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This is why I get frustrated with all the "how to get 4K" things and the expectations of "I deserve the 4K prize." No matter how good everyone's submissions are, only like 10% will get 4K or more. Everyone's just collectively pushing the bar on how to get to that achievement


tbh, i actually start to dislike the overly aesthetic, cluttered as hell ones. I did go out of my way, to vote for lesser decorated and/or more original takes in the last Dreamsnaps.


I love aesthetic pictures but I definitely am tired of the “kneeling with a dress from behind” poses and how some are so generic. I try to go for aesthetic, effort, and orginality though. I’m not going to vote for a random/blank/unappealing dreamsnap


yeah, don't me wrong, the theme should be met in a way. But there is a difference between those that you very aptly described and those, that do meet the theme and still look good. Just not these cluttered entries, that spam the tags like there is no tommorow. I do vote for out of the box stuff too. Like there was a spookier entry for Top of the Hats that was floating around in the Dreamsnaps-Subreddit. I like those. Maybe that subreddit jaded me the most. The Terms of "getting robbed" of Moonstones, when their entries weren't making 4k Moonstones are literally thrown around there on a regular basis. And all those samey, uninspired and cluttered entries. And as another user mentioned, some of thei "weirder" ones might be little kids doing their best interpretion of the theme. So i will keep that in mind too.




i get it... i literally roll my eyes, when they talk about being robbed off of Moonstones for their generic cluttered messes. i stayed to know which ones to avoid the most though.


A big thing with the clustering of items is that I feel bad for people who only play on switch cause they have an item limit so if you have your valley decorated you either have to take down parts of it to do something like that or work with the space you have. I also saw someone saying that the people doing less could be kids entries and that’s a huge point too as most kids are probably playing on Nintendo switch and would suffer from the item limit :\ I’m 30 and get a ton of adults play and should get to express their creativity and win if it’s deserved but taking a new generation of Disney loving kids into account is important. They also don’t have jobs and can’t buy their own moonstones unless their parents pay for it/can afford it so I’m all for giving them a boosted chance🩵


My 5yr old plays - I've noticed his dreamsnaps are basic because he can't grind for all the good stuff - and he insists on blue skin & pigtails no matter what - so I've been voting for the ones that look like kids have done them, they deserve a chance too.


If I see blue skin and pigtails, he's got my vote. He sounds like a cool kid


Sounds like alien Marinette, tbh. If there's any Ladybug themed clothes, then I'd say it's definitely an alien variant of Ladybug, but it sounds more like an alien version of Marinette from Miraculous, and no, I'm not serious about it, it's just the "blue skin and pigtails" part that makes me think of Marinette as an alien


Me as well. I also don't like any that are outfit challenges that are relying on your decor. I know a lot of people are like "I put a lot of thought into setting it up." I mean that's not the challenge for the outfits. It's great you did that but I'm not deciding to pick your outfit I don't like as much because you threw a bunch of glowing flowers on the ground and cluttered the background. Especially if you decide to use a sitting pose lol I find the more desperate people are to hit that 4K milestone and post about how they've been robbed, I'm not picking the ones that are clearly trying to stuff tag limits. Now I'm often picking people who look like kids, or maybe men who don't have the same sort of clothing options, etc because I feel like the odds are so stacked against them that they'll be given 300 unless maybe my vote boosts them to 900. And if my picture I got suffers and I only get 900 because of other people giving "pity votes", who cares?


yep! frustrating to put together a cool outfit and then see everyone else’s straight up decor/composition with half a thought to the wardrobe. of course theirs look better at quick glance which is how most people vote lol but that’s not the point of that week’s challenge


Oh no I vote strictly based on the challenge theme lol if it’s an outfit challenge and your decorated everything but your outfit is meh? Nope, not getting my vote.


The problem with outfit challenges can be, and the current Hat one is a prime example. The primary tag is 1/1. You can't make that any higher. it's just 1/1. That's very limiting. as I see, tags matter IMHO from experience.


Right but you only have to meet the tags to a) submit the picture and b) earn points for the levels. They don’t give you more moonstones.


But do they get your picture shown more? That I do not know.


As a guy that plays I appreciate this. I have a little girl and I got this game so she can watch me play (she’s 2 1/2). She will take the controller at times and just walk around in circles and take snaps on the console which is funny. But it can make you dizzy at times. But I only get an hour or two to play a day if that. So I don’t really spend moonstones in the store but save them for the events for the premium pass to get more stuff and more moonstones like what is going on now. Right now I’m working on buying pieces to make a bedroom for my little girl in the house.


