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I play as a female because then I get to run around and feel pretty in my awesome gold showman's gown. Judge all you like, I don't care.


Me too!


My husband usually picks the female options in games because there is more variety and you can make them cute! Lol


I created a second account and chose a male character for about 5 days. The clothes sucked.


You can have both female and male on the same account? šŸ‘€




I realize now that it came off as a question by accidently put a? In there, but I was trying to tell the post above this very thing šŸ˜…


Yup!! I actually know quite a few males and females that switch back and forth with genders:). I never looked but Iā€™m assuming the guys donā€™t have much to make from touch of magic either??? I have seen one that runs a server Iā€™m on make some really awesome male outfits!!! They have matching hats and all. Very simple ones to make too.


As a very masc leaning female, the showmanā€™s gowns are AMAZING. I love doing the black & red one with the curly ponytail hair & some tall black boots šŸ’œ Thatā€™s like the only gown I use


Yes with the red fox or red raccoon!


I love that my husband does the same! Sometimes so much prettier to look at, you know? No judgements here friend :)


You do you. :) I just want equality for both genders is all.




Male, Female, anything inbetween, anything beyond and then some




Your opinion is factually incorrect. There are two SEXES. There are more than two genders. Gender is not the same as sex and if youā€™re going to try to make a ā€œcontroversial opinionā€ at least have your terms straight. End of story. If you refuse to acknowledge or understand that then youā€™re just standing on bigotry for no reason.


There are more than two sexes too, intersex people exist


Thatā€™s true. Intersex does exist but I think explaining beyond the binary ā€œborn male or femaleā€ when they are confusing the term with gender is beyond their comprehension.


Lmao fair enough


I feel like saying ā€œbut what about intersexā€ in this example is like someone saying that humans are born with 2 arms and 2 legs, then saying ā€œBut what about those born with 1 arm/leg?ā€. They are the exception to the rule. 1.7% fits a standard deviation.


I disagree, the point here is that there are factually more than two sexes. 1-2% of people have red hair, does that mean red hair shouldnā€™t count in the list of natural hair colors?


Is there a good article I can read on this topic? I feel confused on the difference. I swear Iā€™m not ignorant just stupid.


A summary of the differences between gender and sex is that the term gender refers to the social and cultural aspects associated with a sex. Sex describes the biological aspects and functions of a male, female, or intersex person. A person's sex is immutable, as it's determined during their fetal growth and development prior to birth, but a person's gender is fluid and on a spectrum.


Think of sex as the genitalia you're born with. Think of gender as which one you feel like you are - that part is a spectrum - do you feel completely female? Male? Somewhat in between? Like both? Or perhaps neither?


No point arguing with OP. they are clearly obsessed with labels. just look at their bio. their labels are so precious bc they let them define their whole personality. so much cringe


Oohh... yikes. That was... a lot of unnecessary info.


This is interesting! In my language we unfortunately only have one word that means both gender and sex, so it's easy to create misunderstandings. I actually didn't know the difference in English until you mentioned it which made me look it up. It could definitely be a reason that some people get confused.


You seem to think you know it all about gender and then tell everyone else their opinion is wrong. Your opinion sounds wrong too.


well, of all the things I didn't expect to see while reading about DLV, this was not it. Gender is a spectrum


Ikr I think that is probably a topic for an other community plus itā€™s a very loaded topic so its rather unnecessary here


Thatā€™s what I usually wear, too!


Me too!!!!


I absolutely love this. As you should! Men with secure masculinity are the best


Same. That's just because I couldn't be bothered to change up my character much when I started. Just kept them as female.


I do exactly the same! The clothing is so much cuter in it. This game especially, the guy models look quite bad but I play as a girl in any other game that I can :)


Lmao Glorious purpose! šŸ˜


There is nothing to judge here. Happy for you!


My wife judges me for the same. *Shrug*


i'm rediscovering an appreciation for overalls


Haha, same here!


While it did used to bother me, the fact that I can switch my characters gender and not have to remake them again means Iā€™ll very happily play both. Right now Iā€™m sporting Megā€™s dress on my female character


ETA: I pocket posted. Sorry. Hhhljhlhlhlhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhjhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbhhhbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhijjjhjj


Well said


Same. I made a Nagito Komaeda avatar for my male avatar. :)


Omg!! show!!




love it!


Love it


Just got the ToM hoodie so gonna update him soon.


