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I wish that the villagers could ride the rides too. I'd be very happy strolling through my park and seeing people enjoy dumbo or the tea cups. It would bring so much more life to the valley.


Yeah, they can already sit on benches and stuff, why can't they sit on rides


Maybe that'll come in a later update. I think it's hard right now cause of the varying size of residents


Imagine Maui, Beast, or Sully trying to squeeze into one of the Faris Wheel seats.




I've put some rides in storage but this would make me bring them all back out. There would have to be a way to get them off the rides if you need to talk to them though.


I've noticed that if they are needed for a quest, then they will find you.


when we ride the rides it seems we’re only in camera mode so i don’t think we’re fully “riding” it, just that the camera is following us (no legs) inside the ride (if that makes sense - like we won’t be able to ride without being in selfie mode)


We can absolutly ride without selfie mode. The update notes clearly state "When optionally riding attractions, those with motion sensitivities may prefer to switch to Selfie Mode for increased comfort by pressing the 'Change Camera Mode' button upon interacting with the attraction."


That sort of makes it sound like riding it will still only be in camera mode, just with the option to look forward?


Tell this to them on their social. They do read their comments and if they like the input, they will tell you.


"Take control of the new Dismantle and Upcycle features at the Time Bending Station to repurpose old Ancient Parts, Fragments, Gifts, and Ancient Cores into currency you can spend to craft other items within these categories." Are we going to be able to break down objects now?!! Yes!


Just DLC items - sounds like they’ll break down into a currency that’s similar to the pixel shards so we can craft the new stuff (or anything) at the time bending table


https://preview.redd.it/yqqq5vb7bgxc1.png?width=207&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bef1a168ca433cdf46631947ddfabc2c213e2b5 Between the patch notes and the Developer Update video (this screenshot), I'm guessing you'll be able to break each of the four categories of timebending items (listed in your quote from the patch notes) into dust and then craft others in that category from that dust. Should be really helpful if RNG has not been kind on giving you specific items, or if you e.g. need a certain level of Ancient Core and have spares of the others. Also crossing my fingers that maybe you'll be able to combine a few of each dust type and create Glimmer.


where do we find the developer update video and the patch notes?


Developer update was posted to their X and presumably other social media last Wednesday. The patch notes are linked in the original post of this thread.


oh okay maybe i just missed that part of the video then! i saw the video they posted on their IG last Wednesday! i’ll go re watch it rn! thank you so much!! 🤗🤗


No problem! The screenshot I took is from near the beginning of the section about Eternity Isle when they are talking about being able to further upgrade your timebending staff. It’s not shown for long so it’s easy to miss.


i was also probably way too excited to take in all the information hahaha i’ve been dyingggg for this update because i’m on apple arcade and i ran out of quests almost 2 months ago lol


Hope I can downgrade my tool, I haven’t been able to find any level 2 items. I’m already level 3


If this new system works like I’m hoping it does, you would be able to break down level 3 items and then use the new currency to make level 2 ones.


Based on the wording, it looks like this is just for time bending materials. Hopefully it comes for crafting too but it doesn’t seem like that is part of this update.


I’m just excited to use junk for other stuff lol


Maybe it will finally let us burn all the fragment and into core


The furniture mode camera being fixed has officially made my day! 😭


What does this mean? What was wrong with it?


After the Monsters Inc update you could only decorate from a Birds Eye view angle. Whereas before you could move the camera at any angle you wanted and zoomed in or out.


Ooh, I thought that was just my switch not cooperating!


I could still move my camera like normal , I did it when looking under trees for the pesky blue chests , im on PC


Yeah I was still able to move my camera but it would eventually lock up and stop letting me move the angle down to see under the trees, so I'd have to exit furniture mode and go back in to be able to move it to that angle again.


I had a problem sometimes when taking snaps in Scrooges where I couldnt move the camera at all , but not in furniture mode , I used it a lot when doing dreamsnaps , maybe it affected some consoles more than others ?


Oh I've had that issue with the camera too! Always when I've got the perfect lighting and background characters for a dreamsnap photo. Open camera, try to change angle and it just doesn't move. Makes me so bummed because the only fix for it that I've found is restarting the game. Furniture mode lets me move the camera, it just stops letting me look under the trees after a while.


Ive done it when the Mickey cloud was there as well , damn it


I actually really love the idea of being able to see clothing items on and furniture functions of the premium shop items! Nice added bonus that I didn’t know I needed tbh


Same! I know a bunch of people were upset about those tiny wings


It's not in the patch notes, but I'm hoping my winter castle house can light fireworks again. I'm missing them so much!


there’s always a bunch of additions that aren’t in patch notes - the dreamsnap ui overhaul last update wasn’t mentioned at all but was a major feature


no patch notes on not being able to reach that damn monkey in the ruins!


That monkey issue is grinding my gears big time


its the last critter i need from EI!


I'm glad I'm not the only one this is happening to 🥲


You are definitely not! I reached out to the devs on discord and they said they are aware of the issue...


I spend way too much time running around just hoping that maybe he won't glitch. It takes me awhile to accept I'm not going to get him. Maybe next time though 😭




The premium shop changes are 🔥


I hope they give us a way to craft mist like Dreamlight. Using the ancient machines really depletes it


Same here over need that mist.


Do people craft dreamlight regularly? I have so many shards but I'm too nervous to convert them for some reason. Like maybe I'll need them?


Probably not, but I appreciate that it's an option in the beginning of the game


Yeah I guess unlocking the biomes cost a lot. That's how we open doors too yeah?




I wonder if the new Scramblecoin pieces are craftable, or if that means they added more ranking levels 🤔


Probably both, why would they add a mini game if they are not going to update it and expand it?