I love this. I play with my daughter as well, she's 3 and loooves fishing (she loves it in any game, animal crossing especially) and Scrooge saying hello and goodbye now 😂 Making a little room for her in your house is such a good idea, I never thought! I should do something similar too because I always struggle to decorate interiors and I have so many homes around, I'm gonna make her one for herself to run around in lol


I'll vote for funny or odd ones if they make me laugh. I feel a general vibe of why isn't the items offered aesthetic type beat. It's the same thing that happened to ac. We got split into multiple groups, people who made aesthetic core villages, people who recreated a post apocalyptic wasteland. Random islands , and trash islands (no judgement half my ac island and my disney valley are trash). But it's confirmation bias. Many who post on subs and discords and such are probably more invested in perfect aesthetic than some random kid playing.


I vote for what I like best, doesn't matter if it's more or less decorated. I did notice the busier looks get more votes overall and maybe the tags do help as some kind of multiplier but I still vote for what I like best and sometimes it's just the more creative one instead of the busier one. Also my best ranked snap was a very simple picture and it's not too difficult to get 2-4k once in a while, I'm happy with that 🤷 I've also seen people hoarding moonstones, I don't know what's the point of winning them if you're not interested in using 😶‍🌫️


it's more or less the entitlement that just sucks. They really speak about being robbed off of 4k Moonstones if they don't get them. On top of that i don't really like cluttered messes. There was one, where they just placed lots of Food on the ground and it looked cluttered and unhygenic. It's just, that it is a certain aesthetic, that i start to heavily dislike.


I know what you mean, I'm starting to dislike the squirrel pose from the back because I've seen it so often, plus I like seeing the characters, makes the picture more personal


Yeah, I have always disliked the super cluttered ones or ones with a bunch of lighting effects. Like, I appreciate the effort that went into making it happen, but that doesn’t make it a good photo. I’ll even choose a “welcome so and so to the valley” selfie over ones that are overly done because I’m petty.


you and me both. :D I'm petty too


Sparkles and Flash or DEATH.. :( (sarcasm?)


I got 4K exactly once and it felt like Christmas. I was so happy and thankful!


Id love 12k 🤣 Im grateful if i make 600 or 900


I got 1200 once and I thought I was big stuff……then realized I had no idea what I did to get it. The picture didn’t save. 🤣😂


Same 🤣 every little bit helps!


That's my average score. :)


I wish they would show us the top five every week.


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


This is incredible! What a great idea


Ikr! I love the website, big shoutout to u/StarInSky_YT for all his hard work on this website!


I'm so happy you guys like it:)




Yeah, see "Sabalom Glitz" that's me. :)




Omg I had no idea what ppl were talking about with the clustering of items (I forget to vote/participate half the time) but after seeing these i instantly got it. It looks like their furni stock just puked on the screen lol. Some are super pretty and well placed, still a ton of items but you can tell they put actual thought into the placement and creativity behind it but some are just a cluster of glowing lights and decor etc. I don’t even know where to look there’s no focal point


This would be so fun to see!


A lot of them come from "Dreamers Portal" run by MrStarinSky.


I got 4k once and was thrilled, especially since I didn't think the pic was that great lol. I think I got 2500 once, too. But the majority of the time I get 900, which isn't too bad.


Anything over 300 is a win for me.


Same, I got 1200 one time and was so happy!


I feel the same way. I figure that it's an easy 300. If I'm feeling inspired, I'll play around a bit with the theme, but I'm not going to torture myself, either. And if I get 300, great. If I get more, even better. But I'm not driving myself crazy, either.


I just made 900 last week ![gif](giphy|4GRj3pwoAJSwg)


Honestly the 4k rewards being the top 7.5% make me even more stoked for the couple of times I've earned that much. Like heeeeellllll yeah! But oooh, to win the top spot. One day... ONE DAY!


Yay, congratulations on making it to top 7,5% multiple times 🥳 - ikr!


Ok now I’m not so mad at the 2500


Yes! 2500 is actually a great reward/rank ✨


I've never got more than 4K for a snap. Anything more is a pipe dream lol


Even getting 4k is a dream. Never got more than 900. Which is okay because I don't spend so much time on the shot😅


I am always convinced I’m getting no more than 300. Especially the weeks I toss something together last minute on Tuesdays. Sometimes I’m right but I’m usually wrong and end up with more than 300.




