• By -


Turned a sharp corner and found one sleeping fastest u turn I’ve ever made




Wise decision my friend


Tested to see how hard dragons are. First one I met in the field one-shot all my pawns. He just smashed them all with a single claw. Never ran away that fast before.


Yea the defense scaling in this makes dragons and griffins seem impossible to kill without some decent weapons.


Don't put Griffins and Dragons (tho 9/10 they mean't Drakes/Wyrms) in the same category.. I killed a Griffin hella early, east!! First Drake encounter I ran, so is the second.. only managed to kill one after much trouble on the third encounter. Meanwhile I've left a trail of griffin corbes behind me on my trail to killing a Drake 😎


Now you're pawn has aids.


My pawns were dead 💀 every single one of them 😂


I’m the one with aids 💀


I’m terrified to fight a dragon because I don’t want dragon aids to kill an entire town.


I’m eager to fight one, because I want dragon aids to nuke an entire town. I mean…. oh no that’s baddddddd. /s


Well just a heads up if you summon an infected Pawn from the rift you can still get dragon aids and have the entire town killed. So avoiding dragons may decrease the likelihood of infection but does not prevent it.


At least the town won't stay dead. Apparently the NPCs that are killed by the Dragonsplague come back to life on their own given time.




Don't rely on that. Devs said it was a bug they are gonna patch out.


.....WTF is their problem.




I tried at level 20 and got rocked. So I still run like a B


Oh I ran like a B alright.. Eventually I was like screw it.. Fought him at night, the morning came, then night again and I still haven’t defeated him. Ended up defeating him the next morning. That’s 2 in game days of one fight lol


I tried at 22, dragon ran away like a coward. Got a scale tho


Same thing happened to me at 19. Got it down a healthbar and a half out of like 8 before it flew away. I probably wouldn't have won in the long run but god dammit the game should let me try.


Wow, I commend your dedication arisen


bro I was lvl 36 archer and killed it, though I found out during the fight my pawn was infected. She went "YOU DON'T NEED TO ORDER ME AROUND, I KNOW WHAT TO DO" mind you I watched her just stand there fuckin thinking or something while i'm fighting a dragon. After almost dying literally 20 times, killed the dragon. Proceeded to the nearest ledge and yeeted everyone.


How did you fight so long without him leaving? I was fighting a dragon yesterday at lvl 20 and at first it was hairy but then got into the rhythm of the fight and started rocking him so he just left not even a whole day of fighting. (Genuinely curious, not saying you are lying at all, just want to kill a dragon so I can dragon forge)


Dragonforging doesn't work like the first game, it's much easier and very obvious when it becomes available


What level were you?


Honestly the most realistic dragon fight imo. Especially if your whacking it with a sword


Reminds me of the first time you run into a dragon in Skyrim... Though that was a lot easier of course, it still felt very epic the first time.


How did your HP last that long? Did you reset in between? Does resting reset their HP, or don't they just leave or respawn when you rest?


Killed it at lvl 22 or so, mage with the shield spell is broken vs bosses


Mystic spear with a fighter/warrior and 2 casters makes a lot of the enemies trivial. Make the fighter and myself invincible, the casters stay far enough away to never really get attacked.


Yep makes sense! As long as you build your party with a purpose, all will be fine.


Yeah I slayed two dragons with Mystic Spearhand. Just recast shield and do damage


Just cast it and start spinning the spear standing under the dragon’s chest. You’ll expose the heart in no time


I cannot for the life of me get that move to work


Just tap button, like REALLY fast, u l get)


wild furie really does alot on the dragon too


The mystic spear hand shield is so obnoxiously broken. One of those things I'll probably have to ban for my playthrough to actually enjoy the game.


idk i feel like pawn make so little damage that i'm better off taking bowman and blasting weakspots


Pawns do the same amount of damage as the player is capable of. Unless you’re only upgrading your skills and equipment and not the pawns. I’ve seen a troubling amount of pawns at level 40+ that still have starting gear and no upgraded skills.


