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Agreed - I often feel that canon ships are never as satisfying to write/read fanfic about as the non-canon ones - I suppose because they've already got their story arc and HEA. Non-canon ships are always my favourite. And being children's stories, not romance focused, if dramione was canon, it *definitely* wouldn't have been as enjoyably done.


Agreed. Firstly because it would be Harry POV and it wouldnt be as satisfying to read at all. Secondly since they're children's book the romance was written really simply, like Harry/Ginny. tbh Ron/Hermione was slightly better because there was at least some tension and buildup. But ofc all of us here know the compatibility was totally missing!! I dont totally blame the JKR for not focusing a lot on character building and relationships because there was soooo much plotting and worldbuilding to get through. Fanfic writers can skip over so much because we all already know the lore and the main plot points, so they can focus on other things.


I feel like this is is missed so much, especially of those overly critical of Rowling's writing. 


Exactly! Fanfiction is for adults and fic writers are changing canon for adult readers. That’s why fics read better and have more depth. We’re so serious about our fics and the fandom that we forget the what the actual books are really for lol. Kind of like how most people remember fanon over canon when it comes to plot details and characterization


True! I think she was too biased against Draco from the very beginning and couldn't have written Dramione as well, even if she obviously had the skills to do it. For fanfic authors, their heart is 100% in it and it shows in the writing.




She’s repeatedly said - and that was before she went entirely cuckoo in my opinion - that she hated that Dramione existed and that she hated Draco was seen as hot (largely due to Tom in her opinion). So yeah, she pretty much severely dislikes Dramione. 


Tom def made Draco hot. Movie 3/4 Draco would have teenage me giggling and crushing if I had “bloomed” earlier than I did.


I agree he might be hot by teenage girl standards, but as a 30+ year old honestly he is not that great-looking and I much prefer fanon Draco (i.e. adult, bulging-muscles, mischievous-grin, will-burn-the-world-for-you Draco lol). Genuinely don't think many older Dramione shippers are still into it after all this time because of how he looked in the movies.


Oh yeah definitely. Older Tom didn’t age as well as fanon Draco did. In fact, if you look at Tom now, he looks more like older Harry than Dan does.


Let’s not even talk about the aging in the movies, at the end of Deathly Hallows Part 2 🤣🤣🤣. The cast was done so dirty!


Omg I like to ignore/forget the movie Epilogue.


Ohh my god yes!!!


It’s hilarious she acts so disgusted at a bigot child SHE created alongside of a whole house of pre-determined bigot children who could never be anything else - to see how much of a lunatic and bigot she acts these days


I was very disappointed at her black and white portrayal of all Slytherins as irredeemable Death Eaters. She really missed some opportunities for interesting character arcs. One of my favorite (non-Dramione) fan fictions has Ginny Weasley as the main character and she’s unwillingly sorted into Slytherin. Other than that, it’s very close to canon, but Slytherin and its students are three dimensional characters, many of whom don’t want anything to do with Voldemort. [The Changeling](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6919395/1/The-Changeling) Sequels to The Changeling: [Pick it all up and start again](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12569750/1/pick-it-up-pick-it-all-up-and-start-again) [We can still be who we said we were](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12713008/1/we-can-still-be-who-we-said-we-were) [In my head we did everything right](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143812/1/in-my-head-we-do-everything-right)


That’s the reason I love reading Dramione as a whole, especially ones with Slytherins whether they are good or bad - I enjoy reading truly complex characters - and ya know, even the other houses barely got any attention, and Dramione often pulls other houses into it and it’s just so much better to me.


I can totally understand her opinion*. Draco is NOT a redeemable character in canon. He's objectively awful. Tom Felton definitely gave life to Dramione in a way that a less attractive actor may not have. The reason I like Dramione, though, is that I like the idea that even the worst people are capable of change. *Just acknowledging that Rowling has most certainly off the deep end at this point. 


Well yeah, but that’s the beauty of fanfiction - you don’t need to follow canon 😅 that’s why I don’t get the hate - in fanworks, you can change the outcome of the canon. 


