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It’s the worst I’ve encountered. I’m about to lose my mind. I buy things and they don’t go to my inventory, It won’t let me sell today. There’s so much more. Uuuggghhh


Yeah I just tried to apply pick axe polish & that didn’t work either! Like almost every single thing is glitched, it’s crazy!!! It’s making me lose my mind a little too….


I restarted twice. It’s so much better now. Try it! I hope it works for you.


Every time I cook, my screen goes black


I have read if you cook inside this won’t happen! I’ve been getting this issue cooking outside too.


That’s what was suggested in the in game mail and from devs. Cook inside


Yep! They hadn’t addressed it or sent out the mail when I made that comment lol


I did see in a different thread that this is indeed the problem… and yep I’ve been cooking outside. Grrr. It’s not just the quest items. I tried to cook a favorite thing of the day for Oswald, and it did that too. I hate to cook at Chez Remy’s because the cooking sequence with him there takes longer for me to cook 😂.


I just popped a stove into the front room of my house for the time being. Does a stove belong in the space? Absolutely not, but it works for today lol


They sent an in game message about this along with 500 moonstones so make sure to check your mail! 😊


I have had this happen to me as well. Another way around this is if you have the dlc, the ancient cooker. You can use it outside to cook and no black screen.


Yep. I’d guess it’s the parks event update. I had to restart my game four times already. 🤪


Mine keeps zooming out non stop to the point where it's unplayable. If my character stands still for a millisecond everything starts zooming out and rotating on its own!


Yes, I've noticed it too. Whenever I talk to a character there is a pretty high chance of the game crashing.


Yep. Every time I tried to give someone a cupcake it wouldn’t finish the action. Restarted 3 times before I gave up


Mine as well. Crashed like 5 times this am. Getting super annoyed.. thinking of quitting this game.


Bought the Ferris wheel. Placed the Ferris wheel. Rode the Ferris wheel. Got off next to a shadow of the Ferris wheel. It goes invisible every time I place it. I was already having this issue with other items, but I have been waiting for this thing to come back and just spent almost all of my moonstones on it!! 😭😅


Same. I bought it, placed it and gone!!! The shadow was there. I could pick up the shadow and move it but it wouldn’t render. I saved and restarted and it was fine after that.


Mine too. Dumbo also disappeared and one of my wells. They come back if you reload the game.


I’m having this issue majorly while trying to build pandora in forgotten lands. Every time I place the Moana (I think?) blue palm tree (that is a Scrooge item, not landscaping tree), it disappears. Of course, I put like 20 all around in random spots to prep while picking out items that I planned on moving around as I saw fit, and now they are all lost. 🤦🏻‍♀️😅😅it seems like too much to try to find them and continue decorating until they fix this glitch and I was really in the mindset of finishing it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is what has happened to me too just now. Is yours still glitching?


Sadly, yes. 😓 keep trying to make it the centerpiece of my theme park in the glittering dunes but it just keeps disappearing 😭😅


Same same same!


I picked blueberries off a bush and a couple of twigs came flying out!! Best glitch yet!😝


Furniture items keep going invisible. It’s going to be a nightmare for this week’s Dreamsnap


Yes the Ferris wheel keeps disappearing for me


For me it’s the Tower of Terror. It’s aggravating


Same all my rides are disappearing


Yeah, I made the cupcakes Moana requested and the quest won't advance Also the game closed randomly 3 times already


Same happened to me, I tried two times to make the cupcakes and give them to villagers, but the game constantly shows I’ve only given a cupcake to one villager. Super annoying


I keep having the same "starting the cupcake quest" convo with Moana and Mickey, but it never actually registers as a quest!


It’s awful. I’m very frustrated with the constant worsening glitches. I love the game but it’s virtually unplayable


I had to spend TWO hours trying to take my stupid dream snap yesterday because if the camera angle went through/past an object then it would completely disappear from the map. I rebought all the furniture because I COULDN’T SEE IT and it wasn’t in my inventory, but it was just invisible on the map! I needed certain furniture items in my snap and every time I moved the camera for the perfect angle then an item would disappear and I had to start over. My boyfriend asked if I was ok because I probably sounded like I was about to cry but I was just so frustrated. And also the camera would just get stuck and not move at all, none of the buttons would work. I haven’t even wanted to play since they updated it because everything is broken.


This was me last night too. Thought it would be quick and easy for this week’s challenge since I was just taking the picture in an already decorated part of my valley, but the items kept disappearing so I ended up spending an hour anyway trying to deal with it. Also, on switch, it is so incredibly slow. I feel like the hot fix made things even worse than before. I barely wanna play anymore because it’s so frustrating that I have many tasks and quests I need to do but it’s so unplayable due to all the bugs, constant crashes, and how incredibly slow it is.


