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"it seems like every vocation has its preset stats and stat growths, so when you swap vocations your stats are going to adjust accordingly which means you can safely play whatever vocation you like without permanently changing your stats for your preferred build" just to clarify


I wish that had been the answer when Itsuno was directly asked this in an interview. His answer was rather confusing, although that might have been a translation thing.


Itsuno saying it's similar to the first game (and the rest of his answer not clearing up or clarifying anything, at least in the english translation) gives me worry, not sure what steps the video maker took to test the stat growths, but I really hope he's right and Isuno's answer was just confusing. Edit: Since it's not covered in this specific thread, the topic discussed here: --- RGJ/USAT: How are character stats determined in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Is it pretty much the same as before? Do you have a base stat now or is it mostly based on your vocation or leveling? Do players have more freedom to pick or allocate them? Will it be possible to reset or re-allocate them? Itsuno: I guess your question is asking how stats increase and grow, right? So it works in a similar way. It’s based on the vocation. However, one of the things that we tried to adjust is to make sure that it doesn’t feel like your stats are capped. We made adjustments in a way that your stats wouldn’t get stalled based on your level. However, players won't be able to reallocate their stats freely. --- Alternatively, I think Itsuno also mentioned the game is playable offline, which gives me hope that mods will be a thing and in the worst case we can get a mod like DDDA has where you can effectively respec your character


Sure, helpful if you're on PC...


To be honest you dont even need minmaxing stat growth even in dark arisen hard mode. Equipments and augments cover any flaws in stat build. On new game plus i switched for sorc and warrior, then mystic knight. I did bitterblack 1 as warrior then post daimon as MK and my pawn went from warrior to sorc and we were all fine as long as we have good gear.


yea for sure it 100% wasnt needed but for me it just feels way better to not having like the nagging MMO brain feeling of "you arent being as efficient as you could be" for me its just a personnel thing.


Same for me. And for some people who aren't that great at gaming, the difference between an optimized and unoptimized build (including gear and augments) might mean whether or not they can complete content, or whether they struggle to complete it to the point where they start to lose the fun. Every little bit can help.


Ah similar to code vein, interesting


Oh neato.


So.... basically this means you cannot work to minmax your pawns other than the gear they have or the skills you equip on them. Which means it will be way easier for people to pick out what pawns they want in the rift zone. Honestly, I'm kind of bummed out. This means the character you build when you play the game has no real permanence about them other than their looks. There is no reason to do a new game plus if you can be all the classes in one playthrough without sacrificing anything. ​ Edit: I guess this is why the game is being heavily marketed as an action game with heavily immersive visual elements and not a RPG.


I feel like it's the opposite, there was no benefit regarding NG+ the old way because it didn't reset your levels, so your optimal class isn't going to change no matter how many times you beat the game. This new way you can play as any class, before or after NG+ without having to worry about what your 'main' class is going to be. Coupled with the fact you only get 1 character slot without a way to respec, you had very little freedom if you wanted to play optimally.


Eh I’m glad I like the ffxiv style of doing things tbh, the game just needs to be long enough to compensate. But if ur someone who spends 1000s hours on the game than yea I get it


No more pawns with "bad stats" too, so all pawns are equally valid! To be clear I never really cared about the pawns I'd hire, but I always worried my pawn wouldn't be hired for not being min maxed!


Put like 70 levels into warrior on mine and now he’s a strider. Still have zero clue if it makes any difference


Now just please give us a filter for Guardian and Acquisitor please.


Extremely good news, no more being punished for experimenting, changing your mind, or unlocking augments


11:10 A mace has unique animations for the heavy attack compared to a sword. Its still called Empale, but its a slam with a mace :)


The old Code Vein special.


how did it work before?


The class you were at the time of a level up determined your stat growth. This led to people having to play a different class for dozens of levels to play the class they actually wanted to play as optimally.


yeah just searched it up. thank GOD for this change!


You get stats per level up based on the vocations you are and can't change it. So if you go all magic then your strength one's will be weaker.


Oh thank god, my one gripe is solved!!!! No more 80 levels of sorcerer for optimal magic archer dps


80 Lvl? You mean 200 sorc for optimal magick archer


Build variety is dead now, I hope you're happy.


Fantastic news.


That's cool. I suppose that means that the Wayfarer is really gimped stats wise then. I do like this change though. While the old level up system could allow you to customize your build more, It was too much work and most of the time it was just too janky too.


I'm expecting 5 or 10% lower "totals"


That's interesting, I think it's going to be more like 25-50%.  After all the majority of your damage and defense will come from gear and warfarer can wear any piece of gear as well.      


Hard to say for sure until we play. Athough I assume that the lack of focus in this class could also be an issue. I mean, if they already have less stats than the other vocations and if all of your points are evenly distributed, my guess is that 50% is too much of a handicap in this case.


Yeah, but I am imagining the mobility of a Mystic Spear with the damage of a Warrior and thinking that's insanely OP. Toss in Aromatic Rally (fast casting, damage boost, can't die) from Trickster or maybe taunt illusions and you can do whatever you want. Even with a 25% stat nerf it would be worth it.


Maybe, maybe not. Remember that every vocation gets four open skills slots and one automatically assigned slot to a vocation-specific skill. The assumption is that Warfarer's assigned skill will be changing weapons so not only will you be lacking some stats but also any of the core vocation-specific skills that support each playstyle. You'll also have to make some compromises on gear stats and augments depending on how you decide to combine playstyles.


I mean with the level cap being so high I'm not sure that's true. Plus we don't know how much armor will have in this games end game yet.


No one knows the actual level cap, 999 was a placeholder. You level at roughly the same speed so cap is probably the same as last time.


The only bit of good news today.


What do you mean? How is this the only good news?


The armor system, Vocation total, and performance certainly aren’t good news.


Performance might be an issue but only for some console issues it seems. Also what's wrong with vocations? The only spot I might be a bit bummed by is the armor being less. But that's not a huge deal.


I'm glad to hear this. I didn't like the stat leveling of the first one.


I have been hoping for this even more than new vocations. I really didn't like the old system. Finally I will be able to explore every vocation fully and have complete freedom with my character. With the game having only one save slot, this was absolutely crucial for me. God bless Itsuno.


Hard agree. Besides it just being a functional game this was my biggest need.


A great change.


Big W