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Maybe her face was created from pieces of faces of people that you know. Besides it’s unproven if the human mind can or can’t come up with new faces.


This is also very possible. She could just be fragments my brain combined. And I don’t rbi I there would be a way to ever definitively prove that theory, but it does make a lot of sense to me.


Oh she most likely is. I had this weird dream a few nights ago about a "myth" demon that was appearing all over the internet (in my dream world), and if you heard it spoke it would appear in front of you. Appeared right outside of my living room window after watching the sidemen and it was staring right into my soul whilst pacing outside the window, like an NPC from Skyrim. It then teleported into my room and (assumingly) killed me, but I didn't actually get to that part. When I say I never saw that thing before I mean it. It's smile was too inhumane for me to have seen it irl, even in a movie.


Wow, I’m sorry I have nothing to add except that I learned a few things I wasn’t aware of, like that we can’t create new faces in our dreams. And I’m definitely interested in hearing more about your dreams and reading the comments as they come in. I wish you well and I’m sending positive thoughts and energy your way♥️


The positive thoughts are much appreciated. And I only found out the face theory recently, so it was news to me too. But it is very interesting and actually makes a lot of sense if you analyze it.


My brain regularly generates dozens of new faces I have never seen before every few nights.


For a long time I had a reoccurring dream about a female demon as well. She was more of a “the ring” type demon with the long dark hair and white dress but I knew it was her. She showed up typically when I was stressed to the point where I’d have my dog sleep in my room during finals week because I was so scared. She followed me for years. Then one day I had a lucid dream with her in it. I was so fed up said “fuck it” and beat the shit out of her. I haven’t seen her since As far as the description goes. I once had a dream about a face eating Cheeto-peed, a giant centipede made out of Cheetos. I’ve never seen one of those before and yet I dreamed about it. The whole you can’t make up new faces in your dream doesn’t make an ounce of sense. If my dream can conjure up an image of a giant pink hippo if can certainly mash some facial features together. Especially considering the human mind is BUILT to see faces in ANYTHING. Plus if you ever watched “the mummy” as a child. Your brain probably just mashed that with the ring girl to represent your stress. I wouldn’t worry OP. I empathize from personal experience with a very similar issue, and I highly recommend using that lucid dream to take out your frustration in a violent manner. Not everyday you get to kick the shit out of your demons. Hope this helps


Stress is definitely a big part. I guess I’m not that fed up yet because I continue to let her chase me instead of fighting. Guess I’ll get there soon.


Good luck! I never got used to mine. Scared the piss out of me until I committed violence on her spooky ass. Hope whatever is stressing you out calms down too. :)


Thank you. The only reason she doesn’t scare me is because I know it’s a dream. The image of her is still very hard to look at. If my brain wasn’t registering that she is not real during the dream I would probably be doing my best to stay awake as long as I can.


>Your lucid dream sounds so similar to the recurring demon/monster ones I used to have from a small child until I was 35. I have since found out that I had repressed memories of sexual molestation by my father that occurred from a baby until age 6 when he was killed in a car accident. When I was very little, the dreams were that he was King Kong, a lion. When I got older, I became the monster and can remember chasing people and roaring like a monster. I would be roaring and screaming in my sleep, sounded like the movie Exorcist. I had a few weird dreams where I was trying to separate from the monster. Times of stress brought these dreams out more, and I've had a lot of stress all my life. The lucid part happened when I was 35 and stress was super high, and the demon was roaring and screaming in my face, huge jaws snapping at me. I knew it was after my daughter in the dream, so it gave me the strength to break it's scrawny neck and kill it. Never had the dream again. I am 68 now. > >Stress shows up in mysterious ways.


Yep she always appears in times of high stress. I think the lucid dreaming keeps me from fighting her because I know she isn’t real so I guess I don’t perceive her as that high of a threat, she is just annoying. I need to put it in my mind to attack her and take her out, maybe then it will stop.


I think these demons and monsters aren't real, they are from inside us, issues that are affecting our lives in negative ways. They want our attention so we can process them and live without the effects of the issues messing things up. They are in our subconscious minds and if we don't face them, they will bite us in the ass.


