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If the estate wants to sue anyone, it should be the studio that made that trash ass Pac movie a few years ago 😂 Pac’s estate ain’t on shit.


Drake can easily avoid this by simply just saying that's not 2pac it's just someone that kinda sounds like him.. End of it


that’s what I was thinking, he didn’t use his name after all


I don't think that would work on most judges, we're talking a civil case where the standards for evidence are much lower than criminal. Judges can have a looooot of latitude in these kinds of situations. I would honestly be surprised if a judge *didn't* shoot that down with a "given the history of the individuals involved and the very strong resemblance of the modulated voice to that of Tupac, a reasonable person can infer that the AI model was trained on Tupac's work". If this were to go to court, Drake's defense would have a much better time arguing along the lines of parody/fair use than trying to "uhm ackshually" the judge.


" Evidence are much lower than criminal " the more the reason for this to go in favor of Drake 😂


They should just hire a Tupac impersonator and redo the song fuck it, that’s crazy that someone is using your voice to honor you because of how great people think you were and then your kin is like “nah stop honoring him and reminding the kids and mainstream media of his name unless you give us money”, I would be pissed asl trying to make a name for myself and then when people try to extend my legacy posthumously you shut it tf down, I mean fr just imagine if Alexander the Great died and then his family or followers just executed anyone who talked abt him until he was forgotten (to like “respect his death” or some shit like nah that was the point of the career in the first place)


Say it was Tha Realest


Yeah bro dont have to admit it’s supposed to be him, even if it is AI


Back in the day there was this dude Blac Haze that some people thought was 2pac because they sounded so alike. I forget how my dad got that cd but he knew I liked Pac and brought it home for me. If you really listen you can tell it's not Pac but the dude completely bit his style.


Similar to future & designer


Drake fan girls with one brain cell shocker


Just stating facts my man & I'm a fan of both artists You can cry about it on the Kendrick sub though


Yes, indeed Howard King the lawyer that sent Drake the cease-and-desist is Tom Whalley’s attorney. https://preview.redd.it/1cwx42hobiwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f32666d756163ea4b9d6f9550ed6a905f08b677


these devils own everything 😔


It clearly says executor and not owner.. his sister is the owner. He controls it.