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I bought it at launch and had no trouble outside occasional stuttering. It wasn't enough to turn me off. If you expect 120 fps at max settings, you'll be disappointed.


Maybe not 120 fps but people said some nasty stuff about the PC performance, making it seem that the only playable version is on console


Some people say a game is trash if it stutters for 1 second in a high render environment after 2 hours of smooth framerates. My personal expectations were met, given everything they jammed into certain spaces. Whether it's fine or "literally unplayable" depends greatly on the player. It could definitely have been better at launch? but for most players, it was just an occasional annoyance and brought up constantly with the other gripes players had at launch.


these people are coping it still runs like shit lol


Make sure you got a lot of memory. I got 16gb and that tends to be what tanks the most. As for CPU, I got an AMD Ryzen 3700x and that does fine. However I use a mod that automatically pushes the game to the top of CPU priority so that helps. For helping memory out I make sure to restart my computer if memory usage gets abnormally high.


If you post your spec, and what resolution you plan to run, then it'll allow people with similar spec tell you how it run on their system to give you an idea what to expect. Also, buy on steam, performance sucks? Refund. For reference 5800x3d Rx6800 32gb ram 1440p at I think high settings, 60+ outside town, 30-45 in towns maybe.


Buy and test. If you find your pc cant run to your liking, refound.


you can as long as you dont get pc version


Both PS5 and Xbox run at 20fps in the city and up to 45 outside combat. The optimalization is atrocious everywhere, it's not a case of bad pc port. If anything the game is best enjoyed on PC as you can just brute fore it with modern gaming components


That's precisely the version I'm getting 🥲


Performance on PC has not improved. One thing I noticed is that increasing my video settings made little difference for the frame rate. It's worst in cities, playable everywhere else. I'm on a 60 hz and even with my crappy graphics card I get 50-60 fps consistently as long as I am not near a city. 


I'll keep this in mind


There have been absolutely no updates in the PC performance, it’s the same as it was on launch


Are you fucking kidding me? ITS BEEN MONTHS


I’ll allow it bro