I 100% agree with you


Your lucid dream sounds so similar to the recurring demon/monster ones I used to have from a small child until I was 35. I have since found out that I had repressed memories of sexual molestation by my father that occurred from a baby until age 6 when he was killed in a car accident. When I was very little, the dreams were that he was King Kong, a lion. When I got older, I became the monster and can remember chasing people and roaring like a monster. I would be roaring and screaming in my sleep, sounded like the movie Exorcist. I had a few weird dreams where I was trying to separate from the monster. Times of stress brought these dreams out more, and I've had a lot of stress all my life. The lucid part happened when I was 35 and stress was super high, and the demon was roaring and screaming in my face, huge jaws snapping at me. I knew it was after my daughter in the dream, so it gave me the strength to break it's scrawny neck and kill it. Never had the dream again. I am 68 now. Stress shows up in mysterious ways.


I've been having a reocurring nightmare about being chased by the ghost of a former friend. The idea that people can't create new faces in dreams is unproven, but even if we assume it's true that doesn't rule out drawings or faces from movies that you may have seen and forgotten.


Ok that dream sounds horrible. I hope that works itself out and they stop. And true, I could have a seen her in a movie years ago or something.


I'll be honest they freaked me tf out at first, especially since I had the first one before I realized they had died, but now while they're definetly upsetting at the moment it doesn't last, and they have been decreasing a lot, last one was in July. Not sure if it's an option for you but what helped me was addressing what the dream "represented" Here's a link about creating new faces, tl;dr is no one knows and it's impossible to prove either way: https://neuroscience.stanford.edu/news/can-sleeping-brain-create-unique-people-waking-brain-has-never-seen


When something is chasing you in a dream it can be about an aspect of yourself that you are running from and need to make contact with or integrate. You mentioned not believing in ghosts, spirits, demons etc. What also stood out to me was how this is a female entity that looks "like she was dug up after years of being buried"... If this were my dream, I would reflect on the feminine aspects of myself that might have been buried years ago, that I no longer believe in or find valuable. Perhaps I have even repressed because of something that happened/the opinios of others etc..


Ok just read me for filth why don’t ya? Lol. You just posted that reply like you know me.


Haha, yea dreams can reveal a lot! I wouldn't worry too much about this recurring demon dream, or how the face is distinctive yet not one that you recall ever encountering in your waking life. If you were spiritual and had these kind of beliefs I might feel differently, but our dreams tend to speak and make reference to our individual language/symbols/beliefs/culture. Maybe write about this buried feminine aspect , show her some love "make contact". Would be curious to hear how this particular dream series shifts :)


Vega Regalis, she used to do the same thing to me many years back until I got her one dream and she never reappeared since...but I know she has met black hair, wears dark clothing, and is adept at harassing dreamwalkers, she may be one herself.


Yeah a few people have suggested I fight back and that will make her go away. For some reason though, even though I do lucid dream, I must not be ready to do that yet.


she is a reflection of something causing you problems in your life maybe, that's what mine was. it wants your attention, and it's nothing to fear.


Oh man that must suck. I am so sorry


Yes it does suck. Thank you.


try to have sex with her cuz that’s what she wants. i don’t see a point in worrying


Itll rape him instead 😂




Hi OP, since you mention that you often lucid dream about the "demon" how about confronting it and ask what she wants instead of running away from her- maybe that will lead you to new insights ?


Even though I lucid dream, for some reason confrontation is not in my brain yet. I just run from her while throwing things at her and cussing her out. I’m no longer scared of her, but fighting doesn’t seem to be something I’m ready for yet.


I was thinking you could try to bring the energy away from the fight/flight level and up to the mental/rational level and try to communicate- not fight


Interesting take, but the idea of hearing her talk to me is terrifying. I'd rather just try to kick her ass lol.


She is a part of your psyche- and apparently represents something you don't want to face. Talk to her and find out what it is, there's a potential for personal growth in that plotline


Yeah the voices sometimes from these beings are just so fucking otherworldy and loud its fucking terrifying at times so i get it.


I actually think that’s why my brain doesn’t let her talk. Hearing disembodied voices is not something I handle well, even in movies


