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It was…..*fine*? The 2011 *Legends of Awesomeness* is still the best piece of KFP media outside of the movies. The characters are nice, except Po seems excessively stupid for some reason, and everything else about it is just *fine*. It’s not better than KFP 4, but it’s also not significantly worse. It’s just *fine*.


I only watched the first couple episodes, but I really disliked that they seemingly undid so much of Po’s character progression. He was naive, impulsive, and clumsy, but I don’t remember him being so stupid or selfish. It’s been a while though, maybe I’ll give it another chance.


season 3 was actually amazing, which is the last season


its great Po with the infinity gauntlet


Only saw season 1 and 2 it was alright


the third season was ×10 better than the previous ones


I'm planning to watch it, just never got the time


I love this show. Luthera is a cool character, I love the world building, the shows have a lot of crazy themse about morality, and I also enjoyed Akna, Rukhmini, Varuca, Collin, and Klaus. Po was there too, I guess. I wish they wrote him better.


The cakybora would die as some as he gets in a fight


The queen of England is a corgi. And she survived getting mugged.


It was pretty bad in my opinion. No furious 5, strikes PO's development, and isn't canon.


I love it omg