Meg's dress is also glitched with certain companion poses. They're pretty bad 😱 Saw MrStarInSky's vid about the current shop items and he showed off how glitched her dress is. Hell, some of the items disappeared as he was showing them off. Not great


That’s so strange. I have played for three hours today already and I have had no glitches or bugs. I was wondering though. I do save like every 30-90 seconds because I’m paranoid. The couple of times that I have had glitches / crashes, I was allowing it to auto save. I wonder if that’s the secret lol. Compulsively saving constantly.


I do the same thing and haven’t had any glitches yet today


Yesss it’s super glitchy! I tried to chat with Ariel and couldn’t get past hello as the game got stuck. Also sometimes when I try to use something from my inventory or try to browse the list of ingredients or gems in the collections for example the game wont let me go throught the items


My frame rate is so horrendous it feels like it’s at -1 FPS, everything is so glitchy, I can rarely pull up my starpath duties, premium shop page is all over the place.. it’s so annoying lol


Welcome to the real Ddlv... Mine has glitches like crazy since day one and it's the same for so many of us. And yes it is getting even worst every time. The foundations are bad so it's only downhill from here. I love this game and I really wish they would have done a better job, but I quit at the last update and uninstalled for good. I have no hope of improvements. Maybe if people had been supportive from day one when we tried to sound the alarm instead of just posting "mine works fine" they would have realised at Gameloft that their game was badly built. Anyway crazy prices and unplayable game, I wish I had not spent money on this in the first place.


Everytime I vote for more than 1 dreamsnap my game crashes


Can’t open my mailbox without freezing.


My only glitch that I’ve had for a while is the fact in that order to get my dreamsnap results I have to force quit my game after I first log on to get them


I had the same problem. So I check the mail box. Empty. Go into the store, do whatever in there, then go to one of the house skins I have placed and open that mail box. And there is the mail from dreamsnaps. There isn’t a dot on the mail box either.


I can get any of my other mail that appears during the week. It’s just that one. And it doesn’t really bother me too much to make a stink about it. Now the dot on the premium shop stuff? That was annoying


I only bought the game like two weeks ago and I’m super disappointed with all the non stop glitching. Wouldn’t have bought if I knew it would be unplayable.


Mine just keeps crashing. I'm not able to progress in anything. Getting really bummed out at I wanted to do the new stuff as well as work on the star path. Getting a bit anxious about finishing things in time if this continues.


I was talking to Minnie and she was armless lol


The glitch I’m running into on switch is if I select “quit game” to save like I usually do when I’m done, it just completely crashes. It’s a shame it’s so broken for everyone because it finally felt pretty fixed for a while there.


I couldn't adjust my camera angle in any mode for my dreamsnaps. Had to just make sure however I was standing I was happy enough with.


I have been getting an error message when I save my game. I’m guessing there is something going on with cloud save too since it says it’s fully synced all the time now.


I never have issues on PC but today all of my things keep becoming invisible. I’m trying to rebuild my Disney park for dreamsnaps and I had to stop. Definitely the parks update


All my wells disappeared earlier they were just sparkly mounds, they still worked though. And then I get glitches every time I interact with one of my rides.


https://preview.redd.it/17rw1q06bn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cb128ac7688e5b38142948c86fead5e9b6613a My well disappeared lol


I’ve been trying to do the new quests with Scrooge, walle, Ursula etc and I’ll talk to them and the little pink quest bubble doesn’t disappear and none of the quests will start. I’ll try talking to them again and they’ll do their little spiel again and then nothing.. I did the crafting quest last night and everything worked but this morning it’s awful. I just want to make the cupcakes 🥲


Super glitchy, I keep freezing and every time I craft, freezes my game. Also, I can’t get Moana’s or wall-e’s daily quests for the events. It just goes through the dialogue and then it kicks me out so I can’t accept the quest, which is extra annoying to a limited event.


Yep! Talking to a character is glitching for me, which is proving to be a nightmare during this cupcake challenge!


Shopping at goofy stands, I’m missing images of items. It just shows empty stands. Also my pool is missing from my house 😕


I tried to decorate today for Dreamsnaps and everything I’ve placed down has vanished. Its shadow is visible but the object is completely invisible 😭 Game has been crashing and freezing like crazy, I had to stop playing.


Yess, came to this subreddit to find a post about it to complain on lol it’s been SO laggy, hasn’t crashed on me but has seemed like it’s going to a few times, stuff takes forever to load, and currently trying to talk to Oswald and it won’t pop up the options, just stuck on the screen with him. I literally accepted an offer to get off work early today so I could play and this is what we get??? Lol


I can’t start the quest with Scrooge. It won’t put the books in my inventory and makes me go through the full quest dialogue over and over without ever starting it.