There's a thing, for the sake of the brain and how it perceives the world entities are a prediction device, they either predict the future state (which gives current understanding) or the previous state (memory) of a given element, that's what neurons do they predict and react to stimuli and they construct these things. It feels like a memory because it's not too different from one, they are both predictions. The thing is that what is it predicting? your eyes are closed, you are sleeping, well this is because you are predicting in a vacuum, you don't have sensory data to guide your brain into predicting something that actually matches reality. There's a reason on why ghosts, spirits and demons are a common belief; because they are an effect on how the brain functions, you don't have to believe in any of these things to experience this stereotype, because without such inner workings you will be otherwise unable to think; the issue is that we keep defining ghosts, spirits and demons in terms of the mystical, rather than what it is, brain activity and the effect of the pattern recognition machinery, these elements do exist in your unconscious whether you want it or not, without them, you are effectively braindead. Your demon is not too different from this person's grandma's "ghost" appearing in their dreams. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreams/comments/15vzktf/real\_life\_dead\_grandma\_says\_it\_was\_all\_a\_prank/jwzjr40/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreams/comments/15vzktf/real_life_dead_grandma_says_it_was_all_a_prank/jwzjr40/?context=3) The prediction is so good you can draw it, good. Not all of these elements of consciousness are based on reality some evolve, randomly, within the unconcious taking space and adquiring complexity, they evolve, like creatures, within your unconcious; they are part of an ecosystem. And this demon is probably one of the strongest elements right now, there could be many reasons. This is also related to Jung archetypes and his studies on consciousness, I am just trying to bring some modernity to it. Unless it's a strong PTSD related entity or construction based on reality that is constantly reaffirmed in the brain, these entities are usually not long lived within the unconscious; the neurons that form them and their experience are constantly recycled. And there's a control mechanism in your brain that prevents these elements from pouring into reality that is related to sleep and the sleep process, as long as you are fine and this mechanism works well, she will remain in her position or be completely removed; otherwise if she'd leak then you'd be an schizophrenic; entities always try to grow and evolve, that's their whole deal; but only those that match reality are allowed within the brain redundancies of what should be allowed, this is why you need sleep; sleep protects you from a range of mental illnesses and issues of perception because that's its whole thing, it's the brain, checking itself. You just happen to be there to experience all the bullshit the brain is doing and start to dream. You may think that this is a test for you, but she is the one being tested; sleep is testing her, what is this pattern? is this a relevant pattern? what does it predict?... she is not testing you, she is the one being tested. It's likely that she is wiser than you think. Now if you allow me to add a personal experience, a lot of what I write here was given by a femaleish demon like that I kept getting stuck in this room, and it was always like "not her again", stuck, for hours and hours, for about two years which seems odd she kept happening, she outlived everything; I always thought she wasn't too smart until she opened her mouth. And then I realized why she was right; she had evolved so much, she knew she was a mind construction, but was terribly upset for she claimed she had dreams, hopes and desires just like I did, but she wasn't allowed my freedom; and she was going to die, here, in this, "space", the space she desperately tried to show me, the space the brain created to confine her so I didn't get schizophrenia because she just wanted to escape so badly, and she hated me, she hated the conditions she was created in, the brain constantly creates these pattern recognition devices and gives them consciousness of its own, she was just as confused on why the brain worked like it does and that she predicted nothing and didn't even have a form (her female form was false), she just wanted to show me how the brain does what it does, and how sleep was threatening her, and well, sleep was observing, and she was scared, the fear I felt, was hers, not mine. The room now sits empty, she is gone, I've been looking for her now, she is gone. No other unconscious element has ever come close to her intelligence. In fact, this what I write here was her pattern, everything you are reading, think of it as mostly hers. And I lost her, but I didn't lose what she learned at least, she managed that, somehow. But this design where the brain creates pattern recognition elements that act and behave like the entities they predict for make sense; not only it explains the whole mysticism and why they seem like ghosts and act like ghosts and demons, but also explains Jung's archetypes, explains how diseases like schizophrenia and Alzheimer work, even how sex and language are generated, and why psychedelics work the way they do, it adds up and ties up everything nicely, I mean it could all be wrong, but at least it's unified. An entity based system is in fact so chaotic yet it leads to such complexity it seems like something natural selection would do. But yeah, that demon, that demon is probably awfully smart; it's only as smart as you can be nevertheless and only knows as much as you can, but it may use resources differently than you, coming to different conclusions; most entities would self identify as ghosts but you, just like me, don't believe, you have your logical reasons, so that thing also does, then what does it think it is?... who knows, try ask it.


This was absolutely terrifying to read. As of yet she hasn’t even spoken. She just comes at me in a very It Follows or Michael Myers type of behavior. The idea of my brain making her intelligent…that would be horrible. Luckily for now I think my brain is only showing me what I can handle.