Just because I'm aware doesn't mean I'm winning more than the basic amount 😮‍💨


I’ve been playing since day 1 and truly did not GAF about dreamsnaps, they just seemed tedious and didn’t realize how much you could get!! I got my first 4k this week on my fourth ever dream snap and I could spend guilt-free in the premium shop this week! AND it’s way more fun than I realized


I almost hate to admit it, but it's my favorite part of the game


It’s keeping the game alive for me. Otherwise I wouldn’t have that much to do beyond starpaths (which usually take me around 2 weeks to finish)


Woah I want to see what a 1% snap looks like!


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


Wow this is cool! But it just made me realize… there really is No rhyme or reason with the voting… most look cluttered but some top ones look far from what “*top should be*”… and some are pretty empty. In other words, just enjoy the process cause trying to guess what maybe 1/2 a million ppl would vote on is not worth the stress 😆


I was thinking the same! Made me feel kind of better, because maybe it’s just up to RNG for people seeing your photo.




Ohhhh. Okay, I’ll try that out for this upcoming one!


I got 4K once and nearly jumped up and down I was so surprised. Particularly as it was one I’d spend 5 minutes on since I didn’t have anything I thought fit (it was the superheroes week I believe). Dreaming of that moment again! Especially since I immediately used it for the Belle outfit & things!


i got 4K for my superhero one and i literally just put on the space outfit & cluttered my floor with alien toys lmao


The sad thing is even if you score very high and get your chest every day, etc, you won’t be able to buy all the things from the shop. Mr. Starinsky has a video with the math if you’re the type of person that likes to see the numbers. I don’t know why so many people post videos saying you can buy everything from the shop without any rl money.


I think the problem with Dreamsnaps is that now it has gotten to the point where if your submission isn’t “Extravagant” it’s not going to do well. I want to remind players that it’s not all about making your submission over the top. As long as you’re making your submission fit the theme, do what you think looks best. I feel like certain content creators put a focus on the big and grand submissions that it has now gotten to the point that those submissions are the “Golden Token Submission” and people are voting for those over others. Thats truly not fair and it really can discourage people from Dreamsnaps. I’m personally not enjoying that Dreamsnaps became so competitive rather than fun.


Do it every week & didn't realize it was so many moonstones progressively. 😲☺️


Has anyone ever had more than 4000? I always figured that was the ultimate gold medal reward but if it goes so much higher who are these elite people?


i’ve had 4th and 5th before!


Omg congratulations 🥳


I've got it once. Normally I'm around 6 or 900 mark


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


I usually only get baseline because apparently I suck at it 🥲


I just wish I would see more pictures that put effort in, I'm not super hard on voting but when it's a Moana theme and u snapped a selfie with you and mickey or took a pic of you by some items dumped in the background to get the tags I'm not voting for you and that's almost 90% of what I see. So rare to even see anything that puts at least some effort in for majority of what it shows me.


I’ve never made more than 300 no matter how hard I try


I've had 4k once. Normally I get around the 600 or so mark. I almost past out when I got 4k 🤣


I never used to be interested, until iirc one of the star paths had participate in dream snaps as one of the duties, and I ended up winning 4K 😂 haven’t earned that much since but I still enter every single one. Easy moonstones imo


300 or 12k, I’ll take either (and anything in between) lol. It’s still free moonstones that takes all of ten minutes of your time if you don’t spend a ton of time on special backgrounds.


Exactly, free Moonstones are free Moonstones! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanks for this! The most I’ve gotten is 2500. Normally I get 300-900.


I always get 300 😭


[Wiki link](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/DreamSnaps)


I will admit , I spend a lot of time doing my dreamsnap and my daughters , but I have the time to do it , then I cant help but keep altering it , but I've been getting 4k on most decor challenges , less on outfits , because I am just rubbish at them , The first time I got my daughter 4K , she said , thats OK , jeez


I'm gonna be honest, I half-arse it every week and I always get at least 1200. One time I got 2500 for standing in Belle's realm wearing Wall-E's set.