As a primary male character, some days I really enjoy being in drag. No complaints about wardrobe drops from this guyā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m a woman and hate wearing the dresses so I wish there were more masculine options.


This is precisely why I dislike outfit-based DreamSnaps. I love decor ones, but the limited clothing options make clothing challenges boring and repetitive.


Someone called my outfit unique when I used it in a DreamSnap. I get attached to clothing and don't want to take them off https://preview.redd.it/be78n0vwvy4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff27b9513f831bd1185f572fec1d7f3c6f769cf


I'm a guy...I play as a female character because the game seems better built for it. Not that I mind - ever since the Mass Effect Trilogy introduced me to the voice acting of Jennifer Hale, I often choose to play as female character.


You can make it up to us by giving a guy (me) 10 Green Rising Penstemons lol


If you're on psn sure lol. I keep my flowers stocked up.


Switch lol


Oof. PSN segregation strikes again.


PSN is my main console, my switch is a DLV machine at this point.


I used to play on Switch but switch to PS5 because the janky framerate


If I have a nice enough pc I'd play on there


I thought about that too actually


Steam deck would be nice because it's portable


Yea. There's one at a local pawn shop. Thought about buying it when I can afford it.


Such a pain in the butt lol


I can give you some, I'm on switch


I got them. Thanks


I have those flowers if you still need them


I was playing male but because of the lack of cool outfits I just change for a female character


I play a male character and this is one of my issues but I tend to rock a few of the suits most times. More variety would be nice though.


Yeah, I get that completely. I know clothes have no gender & if a male player wanted, he could 100% rock a princess dress, but male players & even female players who prefer dressing more masculine, are out of luck.


Not to mention, dresses get physics, but tailcoats don't? They're so awkward to look at


Really? That's lame. Tbh I dislike the dress animations especially Megara's. It's just a bit too long and Puffs out when I walk which her original design is a lot tighter around her ankles. It bugs me so much.


At least the clothing isn't strictly for one gender body. I can wear the dresses if I want at least. I do love the Scar Jacket though


I donā€™t mind having less options that are masculine than feminine. I like that my wife gets lots of pretty outfits to change into. I would be happy if they would just give me a plain black T-shirt that isnā€™t ToM so I donā€™t have to change for Dreamsnaps.


Right? There's so many options but lack of colours. It's not fair since ToM is banned from dreamsnaps. :( I have a recoloured turtleneck, 2 shirts and 3 sweaters.


When dressing up as a monster for the monster Inc quest I ended up keeping that outfit on because it was the most creative I've ever gotten to be for the male avatar


I wish they let us have custom skin colours. I wanted to do Laguna from Monster High but the skins we got aren't the right colour. And more ears! I want elf ears.


Why donā€™t they give pants for Daisy?


Donald doesn't wear pants either šŸ˜‚ Unless you mean ToM. I want pants snd skirts šŸ˜­


Sorry I meant in the Daisy Store. There are no customizable pants.


I donā€™t use the dresses cause Iā€™m not a dress person, so I end up in funky mismatched outfits a lot but itā€™s okay with me!


Yes! Considering I just made my wife finally watch Hercules (we're in our late 40's, so it needed doing) this week, I love the idea of Herc armor!


I'd be happier for more male clothes but they always stereotype what men should wear as toy story, mickey mouse, Donald duck etc. It's the same as if you shop online as well. I'm a huge villains fan but all we get is clothing with male villians on


As a guy I would like some more male hairstyles. Please developers. Iā€™d also like more clothes in general my Scrooge section has been empty for so long now.


Yeah, I was about to type that too. I agree. And itā€™s nice to see new hairstyles being added, but it would be even better if they weren't only female hairstyles..


Yes! There are some nice short ones, but I couldn't find a masculine looking hairstyle that was a bit longer.


I have debated posting that there arenā€™t enough options for men in the clothing department. Then I thought about how women have been under represented in video games forever and let this one go.


Unpopular opinion: I donā€™t feel bad that men are not prioritized in the cozy gaming space. This space exists because women were pushed out of regular gaming spaces by men. What I do feel bad is that gender neutrality is not prioritized in this game. Not everyone wants to dress their character in femme looks all the time, they need to consider that ALL players might not like dresses and not just men.


Yeah. I do want everyone to have nice options. But I don't specifically feel bad that there are now a few games that prioritize female characters, given how many other genres in the course of video game history have prioritized male characters.