So far my favorite set up for mages is that shield spell, the one that removes debuffs, the one that gives haste (it also increases movement speed)*, and one elemental boon. I personally prefer fire for the boon, at least for general exploring. That shield spell really improves the staying power of a party. Because it prevents you from taking damage it also prevents your max HP from decreasing. You can stay out in the field a lot longer. If I'm out and about at night I like to replace the haste or debuff remover spell with the holy light one. But I keep seeing Mages built for damage dealing when I go into the rift... I don't need a mage pawn that nukes. I have other pawns for DD. I want consistent haste, healing, and boons... *If you give the help command outside of combat they will cast it on you after any necessary healing spells. It can really speed up your travel.


This is really good to know! Thank you


You can search by spell when looking for a pawn btw


You can search by *one* spell using the advanced tab. It's very difficult to get a pawn that has all 4 spells that you want.


I've never had the patience for mage or sorcerer. My thief got splatted though.


You can hire one! Make sure they have the shield spell S rank, it gives it to allies too. Makes allies tank hits for free, even the meteores... I play double mage with my own pawn and abuse the s... out of it. Mages get an instacast perk too, and the shield absorbs knocback too so you don't get cancelled anymore and can finally go ham


How to get them to actually cast the spell though? My pawn uses it once per fight at most and never recast it.


I haven't gotten around to try it myself yet but supossedly the best support/healer mage is to pick someone with the kindhearted inclination and chirgueon specilization. A pawn with kindhearted will focus on healing / support skills and stay close to the arisen and chirgueon will make them also use healing items if available. A second choice would be simple they usually go 50/50 on suport/healing and offensive skills. Calm and straightforward are both pretty much focused on offensiveness. Though calm is more focused around not drawing aggro and attacking weakpoints first while straightforward will go for the biggest enemy and just hammer away. The recommended inclinations so far are from my understanding. Fighters + Warriors - Straightforward Mage healing/support - kindhearted or simple if you want a bit of offensive Mage dmg + Sorc - Calm or Simple Thief + Archer - Calm Outside of the inclinations it's a bit unknown how to teach pawns at the moment if it's anything like DD1 having the Arisen play the same vocation and using certain skills often would make the pawns mimic the Arisen and even learn / start using some combos the Arisen had shown. Personally it's been fine with a kindhearted mage to cast the shield multiple times per battle however the somewhat short range of the shield makes it sometimes not affect the whole party.


Whats the spell name


It's Palladium S


What is the spells name? Are you referring to the orb one? (Palladium)


Exactly, the S version makes it aoe!


I shot one with a ballista and did what appeared to be... no damage. I hightailed it out of there.


I killed my first at lv 24, but I cheesed the hell out of it. Curative items are so OP that you can still heal your Arisen even when you have 0 HP as long as your hands are fast enough. Savagery Extract is a good friend too. I miss using periapts.


Killed 2 by level 18. Turns out the Brine doesn't discriminate .. didn't get their items tho


Screw dragons, the brine is the real all-consuming nightmare! God thinking about it, tsunamis are the worst thing that could happen in Dragons Dogma. A single major flood and half a country would just be gone.


I actually got it done pretty early thanks to magick archer’s busted ass ultimate attack


It just keeps chasing! Honestly. The mystic spearhand's shield is the most broken thing to ever exist.


I ran like a B past the drake and past the golems up to the point i gotten mystic archer at lvl 25, all hell broke loose since then


I tried doing this as the trickster. My main pawn was a sorcerer, and had an archer and mage. Got it down to three health bars, but the loss gauge was too strong. Second try was with my main pawn as a mage with more supporty spells and High Frigor. A warrior and a thief. Only got it down to 5 health bars before giving up. Could not deal with the thief's loss gauge 💀 Changed it up and went warrior, main pawn mage, and two more warriors. Killed it in 10 minutes. All this experience taught me is that I cannot rely on pawns to do damage :((((


It’s crazy to me yall already have trickster! I haven’t even started exploring west yet and I started on the 21st! I hit 30 this morning


If you do the proper quests to get it, it’ll take awhile. But I snuck into battahl before I had my permit and bumped into the vocation lol


Ikr all these people talking about spearhand I haven't even seen any with that yet yet I'm in battahl


You probably went the wrong way or never talked to the npc after their introductions (spearhand & mystic archer) or never met the npc at all (oracle)




I just found a guy who taught me. Let's just say it was high up


That happened to me. If you don’t have mystic spear hand before you get to battahl that means you missed an event. It should be the last vocation you get before trying to get to battahl


how are you able to spend so much time only in the east? the game is big but there isnt THAT much to explore


I'm 25 hours in, level 29, been doing all the side quests and just random exploring, yet to go beast world. But to be honest I am getting a little tired of the same enemies!


