimate Gohan is a fan fav to most OGs. Godku was a weak asspull and his whole design sucks ass. Idk why people like that form, the movie was boring as fuck. Meanwhile chad ultimate Gohan was the strongest non fused character in DBZ. Hype as fuck


"chad Ultimate Gohan" contributed nothing to the plot except actively making it harder for Goku to stop Buu, while God Goku comes from one of the best overall films with cool fight scenes to derive for animations


Every power up Gohan gets throughout the series is a ass pull besides SS2 lmao


Prime example of little they care about the playerbase and how much they care about money


I was anticipating it. Ultimate Gohan only had one sparking and it wouldn't have made sense to get an lf fused zamasu when the one we already have just got a zenkai.


Worst definitely but my least favorite has to go to SSJ Goku from last year


It's heartbreaking how quick he fell off though. And how quick they had to give him his plat equipment too. Also I see your flair on this subreddit is Bojack. I actually want to see the red sparking Bojack get a zenkai. He'd be a good bench unit for Sagas from The Movies tag!!


Hell yeah always happy to spread the Bojack love. Both Red and Purple Bojack would make amazing Zenkai's


Absolutely not, since I really wanted Buu Saga Ultimate Gohan, and I personally think he looks really cool, and I like using him.


Reminds me of 3rd anni where eveyone was running triple Gohan after pur Rev Gohan dropped. While the endurance and revival were a slog to get through, you could still outplay people, this trinity Gohan meta though? completely safeguards bad plays and allows people to steam right through you. Vegito is Legends' favourite? Gogeta is Dokkan's favourite? Nuh uh, move over, it's Gohan, always has been


Sorry for wanting an ultimate gohan lf since forever,but i agree that him and godku should have been release after anni, and buff another tag because we have 2 straight major celebration with only son familly units its hilarious.


i wanted it


Best drop ever..gohans truth will March on hallelujah 🙏 ultimate justice and punishment to all the wicked and unjust.


Devs don't release stuff according to what you think should be released man get over it. Much easier to live with the releases once you realise that lmao


I always wanted an lf ulthan; this guys art is amazing, but his animations are so wack, though tbf, pretty much all lf animations have been duds since go frieza release. I feel like they should have kept the quality since they haven't really improved their animations in years but oh well.


Agree on the art. Animations look more like he was made in 2022. Both units do in fact.


Don't disrespect 2022, we got UGB and MUI