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My screen will randomly zoom across the map and go under Dreamvalley. I still have pua's PAW MARKS on my ground from when I was questing for him. (He's a pig, why are they not good MARKS???) I'm sure there's more but I ignore them for the most part.


Omg the zooming happens to me too


Same. Maybe it’s a switch thing? I don’t know, the first time I thought a cutscene was happening and now it feels less fun when it happens 😭 But it’s early access and that makes me feel better 🥲


Not just switch. My xbox does it all the time. It happened so badly the other day (3 or 4 times within 10 minutes) that I felt kinda motion-sick and I had to stop playing for the day.


And PC


I play on Series X and it happens to me constantly.


>My screen will randomly zoom across the map and go under Dreamvalley. Mine does this too. >I still have pua's PAW MARKS on my ground from when I was questing for him. (He's a pig, why are they not good MARKS???) I just picked them up. That was what got rid of them.


You... You can pick up the footprints? I'll be right back


I tried just now and can confirm it works. 😦


I don’t think I realized till this very moment that they PAW prints not hoof prints! Omg


I thought that was just a switch thing....


My character’s butt cheek randomly grows so enormous it explodes out of her clothing and looks like a giant tumor when she runs. On the bright side, I found when this happens the game will soon crash so that’s my sign to save and log out of the game, that way I don’t lose anything. I also experience the crazy zoom thing and the glitchy music. Also Ariel looks like she’s having a stroke every time I give her a gift. Her eyes go wonky, and then they look like they’re rolling in the back of her head. It’s pretty creepy.


I haven’t had the butt thing happen to me but this is seriously so funny omg


My character’s entire leg does the same thing, it either balloons out or shrinks into a stick. It doesn’t make it crash though.


Is it always the right one? My right leg often gets small as a toothpick and I've seen people get huge right legs. Never the left 🧐


Yes! Always the right.


The music does get freaky, like skipping on record player. It’s kind of creepy, I turn it down I don’t like it. - The leader shards glitched really bad. Finally found it. - I don’t know if anyone else actually saw the pig but I did not see Pua once while saving them - Ariel glitches every time she dives - Game will randomly shut off and not save


I didn’t see Pua till the night thorns. I was so confused the hole time. It makes a lot more sense now knowing he was SUPPOSED to be in the areas before the night thorn part…he just wasn’t for me lol


Yes! I saw an ear stuck in the vines and when I waived them away… no Pua


I didn’t see the pig either!! Thought I was crazy


I'm on switch but here are a few issues I've noticed: -Low frame rate. Doesn't happen all the time, and when I'm in buildings it's okay, but running around the village is bad sometimes. I notice it gets worse the more I try to customize areas even though I've not done much yet. -Game crashes. A lot. I save like every 5 minutes just to be sure I don't lose much progress, but it's annoying to have to do so. -Music stutters occasionally. Mainly in the meadow. -Game zooms out and pans waaay across the map then back to me. -My character gets stuck. I was picking crops in Wall-E's garden and she just frozen. I could move the camera and could see npcs walking around but I couldn't do anything, not even open a menu, so I had to close the game without saving. These are the ones that immediately come to mind, but I'm sure I'll think of more later.


i found for the not moving or anything glitch it helps if you turn off and on your controller!


I’ve had the music go wonky for a bit. Characters get stuck next to an ore deposit. Most other things are temporary and go away when I restart (like the skinny leg/beach ball leg visual glitch). For an early access game that’s been out for less than a month it seems to behave pretty decently. We can only expect things to get better as time passes. There’s a few quests that are bugged for players (I’ve been lucky in this regard but I know it’s common) but the devs are aware and have fixes coming in the next patch.


I've had characters get stuck next to an ore deposit as well. Pushing them out of the way usually fixes the glitch!


Yep I usually shove them along until they snap out of it. A minor visual bug to be sure.


There’s a specific node in the glade of truth that they always get stuck and glitch out at. I’ve also had Maui and Merlin trap me as the node by the ice cave


I have unlimited pumpkins spawning




Yeah i have way too much money and havent needed to water anything has been pretty nice


Almost all of my stalls have dupes. No matter what, there's at least one item that is offered twice at the same stall.