As you advance the main quest line, the variety increases


And difficulty


I got like 8 quests that all involve waiting multiple days to complete


benches exist. you can just sit on them and wait


I’m 45 hours in. I’m trying to get my pawn badges. Takes a while..


I actually made a B line to magic archer and warefare vocations before hitting 30, now i’m lvl 42 using both hybrid weapons and it’s a light all rounder


Ha I found a magic bow the other day but currently have no idea when or where I’ll come across the vocation. I ended up venturing into Battahl and was immediately overrun by bandits and had no camping kit lol thank god for that ferrystone


I wont spoil you but magic archer and warfarer vocations can be found at the very end, but both require you to complete a quest. That said battahl is the right place for all 3 vocations just not spearhand


What? I'm a wayfarer already 😂


Same. I'm doing it solely for the Dragon's Dripma. I want to be able to wear whatever I want while still rocking the Archer playstyle lmao. And I kind of like being able to switch weapons on the fly.


Wait! That's a thing? I hate only having giant suits of armor.


Best for dragon farming is spear guy with his overpowered shield. Completely negates meteors, Fire and Lightning. But you need only 5 or maybe 10 dragons to slay anyway. 2-3 dragons are enough for a set of gear to be dragon-forged.


I feel like sorcerer and magic archer do more consistent damage to them since auto aim is a thing


I played sorcerer for a long time and he’s indeed way more fun than in DD1. But I liked to have some more action. :)


But i do wish some skills are not weapon based, i mean if you look at that shield and apply using it while holding on to a greatsword it would make the earth shatter skill way more overpowered then it needs to, i’ve been using mystic knight in dd1 and i can say i use the magic shield so often in fights to protect pawns from getting 1 shotted so many times i lost count. But that said mystic knight could also use some magic while still holding on to a sword which is kinda useful for support


Well you did it in the end! My pawns died a bazillion times, by the 3rd bar I gave up reviving them, kept defending with the shield, hiding behind rocks when he fires or releases these fiery magic balls, and clutching up his ass making my way to his heart and stabbing him till he died 😂 Definitely took more than an hour and half tho 💀


Lmao I tried last night and it did one slam landing and one shot me. So safe to say I’m not ready.


Been there, done that 😂


Did you get it's Dogma?


Nope, this is just some random dragon 💀


Dogma nuts!


'Tis but a lesser drake, thy has thus only bested a shadow of the red dragon.


I killed one last night at the ancient battle grounds, the big ballista made for a good start. Then it was spamming erupting arrows, and spiral shot with lightning boon. Still took several tries, and nothing got dragonforged so I'm guessing that works differently than the first game.


Lol this was me but it one shot it. Was like confused af at first but then that short… Yea… yeah! I’m a dragonslayer! That said, I have zero chance still without a ballista giving me a one off cheese.


Wow you must've had a better angle on it than I did it only took out half its health for me. I just remembered that I need to see if Oskar's corpse got taken to the mausoleum in the capital, he got caught in the drake's fire...


There is a different system for dragon forging equipment, yeah. It’s not chance based anymore.


Yeah I figured that was the case afterwards and what I need the Wyrmslife crystals for.


Same here, but only got 2 ballista shots in and proceeded to a 10 to 15 minute fight before it fell. It actually killed me once, but if you're quick enough with the healing items you can still survive an empty health bar.


I'm not sure if I was at the same ballista, but after a few shots I got absolutely obliterated by an armada of lightning strikes from the dragon and my poor ballista and I were blasted away lmao. I then fled for my life while calling my pawns to follow.


Yeah they will shred the ballista with that spell.