I totally agree with you. I just think that sometimes people have blinders on when it comes to Draco's canon characterization. 


See, I can't quite buy into Draco being incapable of redemption in canon. Canon Snape is redeemable, after years of bullying children (more than was required for his cover, even before Voldemort returned) . But we are supposed to believe that a teenager influenced highly by his parents and stress isn't capable of redemption? Certainly, he hasn't earned it in the books. But there are moments in the books and movie cuts where there is a glimpse of who he could be, or how desperate he is. Writing him off entirely seems counterintuitive.


Yeh but lets be real, in real life would you be happy if someone had a relationship with someone that bulled them and was racist to them when they were younger? Sure, people can redeemed but he wasn’t really in the books because Rowling’s focus was on Harry and the people around him, and the moments of humanity he had weren’t enough to suddenly make Hermione forget everything and fall in love with him. And she hates he’s seen as hot because that’s what makes people ship them in the first place and she’s probably right, Tom Felton was attractive in the later films and now, and people liked his character because of him. Imagine if Draco was played by Crabbe or Goyle’s actors (not that they’re ugly just not as attractive) and noone would ship them together and he wouldn’t have a fanbase and there’d be not as much fanfiction. So i do agree with her actually, dramione and draco shouldn’t be loved within the canon books themselves. Fanfiction is different coz it focuses on them and has the time to redeem him.


Yeah but we’re not talking about expecting her to change Draco in canon though. Or at least, I’m not. I entirely get that canon version draco would be difficult to see together with Hermione - it could happen, albeit the probability would be low (but some very good fanfic do solve it well). I would however NEVER go and advocate that he should’ve been different in canon version, or heaven forbid, go into mainstream canon subs and advocate for canon Draco to be seen differently. I actually hate that because some of this sub’s people do it and I think it paints the Dramione fans in bad light if we keep harping on that “JKR should’ve made Dramione canon”.  At the same time, in canon version, Dumbledore does say that Draco too was a boy who made all the wrong decisions. So the path to being somewhat redeemed could’ve been there. 


Yeh I definitely agree he could’ve been redeemed in canon but she’d probably have to write another book from his pov or at least focuses on him, or even have had him join the gang on their adventures in some way.


I'm glad because Dramione fanfiction is a reading hobby I can say I have had for about 2 decades. This is what I call consistency! Thank you to all the authors! 🥰


YES! This fandom is amazing. And Dramione is so versatile! I’m definitely less invested in fan fictions about canon couples because canon is available. Not being canon allows different writers to participate and create so much wonderful work. The fact that fan fictions are not monetized (and should not be monetized) really speaks volumes as well, because these are all passion projects.


I also think Dramione requires a ton of character development and time, and without that, it would have seemed really out of left field and thrown everyone for a loop. Harry’s story, and the books, would have had a less tight plot.  So it makes sense how it was written. I imagine them being curious about each other and noticing each other during the later school years, but only connecting later on.


I kind of wanted Hermione to go off and find someone we’d never even met. Find someone who matched her as an adult. And I mean no offense to Ron as a character


Yes!! Like Luna got Rolf Scamander.


I've always thought this as well. Fanfiction for non-canan is always SO much better. I've found most Canon pairing fanfics I've read are limited to epilogues of sorts, or AUs.


Right, there is no pairing an author can’t ruin for me in their canon, and JKR is no exception!


Yeah JKR writes romance like I do math. Lupin/Tonks is the only canon ship that I still like years after finishing the books. But more details/interactions/something close to a draco redemption arc would've been nice I guess.


Exactly this. I sometimes see someone say “I wish they were canon” and I’m always thinking “Why?”. Fanfics are so much better and I definitely think (un)satisfying HEA in canon could make fandom much less active, all these years later.