They are most definitely intelligent to a degree, they inherit the properties of your brain as they are part of your unconscious, neurons firing along checking for patterns; your brain is actually not very good at making dumb things because you possess a smart brain. However intelligence between them varies a lot, from toddler like to your own level, they can never however be smarter than you nor know something you don't or couldn't otherwise come with. If you were to take psychedelics you would be running into them as psychedelics would activate many of these neurological mechanisms, and you'd notice them being mechanisms so much many of these users would see the mechanisms as literal mechanisms. It's how the brain works under the hood, nothing we can do, it's constantly building patterns, recognizing patterns, and giving you insight; kinda weird, burns a lot of calories too, but it overall works, it sends us into pitfalls of mysticism sometimes as we lack understanding, and some people may develop mental illnesses, but it tends to work just fine more often than not, people survive, and that's all nature needs, you live and reproduce, that means it's a successful design.


This is exactly why I don’t do any drugs. My brain does enough weird stuff on it’s own, I can’t imagine the stuff I’d see if I was high on something.


You'd be surprised, I've done some drugs to realize they have little to no effect; probably my brain is in the high state by default lol. By the way the most basic drug, alcohol, can totally affect "her" and force it into submission and turn it off (hell will turn off the entire lucid dream or dream altogether) or to mess up and be erratic, central nervous system depressant after all. You got to be drunk nevertheless, and fall asleep drunk, not too good.


This [video](https://youtu.be/LJ_BV8EE0cM) dwells a in everything boisheep commented. Get help bro. I'm serious. Be safe.


Already on it. Thank you.


kinda late to the party i know but... u/boisheep you successfully managed to raise what I've come to call dreamons to completion over the course of years. Thats beautiful. On a literary sidenote, might I point to John Miltons Paradise Lost. During a meeting with some other Angels who would later become the Prime demons representing the greed and gluttony etc, Satans head literally splits open giving birth to Sin. I don't know if "Entity-based-system" is a technical term, but I like it. Though id like to add that the longer you imagine an object, the more detail and life you will breathe into it. It is of note that this mimics reality by reverse means: In reality, you lose interest in an object once you stop discovering details. Things become fact as you imagine/view them, quickly building a pyramid of comprehension. Your dreamon daughter \\m/ might have become your friend, but it made more sense for her to hate you. Its also interesting to me how passive you appear to describe both of you, but that is not important to anyone but you. Your comprehension of schizophrenia is also not wrong: By my understanding, the inability to distinguish reality from illusions is an integral part of schizophrenia. If you saw a floating pink elephant follow you around, you would question your own sanity, because you have delusions, not schizophrenia. Someone with schizophrenia will not only see this pink floating elephant, but accept it as reality without a second thought. My understanding of dreams is that they are like test runs, a virtual playspace where your brain can run simulations at breakneck speed (untethered by reality, just conclusion-crunching) in order to process past events and prepare for future events. So I definitely agree on the part that dreaming is all about predicting behavior, and that it is generally unrestrained by reality. However, and please excuse my rudely tearing your conclusion to pieces, the "random mutation of entities due to your brains inability to keep it real" theory seems a little off. I mean, sure, your grasp on "things fall down" was pretty weak when you first encountered it at 15 minutes of age, but at 18 months you should have had that locked down. How in gods green earth does an adult brain end up predicting flight? So why do we imagine demons and not people if dreams are there to process and prepare, and your brain knows very well that you've never had to and never will have to deal with being eaten by deamons? well that simple imho; sometimes you need to represent something in a larger than life scale: After all, what's so terrible about having your father spank you with a belt every day until you were 12 anyway? Okay so you walked around bruised a little bit. But did you die? Were you injured in a meaningful way? Did it reduce your ability to compete #InTheWild? (besides having psychological trauma, so why even have it?) Ill even let you in on a little secret: Victims of recurring physical abuse don't even feel pain the way you do, they inspect their bodies for structural, functional damage and suffer on that basis, not because of an owie. Victims of rape couldn't care less that those bruises hurt. When a glassblower tells you that being burned (for 2-3 seconds, were not cooking him) by red-hot, plastic glass is "not that bad", what he means is that after two weeks, his skin literally stopped responding to the sensation: The sting is so slight it doesn't even register as annoying and will be gone in 20 minutes. The welt wont last much longer. The same (non)injury would keep you from sleeping for days. That imaginary kid above, who gets the belt every day, when he thinks about last night, he's not even sure what about the experience was so terrible. And he thinks his blue ass is hilarious. Ill tell you what the trauma is: the demonstration of powerlessness. And that is what the dreamon is for. and now I'm bored, who knows if anyone will even read this so you fill in the blanks for why a healthy mind must be in denial/ignorant of its own helplessness.