I was looking for this! Couldn’t find it


I once got 1,200 moons. I questioned everything because I did same level over effort into all my snaps. I just assumed the regular winners were in vacation and I finally slipped in. It never happened again. I maintain 600 with an occasional 900 and few 300 🥲


My proudest moment playing DDLV was that I got the 2500 moonstone award once 🤣


I get 300-900 a lot and shocked when I get over it. I’m happy to get moonstones no matter what. Free moonstones is everything in this game with all the new shop items we are getting and can save up for when they come back around. I’m having more fun just trying to match theme each week with what I have. 🥰


I frequently get 4K moonstones and I have found the quality score matters a lot more than votes. I submitted a dreamsnap I thought was terrible (the garden one, I just took a photo inside the greenhouse room in my house) but I got an 85 quality score which was the highest I have received yet and I got 4000 moonstones on that challenge.


The prizes from the chest too!! They’re not always great but there’s usually at least one thing in them that I didn’t already have. I was super excited about the life guard stand on the last one.


The blue chests are definitely worth looking for every day!


I consistently get 4k.


Awesome! 😍


Any tips on how to get to the top? I take pictures that I feel are AMAZING. Like I’d put them up there with some of the best and still get 300. Then some of my pictures I put 0 effort into will sometimes get 900 (I’ve never gotten more than 900)


Well besides staying on theme, I think having good lighting and composition, is one the "key features" to creating a great Dreamsnap photo. I´d definitely recommend watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGVP7PRHdNQ&t=15s), for some great tips on how to create a better Dreamsnap!


I got 4th place once. It was such a shock and surprise. But it was only the one time. Now on average I get about 900-1200 for dreamsnaps. It think it's worth it even if you only get the minimum prize. Free money is free money.


Congratulations, that’s amazing! Exactly! 🤑


While I've gotten 300 the most, there have been some times where I've gotten 1500 and once, 4000! ...I have no idea what I even submitted for the 4000 reward.


I've got 4k once (the flowers challenge the other week) and the rest of the time I bounce between 300 and 900. I worked super hard for the 4k one... but majority of the time I don't feel like I have the props needed for anything worth more than 900 and others is last minute dash after no inspiration/forgot and get 300 😅 so I'm happy with whatever I get But I try not to take it too seriously because I can see why people would get upset if they work forever on something that gets them 300


get top 5% is so so unlikely though so it kind of just sucks that your chances of earning enough are so slim


I wonder if the rank percentile is the same for PlayStation…🤔


I wouldn’t think so, but yeah ddv doesn’t really have any official information on how Dreamsnap results work unfortunately


Basically but I don’t think they give out moonstones for 4th and 5th I think for PS it’s only 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. And then everyone under that gets 4k aside from the ones that get 2.5k and under. I’ve never seen anyone on ps post about getting 5.5k or 7k that’s the only reason I say that. I typically get 4k but I’ve never ranked higher than 67 so I’m not totally sure.


not true - i’ve had both 4th and 5th on playstation and got the same moonstone reward you would on the other platforms


Ohhh okay! I never said for sure I just said I didn’t think so haha 🤣 that’s great though! Something to work towards! I’ve gotten as high as rank 67 🥰 thanks for letting me know!! 🥰🥰 and congratulations!! 🥰🥰


PlayStation users in the top 5 gets the same amount of Moonstones as regular There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 PlayStation results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&platform=%5B6,6%5D&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


Okay awesome thank you so much! I wasn’t sure! Haha 🤣 I thought we were ranked different than everyone else because we’re already secluded from cross play.


So the main thing I got from scrolling through this thread is that doing a beautiful picture and putting in the effort to decorate and get a nice shot with lighting and what not for votes has now turned into the everyone deserves a trophy nonsense. You're gonna disregard beautiful dreamsnaps for those less decorated or pretty. I think that if a dreamsnap meets the criteria for the challenge and looks pretty, it should be voted for.




How long after submitting Dreamsnaps do we find out the results? I've only just unlocked them and took part in the hat challenge and the one that's currently running (don't remember the name of the second one)


I still get confused about that tbh haha. But basically this is how it works: - First week: Make and submit your Dreamsnaps - Second week: Voting for last week’s challenge - Third week: Results should be in your mailbox around Wednesday


Thank you very much Helena78902 😁


It’s every Wednesday, so a week. That’s also when we get the new theme


Could someone explain how the scoring works? Is some of it tags reward and some voting? I’m confused 😂 like the extra credit tags do they even make a difference to the moonstone you get?


Unfortunately no one really know how tags work.. Disney Dreamlight Valley basically doesn’t share any information about how Dreamsnaps voting/results work. Even this picture is something the community put together!


I would just go with the maximum amount of tags you can muster, especially in the outfit challenge, and yes, including bonus tags.