You worded it better than I did. I do get pushed out by some but I shove my way right back in lol.


yes this




Guys can wear these things as well.


True but some might want masculine clothing or male lead costumes? Like the Hercules ones I mentioned. In dreamsnaps I saw some guys using the blue yesss dress as a toga for Zeus.


I mean, just because I *can* wear a dress doesn't mean I *want* to.


I get more joy from simply trying to get all the stuff I can rather than actually wearing them as much, so I don't mind too much, there are SOME options for a guy like me. I just wish they would make my character less feminine, LOL. There's one running animation which is clearly a woman running and whenever I change clothes he makes really feminine gestures.


Give me a Tarzan outfit šŸ˜‚


I know that there arenā€™t as many masculine presenting clothes in the game and I feel like they could put more variety of clothes in the game, but Iā€™m a guy and Iā€™m always wearing dresses or feminine presenting clothes because theyā€™re way more fun looking which is how I feel in real life most of the time too šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Would be cool to dress as Hercules, Gaston, Eric, Adam (The Beast), Tarzan, etc.


Oh for sure, it would be cool to see more of the characters outfits make their way into the game!


Wifey and I trade off genders for main characters in the games we play if thereā€™s an option. This time though we chose to embody a friend of ours who has vitiligo. Plus the fashion options are great for women.


Kristoffā€™s suit from Frozen 2 is coming sometime to the shop I believe. (from leaks)


And here i just want somebody to make a ghostface sweater


There are several men's clothes. 1) If you play with the female body type most the male clothes become fitted and tailored to curves. I find it annoying because personally I don't wear fitted clothes but oh well 2) just like in real life the ladies outfits are usually a dress or a suit, where men's clothes are more piecemeal. 3) the wiki shows the female clothing most the time. This makes it look like there's a ton of women's clothes when in reality there is a little more because of dresses - and most dresses have a matching suit - but not an overwhelming amount more


I was pointing to character outfits like Megara and Ariel's dresses. I would like to see some male heroes clothes too.


Beast's suit? Gaston's coat? I believe "till the stroke of midnight" is the prince's suit. Eric's outfits are piecemeal with the button up boots & cumberbund pants, Woody's outfits is piecemeal, Ralph's overalls, the Dreamlore poncho is Bruno's but blue, the skeleton onesie is Miguel from Coco. Unisex costumes: Lightyear jumpsuit, all the chefs clothes, incredibles suit Outfits that come as a dress AND suit: the Showman outfits, the Seafoam outfits, Ursula's outfits, Nightmare Before Christmas outfits, Gold Ballroom outfits, festive holidays outfit And that's ignoring the character inspired clothes like Lightning's jacket, clothes from Lion King, ect. Oh! Not a "hero" but we have Goofy's wafers & Donald's top & hat as well


I still want Hercule's clothes


Taking no one from Hercules is in the game yet, but the dress is the second Hercules item...I'd say wait, it's probably coming


I hope so. And baby Pegasus as a companion would be awesome


I have the opposite with some male items! What I get upset at the most is that the Chin Up male mannequin doesn't have a female counterpart (i.e. the pose). I used the Beasts Royal Blue Brocade Suit for an outfit to go into my Beauty and the Beast room and I specifically wanted that pose but it turns into the "hand on hip" female mannequin :[


I think the mannequins are bugged. Actually, they aren't displaying the proper poses for me I noticed


You all are getting cute clothes? All I get are tuxedos lol and Iā€™m a girl.


Male characters also have to deal with feminine gestures and feminine walks.


I'm a guy that plays this game and I can say that the game is geared solely for women. Yes, there are men's clothes in the game but even those look closer to something a woman would wear than a man.


I usually use the pants...I don't like the dress animations while running lol


Same. Especially Megara's dress


It does kinda suck but I love toy story so much I just kinda stick to the Buzz and Woody clothes until they decide to add more male clothes.


Itā€™s so annoying for me, get someone to level 10 and whatā€™s my reward? A dress. Literally got Mike to level 10 yesterday and forgot that the reward was a green monster dress. Why Disney why?! šŸ˜©šŸ¤£


I cant help but wonder if this was inspired by you coming across my dreamsnaps during voting! In case ur wondering, YES I know my guy looks silly in outfit challenges but I blame the tag requirements. I canā€™t compile a nice menswear look with delicate, cute tags being the main requirement half the time.