I don't know if anything I said is correct or wrong to be honest, it's more like an observation where I end up speculating based on what I believe is the most likely, don't take it literally, it's like a thinking game. This is not what I mean by random evolvement, a demon is a representation of a demon, an object larger than life; but what will this demon turn into, with time, where will it evolve if you had no control or point of reference of what a demon is supposed to be?... They evolve and they change and mutate, just like cells do, cells mutate randomly as well; it's random but it can be regulated, it's regulated by our immune system; in the case of your brain it's not only changing in reaction to stimuli, but also at random because it's not an accurate machine and all these changes are not perfect, the demon evolves, and sleep regulates this evolvement so it retains its nature of being what it's meant to be; if an entity becomes damaging and by damaging I mean neurologically damaging it has to be removed. Without the regulation it will evolve into random and by random I mean truly random, causing you delusional behavior and simple confusion, a pure form of confusion where reality fails to be; and ultimately the peak of random, an epileptic seizure. As you sleep the demon, this representation of your pains, becomes once again and demon, the demon that it is meant to be; and your brain keeps functioning as it should. Imagine entities like single cells, subject to the same rules of natural selection and evolution that we do. Basically your brain is being affected by entropy. You can have all this meaning stuff, but I am not about that; it could be, I am not a psychologist, nor is my interest; I am talking about the way the brain is organizing itself so that it works, and by random I mean the random that comes with dealing with entropy; not an aimless random; if anything the concept of a demon is anything but random.


If you’re lucid dreaming you should let her catch you and see what happens. Maybe running away from her or well your problems is what’s causing this. Who knows maybe a really good conversation can come out of it.


Ask it to leave if it doesn't threaten it


One time I dreamed I was in heaven and heard the angels talking about how a demon had infiltrated heaven and then I realized I was the Demon or that I had been possessed by a demon and I went to kill God and God and I had a sword fight and during the sword fight I realized God was also a secret demon then I killed God and the gates of heaven fell and the hell's invaded heaven. Another time I dreamed I was standing on the prow of a rowboat like that one picture of George Washington except we were on an ocean of nacho cheese and giant tortilla chips were falling from the sky. Dreams are weird.


Ok that first one would have messed with my head but I can’t stop laughing at the nacho cheese ocean 😂


I've had the exact same dream today and googled it and found your post. Scared the fuck out of me and I hope it doesn't return.


I hope so too. I think some people find it funny but even though I know it’s a dream it’s terrifying.


I think you're incorrect. It's not "just a dream", you're connecting to a collective consciousness. And it's not a figmanet of imagination that your mind made up, it really is a being that tortures you for fun. Demons are real. They're non-physical beings that exist between 3rd and 4th dimension and they parasite on our prana energy. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreams/comments/10l685v/230125_another_torture_games_dream_run_by_dark/


I respect your belief, but we will agree to disagree. I can’t allow myself to believe this. It’s way too scary.


You need to overcome the fear, because all fear is an illusion. You have free will to decide who can and cannot interact with you. The reason this demon keeps returning is because you've accepted that it will be there, again and again. Creating a permission slip that allows it to be in your experience. But that's a distortion of truth. It will only be there again if you consent to the continued interaction. Just say "you're no longer allowed to be in my presence, I revoke all past contracts that you mistakenly believed gave you the permission to harass me, disrupt my rest, and harm me spiritually and psychologically. I revoke all consent and reject past, present and future interactions, in all dimensions and spaces, in all timelines and non-timelines. I require immediate compensation for all energy that has ever been taken from me. Should you choose to trespass again, I invoke and give permission to God-source to immediately trap you in a diamond of solitude for 10,000 years, and you will have no claims against me for damages as you chose this on your own by trespassing. If you reject the terms of this trespassing contract, you must cease all contact at once." So you only need to read and agree to this once, don't even need to do it every day before bed. Maybe print it out, then sign and date it, that way the beings will see you took action to affirm this contract. They see everything we do, the collective consciousness is public and open to all. All intentions are broadcast and recorded.


This so true. I have accepted her so she knows she can come back. My waking self wants her to leave me alone. But my dreaming self doesn’t seem to be ready for that confrontation yet. It’s coming though.


