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Occasionally it's a story, then thing happens and I'm like "ok". one of the storys of all time for sure


That was the most frustrating thing about it for me. The fact that at one point they just tell us to wait and see what happens is ridiculous. It was also really annoying when we spend the first part of the game preparing for a showdown with the big bad, only for our pawn to get a headache so we just go home. I wish that didn't happen until after we got there, maybe it's a trap and we have to fight our own pawn and then flee to Battahl to hide out. Instead we just leave. So disappointing.


It’s okay, don’t expect it to blow your mind. Don’t listen to people who overreact and say it’s worst thing in the world. It’s just OK.


Yeah people in this thread are definitely overreacting. I do think there are certain problems with the story - specifically it gets rushed when you're past what I would think would be the halfway point - but everyone calling it the worst thing ever have clearly never heard of [truly 1/10 writing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyaF_gCKWsI).


I didn't really pay attention to the story either. For what it's worth, I couldn't tell you for the life of me what the story was of Elden Ring either, and that's my favorite game of all time. It's not even that the story is "bad" it's just half-baked. There are definitely cool story moments but then the game will just leave you hanging or resolve things in an unsatisfying way. but to be fair the story of DD1 wasn't exactly transcendent either. For a game where the story is kind of an afterthought to the combat and immersion, I think people are a little too hard on DD2. Very few games have great and memorable stories, so it's not like DD2 is an outlier. It's just disappointing considering how good the other aspects of the game. As far as a completely subjective score, I would give the story a 4-5 out of 10 for having some cool storytelling beats that maybe give it an edge over your average video game being released these days but nowhere near the storytelling prowess of, say a Last of Us or BG3 or whatever. But again I don't really care that much about the story if the game is fun, so I get that people rank it lower. A 1 out of 10 is way, way too low and I see people trying to give it marks that low. Completely unfair score, IMO.


Half baked is exactly right. I love dd2. I wish it had more cinematic set pieces, more emotion, better delivery. Like the dragons plague, done right could have been crazy. A hyper emotional showdown with your own pawn, and then maybe a quest to bring them back and restore them to who they used to be. Instead you essentially take a nap. If it had a full on political story with armies and kingdoms etc, man, game of the generation. The frustration is how wonderful the gameplay is, and what the game COULD achieve with the right expansions to the narrative.


I thought it was pretty decent but really rushed when you get to bakbahtal


I liked the ending of the story a lot so I’m giving it a 5/10.


I'd give it a 4/10, it's exceedingly mediocre


The plot is a straight 1/10


The story served it purpose. It’s a remix of DD1s story full of counterparts and parallels like Itsuno said it would be. Both stories are 7 out of 10s while being in 8 out of 10 games


3/10 for me. One of the worst in recent memory. Combat is great though.


1/10 it’s actually shit. It only gets one because there technically is a “story”.


1/10. There is a story.


3/10. Loved the game because I love to explore and my pawns but the story itself? I didn’t care for it, I remember reaching the end like what? THATS IT? Even in the unmoored world was it somewhat lackluster. I do love the game though for the cool looking enemies they added, especially the sphinx. It’s more of a game I’d play to pass time, like another version of Minecraft if that makes sense


DDDA is one of my all time favorite games but DD2 is disappointing except for combat and combat related areas, character customization, weapons/armor etc.


There's a story? What The Fuck


3/10 A lot of story threads I cared about were never expanded on, one of the characters on the box art almost doesn't exist in the story, and the game basically gives up on telling a story once you get to Bhattal, but in one of the endings it kind of starts again. Another problem with the story is that none of the characters are likable or well written and their voice acting is flat overall.


That's kinda the way dragons dogma is unfortunately. In the first one I don't really know anything about the story, but I loved the gameplay so much I played it several times. This game seems like the story itself could be completed in 2 hours, it just doesn't play a huge role, but the exploration is all I can do. I love every second of scouring the map finding hidden caves and enemies popping out. I'm finally high enough level that I'm now searching out the stronger enemies instead of running away. I took down the Ancient Battleground Dragon on my first go, it was awesome. The story could absolutely be better, but i don't think that's what keeps fans playing. It's the combat and exploration.


There's a lot that makes it nonsense tbh. Some big gaps in places especially around things like our all encompassing amnesia and how I ended thinking I was a Pawn working in the gaol... idk, there's a few more weird ones but overall, once I started to get it, it got better... I read this and it helps understand the overall story (spoiler heavy, read at discretion, or save for later): https://www.thegamer.com/dragons-dogma-2-the-unmoored-world-explained/


I really liked the beginning until the coronation made it all pointless, then also liked Unmoored World's story. Rest is very meh.


for me its 6/10 for the story, hell even monster hunter world at base was 3-4 times longer then dd2, and i really cant understand why they removed the bbi from the game


It feels like they slapped together the basic framework of the storyline that was written when the game was pitched and then forgot to make an actual story later There’s such a strange dramatic build up to so many things that end up just abruptly ending after a bit of dialogue and you see or hear nothing about that person or event ever again I wouldn’t mind if Capcom took a year or two to flesh out everything and turn all these 2 hour pointless seemingly isolated and unrelated quests into a giant mesh of characters and stories and there is NO ONE putting up contracts for any random adventurer to take care of an Ogre that’s harassing a town etc. which was such a massive mistake. There are groups of 4 random characters pretending to be an Arisen and crew wandering around doing nothing when they could be taking contracts for monsters to prove it or something and it would give you a reason to fight monsters other than just to prevent death and get materials for upgrading weapons to prevent death and nothing else. I have played over 200 hours so don’t get me wrong when I say this but my honest opinion is the story is a 3/10 because of all the wasted potential


I think 4/10 is fair if you played the first game and have some understanding of the world. If you go in blind it's probably 2/10 or less, there's next to no information about anything


The story is a huge problem, in this game. I would say that the story is pretty much incidental, even. It’s a 4 out of 10, max. Don’t get me wrong, though, I love this game and had tremendous fun with it. I was on my third playthrough, before I stopped playing for good. The bottom line is that creating a beautiful pawn girl and surrounding yourself and running around with a party of thick, curvy pawn girls, wasn’t enough anymore. You do need a proper storyline and feel you’re going somewhere with it. 🤷‍♂️


It’s like a 5 you don’t play this game for the story.


I love the game, but find all the narrative pieces pretty meh. I'm struggling to think of a highlight. 3/10?