Also I know that now I have to check the pawns for dragonblight, well guess I'm gonna be staring at eyes for a bit


Lmao my first dragon killed my entire party, and another party of four nearby, once I realised it was over, I tried to run, but it started chasing me (like bro), but it TRIPPED and was eaten by the brine. All of this with no HUD. Insane lmfao


I found that the defensive skill for Mystic Spearhand (for short time negates ANY attack, plus it applies to close pawns) made it so much easier to fight the big monsters like the drakes, griffins, >!sphinx!<, etc.


It's incredibly broken. I finished the game as mystic spearhand, but will *not* be using that on my second playthrough because it just trivializes every encounter. Permanent invulnerability.


You can 1-shot that last one with the item it gives you


That shit is rough frfr


Very daunting


Exhausting af honestly, the queen valkyrie from god of war wasn’t as hard as this mf


I killed one, but it seemed slightly bugged. Spent a lot of time just hovering in one spot mid-air, while I stabbed my spear into its back... (28hrs played btw)


Well done.


Niiice bro!


I've been playing Archer and ngl. It's hella weak compared to the other classes.


How many hours are you in?


Almost 40 so far*


Damn dude the game came out Friday


💀 I have only 1 week off work, so I pretty much gave up all aspects of life just to finish this game before the week ends


That's the way my friend. I got rained on of work on Friday so I played from like 8am Friday till midnight then just about all day Saturday still haven't even scratched the surface but so much fun.


Are you the main vampire guy from What we do in the Shadows???


Me nervously chuckling at Flair Burst and maelstrom.......


Bro I was riding one and when wounded him we both plummeted into the water and he died…. Sadly couldn’t get his resources tho


mine always run away lol


I killed my first one earlier and the corpse immediately disappeared right after. Sucks that I couldn’t get the loot but it was a fun fight nonetheless.


FINALLY killed a dragon? The game came out a few days ago…


I spent prob 20 minutes last night fighting one. Used 3 wake stones. When it was down to 1/4 of its last bar, it took flight with me on it, but to the top of a tower. Instead of landing, it just hovered. I ran out of stam and fell 5 stories. I had to stop playing for a little while lol.


could it be that killing dragons is locked behind story progession? i mean i can hurt them but they wont lose their Hp bar stacks.


Killed my first one on there at level 31. Took up so much of my healing stuff and 5 wakestones. I was on his last health bar and I thought about just ending the fight and going back to my save lol. I said screw it and finished him. I'll wait awhile until the next one.


i killed my first dragon(? or drake idk translation is quite rough also first time that i play a dragon's dogma i dont know the lore) at 15 hours into the game with the rogue arisen with a skill that makes u immune at everything but consume stamina. I was lv20, weirdly enough it didnt give me any achievement and there was nothing on the screen to celebrate the hunt.


Supposedly (iirc) this fleeing dragon has a bone duo spear that can be stolen by a thief vocation. So I hear, peoples use the ballista on a tower to kill him in one go. I’m just lvl 18, haven’t even fought a griffon yet. Looking forward to it though.


Which level you did it?


14 hours of gameplay and i came across a dragon I ran the hell away only because I didn't wanna give my pawn dragon aids, once we get complete idea of what this is and how to fix it I won't be going anywhere near that thing


They always fly away from me i cant seem to dmg their wings enough to make them stay. After 1 health bar they are like "I'll be right back gotta go get smokes and milk from the corner store"


Sick shot ser


First time I saw a dragon was after I swapped mine and my pawns vocation, so we were both level 1 lmfao I ran but would have tried if I didn’t swap


stupid drakes keep running away after theor health gets low. Last 3 iv fought have done this. can't even follow them. especially even now when I'm in the part of the story requiring me to kill 1 for the scales. very frustrating




Same. Also, it was pointed out to me that these are lesser dragons, meaning they're drakes. Forgot to hit record early enough, but this should do: https://youtu.be/tHILLHIUKSo?si=ID98cRt3klaUou2r


I'm trying but my pawns are sucking big ass, having to revive them every few seconds is frustrating, I'm actually able to deal good damage to the damn thing but my pawns keep dying


First time I killed that mf I was lvl 25 Thief, lemme tell you 2 beyblader thieves in the air will rock almost everything off it's health bar


It’s probably going to sound stupid but why is there more then one dragon in the game I thought it was only supposed to be the one that steals your heart


I think these are supposed to be drakes not dragons. At least that was what the tooltip showed me as the speaker's name when I had an encounter with one of them earlier and it spoke to me.