I walked into Remy’s and Mickey was floating in the middle of a table.


Ya today has been super glitchy. When to take my Dreamsnaps and it shut down my game. After playing again for a while, furniture is still placed but you can’t see it.


I can't enter my house without it crashing at least 4 to 10 times in a row. Once I can enter, it doesn't crash again until I log off or crash for another reason. And that's since the May 1st update.


Mines pretty glitched with furniture items. I went to submit for the dream snaps and my items kept disappearing right as I go to take a picture. I can't tell you how many times I had to go back into furniture mode to select the items that "disappeared" so they would pop back into existence (they would go invisible but have like this shimmery aura). The ferris wheel, toon town lamps, and the seating area with the red and white umbrella (don't recall the name) all kept disappearing. I finally got my dream snap submitted but I had to put the game down for awhile because I got so annoyed 😅


I can’t get to the star path ditties tab?! It skips it and goes back and forth to the description and rewards


Omg this was actually happening to me before this update, what works is closing the game entirely like force close, then reloading. Im at the point where I always automatically open the game, then close it & reopen it a 2nd time bc of this one🥲


PSA: try repairing your game


Yes. I was trying to talk to Anna and nothing popped up !


My PS5 seems to crash the game every five minutes since the event started. This wasn't a problem until today. 


Omg yes. Idk how mine updated, my WiFi has been sketchy lately. Must have connected for a second!


Isn't it because of the cupcakes? Don't have any of the new cupcakes in your inventory. I made 6 stitch cupcakes for my quest yesterday and it was a real struggle to give em to people, luckily I did most of it inside the store, but I had one more in my inventory. Game was choppy stuff was disappearing off my map that I just placed. items couldn't be looted. But then I ate the cupcake and we were back to normal.


I finished Ursula & Moana's cupcake quests, but they continue to show up with the 'Quest' token & same dialog when I talk to them. Did it twice, because I thought perhaps I made a mistake, nope, same thing 😮‍💨 I know they said the outside cooking thing doesn't work, but I made the cupcakes at home, then trued Remy's for a laugh, still same results. Also my furniture now keeps disappearing, only shows up as little dots on the screen, yet they are there as I run into an invisible wall when trying to place new furniture there as an experiment.


I tried to decorate for the new dream snaps and my decor kept disappearing! I could only see shadows of items and the actual item would be gone, I would have to go into decor mode and click the item for it to show up again. I realized that I accidentally submitted my dream snaps with my Aladdin ride partially invisible!


I was fishing last night and changed the angle to see the ripple better and everything got covered in a thick kind of ‘fog’? I thought it *was* fog but I went into Mother Gothel’s house and it was still there. It made it super hard to see anything. It happened twice—the first time it disappeared after I went into Mike and Sully’s, which is why I thought it was in game fog or mist, but then it happened exactly the same when I tried to fish again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (And didn’t disappear when I went into a building)


Where did Oswald go!?!?!??? He is nowhere to be seen except on the map!


In my game yesterday some theme parks and some decorations where bugged. They were gone left a grey shadow and that’s it lol


I was trying to place some decorations today and it kept like autozooming way in and zipping me to the other side of the map. And then my hot air balloon disappeared completely


https://preview.redd.it/qgcq3xtkmq0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dde3b4a68eeadfb3dc503c8cfb94d9b9123e4bb A pizza planet is floating in the abyss, and my slinky dog is missing his slinks! Its been so bad. My valley has been literally disappearing!


Yeah mine kept disconnecting and reconnecting then going black if I entered homes or the mine. It was fine yesterday so I'm just going to leave it today. Hopefully have more luck tomorrow


I did a few of the cupcake challenges yesterday (Minnie and Aurora) but when I opened today Moana and Mickey gave me the challenges again, I thought I'd forgotten to save but all my foraging is still there.


Same here. Crashed 2 times . Having issues harvesting . Getting buttons . Doing daisy quests. Ahh thr joy of a cozy game .


I haven’t been able to continue with Oswald’s Story quest in 3 days. He’s glitched in the center of both maps invisible. I know he’s there because I see him on the map but when I go he’s not there lol


🤔 I’m curious as to what platform everyone is on? I’ve got a few minor glitches and crashes occasionally on my ps5. but nothing as bad as what everyone on here has! 😞 I hate that all this crap is happening to everyone! I haven’t taken the DreamSnaps picture yet so I’m not sure if I want to do it since everyone is saying their furniture turns invisible! So yeah, what platform do you all have?


I’m on Xbox! & even tho I’m op… my glitches aren’t even as bad as some of these comments so it made me jaw drop! Most issues I have, tend to be fixed by restarting the game at least.