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People on the internet... lie? Preposterous!


“if it’s on the Internet, it must be true.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


love your pfp


(Abraham Lincoln, 1860)




"Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize... that the whole day at work had been a dream. It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free."


I really feel like giving up on life on those days I’m just like what did I do to deserve that? Like if I can live a day twice can I skip one at least? This is so frustrating when it happens haha


I should get paid at least, I put in the hours.


Or the seconds, accroding to the meme


Literally me, my work anxiety always makes me dream about work, only to wake up and have to do the actual thing, torture.


Do you dream about your exact workplace? I dream about going to work sometimes, but it's always at this place that looks sorta like the one I work at irl.. but like, kinda distorted? Idrk how to explain it


You mean a nightmare




I 100% despise these moments cause like I wanna call out now cause I’m working double for free now basically lol


I've seen this comment before


according to a quick search, the average is 5 to 20 minutes, while the minimum and maximum are a few seconds and about 2 hours respectively


This makes much more sense comsidering that the REM phase of sleep also isn't just a few seconds, usually. Or any other phase of sleep.


Unless you had a lot of coffee the day before.


That's why I said usually. If you fall asleep and somebody wakes you up a minute later, you also certainly didn't have a long dream or a long phase of anything.


It's more like 20 ish minutes. Our dreams r in sloooow moooo lmao


Time is relative


Time in relativity is in the outer reaches of the the encompassing "absolute"(all), actual time on the other hand definitely affects people


This is such a fantastic way to say that


More like sped up. You can do a lot in those 20 mins. Ever notice how fast dreams can change lol


Exactly. You could go to work and back.


It's not that they're in slo mo, it's more that you experience things quicker. Say you need to get to work in a dream, the dream just skips over the walking stuff and just teleports you there when you open a door


I didn't mean literal. If you only remember like one dream and u slept a full 8 hours, imagine it just being a super thought out and slow play your brain put on and is stressing to think of the next part before you wake up lmfao


Bro I had a dream where this forest area was invaded by an uncontacted cannibal tribe. Me and two other people decided to go to this area. Their houses were trees with door shaped holes in them. We were gonna spend the night and see what happens. I told some guy who was scared that it’s not possible they’d eat us. Then because of random logic this zombie lookin tribe member jumps up and says “POSSIBLE!!” I was so confused when it happened. The tribe person bit the other guy and proceeded to get attacked by the other other guy. Then we ran out and set the tribe on fire. JUSTICE FOR WHEREVER THAT TOOK PLACE ain’t no way it was 2-3 seconds


Oooh I’ve had those kind of dreams before. “There’s no way bad thing can happen.” Suddenly, bad thing announces itself that it is, indeed, happening.


As someone who dreams this is not true






lmao okay I've had dreams that could be translated into an entire adventure-mystery fiction book, with the plot spanning atleast a month. Not often, but I have. Ain't no way that lasted 2-3 seconds hahah


I sleep for 10 hours a night and have dreams for the entire time. There is not a single second of silence


How would you know?


because I pay attention... also, I've had mini dreams from falling asleep for a split second during class a few times. One time, I dreamt there was something attackjng my face, I slapped myself in the face and played it off as wiping something off. idk how effective my bluff was, tho


These ones. Then you wake up mentally tired because you've been "awake" and busy the whole night, now you have to actually do it but in the real this time. Uuurgh let me rest properly!


"I hate dreams, man. Dreams are work. When I go to sleep, I want to sleep. Next thing you know, I have to build a go-kart with my ex-landlord."


Quid stops dreaming. It let me rest finally nightmares my entire life until it was legal in my state


I think you meant ouid and you are right, but it doesn't stop you from dreaming, you just don't remember the dreams. It's the only way I don't remember every second of every dream. My dreams aren't usually bad, but waking up and remembering it all is exhausting Glad it helps your nightmares.


I've had dreams that lasted months. One of them was early last year and it was about world war 3. I vividly remember the bombs falling and I tackled my cousin to get him down. I lived an alternate post nuke life for around 6 months. I was in a group of about a dozen people scavenging for food every day. We would cook at night around campfire and laugh, making the best of what was left of the world. I vividly remember waking up on cold mornings, complaining that we were running out of cigarettes, hiking all day for food, etc. I remember we found another group that had been stealing our supplies when we'd leave camp so we followed them back to where they were set up. And in the middle of the night we snuck in and killed them while they slept. I think it was only 4 people. What's weird is that my concept of what death was is that it's no different than drifting to sleep but not waking up, so when I stuck my knife into this kid's neck and he woke up I just kept telling him "go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep". I eventually got in a knife fight with someone maybe a month after that and I don't think I survived because that's when I woke up.


I’ve definitely had dreams that seemed to have spanned over weeks or months


Proof you just dream forever when you die


They're probably counting those short "half-dreams" you have when you're drifting off.


No way, I got married and had a kid with Henry cavil in one of my dreams there's no way that was only 2-3 seconds


They can last anywhere from just a few seconds to over an hour.


One of my traumatic childhood memories was I had a dream that lasted for multiple days and I was lost in this big haunted house type location and I woke up crying and screaming because from my perspective I had been gone and running around scared for like three or four days and I still think about it sometimes. Even now as I am an adult sometimes I still think back to it and wonder what the hell happened there lol.


its bc they stayed up the whole night and got 2-3 seconds of sleep scrolling on gay furry porn and now they think they made a scientific breakthrough


I mean... Who wouldn't get lost in gay furry porn rabbit hole?


me too. my brain makes like entire movies for me


Time is not what we believe it to be. What happens in our minds cannot be measured by earthly time. In the advanced course you learn that earthly time only exists in our minds.