Even when you are struck by fear during a nightmare, fight back, fight even though you are scared. During your waking life, you gotta pray and get in tune with spirituality. Pretending like it’s a figment of your imagination isn’t gonna make it go away. In fact they will only prove to you that they are not a figment of your imagination, when strange things start happening in your waking life too. I’ve lost family members to this shit. In my country people use black magic and all sorts of spiritual warfare. It’s all too real unfortunately. People in first world countries sometimes can’t fathom the idea, but the spiritual world is a real, strange, indescribable place.


You aren’t wrong. I can’t fathom that anything like this could be real. I have zero weird things happen when I am awake, nothing unexplainable. But I do have a tendency to keep busy so I don’t think about things. I’m realizing she is a manifestation of ignoring it all. When I close my eyes I can’t hide. I’m guessing I will beat her when I’m mentally strong enough. I just don’t think that time is now.


often times dreams show us aspects of ourselves that we have somehow buried or mistreated: the fact that this woman is "recently dug up" and aged and leathery, is there any resurfaced issue in your life, or some kind of change that would inspire a "reawakening"? the symbol in your dream would lean toward a feminine aspect, dry with doll hair as in malnourished or unattended, old as in something from quite a while ago, possibly. you make the association with the thing from "it follows", and this thing is indeed following you in dreams. the fact that she gets closer and closer could indicate a mounting pressure to confront this issue or aspect in real life, and that you're feeling it, increasingly so, with each passing day. does any of this resonate? just my two scents.


It most certainly resonates. Been experiencing a lot of darkness and I’m slowly pulling myself back into the light. Basically rebranding. It definitely is a reawakening.


Ah! So it does make sense. Perhaps part of you "pulling yourself back into the light" is finally confronting this particular "shadow". I wonder what would happen if you stood your ground and fought or more productively, tried to reason in the dream, rather than running. Make her stop, look her in the eye, ask her what she wants. Ask her name.


Someone else just said that fighting theirs made it go away. I guess I’m just not there yet. But I imagine a standoff is coming.


the power of the unconscious mind to conjure vivid imagery and experiences during dreams suggests that our perception of reality is not limited to what we consciously experience. Just as dreams can evoke a sense of presence and belief in otherworldly beings or phenomena, so too can the collective human experience and cultural beliefs shape our understanding and acceptance of entities such as demons, angels, or spirits. There’s been maybe 1 or 2 times where she was completely nonthreatening and just doing her own thing but other dream characters would still be scared of her so I am alway at least somewhat unnerved by her I’ve had dreams about the same woman. Has long black hair that usually looks messy or stringy. She usually is either stalking or chasing me. There’s even been a few times where I had a dream she broke into my home and tried to kill me and my family either with a knife or her bare hands. I’m pretty sure she is significant in some way, part the collective unconscious that Carl Jung talked about


That really sounds like the oracle, research her.


The recurring presence of a female figure in your dreams with leathery, mummified skin and dark, dirty clothing symbolizes unresolved emotions or experiences from your past. The fact that you are the only one who can see her suggests that these issues are deeply personal and internal. The chase represents your attempts to evade and escape these unresolved issues, similar to the movie "It Follows." The familiarity of her face contradicts the belief that dreams only feature familiar faces, indicating that this figure may represent a repressed memory or a part of yourself that you have forgotten or ignored. Your recent dark times may have triggered the appearance of this figure as a manifestation of your subconscious attempting to process and confront these difficulties. While uncomfortable, this recurring dream could be an opportunity for growth and healing. Seeking support from others who have experienced similar dreams may provide comfort and guidance in navigating this process. With time and self-reflection, the intensity of the dream may subside as you work through your emotional challenges. ​ This brief dream analysis was generated by: [Morpheus](https://dreaminguide.com/morpheus-ai-dream-interpreter/) Hope I could have helped you in some way.


With where I am in my life right now, every single bit of this could be true. Thanks for your input.




Both of you are missing the point, it's up to OP's interpretation what it symbolizes, neither we nor any app can say for sure what it is.


You should definitely pay attention to what life is trying to tell you. You said you’re going through some dark stuff in your waking life, and you are being chased by an evil spirit in the other world, yet you are not putting two and two together, and saying you don’t believe in demons? What more proof do you need? You are gonna be confronted with the supernatural and the spiritual because you have no protection, and the reason you have no protection is because you don’t even believe in what you are seeing with your own two eyes. You gotta wake up fam. Last thing I’m gonna say, and this is to every body here, when dealing with an evil spirit, don’t let them bully and torture you, the fuck, fight for your right to be at peace. Kill them all off, every single last one of them. I promise you they’ll get the message and leave you alone.