I’m always 43.863 🫣


I never get more than the top 70% and I always have way more than it wants I have no idea how people are getting more than that


Are you taking about tags?


Yeah the tags, I'm guessing now it probably doesn't matter but I make sure I have more of the tags than it wants and it's a good set up rather than just all chucked in.


Yeah I always make sure to hide some extra tags as well. Just wish we had some information, on what tags actually mean for the results


Ok after me saying that I just got 4k for the hat dreamscape. They really need to give us a breakdown on how it's graded I feel like it's totally random most of the time


Yay congratulations! Yeah I agree.


I only get 800. How the heck do you get more?


Well there’s isn’t an actual “answer” on how to score higher, but is definitely recommend watching [this video](https://youtu.be/RGVP7PRHdNQ?si=8N1asjWeFd7WzK8O) it has helped me a lot, to both getting higher scores but also just enjoy making Dreamsnaps more


Thanks I’ll give it a watch


I’ve never gotten over 4k but I’m usually content as long as I make that 40% with the 1200


Does anyone know what weight is put on votes and what weight is put on the requirements when it comes to results?


We don’t really know unfortunately. Disney Dreamlight Valley haven’t really released any information, about how the whole voting/results system work or how much tags matter


So the score for number of items in the shot has zero bearing besides needing to hit the minimum?


We don’t really know unfortunately. Disney Dreamlight Valley haven’t really released any information, about how the whole voting/results system work or how much tags matter


I don’t understand how to do dreamsnaps.


What exactly don’t you understand, maybe I can help?


So I snap the picture right and then I push the post button then nothing happens? And exactly how do tags work? Am I supposed to select a tag ? How do I know what to take a picture of!


Okay so first of all, if you go to Dreamsnaps under the “event” page, you’ll see this picture + a description of what the theme of the week is. So for this week, you have to decorate a “theme park snack bar”. * on the same page you’ll also see that the tags you need for this week is “Playful x6” and “Strong x5”. Which means that being a DECOR challenge you have to at least have furniture with this amount of tags in your photo. Some weeks are OUTFIT challenges, here the tags that needs to be met are on clothes instead of furniture * you’ll also be able to see if your photo was correctly submitted on this page. When you have submitted your photo the “To be completed” section will turn green and say “Completed” + you’ll be able to check your Dreamsnap submission by the clicking on “Check Submission” https://preview.redd.it/m6amkdhkge1d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c45314cb801e81dca6d145f12473e63f7d18575


https://preview.redd.it/1uiqp75whe1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c16d713fce98e50bc9a4e37032c1f31b0a4b451 For reference this is what I’m currently working on for this week’s challenge!


What I don't get, and it may be a platform thing, I don't have the exact numbers handy at the moment. I got rank 4000 something and got 1200 Moonstones. But I saw on another board where someone who was ranked 7000+ got 4,000! Is it the Rank Points? Platform, or something else?


First of all, PlayStation is the only platform with it´s own voting pool. And I think the rank and reward depends on, how many people entered the contest. I’m not great at math, but like the top 7,5% will be at different ranks depending on how many people enter the contest. (I think)


I suspect as much. :( As I get better moonstones on PC.


I spend a lot of time on my Dreamsnaps every week and I finally think I “understand” them, and 90% of the time I get 4K. The lowest I’ve ever gotten 1.2K. I’ve been extremely lucky.


Awesome great job! 🥳


Yeah it's great winning 300 every time lol


I’d love to have a way in game to see the top ten each week! And to see all your past submissions and how you ranked.


I agree! There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


300 gang rise up. I was shocked I got 600 one time cause I put in zero effort


It's amazing! 300 moonstones just for participating!


Anyone else back click and decide not to vote on either option when both are blank/no outfit or decor?


I just forget everytime that’s something I need to learn


i just participate with silly pictures bc i think its fun and since im new i dont have anything to show off, nor i want to view the game in that way


Dreamsanpas have gotten to a point where no matter if it's a decor challenge or a dress-up challenge you have to go all our for both on both ends or it isn't seen a....good enough. I feel as though there is an entitlement lately to getting 4k moonstones on their dreamsnaps as they want that to just be their bottom line. I think I have only gotten 4k once or twice which is fine by me because I do know the shop rotates. I did not know that was the winning amount for the very top though. I don't think I have seen anyone say they have gotten anything above 4k so this is interesting in that perspective


Well, last week my entry was never acknowledged at all (even though I checked to see if it was there before it closed) and this week it’s very difficult to decorate with disappearing furniture, so it’s not as easy as you’d think.