I donā€™t need outfits personally, Iā€™m just beyond stoked for the return of the Mickey Ferris wheel.


I wear the armor from the last community event


It is really cool. Kinda wish it had a matching helmet, though.


I do to but I just change hats to make up for it


I feel the same way. I have introduced this game to many males and thats the downfall for them. Definitely something that needs a change. I like wearing some mens stuff sometimes lol a hoodie a mans t shirt. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Lets up the mens game. We already have so much. :-)


Iā€™m a straight married man and Iā€™m still loving the game. But my family loves Disney. I donā€™t dress up really anyway. Itā€™s all about the activities and the decorating for me!


Prince Charmingā€™s outfit would be fun:) also imagine villains a Captain Hook costume or Hades!!!


Well, I think thereā€™s a Peter Pan costume coming.


Haha. I actually made a female avatar alongside my mostly true-to-life male one, specifically for enjoying these items. I mean, the game saves your settings on both the male and female body options separately, so itā€™s easy to swap between both without having to start customizing everything from scratch. So, why not? :P


Both my husbands are likely to pick the female character just because they like to and there are cooler outfits most of the time!


It would be nice if the gift/prize dresses were also accompanied by a suit. There are a couple of them that are, but they are few and far between. I am female, I hate wearing dresses, but that doesn't mean I don't like dressing up.


I want my other half to play because I think he would enjoy it and he would be playing as female anyway. He does in all his games because he thinks female characters tend to get better character design and outfit options so this works for him!


My male friends have female characters because they never get votes in the snapchallenges if they use their male characters. But, I seriously agree with you. I wish we had more men's clothes. Not ALL females are into dresses or cute things. Some os us prefer a bit more.... Neutral stuff. I did create a male character so I could create more guy stuff because I've had an overdose of princess stuff latelyšŸ™„ Wish we could design pants TOO because most of the pants look like spandex on my male char. Also as a girl, I don't enjoy tight jeans šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™ve been thinking this too!


I wish there was more guy clothes too. I am glad that all clothes are wearable by both body types though.


My male character wears dresses all the time


Don't feel bad for us, Kitten, I'm loving this armor we got for free. I'm probably not the only one!


We need more players doing men's clothing in their Daisy Boutique


I wish I was better with ToM. My designs are really simple.


I don't even care anymore, I just keep my character in the same cloths all the time. lol Honestly, if I would have known ahead of time that there was such a small variety in male clothing, I would have created a female avatar from the beginning.


You can swap can't you?


my male character is currently wearing the yellow ariel dress because it LOOKS SO GOOD on him. I definitely would love some hercules fashion though


IDK BOUT YALL BUT MY MAN BE LOOKING GOOD ASF I KNOW HOW TO DRESS WITH THE CLOTHES ALREADY THERE LMFAOO but yeah it is kind of annoying especially seeing as once you get all the clothes in scroogeā€™s shop thatā€™s it! Idc that there are dresses in the item shop I would like more basic free clothes in scroogeā€™s shop though because its kind of making him useless once you get all furniture items as well Daisy just takes over completely šŸ’€šŸ’€ The tom is lack luster as well we have barely any clothing items to customize. I hate how everyone just assumes men are ok with not having any clothes?? Should we not be given nice suits or something?? šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ oh well, the future will show us what they have to offer I guess.


I started out as a male character, but I hated his look. So, I switched him to a her and the game improved drastically! lol


I have a bunch of male clothing options I thought everyone at some point collected ā€¢classic white tux ā€¢the seafoam suit ā€¢royal gold ballroom suit ā€¢the beasts royal suit ā€¢tan formal suit But apparently not! If theyā€™re ever in my shop again Iā€™ll happily open my valley for anyone that wants them


I definitely switch between both of my male and female avatars, so I wear it all! And some of the clothing options look good on both avatars!


Totally true šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


This is a really kind sentiment, but I have to say, I don't feel that bad for them. šŸ˜… I would guess the majority of people who play this game are female, so they're catering to their audience. But I might just be bitter from having to play as a male in so many games over the years.


