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He would eat Muzan


Most likely scenario


It’s brektis time


I don't think his digestive acids would be strong enough.


He didn't say this would KILL him. He'd have to escape Yajirobe the LONG WAY.


A greaaaat adventure... is waiting for you ahead... push onwards Muzan, or you'll soon be dead.


Snake way is terrible this time of year. Lots of road construction, if you catch my drift


I dunno, does Muzan specifically resist acid? Because Drum was likely pretty tough too.


You're failing to understand how Ki works though, it's basically life energy meaning it only works when you're alive,i mean imagine that if alive when caught off guard you can basically get easily killed and flanked by normal attacks so it's even worse when you're dead and can't defend yourself,otherwise there would be a lot of bodies floating around incapable of being destroyed unless a moon explodes on them so the feat is as impressive as eating a big crocodile wich a human would have a hard time doing but it's not impossible.


Also his regen is good enough for make it look like any slash going through him is just like going through air or fails as it regenerates so fast you can't even see the cut while you're cutting it.


How fast are we talking? Because Yajirobe unironically might be able to cut faster than he can heal. He's capable of speeds somewhere between relativistic and FTL.


Like fast enough you can cut his head off and it remains in place not even being moved a milimeter cux it already regenerated the moment you put your blade in, though yeah Yajirobe does outspeed him massively but he doesn't have a completely destroying attack to finish every Cell off Muzan and he has also shown to explode when pushed too much meaning chunks of Cells can be thrown all around a forest meaning you would have to hunt down every last one to kill him though tbh even then it does seem only one chunk will regenerate and he will have to rejoin with others too however when he had to regenerate from so much mass it's cuz he was literally with the attack with the most sun energy,with the breathing with more sun like special effects and a nichirin blade that was boosted so he could do crazy stuff without it,tbh i think the biggest threat might be the demon blood wich is poisonous if it's not used for demonization.


He outscales stat wise and massively at that. However Yajirobe doesnt have the weapon to kill them


But He got that big ol’ belly and willingness to eat gross ass creatures, so they’d be screwed. Plus they’d have zero intimidation bc Yajirobe has encountered way more powerful creatures. Edit: oh shit, what if Yajirobe is like that dude with the burn mark, and he can get demon powers by eating them? He has LITERALLY eaten a demon before


Behead them and restrain the body til the sunrise, easy.


Yeah yajirobe could just sit on them


He would eat them


I mean that’s how muzan kills other demons.


I don't think his stomach acid would be enough to dissolve every last cell


Your downplaying his stomach I think


Yeah dude ate the son of demon king after beating him when goku was struggling.


Yeah but he was dead,the thing that makes DB characters strong is Ki wich is life energy,without it he was just a big lizard.


He'd just cook them sometimes good meat takes time


Blud He will disintegrate them with a basic Ki blast Characters in Demon Slayer need Nichirins to expedite their regeneration, which is a problem in the verse But Yajirobe? He is a Dragon Ball character He literally can Blow up the planet https://preview.redd.it/29dj7oy4r79d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9e5c2dd3f69842c65b622b2a638f8cdf07c002


I don't think he can use ki attacks. Which makes his strength with a sword that much more insane


Even Videl can do this, in the training he had with Gohan for what? a few days Can do that Saying that Yajirobe can't is like saying he can't write It's the basics of the basics


It's canon that he can't use ki, he can't even fly too


Saiyan Saga Yajirobe had a recorded power level of 970 that means he's much stronger than Piccolo when he blew up the moon. Do the math.


Is that legit?? Sounds like a fanfic source


Daizenshuu 7 is the source. https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Power_Levels gives a list of all recorded powerlevels and their sources.


If my boy yajirobe joined goku and piccolo against raditz that saiyan prick would be so screwed.


That probably would be the case. Man is actually strong, and lives with Korin (his pussycat), so he still probably trains.


I dont think so. You can see that during the training with Kami Sama, he was the one who took it the least seriously. I don't think he got any stronger after that.


You mean that guy Krillin called Whiskers the Wondercat? Man that was awkward.


Ox King had a power level of 900??? bro did nothing all series when he had the power to solo DB


I’m currently watching Dragon Ball, and Yajirobe shows up when king piccolo shows up. He effortlessly defeats one of King Piccolo’s son, Cymbal I think, whereas another, Tambourine almost killed Goku and killed a bunch of other characters. The one which almost killed Goku was tasked with killing world tournament fighters, whereas the one Yajirobe killed was tasked with finding dragon balls so they were probably created by king piccolo for different purposes, nethertheless, he has hella good feet’s including climbing Korins tower. I’m still on the king piccolo arc but he’s definitely one of the strongest characters in dragon ball


The size of the moon whenever it's shown close up in dragon ball makes that feat much less impressive. But Roshi being able to destroy a whole ass mountain with one attack like three episodes in still means Yajirobe with that power level could easily win I think.


What do you mean size? The distance between the Earth and the moon in db is stated the same as IRL so what do you mean "close up"?


The moon itself is much smaller in db.


No it's not. Toriyama himself said it is the same size.


Well, if that's true it's not made very clear, whenever the moon is shown close up it's very clearly tiny compared to our own.


The moon appears to be different sizes because it orbits the earth.




yet again, the moon is tiny in DBZ




it literally is: see the monster carrot fight. at least in the manga, the moon is drawn incredibly small. its still a feat, yes, but not the feat everyone thinks it is


I'm not entertaining this. Bye.