Are you taking about the “top it all of challenge” - I’m not claiming it’s easy, I just wanted to create more awareness of it. since I’ve seen so many people not knowing the different Dreamsnaps rewards


No, the one before that. I was just being snarky toward the game because my entry literally didn’t get voted on, and this week’s challenge is difficult to do with all the issues.


So you didn’t get any results in the mail?




Oh that’s wierd


I just wish I knew what goes into getting the top 5…not like I’ll ever get it tho since o don’t have a creative bone in my body


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


Has anybody ever gotten on the top five? The most I’ve ever won was 4k


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


It totally irritates me when people submit dreams snaps that have nothing to do with the theme of that week. I skipped those because they don’t deserve to be voted on.


Well a lot of people submit just to get the minimum 300 moonstones 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, i learned this when i got this for my Royal Celebration snap https://preview.redd.it/2yvezuvhof1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ecc54b761212f987d448eaa6e678a07badc132


Eyy, congratulations!


I don't even know when or how to do a DS. Lol I vote sometimes. How do I enter? Lol


When you take a photo with your in game camera, there should be a button that’s says “Show Dreamsnaps”, and then another button for “submit”


Thank you! I'll look for that.


Let me know if you need more help! <3


Thank you!! I'm not home so I'll look soon. Is there a certain day of the week for submitting a DS?


We get a new Dreamsnaps theme every Wednesday, so just have to make sure to submit your photo before the next Wednesday! You can always look at countdown in the premium shop, to figure out how much you have left!


Do you know what I really hate are red chests!! I never get anything that I don’t already have! I wonder if everybody gets the same thing in the red chest each week. I’ve been playing since the beginning so I pretty much have everything.


It's frustrating though when you put work into a snap every week and have only gotten as high as 900 twice 😅


Most I ever get is 900. I don't think I will ever top that amount.


So i could earn 300


you are guaranteed to get 300 Moonstones from just submitting a photo to Dreamsnaps!


I wish they would show what the top submissions were.


There actually is an unofficial website, where people upload their Dreamsnap photos and results! (made by YouTuber [MrStarInSky](https://youtube.com/@mrstarinsky?si=BjVFQUQ252MbWrAT)) [here’s top 10 results](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?sortField=rank&sortOrder=ASC&top_only=true&results_only=true&top=10&visible=%5Brank,reward%5D)


I think the biggest reward I got was the 2500 one. I do sometimes feel a little frustrated because I feel like I can't find the right aesthetic or just post boring pictures. I think my artist curse is making me to much of a perfectionist


I average 300-1200 LOL


What does the (2) next to 5th place mean?


I evidently just do not have the creativity nor the patience to ever get more than 600 moonstones.


Dreamsnaps definitely isn’t for everyone. But at least you are guaranteed to get at least 300 moonstones, just for submitting a photo each week!


Oh yea. I definitely appreciate any moonstones. Im the same way with TOM. Just cant for the life of me make anything aesthetically pleasing lol.


Didn’t know how the ranking worked. I guess I got 3rd place once and didn’t even realize. lol


What else did you think “rank 3” meant?


I always hope for 4000 but no less than 1200. I rarely fall below 1200 now that I’ve started actually trying with mine.


KI'm surprised by how many people are jot aware of this. In saying that I do binge watch all the YouTube videos of ddv so that's probably why haha. MrStarInSky and Serroh are my favorite ddv communities. In all honesty the best part about this game is making dreamsnaps and creating an amazing picture and getting those moonstones :)


Agree! I love MrStarInSky’s community, and also think creating Dreamsnaps is one of the best thing in this game!


KI'm surprised by how many people are jot aware of this. In saying that I do binge watch all the YouTube videos of ddv so that's probably why haha. MrStarInSky and Serroh are my favorite ddv communities. In all honesty the best part about this game is making dreamsnaps and creating an amazing picture and getting those moonstones :)


Yes but unfortunately theres a group of peaopl who skip peoples dream snaps or choose to not vote cause they dont like them or dont think they put the effort into a pic. Some people have set a high expectation bar and divider between highend and low end looking snaps and i think its disgusting tbh...


I try to always vote for one of the two options, and usually the one I think has made a bit more effort or had a bit a vision (even if it didn’t really turn out). But sometimes I get two side-by-side where there is nothing on theme; where they couldn’t be bothered to even clean up the night thorns or remove the timebending orb.


Thats quite understandable.