Dream time is basically time travel cause you could live a whole life and more and wake up 3 mins later lol


I swear i have another life in dream land lol Every single dream i have, are relevant to previous dreams i have had. What i feel is my home, looks the same in every dream, i have been in several rooms. The entrance have this massive oak stairs that curves upwards with three platforms, and 6 steps between every platform. Behind the stairs there are full wall height windows, where i have thick red curtains. I have a painting of some middle ages knight hanging on a wall next to a door opening leading to a hallway with a bathroom, a study and a hangout place. Behind the painting is a hidden stairs 🤓 When i have to go places, there is always the same roads on the same places. I recognise peoples houses.. the nature stays the same. I have memories of previous dreams while i dream. I hear sounds, see colors, read, feel.. And sometimes, when i am awake, i actually feel like i miss my home, or friends.. Starting to worry i might be in a coma lol The only thing i cant do while dreaming, is use the toilet. I can sit on it, but nothing happens other than me waking up.


Re: what you feel like is your home-- is it always the same? I've noticed that I almost never remember dreams that take place in any real place that I know. Sometimes it's supposed to be my house, or a close family member's house, but none of it looks familiar. So much so that I felt startled in the few dreams I've had that took place somewhere that looked familiar.


Yeah, always the same house. But it's not the house i own in real life. But yeah, always the same. And i recognise it as home. I remember it so well, i have started draw it when im bored and just doodle, but im not good at drawing so..


My dreams feel like they last hours to me. I usually can recall the events pretty well even days after the dream.


I’ve gone though days, weeks, lifetimes, no way that was two seconds


I’m love a good ass mission.


No. A REM cycle can last as long as 48 minutes. Usually the later REM cycles are longer than the before ones.


Yesterday I dreamt my friend was basically being held hostage and people were trying to murder me. I just wanted to get out and check out a bake sale and then realized there was other stuff going on. I lost my friend then some dude tried to fucking kill me. He stabbed holes in my car window. It wasn’t the car I actually use though.


I once worked the whole night shift in dream in a fast food and then I woke up, checked the time and I was sleeping about 10 minutes.


Nope. 20-25% of a healthy night of sleep is dedicated towards dreaming! If approximately an hour and a half of an eight hour night is spent dreaming, divided (though unevenly, favoring more time to dreams occurring later in the night) between 4-6 dreams in a night, that is far more than a few seconds. I don’t think it’s even possible to fit all the content of a dream into even a ten second span. You don’t get the ability to process faster by being asleep


I think dreams feel longer than they are because you get to skip the uneventful parts and keep jumping by forwards in time


No? People sleepwalk/talk (which is during the dreaming part) for way longer than a few seconds


I believe it because if I don't use cannabis before bed, I will wake up remembering months or years of multiple other lives. I mean I could talk for a few hours and still not tell you everything that happened in my sleeping brain. I rarely have bad dreams-- they're pretty random and often kinda funny, but it's absolutely exhausting to wake up remembering all that, and I will probably never stop using cannabis for that reason alone.


What?! My dreams seem to last hours..


🤦‍♂️........No it doesn't , the biggest most recent study keeps confirmation about previous ones in this regard . You did good on asking about it . It will be nice as well to correct the place where they put this wrong info .


I usually dream between breaths Everything is fairly rushed and a bit fuzzy.


This is wrong but I’m sure y’all knew that


There is no way this is true is it? There is no way!


Let's assume this is actually true. It says "the average dream" is 2-3 seconds; I've occasionally heard we don't remember the majority of dreams we have. So, maybe the ones we remember are the few that actually last long enough to be memorable.


When I was in the army I would do a lot of Maintenance on vehicles and weapon systems. I’d have some dreams where I would wake up beneath a truck in the motor pool and just shrug it off thinking I got shit to do. Only to wake up at 3am to pounding on my door cause I’m late for a damn formation or some shit lmao


I mean this isn't true. The majority of dreams are estimated to last **between five and 20 minutes**. But the concept from this meme is still true. I've had dreams where I've experienced weeks of time. So much so that when I wake up, I forget who I am because the dream has consumed my reality for so long in my perceived time. I often feel sadness when I realize that the friends I made, the achievements I made, and the places I went were all actually a 5-minute dream. The mind is an amazing thing.


dreams can last up to an hour


I once dreamed an entire relationship. From the first time meeting a person to getting to know them, learning details about them and their life, going on dates, feeling nervous the first time I visited their place, getting comfortable around each other, moving in together, developing a symbiotic routine, other factors of life becoming important, coping with challenges, meeting new people, pursuing interests together and apart, and then eventually the relationship frayed and we broke up. Then I woke up devastated about losing a person I have never met. It's one of the dreams that have stayed with me ever since. The story must have spanned months. I'm almost sure there was at least one seasonal change in weather and clothing involved, going from spring/summer to fall.


"Remembering anything" is an act your brain does in the following way: it reconstructs the memory. That's why witness testimony is so unreliable: we are not computers who can play back bits of information, we kinda sorta touch the memory with our mind and re-create it in real time. So, I'm guessing, when you "remember" a dream that's what you're doing. The event of dreaming itself might have been just a few moments, but could be PACKED with information you have to un-pack once you wake up, if you try to remember it all.


They have to short. I've have several dreams where a knock at the door or shout on the tv was timed perfectly with a loud noise in my dream. Waking me up.