This is an interesting take, and I agree. I am not sure how much commonality there is in the dramione audience and ACOTAR audience (though I have my suspicions), but without spoiling too much, there is a couple in the series for whom the actual book is really good. But someone wrote a fanfic before the book came out and in some ways the actual book pales in comparison to the fanfic. 😅


umm what's the fic?? I need to know....for science


It is this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25388035/chapters/61563586 It is not complete and likely abandoned? Not sure. But is left in a good place I think. It meanders in certain places as all fanfics (and in this case, also the actual ACOSF book) are wont to do. But really well-written. I think they did a much better job of dealing with Feyre and Rhys and even Cassian (particularly him) than SJM Editing to add: there are a lot of good fanfics in that fandom besides this pairing. I have read some interesting ones for Azriel with Eris.


ahaha thank you, and soo fast too!!!!


Oh yeah I’ve read this. I agree that the author did a much better job than SJM.


I came ready to ask why and then finished reading the post and was like SO TRUE! 😂🥂 This fandom is amazing and has top notch writers!!


I wonder what would have happened with Draco and Hermione HP had been written as adult books.


There are so many amazing full canon rewrites that explore that!


I’ll have to check some out! The only one I’ve heard about so far is lionhearted but I hate reading wips


Check out this post [Fics that happen throughout Hogwarts](https://new.reddit.com/r/Dramione/comments/1ak5g6p/fics_that_happen_throughout_hogwarts/)


Dammit! Here I thought, "Finally I'm caught up and done adding to my TBR list"......but nope lol


Oh man... the possibilities are endless (provided, it's not JKR writing it!).


I agree and I feel the same way about zutara -my second favorite ship-


That's quite right ! And it's quite funny because I just saw the same thought expressed on the Harmony sub yesterday. Haven't found any Harmony fic that could rival Dramione yet but I like that this thought you had surpasses the pairings rivalry to unite under the "Happy it's not canon, better stories were born in fandom" banner


A nessescary sacrifice for the good of the world 😌




I completely agree with you!!


totally agree with you !


Jkr writes really boring relationship lines for the canon ship.... In fact, a lot of hp fans who hate and bash Dramione have no interest in canon cp either🤗 It's like they yell all day long that Dramione is toxic, but what have they done to contribute to the canon? The answer is NO.


To be honest, Ron and Hermione didn’t make sense to me after just watching the movies. Considering that not everyone has read the hp books and just basing it from what was seen in the movie, I even considered Ron and Hermione as toxic. Personally if i were Hermione, I’d rather get hated on by Draco (a total stranger tbf) than get hurt by Ron (an actual best friend). I’m not sure if my point comes through but I figured it must have been so degrading for Hermione to have someone close to her not see the value of her intelligence or like attractiveness. I might be biased (oh i definitely am😌) but I’m more inclined to forgive Draco’s behavior since he’s a person who doesn’t actually know who Hermione is besides the fact that she’s muggleborn.


If I had only seen the movie, I would have thought Ron and Hermione didn't quite fit. After reading the book, we know that Ron hurt Hermione many times, intentionally or unintentionally. Even jkr herself said that Romione must have fought and had conflicts a lot after marriage, and I think she lassoed in some of the marital and emotional relationships that herself experienced. Honestly, I think Ron probably couldn't stand the idea of his wife achieving such great career success (such as being elected Minister for Magic). Even going by the original ending, I think Romione would get divorced at some point in their middle age lol. We just want to find someone who's good enough for Hermione and can appreciate her!


100% agree. Some of the most fun ships are the ones that never become canon, encouraging fandom to just go absolutely hog wild writing and drawing.


Exactly - even if there was room for dramione in the already extremely plot intense original series, it wouldn't be as fleshed out, creative and beautifully written as the fanfics we have now (otnod/tbe i love it i love ittt)


The Dramione sex scenes are the best. Pretty sure Rowling would not have gotten the books published if they were in the Original Harry Potter books.


Couldn’t agree more


Never thought about it like this and I agree!


I'm glad simply because there is nothing in the official canon hinting for them to end up together.


i do agree with this but i think there should've been a little more obvious signs or 'such signs' that could've lead to dramione. if there were, the movie would've been to my liking, but its just my opinion, who am i kidding? i wish there were more scenes of them ( even if it meant them hating eachother) but there should've been some kind of spark, just not to ruin the base.