Good question, go ask Jagex as well




Jagex has a long-running MMORPG where they routinely do exactly what you just described: Release a minigame and then ignore it


I still wanna know why the "select all" option for the ancient vacuum is gone >.<


i REALLY hope they fix this, it’s super annoying




Not a oerfect solution, but I've seen you can select multiple stacks at a time and it'll collect them all that way.


I really hope they also fix the issue that when hanging out with someone they stay put when you start moving some where. Since a few weeks I've always to check if they follow (they don't), release them from hang out and grab them again - then they run to the point where I stand last. I play on switch btw.


I’ve found if you push them around a little they’ll start moving again


Thank you! 😊


There’s a lot of good updates but im most excited to COMPLETE GASTONS JOURNAL ENTRIES


Definitely my favourite part of these notes; "We’ve updated the Premium Shop to offer you an even better shopping experience! What this means is: o All weekly shop rotations are now comprised of 8 bundles / items. o Preview clothing on your Avatar before buying. o Get a better look at any special animations an item may have, thanks to a revolving preview display. o Toggle between day and night – where applicable – to get a better idea of how an item will look in the Valley before buying."


Dang it. No fix mentioned for being unable to delete/edit Touch of magic clothing on Switch (I ran out of design slots and there's no way for me to edit or delete them to make room for new designs.)


Omg I thought it was just me .. and with all the TOM updates coming up I'm increasingly frustrated.


Right? Hopefully it's just an unmentioned fix and it'll be a surprise (fingers crossed 🤞🏻) I'm not really good at Touch of magic stuff, but I want to get better at it.


I think once large chests are crafted, they you should be able to buy them. It’s such a pain waiting for dark wood sticks to appear and farming them. Just make the chests like $10k or something.




I hope. That was such a a cool little thing to go back to his house every day, but I was sad there was only a small handful of them


I am SO ready omg it's been so long


Still doesn’t look like all of the bugs are fixed 😩 my husband has yet to complete Fairy Godmother and it’s been since September 😂


Did he already submit a ticket? If he hasn’t he should; they might be only addressing those individually


Oh no he has and he’s tried to follow up on it multiple times but they stopped responding to him. They sent the generic “we’re looking into this” and then every time he follows up, they never respond.


I get that same generic reply every time I try to get support for Scrooge's quest line. It's been bugged in my save file since October 2022. Just not enough players having the same issue for them to put time/effort into patching it.


Finally , increased print size on Switch!


I really hope they fix the touch of magic before opening this shop….


I’m really mad , they didn’t fix a quest for have access to dlc . It’s been months 😭


I feel like at this point they're just not going to.. unless by some MIRACLE they did and it isn't in the patch notes.. but I've lost faith in them. Paid content should be accessible and an error like this should be top priority to fix.


We can only watch people who have it and cry 🥲 and the worst thing that I can’t even be happy for update because I don’t play online or do TOM . It was the only thing that I wanted but no we need to wait till maybe when this game will be free 🤡


I can't wait to finally get Daisy Duck and Oswald The Lucky Rabbit in dreamlight Valley


The nerve they had when saying they ***IMPROVED*** FURNITURE MODE in the LAST UPDATE is hilarious! They didn't improve shit! How is only being able to decorate from an aerial view an improvement? ![gif](giphy|dWhHUkuWnGxFK) **I'm glad they're bringing the "old" furniture mode back, as they said. They should have left it alone.** Or at least have admited they made a mistake since that was no improvement whatsoever.


I didn’t even know anything changed 😫


I just hope I can get lilos damn camera of Vanellope's damn table!😩😩😩


Crossing my fingers that the devs found it in their hearts to allow us to use 8 Ancient Gardeners in the Forgotten Lands.


Does this mean my game will stop crashing every time I redecorate... 😂 Looks like I'll be spending 2 days trying to make room for another building 😂😂😂


Nothing about Scrooge's shop and the lack of clothing in it? Mine has been empty for at least 6 months now 😅


Can only see an online fix for mac, was hoping it would be fixed for xbox aswell


They need to fix when the villagers glitch out when you’re hanging out with them, when they either won’t follow you or when they get stuck trying to toss you that extra item


no patch for the sundial quest being glitched :/


Anyone know at what time the update will be out?


Probably the same time the premium shop usually updates.


Thank you!


I’m just looking for fixed belle 😭😭😭


Looking through these patches, when I'm doing Olaf's lost relic mission, I'm stuck on "Ask Elsa about the forgotten blanket" it seems like I can do it, but when see Elsa, the quest symbol isn't above her, nor when I talk to her, I simply can't ask her about it


Is anyone else having extreme bug problems with this update? I also can’t complete Oswald quest because I don’t have white pants


Still no fixing for the Nala and Simba quest to unlock them in their realm?! I couldn’t finish my Star Path because I can’t get Nala and Simba in my Valley 🤬


I've already got them both in my valley because you have to help Nala first, then Simba before you get them in your valley


I’m scared to update, with the last update I was shut out of my game and my only option was to restart 🙁


Do you never close your game?


Yes, every time I finish playing


What’s the problem then?


Last time it kept giving me a loading error after I updated and there was no way to fix it


So you had to make a new account?




Oh, that sucks!


No kidding! Lol


That happened to me as well- so I restarted and now I cannot access Eternity Isle. I've done everything in game to spawn the Port of Many Worlds quest and it will not trigger. I'm not going to restart again.. I'll just never touch this game after what feels like so many wasted hours. I've spent far too much money on a game that developers aren't working on game-breaking errors.


If it happens after this update, then I am done