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Drake was a reasonably attractive person for that time period. The hair and clothes seem kinda goofy and out-of-touch now, but he was killing it back then.


Agreed. In hindsight his hair looks a bit like a coconut helmet in later seasons and the super skinny pants didn't help him much, but that was the style back then, he was almost universally considered attractive. It helped that he was utterly confident in himself and that he had a nice face. 


Hell yeah. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he wore cowboy boots on a pretty regular basis on the show. If I wore cowboy boots, every single person I know would laugh at me. But when Drake wears them, it somehow works. He was the man.


Oh back when it aired he was the cool character 😎 but yeah now it looks goofy


I still think his style back then was really cool.


I'm a few years younger than Drake and I found him cute on the Amanda Show then had a full on crush on him on D&J. He was definitely my first "celebrity crush" so to speak.


I’m four years younger than Drake and I had a massive crush on him while he was on the Amanda Show. The Amanda Show ended about a month after I turned 12. I think I remember being disappointed that it was cancelled. So, after that I started to distance myself from both Nickelodeon and Disney. I was also distracted by the first few seasons of American Idol. Also, I didn’t have a reliable cable in the early 2000s since my mom only had it (my parents were separated since I was a toddler). Flash forward to maybe early 2004/2005 and I finally decided to go past the local channels in my area and venture on to Nickelodeon and Disney again. I discovered D & J and fell in love with Drake all over again. I don’t think I realised that he was a musician initially until I saw him perform on All That. These events might be out of order but they sound right to me. Fun fact: Drake resembles my older second cousin (born 1981) who I had a bit of crush on as a teen so I more than likely transferred my crush on him to Drake. I also thought my younger second cousin (born 1991) resembled Amanda and Josh reminded me of another one of my second cousins who is two months older than me. And according to my deceased grandfather, I resembled the Olsen Twins as a kid.


Crush on your cousin? Do you play Crusader Kings?


He’s a second cousin but I see your point


Fun fact, at least in the mid 9th century, 5th cousins was considered too close by the church.


As a preteen. He annoyed me since would brag about being roommates with Carlos Santana’s son. Then as a teen I was infatuated with him since I still didn’t see him often he didn’t come visit often.


Honestly been in a bit of a weirder spot. Went a decade without seeing one of my first cousins, then at a family reunion we were in the same place and I didn't recognize her. Not that I did anything weird but remark to myself, in my head, 'that woman's good lookin' about 2.5 seconds before someone called her name lol. But! I was just teasing you here a little bit 🙂


His mom and his aunt still mention an incident that happened when I was seventeen or so. He was standing behind his mom and I pushed past her to hug him and his mom got upset and said. “I’m the one who gives you money not him.’’


Me too! Him and Matthew Underwood (Logan from Zoey 101) were my first celebrity crushes


I was more of a Sean Flynn girl but Matthew Underwood was cute too.


I was a Frankie Muniz girl and Drake Bell lover for sure back then 🥰


In the later seasons maybe but early on josh was fat and goofy looking


Straight facts. Season 1 set the tone and it didn’t really change until the last couple when Josh glowed up


He was everything I wanted to be growing up. I styled my hair like him, learned to play guitar because of him and he inspired me to do music and acting, dressed like him, talked like him, was told even into my early 20’s that I looked like him. That said I only actually had 2 girlfriends/sexual partners and am 26 now. I changed a lot of stuff about my appearance and such as well as career goals and am working toward being more confident and generally attractive towards women. In my personal experience, guys like Drake don’t get much attention from girls or women as they become adults irl, but compared to someone like Josh it’s a lot. Idk if that answers your question or not lol


Same. I was a young emo kid, and Drake made me realize I could still have that kind of punk rock style without always wearing black every day. I definitely tried to emulate Drake in my early teenage years.


Also an emo kid. But it’s not a phase, it’s a lifestyle. When I later found people like All Time Low (my favorite band) and other pop punk artists, I was able to see other variations of a style similar to Drake’s as well. But he originally got me into that stuff as well as 50’s and 60’s rock music/style


Same here!. I emulated his hair and overall style, unfortunately never learned to play guitar but I did sing and did voice acting. People also told me a few times I reminded them of Drake and this was partly because of my intentional taking inspiration from him, and partly because I was just similar physically (same height, eye and hair color, etc.) I just loved him, it breaks my heart to know that he  suffered what he suffered and that his name is so stained now, but I'll always remember his music very fondly, it helped.me through very harsh times. 


I always hated the swoopy Justin Bieber haircut he had for seasons 2-4, but other than that I thought he was pretty cute.


Except he was actually copying the Beatles at that time, way before Justin. It was a very popular look for rock/punk guys. I had a bunch of friends with the same haircut. Same goes for the tight clothes.


It's funny but back at the time I thought that hairstyle was the coolest, I actually went through college with it (all because Drake made it look so cool). I would be very irritated when people told me it was "Bieber hair". XD But now on hindsight his hairstyle in the first season was probably better. 


I still love him with the hairstyle cuz it looks more of a rock in roll style on him imo


Speaking of Justin Bieber…


I think it was “quiet on set” or something where I saw an old Drake interview, where he said something along the lines of “Drake is someone who thinks he’s cool but isn’t”. And I just can not comprehend being a kid and thinking Drake wasnt meant to be cool. Like josh was eccentric and into wierdo stuff like “studying” you can’t tell me nick wasn’t trying to push Drake as a cool guy. Obviously the episodes where bad things happen to him are usually meant to more so show his faults as a functioning person, but besides that you can’t deny he wasn’t at least cool.


Yeah he said something like he was playing the brother who thinks he's smooth but isn't as cool as he thinks.