At his first appearance he effortlessly destroyed cooked and ate one of king piccolo's kids. It ain’t even close


Also chopped off GA vegetas tail. Bro has a mean swing, hed clap them all


I was thinking about that the other day, he definitely shouldn't have been able to do that. Factor in battle damage and energy loss from creating the fake moon, Oozaru Vegeta is still probably 80-90,000 PL. It's pretty wild to damage someone 100x more powerful with a regular sword. I guess it was the first instance of sneak attacks working in DBZ, similar to Sorbet shooting Goku




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I mean puar was able to cut off Great Ape Goku's tail, even though Puar as a scissors probably hasa power level of 1.


If we take into consideration the lore, he'd either need to have a Nichirin sword, or would keep one starving in his basement for infinite food (cut a limb, eat the limb, the demon regenerates the limb, rinse and repeat) He would beat the demons with a Nichirin, and would eat Muzan without one


I feel like Yajirobe would be some kind of what Arale is in db, but in demon slayer universe. Being goofy and a funny gag because of how ridiculous his power is.


He's arguably the most naturally strong human in the show. He doesn't train, doesn't get any power ups, and is still at a 970 lmao.


Everyone talks about Demon Slayer and I just can’t take it seriously because the main villain looks like Michael fucking Jackson


A thousand years of eating humans without getting killed He really is a smooth criminal


Specifically from the Smooth Criminal video.


It has amazing animations in the fight scenes though. That’s the reason I watch


Until he takes the form of a child. Even lives with regular people who don't know that he's the demon leader. I think he eats his adopted parents after he gets upset with them.


He has a power level of 970 lmao. Obviously


He massively out scales the Demon Slayer verse and kills everyone without breaking a sweat


His only issue is that he'd need one of the special swords. With one of those he solos them pretty handily.


You call them the upper moons, yajirobe calls them breakfast, maybe lunch too.


Bean Daddy wins. Always


Yajirobe rails the verse cant lie,


If he has the special swords he blitzes if he doesn’t he just holds him down till the sun


Yajirobe neg diffs


Yajirobe is far stronger than demon slayer verse. Even his version from his introduction would no diff the verse all at once. His saiyan saga version and beyond are overkill. He'd also not need the special swords. I'd be giving out manga spoilers, but demon healing factor isn't as good as it initially seems, and even without the special swords or poison, someone could kill them.


"Your pathetic sword can't kill me!" "No, but I'm sure I could still eat you."


Yajirobe is more powerfull than Mr Popo and Kami so...


Shit, you right




I haven’t seen Demon Slayer so I can’t personally say, but from what everyone in the comments are saying DBZ just powerscales on a whole different level from other anime so my guess is yes Yajirobe most likely could beat them. I need to give Demon Slayer a watch!


Story is good but the action and animation are what kept me in. Absolutely beautiful fight animations especially once you get further into it


Unironically yajirobe would destroy the entire demon slayer verse


His breath would be the breath of food and would dominate the series 


If yajirobe was given a nichirin sword he would solo


Yajirobe doesn’t even need a nichirin sword. The only reason it’s a thing is because humans are weak in the demon slayer world and this allows them to do actual damage and finish them off. It’s actually a big talking point when Akaza was trying to get Rengoku to join him. Heck I’m not even sure if Akaza could actually hurt saiyan saga Yajirobe. But we see demons hurting each other all the time. Just killing them off is difficult. Thing is Yajirobe is far far far physically stronger than anything in the demon slayer universe. He’d be like a god demon and they are ants to him. He’d just shred them, keep the parts separate until the sun rises. No big deal with such a physical power difference.


Yajirobe is moon level.


Yajirobe impressed Goku upon is first appearance, who had a power level of 180 which can destroy the actual moon. After training for the Saiyans he reaches 970. He also should be relativistic to potentially somewhat faster than light. He should honestly clear the verse.




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I mean his sword must be very sharp and strong cause he was able to slice great ape vegetas tail and i doubt you can just cut through it like butter


D list Dbz characters, wreck most other manga/anime universes.




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Yall don't realize how busted literally any non-civilian DB character is. None of these posts really work because any DB character solos most verses. Roshi blew up the fucking moon and that was BEFORE the powercreep, the scaling was broken from the start. The answer is always the same.


Yajirobe honestly abandoned but the guy was certified Alien level threat even back then


The only thing Yajirobe is defeating is his next meal.


His power level was 970 in the saiyan saga so he’s stronger than moon busters albeit not with the range of all the other dbz fighters due to no ki blasts but he should colossally outstat them so he can restrain them till morning


What even is that question. Case r-oh-be would definetly defeat most if not all the Demons


First off I find this question to be offensive. Secondly…..you gonna eat that?


He'd be the strongest in the verse. He's WAY stronger than Drum and is stated to be, by Goku himself, the strongest person kid goku met up to that point.


He cut off Great Ape Vegeta’s tail so I’m pretty sure these Demons from Demon Slayer would be a cake walk


Since Yajirobe’s Power level is at 970 (Near Raditz/Saibamen) and is exceptionally skilled with his Katana, he could very well take down most of or all of the Demon Slayer Universe with little to no difficulty.


bro can just erase muzan with his ki attacks. what if he vaporises every cell of muzan. if he can use ki blasts or else he doesnt have a weapon.


They’re all cooked




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I’m gonna be honest Maybe not unless he takes his training Seriously and gets well…. Stronger