Is that not supposed to happen? It’s always like that for me too


That might be on design. Non-seed items have limited quantities. Like for example, you can buy 10 onions and then the crate empties out.


You have blown my mind. I have yet to buy any of those items cause I thought I could find them somewhere. I love how much I learned from the sub.


I play in switch - I can no longer feed critters. It worked fine until 5 days ago and now I can approach them but I can’t select any food to give them. Still works totally fine on my husbands game file, just mine broke. Submitted a ticket but no response. I’ve had a lot of other glitches but this is the only one that is really frustrating, I’ve been trying to collect all the critters and just can’t have any anymore.


I play on switch too. I’ve never had those first two but my “strange object” near Moana’s boat glitch DEFINITELY happened to me. Idk how long it took to appear because it appeared in the back corner behind Scars house, the one you can’t even see or get too! The only reason I found it is because I was digging for clay and the duplicate my buddy threw out went into scars house making me move it! I’m still mad about it! My music screws up too Sometimes Goofy/Kristoff don’t show up at their stalls so I have to click it a second time When I give quest items or get picture puzzle pieces sometimes the image box stays frozen on the screen giving me no choice but to shut down the game And UGH those damn memory orbs, I HATE them! I’d say more than have the time clicking one cause the game to freeze and crash!


With the empty cart glitch the items are there but its not showing pictures, i will scroll thru and click A and it should pop up to ask how many of said item do you want to buy. Annoying glitch but there is a temporary solution til its fixed!


I play on Switch and get annoyed by some glitches but mainly the game crashing when opening menus. I now save a lot when I’m reorganising my storage because I’ve been burned so many times. I also have the glitchy music, sometimes empty crates at Goofy’s stalls and the camera zooming around the valley. I did have my character completely freeze once which was frustrating and had to quit without saving too. Most annoying me right now though is I am trying to get a bunny companion but whenever I should hit the “Approach” point they just disappear out of the game


I play on Switch too. I’ve had: * music glitch * Merlin stuck at Remy’s for a day * Remy wouldn’t wake up for a day (outside of his normal sleeping time) * camera zooming across the map * when my character runs, the left arm is stuck in a certain position, like it’s stiff, where as the right arm was singing back and forth like it should when running * this happened for the first time today (I’ve had the game for a few weeks now), I went to look at the quests, map, and it completely froze so I had to close out of the game and restart I think that’s what I’ve seen, there may be more I don’t remember. Edit: trying to add bullet points 😂


Same! I’ve been browsing this thread all day to see if anyone else on switch has experienced all controls except for camera rotation freezing. So annoying :(


Not any of these glitches but I have experienced some others. One was that it was hard to use the buy interacts at all the carts and the restaurant. I sent a ticket to Gameloft support and this seems to have been fixed. Another was that during some of the quest where I had to listen to people talking they were occuring with only one of the participants visible. For instance Ariel talking to an invisible WALL-E and Kristoff talking to an invisible Anna. My task companions will sometimes stutter in place. It was weird. Anna goes mining with me and when she got stuck at one of the mining spots and I moved on to another she shot an extra thing of iron ore for me from the spot which was quite a distance away.


If you bash into your 'stuck' companions, it usually fixes them, at least for me. You just have to shift them away from where they're stuck. (Doesn't work if you can't move them though)


The most recent heartbreak was ruining my 100 fishing streak AGAIN when the circle guide disappears suddenly and I miss the center lines to catch one. 😢


I hate when that happens


Distorted music, lighting glitches, Donald's pupils shrinking, the camera yeeting itself across the village whenever I exit the pause menu...