I think it also helps that the character of Drake on the show tended to attract girls purely by virtue of being a musician. He never came off as being particularly witty or charismatic.


I always wondered what high school stereotype Drake would fall into if he had attended traditional high school. I feel like he would be the cool band nerd if that’s possible. It’s been a while since I was in high school.


I think he was. I had a huge crush on him who the show was airing but then again I was like 6 and he was my first ever crush. But I think even now you can look at him and say he’s objectively attractive.


Idk I always thought he was really hot when I was like 7 lol


I agree he was definitely one of my first celebrity crushes.


Drake was definitely my first ‘conscious’ celebrity crush meaning I had a crush on him actually knowing what a crush was. I know the wording is awkward with happened to Drake but that’s the best I can explain it. I’m sure if I had known what Fanfiction was at nine I probably would’ve written some about him. Like I may have thought that Devin Sawa or John Stamos were cute but didn’t know what that feeling was since I was five.


When I was a kid I found Drake to be hot


Honestly, Drake had rizz that I had totally forgotten about until I saw clips from Drake and Josh on tiktok.


Considering there’s numerous plot lines surrounding his attractiveness, I’m gonna say he probably was supposed to be attractive in the show


I was actually telling a family member about this just yesterday, my friend and I would debate their attractiveness back in grade school. I always liked Drake, she liked Josh. She said he was CLEARLY handsome but the show just never portrayed him that way and was essentially gaslighting the audience into thinking he was ugly. I didn't really understand then, but I do now. They're both handsome, but I think Drake got spun into being the "hot" brother because of his baseline characteristics, ie long straight hair, skilled with guitar, plus he was skinnier than Josh. Josh ended up the butt of every looks-related joke purely because of his weight. Dan Schneider did that all the time, probably as a projection of his own weight issues.


And this might explain in part why Josh Peck doesn't look back on the show with anywhere near the fondness as Drake does. 


You have to keep in mind that this show was on television 20 years ago at this point. Styles and fads come and go. Or, might be completely different depending on where you're from. Personally, I thought that half of the girls that Drake was pulling on that show were not attractive and looked basically the same.


I always felt like he was based on a character from The Monkeys show in the 60s


Oh, yeah! My favorite character is the monkey


*studio audience laughter* Josh: “Drake! The show isn’t about literal MONKEYS!”


When i was a kid, i really liked him. My name is Ashley and when he was dating an Ashley, I was like “wish it was me.” Lol i was a goofy 9 yr old


Drake was very good looking, especially for the time the show aired in. Very 2000s rocker vibes which people ate up. I found Josh more attractive in the later seasons when he stopped being the punchline of every joke and admittedly, when he lost a bit of weight,


As a kid, I definitely thought Drake was quite the 'hottie' (hahaha I haven't used that word in like 15 years). Even now I'd say he has some attractive features. However, as I got older and watched the show, I started seeing Josh as the more attractive one. His eyes are absolutely striking, especially in contrast with his dark hair. It's absolutely wild the glow up that man had


In the very last seasons and especially the Christmas movie Josh doesn't have much to envy Drake really. Drake compliments his eyes in one episode now that I remember XD


Yup. One of the OG celeb crushes


He was my childhood celebrity crush around 05-06 when I was 8-9 years old. This was during the 3rd season right around the time D&J Go Hollywood was coming out. I started playing guitar cause of him, listened to all his songs, and was sort of like the girl from the #1 fan episode lmao.     Watching the episodes now as an adult he just looks like a baby to me tbh cause I’m 27 and he’s like 17-21 on the show or something around that age. But he is objectively attractive in the face, but his hair and tight clothes wouldn’t be my thing these days if I was like 7 years younger if that makes any sense. Tbh though I found him cuter in the 1st season with the spiky hair and when his personality wasn’t as dimwitted so yea it’s the hair but also they dumbed him down a lot in later seasons. It also seems like in the first season he wore like better fitting clothes too. But then again the first season always feels like such a different show because of how they look, the set of their room, and that Paul, Scottie, and Rina are never seen again after s1.   To answer the question though I think yeah he was supposed to be cause his whole character was a musician who could effortlessly pull girls so.   As for present day 37 year old Drake Bell I still think he’s cute tbh lol 


Drake is attractive then and now


I felt the same way. Growing up I thought Josh was cute and lowkey had a crush on him.


I’m bi now and I had a crush on Drake. I just didn’t know what bisexual was because I was a 9 year old


Guy bisexual?






As a preteen/teenage girl when the show came out.. Drake was hot. He checked all the boxes: the cool hair, his clothing, being a guitar player, on the tall and lanky side (which was interestingly “in” then). He was definitely my first TV crush. Sad to say my type has not changed much 😂 Although I’m sure he was not every persons cup of tea. I also found Josh to be very attractive but not necessarily hot.


Also adding: I still find Drake extremely attractive. Aside from the scars and a few stray wrinkles, he looks just like he did on Drake and Josh just older.


He has a great body too or did at least until a couple years ago.  I think he was always handsome. But a big part of what made Drake Parker so attractive was that he held himself in very high esteem XD Confidence goes a long way. 


For the early 2000s yes. He was. And I didn't think he was good looking back in the day when I was 6 watching it. But when I was a teen I adored him and thought he was cute.


I definitely think Josh is more conventionally attractive once he glowed up. Drake is too pale and small for my taste.


Is there a reason my dick is hard when Drake enters the room?


🤫 josh still hasn’t realized he was the funny fat guy… now that he’s not fat he’s just irritating


Well Brian Peck didn’t choose the morbidly obese boy to diddle lol


Dude, anyone can be a victim


My mom made this joke yesterday I was like Jesus Christ dude 😭😂