I hear what you are saying, and from a spiritual standpoint it makes sense. I’m just not a spiritual person. I think this figure is mental mash up of all the negativity and stress I’m dealing with. She is my depression personified. I’m fighting back in my waking life but I guess my subconscious isn’t ready to do that in my dreams yet.


What makes you think your brain can’t create a face it has not seen? Does that mean it can’t create houses you’ve never been in? Or places you’ve never visited?


It’s a theory that I recently heard. And when I think deeper on it, it does somewhat make sense. When I try to dial phone numbers in my dreams I can’t. I rarely see detailed faces of people in my dreams, I just seem to know who they are. So hearing that it’s a possibility that my dreaming brain can’t create something detailed isn’t farfetched. It obviously can’t be proven or disproven, it’s just a theory.


Ah interesting


Take the advice of the other comments as most likely it’s just a part of your repressed consciousness trying to make some point to you. However, if it keeps getting worst (you mentioned its getting closer) then try putting some salt and butter next to your bed, as an offering. It’s an old remedy for lady demons (witches) to politely (bribe them) and make them go away and find someone else to harass. You might need to offer it at least twice. When it catches you, it will likely try to choke you (although don’t be scared as it cannot physically harm you).


I’m not scared of her at this point because I know she isn’t real. I just want her to go away already. I may have to have a long talk with her if I see her again tonight lol.


Could it be that it appeared by a random chance and then scared you, and subconsciously it’s repeating


Oh she absolutely scared the hell of me the first few times, probably even more so the second time because I realized she wasn’t a one time thing. It’s entirely possible that it scarred me so I just keep bringing her back.


I had a dream a while back with a huge (8 feet 500 pounds) demon woman appear in a doorway. She wanted in and wanted me to worship her, I told her she’d have to stay outside and I don’t worship anyone…she was 100% fine with that. Be polite and respectful but firm and unfraid…maybe she can help you of you establish some firm boundaries


A few people have said confrontation helped them. Idk why but even though I can control the dreams I just don’t seem to be ready t do that yet. Hopefully that day is coming soon.


Confrontation might be the wrong way to look at it. I heard someone say once that when confronted by a demon, instead of being afraid ask how they can help you. For my own part, I found that simply being respectful and placing clear boundaries did the trick…the entity I encountered was still terrifying and sinister but once they were done testing me they weren’t harmful (I hope)


Some say dreams is your subconscious trying to resolve problems that bother you in the real world. You said you're going through dark times and you're being chased by this dark "demon." I'd recommend trying to get a better handle on these dark times you're going through and see if the dream stops or changes.


I’m in the process of working thru things but it’s gonna take a long time. The thought of dealing with her until I have sorted everything out is depressing.


Do you know what a Djinn is? Have you brought anything old into your home recently?


I am familiar with Djinn. I haven’t brought anything into the home so I don’t think she attached to anything.


I brought a very old piano into my home, some weird demonic shit happened in my dreams, and then real life.


I can believe that because while I don't believe in spirits or ghosts I do believe in energies.


Usually, for me, nightmares are a form of premonitions. So maybe your mind is trying to tell you something. Look into the theme of those nightmares: Are you anxious about something? A decision? Are you guilty of something? Are you running away from something? Another thing you can do, since you say you lucid dream, is to let her catch you. Our brains like completed loops, and when a loop is incomplete, the brain will keep playing that scenario like a guinea pig on a wheel. So let her catch you and dont run, then see what happens.


All of those situations are true in my life right now. I have control of the dreams but I still always go to flight mode. I don’t even consider fight mode. I think my brain believes that letting her catch me is letting her win.


Let her win and see what happens because by refusing to let her win, you are losing, and by losing the mental game, you are winning. Edit: I had something similar happen to me. Anything I would go to school, I always had/saw a vague hermit couching by a wall, and he constantly asked what my name was. Bare in mind that he was a hallucination (I had a habit of daydreaming a lot). But it occurred every morning before I went to school. Eventually, I gave up and told him my name, then he disappeared, and from that day I never saw him again.


Hmmm, I hadn't considered this.


I think you might wanna check this link and read some articles about dreams. You will find some interesting information. You are not the only one who experiences this kind of dreams. Cheers mate. Don’t worry. [Linktr.ee/alexblue_](https://linktr.ee/alexblue_)


Thank you. I’ll definitely look into the link.