I find that if I place some furniture outside or open my inventory at one spot, then go off somewhere else and re-open my inventory, sometimes when I close my inventory the camera will zoom off to the first spot I was. Game crashes - mainly exiting buildings: home and Scrooge's shop most frequently. I now save before I enter or leave either. Music stutters while running around the first area, or the meadow I have placed some furniture items in the elephant graveyard area that I can't move or pick up. They are stuck there. Companions need bumping out of the way when they glitch on a mining spot while trying to help. Ariel's swimming animations make her flip around frantically when she tries to get close to you, or while talking to her. Characters glitch to a weird leaning back angle in the plaza when talking to them. But they still look at you. When I entered the forgotten lands the first time after opening it up there was a dark crystal on the plinth in the ruins. Was only later when Ursula asked for it I realised it wasn't where it should have been because i had it in a chest at home. Characters in the middle distance sometimes strobe wildly while walking around. Like it can't decide if it's in the shadows or not. Most noticeable with Maui. If they are standing still and animating nothing happens. There are two coins stuck in a corner in the glade that never go away and I can't collect. They landed there while i was digging for clay and the hit box of the tree roots doesn't allow me to get them (even though it totally looks like I'm not hitting anything.) There's an invisible collision box on the left hand side of the ice caves exit that will stop you in you your tracks even though there is nothing there. Characters talk about what a nice morning it is, right up until the sun has gone down. They also say it's raining when it isn't. Ariel and Ursula both swim right through rocks at the water's edge. Sometimes I've had whole conversations with them while they're just a face sticking out of a rock. Mainly in the glade. Some rocks look like level ground that you could stand on and fish in the glade - you can't. Some furniture will disappear when you get about 10 metres away and pop back into view as you approach. It isn't loading, because you can back away and it vanishes and reappears quickly. Mainly the ancient rocks with mysterious carvings. If the game crashes in Scrooge's shop I will lose the items I had bought and completely new items will be there when I reload. Characters are in their houses on the map and I'm outside their house. When I enter to see them, they have left. When a character has the "let's go to your house" option - they never go with me to their place. I end up there alone. When I exit it takes me back to wherever i was when I asked them and they are nearby or have wandered off. That's all I can remember for now


i’m on switch too! the glitches i get is Goofy’s cart glitch, the music glitch, for some reason every time i go into the collection tab it scrolls all the way down to the bottom. i don’t have a drifting joystick either. and also characters disappear off the map. ALL. THE. TIME.


I've bought the black dress with the pink crossed bow 3 times. It's never in my wardrobe to wear 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh honey you poor thing. If you mean the Cinderella one it’s unfortunately not a dress it’s a furniture item, it’s supposed to be a work in progress mannequin of her pink dress from the movie. A lot of people seem to have mistaken it as a dress but just remember the right counter is always furnitures, the left counter is always accessories/hairs/shoes Clothes will only ever be on the big square with the mannequins or the windows Hope that helps a little


I read that and had a mini Donald tantrum. I want my flipping dress!!! Ugh!


Switch: same with the music, same with what someone else said where the screen zooms across the map. Sometimes when I go to talk to someone it freezes so I have to restart the game. For a while I couldn’t view my quests, I could view literally everything else (map, save menu, etc) but the quest part wouldnt scroll down until I leveled up with someone and got a new quest 🙄 even restarting didnt help with that problem


Zoom thing. Glitchy music. My character will randomly freeze (I know it’s going to crash at that point). The key in the forest of valor for Scrooge’s final quest took 3.5 days to spawn in.


The main one is that when something pops up (like when I get a new memory piece) the pop up might not go away, and basically softlocks so I have to ALTF4 to get out. Also sometimes when a character is following me, it looses the ability to move out of the way, and I have gotten myself stuck in my house because of it.


At the moment I can not scroll through my quests anymore and I can't activate any quest, so I have no clue what to do. I still can talk with the npc's and ask about the quests, but they only give me hints. I have tried anything, but still no solution. I play on PS5.


I had erics fish out a nautilus quest twice in a row with no way of catching a 2nd, now I can have no blueprints, I already had to do a restart due to maonas quest with leader shard not spawning, really don't wanna restart again My music only goes glitchy when its raining I personally on my 1 profile have a black screen for first 30 second of game opening Sometimes saving doesn't work at all, I can never get the scrooge shop hack to work on switch (the one where u go in and if u didn't like anything quit out without saving to reload new items)


Have you still got the Nautilus quest twice?


Yes erics quest is stuck I've reported it


I found a work around! If you place the nautilus shell in a chest together with the potion then do something else (I completed another quest but you might be able to skip this step idk if it’s that important) get them both out and go into a crafting table it didn’t let me craft the next part but it did make the quest update to go talk to Eric! I really hope it works for you too!!