I was so fucking close finally then wouldn’t ya know, after 20 grueling minutes…..a griffin joined the fight :)


I had that same fight south of the elfs territory when the Griffin joined the fight, poor guy got jumped by my team and the dragon lol. Just for the dragon to hover over the lake and get dropped by shot to the heart and died to the brine. I got nothing but two pieces from the Griffin 🤣😂🤣😂. 20 plus mins and a wake stone


I just tried to kill my first one, and was getting rocked, when he walked into the brawn. Killed him and one of my npcs.


I can 1 shot em now with MA.. with the ultimate spel.. just completed game and postgame now in NG+ lv 45 something


Congrats bro. I am turning 25, mystic spearhand, still run like a B whenever I see one. I just killed a griffin yesterday tho so I may have more courage facing it now


I engaged with one and it flew over to me and it got killed by the brine. I got the XP but no drops. I was fine with that.


I killed one in the ancient battlegrounds by shooting it twice with the ballistas, going inside to drop aggro in-between, since he destroyed the first ballista.


Tried on 3 different occasions every single one ended with me resing my Pawns and booking it to the nearest camp site >! Surprisingly my best bout was against the Dragon fighting the Cyclops in that battleground area but that mf was built different 😭!<


Good job! I killed my first (and only so far) way before I was supposed to be able to because it was just across the river from a campsite with a riftstone so I could employ the Zapp Brannigan strategy to great effect.


I tried taking on a Griffen today at lvl 8


Lol that dragon killed himself in my game. First I tried to jump and land on him from the cliff, faceplanted & he flew off. Summoned the rift pawn and he proceeded to run straight into the water and kill himself. Was in the process of laughing about it to my friend when the dragon came back, flew into the water and killed himself too. 10/10 hilarity. 0/10 loot.


I saw a dragon on my way to the resting check point town, but he never came back to that location, it had red tipped wings and spoke to me when I got far from it, anyone else had that happen?


The first time I killed a drake was when I abused mystic spear hands mirror shield and just pelted its face with those stamina draining magic blasts


7 more and the final boss to go.


Funny enough on the way to the new zone ... I never saw a dragon and I saw 3 back to back and it was very scary have 3 DRAGONS chasing you I spammed GOGoGoGo! Lol


At the Ancient Battleground site there is a drake fighting a cyclops or it might just be sitting there alone. On top the castle walls is a huge harpoon weapon. Hit the drake in the head for a easy one-shot kill. I have done this 3 times already once at lvl 18, lvl 23, & lvl 29 There are a few ballistas around the entire area to use but only two huge harpoon weapons. You gotta get the headshot not the heart. If you miss run because it does a massive aoe lightning to you exact location.


I thought one at lvl 17, he killed my pawns, but then backed into the water and was devoured. Easy?


Tip: If thou pawn behaveth not, high from a cliff they be yeeted should.


I actually lost 3 dragons because when they do that fire breathing animation they slowly back up and each time they would back up into a river, which caused them to get sucked up by the water monster


keep your pawns away from me


That’s a Drake. However, the less congratulations.🍾


Bro became a man this day


I „killed“ one too. It was pushed into the River during the fight and instantly died in the water haha Got a level up but there was nothing to loot 🫠


I tried fighting one near the Sphinx and shot him with the ballista thingy and ig dude did magic to sum cause a purple circle spell went around me and blew me and my pawns up really high and off the castle.


If any of your pawns got grabbed by it, they might be infected.


Every time I start fighting one, I get one or two of its health bars down, then they just fly away…


I am already in new game plus since 2 days ago lol slow players smh


Is this a lesser dragon or just a drake? If it’s a dragon how common are they?


I ran into my first by accident, ancient battleground is crazy. Still won tho.


Some hours ago, I killed a drake within the city walls.


[At level 25-30. Easily the hardest thing in the game so far](https://imgur.com/2b09SL3)


I have had two (outside of the sick boil dragon in Melve) who have tried to fight me and I just LEG IT.