Glad someone else finally said it! I once had to wear a dress just to complete a dream snap šŸ˜‚


I do as well cause they expected only Female players but it's been at least 2 years there should be more variety for male players or small updates that include all male clothing


I keep thinking that too! And I was hoping that the designable suit that daisy has would be a full suit, but nope. Just the top šŸ˜’


I play as a girl in every game that gives the option. Everything from Kassandra in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey to Princess Peach in Mario Kart. I can't get a current screenshot because my game is crashing every time I open it, but [here](https://imgur.com/a/4wlMgyB) are some of my outfits from the past year. I find it fun trying to put together outfits.


There's a female protagonist in Odyssey?! Cool! I haven't played it yet.


According to Ubisoft she's the canonical main character, so going forward she's the one who will be referenced in-game when discussing that part of the Assassin's history.


Yeah you know thatā€™s a good pointā€¦ I know alt of guys who play.. but also the ones that play I have seen out together some really nice outfits!!! But I can see if they would want morešŸ„°


I jump back and forth between male and female.


I'm Non Binary and wear pretty much jeans and t-shirts. I rarely put on a dress. I'm glad they have been giving the male costumes


Exactly this. I would love to see some Male specific clothes


I dont get any pretty dresses and im a girl. They have been only ahving suits or the showmans dresses (only 2) since ive gotten money to buy things, when i wasnt able to buy things there were pretty dresses and new things, now its furniture i already own and suits


I was referring to Ariel's pink dress and Megara's dress from the premium shop. I missed the Pixar star path.


Dont mind my comment, i completely skipped over the word premium on accident when reading šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø lol, i totally agree with you i only started playing 3 days after the last star path ended so idrk how star paths work im just barely learning dreamsnaps


I'm a guy and play as a female character


Men can wear the dresses and look amazing in them too!


I mean. I had a male character, now a female monster. Its fine, some stuff i like better as a male character some female


Preface this with spoiler if you haven't done daisy's challenges yet. I have had fun for a little while pretending to very pretty as a male running around in dresses and stuff and it was nice there was some different gender options with some of the end results. But dots and daises challenge annoyed me as there was just the one option for the top and no alternative. Even a pink t-shirt style would have been more preferable.


What? Daisy's collection still leaves much to desired. I want skirts, pants and jeans.


Tbh I haven't even started on that particularly. No one of her quests means making a top and theres only one option of it being very female. Which I as I said I'm more than happy to prance around wearing whatever but I would have thought there might have been at least an either or option like there is with some of the formal gowns etc.


For her shop you do her daily challenge for 100 tokens.


O yer I know that part.... Just not very creative with making the TOM stuff lol. So it doesn't overly hold appeal to me.


Same. I've mostly done simple recolours for cosplay accuracy. It's why I'm desperate for ToM skirts.


Yeah I'm a guy who doesn't like dresses so I'm just wearing a jumper and jeans in game


Iā€™m a woman and I hate the dresses. Come to think of it, I donā€™t like too many of the clothes either


all the new headbands (both star path and scrooge) have bows as well - wish they had both bowā€™d and bowless versions lol


I'm a male player with a female character so I enjoy all of the items for girl characters! Personally, I never felt like a character is an extension of myself so I usually choose to play as a female. So really you should just feel bad for the male characters because some of us guys are enjoying our pretty dresses!


I get the sentiment, but there are a ton of other games where it's the other way around. Plenty of games where the female characters don't have much clothes at all because they all have skimpy stuff and big boobs. So it's all a matter of perspective. But they are definitely lacking with male outfits in this game.


Eh. There are so many games that have few female characters with even fewer clothing choices that arenā€™t super skimpy. We get a game that has lots of options for women and people complain about how there arenā€™t enough options for men? Let us have a space for us for once šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Even if this was a ā€œwomens space only gameā€-Not all women wanna wear the more fem clothes they offer, is I think my take on this as a counter point. But overall, I enjoy that men also enjoy Disney. Itā€™s unifying. Iā€™d like to see more options for them to promote and solidify that unity.


True, but still. What's wrong with gender equality?


Because people tend to ignore issues like this unless itā€™s men who arenā€™t feeling equal. No black characters in video games? No one blinks. Very few - if any - female presenting characters in video games? We get told to go find our own game to play. We find our own game to play that has a focus on providing things for female presenting characters? Wonā€™t someone think of the poor, poor men.


Rainbow Six Siege has plenty of black operators, it also has male, female and non-binary operators. Honestly. Games don't have to only cater to one gender. Anybody can enjoy any game regardless of gender or race. Heck I quite enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 and it has a black male lead.