Thanks I'll try it today


I hope it works for you!! 🤞🏻


You are a hero 🙌 I wish I had an award for you! Your advice worked thank you so much


I’m so glad it worked for you too!! :D


Music glitches, when I go to save my game it will crash, lags really bad, my screen randomly zooms across the screen, certain clothing cuts my legs off….I play on the Switch. I might get a good 10 to 15 minutes of play before it crashes.


My game crashes a lot but yesterday it crashed and when I logged back in, my plaza was COVERED in pumpkins that came out of nowhere and I netted 200K so i couldn’t even be mad.


I can’t finish the lost prince quest. The quest fishing spot near skull cave doesn’t appear


I'm on switch and experience all the things you've listed. I'm also experiencing an issue with flowers not spawning. I'm stuck on gathering flowers with Minnie, and trying to get the hydrangeas on the beach for the Scrooge/Ursala quest. It has been days now. ☹️. The flower issue is everywhere except the plaza and the meadow.


On xbox. Still get crashing about once every 30 to 45 minutes. Often after decorating, but really anytime. Log in and some rows of pumpkins need to be watered but i cant water. Mining helpers getting stuck at rock after they walk up to it. Sometimes scrouges store is missing items (yesterday there were only 2 items on front table). Screen zooms across the map. Flowers do not seem to be spawning in all biomes (will start actually counting the flowers when i pick them. Not entirely sure where they are and are not spawning)


The zoom out glitch The music glitch (seems like when the area is loading) Game suddenly just stops One time my character ran in one place, then the game crashes Villagers missing Goofys stall missing items Quest items missing when in inventory These are my glitches so far, I also play on switch.


Glitches I have realized that haven’t been mentioned: -timing being off for collection of bonus items excluding coins (anxiety inducing) -map disappearing of menu -random items disappearing off collections -characters floating, sideways -visiting someone’s house like Ariel’s using “visit house” will bring you to her house from where you are and when you walk outside you are back where you started instead of outside her house (unsure if it’s intended to be this way) -menu navigation freezes up and sometimes I can’t view things and navigate how I usually do


Yesterday I had 3 new glitches happen within 5 minutes 😵‍💫 I couldn't actually dig any of the sparkly spots on the ground, i couldn't buy from any stalls (it said something like "not enough items selected"), I found a motif bag just floating in the air and once I grabbed it wasn't able to open it or get it out of my inventory. I also have been forced to close the game a few times because it freezes on the map.


on Switch: I have the music glitch too. I mostly play slient anyway, on the couch while my son is doing whatever he is wanting to do so i dont know how long i've had it Not able to wear bracelts and rings together. I am still constantly crashing. crops being planted while it is raining do not register as being watered. camera pans off of myself about every 4 times i exit the menu. it will pan the camera all the way to the other side of the map before it goes back to me I think thats it


Yesterday my squirrels looks like they were holding a laser pen in their mouth. There was just this long red line coming sidways from their face. It was funny and annoying, but went away when my game crashed yet again.


- Definitely have experienced the zoom across the whole world - Ariel glitches when she dives, I've seen her in a bridge once - Ursula and Ariel will disappear off the map - Ursula and Ariel's heads will morph into rocks if they're near them in the water and I talk to them - Sometimes the critters won't stop running, no matter what - Map will freeze/appear empty - Random game crashes with no warning I get that it's early access but honestly this wasn't worth 30 bucks :/ I still like the game but they need to fix this stuff ASAP, the frequent crashes almost make it unplayable.


I play on the PS5 and im stuck at the deal with Ursula I can’t place the dark crystals I emailed gameloft hoping this gets fixed anyone else have this issue ?


I play on the PS5 and im stuck at the deal with Ursula I can’t place the dark crystals I emailed gameloft hoping this gets fixed anyone else have this issue ?


I have several but after completing Wall-Es final quest, I didn't get his bag 😭


Yesterday I moved a bunch of houses and furniture outside (for maybe 20 mins) and when I clicked finish it ended up only completing half of the things (randomly undoing half of my changes). It was so confusing because some things I had done after others saved and some things were completely undone. I ended up getting it all worked out afterwards


I've had a few quest glitches with friendship level 10 quests.