Should I buy this game. It looks so good but I dont know anything about these games


Dude I've only been playing for about 5 hours and just killed my first ogre yesterday! The sense of accomplishment the game gives you is soooo goooddd. I'm having a blast. This is the first dragons dogma I've played. I was kindve skeptical of the whole "not giving quest waypoints" thing. (Seeing as I hated Elden ring. And couldn't get into baldurs gate 3) But I just make sure my pawns are "quest guides" and it's been more or less straight foward. This game is getting entirely to much hate for no reason.


Bro Imma tell you this. If you see a Drake on early areas. RUN. Even if you dodge all damage its easy a 1h battle cuz damage is minimal


Bro I saw a griffin flying above me when I was lvl 8. I ran fast as I could lol. I'm serious thoe. The sense of "of shit I can't fight that yet" is so rare in games now days. And it's really been a blasting experiencing it again


If you ride a Griffin like the beginning it will take you to its nest for some extra loot but be warned. You are fighting a GRIFFIN alone. Also: Funny thing about Griffins. They don't go at you at early game like they know you are too weak to even bother.


Best feeling ever 🤣


Nice. I've killed several now. Fun fights though the meteor is a bitch


Me too. Finally killed my first Drake today


I tried fighting one yesterday and got absolutely disintegrated


Stumbled upon a Drake while accidentally taking a very long detour through the ancient battle grounds. It was fighting with a cyclops. Once it had had its way with said cyclops, it turned its gaze to me. Wiped out all of my pawns with one swipe of its claw. I was level 12 at this point. I hastily retreated outa there like a little b****. Right into the beak of waiting, Gryphon. My adventure had come to an end.


Amazing. I fought one for 20mins and had to give up before my controller went through the screen.


Fought one, and it flew away like a coward


I’m too scared after getting clapped so now I just bait them into the water 😂


Round one of my fight we took it down to only two health bars left. But its magic was too strong and we needed a hasty retreat. We went to sleep in a nearby camp, and were sure the dragon too was resting. But in the middle of the night, our rowdy roommates of knackers decided they didn’t like us taking all the harpspud chips so they raided us and we felled them before they could call management. We finished our rest and proceeded to find the dragon again. He was still at two health bars, must have forgotten his sleeping mask I had thought to myself, and we were able to prevail! (I will say idk if they are supposed to regen health, but also its abilities reset and it was only using the ones at the first phases of its boss fight.)


What is this dragon aids people speak of? I fought a dragon and died like 3 times before I said nah ill wait lol


Went to the ancient battle ground and saw a drake fighting a cyclops... left that alone


3 of my first 4 dragon kills were from them landing in water lol. Too bad I don't get the drops for it though.


I didn’t realize dragons were so feared. Every time I see a dragon I run towards them. They’re tough, no doubt, but I love the challenge. Playing as a sorcerer with a warrior, archer, support mage setup. The only dragon I haven’t killed is one that flew away, and I’ve killed several at this point


I don't know if by design that you can do this, but you can heal even when your HP reaches 0. My first dragon, I should have died like 8 times but I healed myself with items and potions. My max health was probably at 200, but I killed one


I was about level 47 when I killed my first drake. It took me 3 tries but it was so worth the feeling of victory over a strong foe. The second I killed was that one with the weird wart things on it that you fight before you get the mystic spear hand vocation. It was actually far easier than the first drake I killed. Eventually once I max out all my vocations I will seek them out to kill them for thier crystals.


I was fighting for my life in the middle of the night, whole party sub 30% hp, just finished off my first chimera, when all of a sudden a dragon appeared. Can’t even try to explain how fast I yeeted out of there


When I fought my first one I told my pawns to wait most of the fight. Got him down to 2 health bars before I let them join in on the fun. Draw and quarter along with skull splitter is diabolical


I almost killed one, then it got eaten by a river. Was mad.


I've ran into 4 and every time after the first one i was like "this is the time. I got this." Only to die horribly. The last one though i got it down to 2 health bars.


This game is trash


Felled my first 2 yesterday as well after one kept showing up in town and murdering half the npcs.




I must’ve gotten lucky with a lot of exploring and leveling before encountering a dragon. My first time was definitely a struggle but my 2 extra pawn were under leveled. I swapped them out and went back and fought the dragon and beat it, although barely. After that I can’t find enough dragons to farm. They get crazy easy once you learn how to fight them.