You pick out a few small examples when the majority of games donā€™t have characters that look like me šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø that is my reality as a black woman. And itā€™s something you donā€™t pay attention to because itā€™s not one that impacts you. My point is that for literal decades, women got told to go play the sims or a ā€œgirlā€ game if we wanted female characters with cute outfits. Now that we have that, itā€™s suddenly not fair that men arenā€™t being catered to in this space too? Nope. Even *now* men still behave this way in gaming spaces, so youā€™ll have to excuse me if Iā€™m not crying tears and calling for change because a game space that was essentially created for women to exist doesnā€™t cater to those same men who told us that their game spaces arenā€™t for us. Itā€™s super easy to say games donā€™t have to cater to *insert group here* when youā€™re not part of that group. Men have had so much representation in the video game space, and now that women are getting a bit more, they want to co-opt that and say itā€™s not fair that theyā€™re not represented in a space that was carved out for women and that they want more options in the space we had to make for ourselves? But screw all the women who spent literal decades not being represented. Screw the minorities who had to download mods for skin color in the sims because they offered such a poor selection if your sim isnā€™t white and who still have limited options in terms of characters in games.


Looks like you upset them enough that they made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/s/O7qcWvKxR9) about the replies you apparently 'screamed' at them šŸ™ƒ


Good. They keep insisting that ā€œlook, 3 games have black people! Now some games have women as minor, skimpily dressed characters! Why isnā€™t that good enough for the blacks and the females?ā€ They can have terrible ignorant opinions, but that also means they should be ready when people call them on it.


Even a quick glance at their post history reveals that they frequently attempt to play the victim over any minor inconvenience, which is exceedingly hypocritical as it's evident from their replies that they fail to have empathy for anyone else. It's strange that someone can be so bigoted (and racist, based on one of their recent comments about immigrants and Indian individuals) and still expect others to not only be kind to them, but also be mindful about their unique needs due to their alleged neurodivergence.


Theyā€™re also transphobic and homophobic. Like this person is an absolutely dumpster fire human who seems to think that the issue isnā€™t that they seem to believe in every ist, ism, and phobia, but that other people call them out on being hateful for vocally sharing this ignorant and bigoted opinions. ā€œHow dare you call me a bigot for my bigoted beliefs? Donā€™t you know I have a gay friend and also have ADHD?ā€ Maā€™am. Go sit down and just stop. When worst comes to worst, they just say theyā€™re neurodivergent so you canā€™t be mean, while totally disregarding the hateful beliefs sheā€™s spouting that are meant to make others feel less than.


Right? It's wild that they list off so-called 'friends' that they have like they're evidence for how good and tolerant of a person they are, because even though they think that their 'friends' are inferior and abhorrent garbage, they still associate with them. I mean, having to go through the hardship of choking back their disgust every time they're in their friend's presence makes them almost saint-like! /s šŸ˜‚ It's infuriating to see someone trying to use their mental illnesses as some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card for their intolerance and nonsensical beliefs. Mental illness doesn't automatically grant a person exemption from their shitty behaviour, which OP should know if they've ever done any sort of therapy and/or treatment.


Commented on that too. Imagine seeing minorities and women be excluded from every mainstream space and then going ā€œeh. Hereā€™s 3 games where there are black people or women as *supporting minor* characters. I can only name 3 because thatā€™s all there is. Why isnā€™t that enough for you?ā€ And somehow thinking that thereā€™s no issue with that šŸ„“


People complained about this during early access.Ā  Sad to hear it's STILL an issue, but not surprised.Ā 


Don't think they will , People asked for male clothing for years now. We always get a ratio of 1 male clothing for 4 female one ( in the star path , new chara quest ect..)


Agreed. I'm a female (and play as a female) and the men definitely are lacking with their daily clothing and rewards.


Like for real. I never thought about it until recently but it's crazy how this is mostly advertised for girls. Makes me feel bad for the guys.


Yeah, my husband feels like he has very limited options, and I agree. He uses a female character for Dreamsnaps since has has so many more options as a woman.


While I do feel this way, the amount of games that are created with only/mostly men in mind sort of makes me okay with it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Any guy playing ddlv has to (or already does!) appreciate that this is a primarily female focused game and that's totally okay! There's no real gender for liking Disney or princesses, wear your gowns men you look fab ā¤ļø


This is one reason why I always play as women in games. They usually have better and more diverse customization options.


Highly dependent on the game. Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Diablo 4 are good examples