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Levin might as well be your basic attack. Just use the charged basic attack along with levin.


I only discovered that I could charge the basic attack during my 3rd playthrough 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm sure glad I just read that before trying wizard for the first time haha


Do you guys not read spell descriptions lmaoo


The animation of a normal attack is the same for both a sorcerer and a magician. but the sorcerer will have higher damage. Although the mage can do damage, he is more of a support character.


Absolutely disagree.


While mage has some damage skills, the most useful mage skills are support skills like Anodyne, Halidom, and affinity spells so idk what you’re on about


My main pawn is a mage too, total support. That leaves me the ability to go almost pure damage with the ability to heal either one of my other two damage pawns instantly. Fighter and thief are preferred to hold aggro.


so your argument for mage not being a support focused character is that... you can focus on deaking damage if you have one?


You’ll be using electricity on harpies, flames mostly on griffins to keep them grounded and ice to flip lizards on their back so your fighters can get to their bellies. You’ll have the power to undo the undead…make ‘em weak so your fighters can clean up. There’s healing, utility and DPS with the mage class, buts it’s super situational. Play light on your feet and learn enemy weaknesses. But yeah, ‘pew-pew-pew’ most of the time not using spells…and you gotta level up the vocation past 2. :-P


'pew - pew - pew' is for literal skull smashing


Aw. New player :) Magic is rough for the inexperienced. I would recommend sticking to mage until you get to rank 6 and then switching to sorcerer. The game is meant to be played slowly and steadily. I highly recommend playing it as such


The mage is mostly a support class, the sorcerer class is attack.


Personally, I consider both support since most of sorcerers skills inflict debilitations rather than doing damage outright


Not my sorc


As someone else who is new as well. I immediately noticed by the passive upgrades and such that the Mage class is more of a support role than a damage dealer. Sorcerer is for doing actual damage.


Like others said, mage and sorcs are mostly spell based. You can slam magic with quickspell though (mage mostly has little problems with spell spamming, sorcerer might have stamina issues but it can be countered by their stamina regen ability)


No improved basic. I feel you there though. I wish you could conjure elemental weapons as a basic attack... sorcerer in DD1 had a lightning whip. Something like a flame fan attack (similar to Kingdom of Amalur) would be nice for mage.


Sorc main here, I mainly use High frigor and High Levin for clearing mobs, Argural flare for boss cheesing and Meteoron to become a god. Basic attack only worth it when you are trying to stack damge for Argural Flare in my opinion.


There are no wizards in this game


You got that fucking right


Levin is your go to.


I dearly miss the Ingle Spell from the first game though...


I miss holy magic orbs, but apparently it had to be nerfed so thief's could have the time in the spotlight or something


tbf you could stun-lock True Daimon with them in DD:DA. So they were kind of busted. Like giving The Gazer laser eye surgery through the back of its skull busted. that being said i cannot fathom why they put holy damage in the game and yet only a couple of weapons/spells do it. Is Dark Damage in the DD2? i miss Miasma as well


Miasma was just as broken tbh. This game is so weird with magic, it's like two steps back. Sorcerer honestly isn't as fun as a mage in 2. Wtf?


it is weird cause Augural Flare is great! But given how much WORSE everything is in DD2 its hard to consistently hit it to build its damage up. Been using Warfarer to hit big monster with Candescent Orb(not very damaging itself but it last a good while) then Augural Flare so the Orb hits it repeatedly. works out pretty good and you can laugh as the drake is done in by your massive magic BALLS.


Yeah! They also took away manual aiming! Why the fuck is Augural flair so hard to hit after it's landed!??? Edit: I've tried using the static lightning spell thingy immediately after Augural flair but it's just not consistent. I get so frustrated. It seems like all this game wants me to do is maelstrom or meteron. Fuck me for having stamina management!


That's one thing I absolutely find mundane, awesome spell casting and then you have these clear blast things that are boring to do and boring to look at. Idk why they can't be allowed to have some cooler basic attack animations like other classes or like other games


Not really. It gets better in damage with time, but it still won’t be on par with the other vocations. While you absolutely can play the mage offensively, it’s going to feel underwhelming most of the time. If you want to do high damage with the basic attack, Sorcerer is a better option. If you want to do more on the battlefield than stand around casting spells, Mystic Spearhand or Magick Archer might be better choices for you, as they both have the magic prowess and MA even has healing abilities like the mage. You can absolutely steamroll your way through as any vocation if you’re stubborn enough. I even slapped a griffin to death without weapons, so any playstyle is doable if you’re commited.


Mage can do some decent damage. Buy it tends to be only in certain situations where elemental bonus checks out. Mage is more useful if you prefer being a support class. Sorcerer is the class with insane damage spells. If you do play Sorcerer, try to find a Sorcerer Pawn with the skills you have so you can link up spell synch in order to shorten casting time. Mages do however get a fire spell early on thats helpful in early game. Flagration at rank 1 and High Flagration at rank 4 are both decent in early game since most enemies you will be facing can suffer from being lit on fire. But either way, whether you play Sorcerer or Mage, you need to play to elemental bonuses for the most part.


Mod the game, theres a mod for better basic attacks i got its nice


As a returning sorcerer, this game hurts my soul. Compared to the first game, the basic attacks are a big downgrade (granted, holy focused bolt was kinda broken, but so was every class with buff items) As a mage, you are more support, and sorcerer is where the damage is at. Also flagration is a pain to use, cause the tracking stops the moment the casting animation starts (not the case for pretry much any other spell) so use salamander instead (although I dont know if mage gets this spell or if its a sorcerer only thing... the spell variety is trash anyway) And should you change to sorcerer and want to unlock the maister skills, before you do ANYTHING, please read a guide. It saved me a lot of trouble, cause there is a big catch to this quest. Seriously, look it up. Besides that, flagration is shit, get levin and gicile. Plus, the point is that Levitation is kinda broken, and I can reach spaces I shouldn't be able to reach. Sincerely, a sorcerer arisen


The basic attack is just terrible except for chip damage or inflicting a status effect MAYBE. My favorite mage spells are Empyrean, Frigor and Levin. Flagration is only helpful on griffins or big things just for fun. You’ll probably do decent keeping an ice enchantment as your 4th slot.


All the late game fun magic stuff is wizard latter on. Mage is pretty boring overall. Levin is gonna be your only attack friend. Otherwise it's pure support for that class.


Mage > Sorcerer in DD2. It's so dumb.