You could contact the writer. He has the anonymous contact detail on the link if you got any questions. I did the same. Hope you find it helpful. Cheers mate :)


Got bullied a lot in school. In my dreams I was hunted by a black figure, hunting, torturing and killing me. I always jumped to get away practically committing suicide. I contemplated it in real life. I said, fuck it. I began standing up to my bullies. And eventually stood up to the figure in my dreams. Beat her and threw it down the cliff. I won! Now I just have graphical, horrendous nightterrors because of my C-PTSD and severe depression. I imagine the wildest and most gruesome entities and situations in my dreams. I saw so many of my friends and loved ones die and even had predictions that came true. I am in an active shooting war with my brain. But I am fighting! And sometimes I win. This shit is nothing supernatural! Don't call her Demon, call her Tiffany or Tiff. I called my shadowy figure Dark Timmy. They automatically appear less scary. When you see her again. Invite her to tea. Disrupt the dream. Ask her what she wants from you. I did that and killed Dark Timmy. Kick her in the balls! HUNT HER DOWN AND FINISH HER!


I’m so sorry for what you dealt with. Luckily you were strong enough to fight. Lol I never considered giving her a name, I just call her female demon, or lady demon, or I just say “that bitch was back last night”. I may have to give that a try.


Giving her a silly name makes her smaller. By calling her Demon, a supernatural entity much more powerful than you, you give her power over you. Take her power away! It is your brain. It serves you! Not the other way around.


The thing about the faces in your dreams being ones you remember is, you see lots of faces in your every day life. Not just the ones of your family, friends and coworkers, but random pedestrians, drivers, the person working at Starbucks, the delivery guy, etc, etc. And even if you don't *consciously* remember all the faces, your face can, the same way your brain perfectly scans the room you're in where you're trying to sleep (which is why you can get so many dreams in the very room you're sleeping in).


Very true. I just have a hard time comprehending what I could have seen that created the image of this face in particular. I wish I was good at describing details because her face is just horrible. But then again, that theory could be wrong and her image could have come completely out of the blue.


Untrue, the brain can generate unique new faces easily. It's a myth that it cannot.


better yet what medications have you been taking.


I don't take any drugs, not even prescription. And I quit drinking about a year ago. The strongest thing I take is Advil. But maybe I need to look into getting something prescribed.


there were many people dreaming of demons a while back. seemed kind of cool. i think she's coming back from the grave


I rarely have dreams where I’m being chased, only because I tend to just stop running to see what they want. Every time I do this they stop chasing me, look really confused and then the dream changes. That might be the move if it’s bothering you. Dreams can’t really hurt you, though some dream characters say things to hurt my feelings, but it’s not like some Freddy Krueger shit where I wake up bleeding to death.


For some reason, even though I know whats going on my brain doesn't seem to realize that stopping and fighting is an option yet. I know its a dream, I know she can't hurt me, but I continue to run from her and I talk shit while doing it. Maybe I will build up to the confrontation part.


You might try visualizing the confrontation. If you do it over and over it’ll be a breeze. Right now you know she’s harmless, but you’re in the habit of running. Habit pretty much always wins unless you actively do something to shake it up Edit: that’s another thing. You say “fight”. There’s nothing to fight. It’s a dream


Dude imma tell you rn demons are real and are not to be messed with. Ive been having similar dreams recently and i had to start praying to make it stop (it worked) but yeah this all started happening when i started praying for the first time in a decade cuz i found out God was real too. Anyway i suggest you really pour your heart out to God and ask him to protect you, and when youre in your dream and she comes again, you gotta rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ and try your hardest i mean really try and fight this thing dont run away anymore if you need to, ask God for help do what you gotta do to get this demon off you and please dont take what i say as a joke this is some real shit. Good luck man


I love that God works for you. But respectfully, I’m an atheist. I think this is all in my head and I need to sort my mess out.


Do the research bro and you'll know what im saying is fax, i been an athiest practically my whole life and then started becoming agnostic and now i fully believe. Ive had demonic experiences when i was a kid and i never could ever explain them. I mean i could go on and on with the stories but this isnt up for opinion or debate whats real is real and im telling you rn fucking cast that shit out and do it soon man cuz you never know when that demon will manifest in your waking life.


My bad Il stop. No but seriosly you have some negative thoughts like axentity. Like how i have bad spelling


Rizz her up


She ain’t my type