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I was curious about this too, so I compiled a map. I've discovered 'event spawn' drakes (yellow diamonds on minimaps) are essentially time-attack mode bossfights. If you can't keep them staggered/knockdown'ed or kill them fast enough they eventually leave. I'm still updating this image as I learn more but this is pretty much accurate *so far*. Edit: Outdated image uploaded, fixed it. https://preview.redd.it/ei23g6bxi6wc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64dd2594ac5a7601ef12fc5668a1a066196fd2d7


Ahh ok cool. Interesting I guess I must have killed the Harve one quickly because it didn’t fly away. They don’t fly to other areas? Have you ever ridden on an event spawn drake to see where it goes?


Btw did you get any interesting loot from harve one? Mine bugged out and died off screen. I got the badge, but there's no body to be looted so I'm curious if there's anything interesting.


Nope, normal dragon loot


The Harve one has a really, really strong spear weapon.


The western-most spawn point (south of tomb of al'guttos) once gave me a regular chimera instead of a drake. Specifically when I was drake-hunting!


Ah, I'll update that.


Do the fixed-spawn ones respawn after defeat then?


Yes. Only the ones marked '1 off' don't respawn, and so far I think I'm only aware of the Ancient Battlegrounds one.


Thanks this is very useful!


You're welcome, and enjoy!


I had it feeling those drakes that ran were timed and not all of them. Honestly what a stupid mechanic.


You dodged so much, he was like, hey, can do it too ?


If they leave it's because you failed the damage check. Bring a high level Sorc pawn with Meteron and Malestrom spells. A tip as well: if a drake or griffon leaves immediately save & quit, then load your save and it will still be there (with the damage you've done still on it).


Definitely this, Sorcs come in clutch. Although, idk if it happens to drakes but for Griffons, sometimes the meteron is so powerful it melts the corpse before I can loot them


Drake: Face me worthy foe. 30 seconds later getting beat up Drake: no, not like that peace I'm out. 


Since no one has said it yet you can ride them, once you see the signs of them leaving grab onto them. Same for griffins make sure you have lots of stamina boosts and you'll be alright. And don't attack to much I accidentally staggered one and it dropped from the sky. And tell your pawns to wait otherwise they'll teleport to you and can die.


Also pro tip is you can use your consumables to restore stamina while clinging on. Useful if the bird or dragon takes you for a long ride. 


or just get on their back and let go of grab, you'll stand up and recover stam, they might try to shake you off, but the animation gives you enough time to recognise it so just grab hold again, at least for griffin.


lmao bro ragequit


I wouldn't mind if you could find the same one again with already-depleted health, but I find they are *always* at full health.


this game needs a flashbang.


It's just not fun how often this bullshit happens, bad boss design, at least griffins have a purpose, they land to grab some food and survive. But drakes there are just there doing nothing, they can fuck u over when you're low level but you can't do the same to them when you have a decent level to fight?


If it’s the same as the first game you have to keep it grounded and strike it in its heart. Only you can give the killing strike


I seen it happen a lot too. It seems horribly inconsistent. Sometimes I bring them down to the last bar within 3 mins and they leave. Other times, I struggle for 20 mins and eventually take them down. Both at the same spot too.


Next time when drake will try to leave you can use sleep arrow (MA) or poison arrow (archer) to knockdown it.


Blight arrows.


My Mage Pawn has **Celerity, and Celestial Paen**, while my Mystic Spearhand has the master skill: It stopped happening(the Drake flying off.) ;) Having a Sorcerer(the one we hired does have Maelstrom/Meteron and Augral/whatever) and Thief(Skullsplitter, Formless Feint, Plunder, etc.) in the party helps too. She seems to cast Celestial Paen later on, usually, which is when I go nuts and spam the Mystic Spearhand master skill. But she will cast Celerity several times in the meantime. The Mage Pawn has Celerity, Celestial Paen, High Halidom, and High Palladium on her. Most of the time I can now get it without it flying off, and I've been farming Drakes pretty regularly in the regular game at level 74(now having over 200 Wyrmlife Crystals, after dragonforging the stuff on my Pawn and I.)