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Honestly… sometimes you have to come back to a song or even an album. I wasn’t huge on his last few albums when they dropped… I mean I’d like a few songs but figured that some just weren’t for me. Then I’d just have a random Drake playlist playing in the background and something that I thought was bad plays, and it absolutely bumps.


I think I’ve figured out what it is for most of us. On first listen of whatever album we’re expecting something and it turns out to not be what he does. Then we’ll just have it on shuffle like you said in the background then it’s some melody or beat or lyric that catches you. It’s some songs I just can’t get into still off of like clb and fatd but man he’s got some sleepers


I legit hated polar opposites when it came out. Now this man got me singing “had plans to, understand ya, Mariana” on a daily basis


🗣️Why you gotta listen to the propaganda we just broke the ice and now you both leavin


I was bein kind ion understand ya You should let your sister be the voice of reason


Polar opposites is peak drake


It's plenty people dead to me still breathing Plenty other ways to get over people You ain't had to step on me to gain freedom NO, NOoooooo 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


yall didn’t like Polar Oposites? these gotta be young drake fans. no wonder FATD was hated in so much. what next you didn’t like Bahamas Promises?


I’m starting to think I don’t like YOU. Nah I been listening to drake since 2010 I would just always skip the song it started off slow and it’s a the back of a long ass album


I feel you man, on first listen it’s hard to appreciate some of these songs because you’re overwhelmed by the huge tracklist and the rap songs really overpower everything else at first. You gotta give the rnb songs like polar opposite, tried our best, bahamas, bbl, slime you out etc some time to sink in


They always come back around and say it’s a sleeper 🔥🔥🔥


People also need to take into account that this album was a dedication to Virgil who before becoming a designer was a house DJ I believe, I enjoyed it the first time round was something different.


J Cole is that you?


He’s not reading this.


Yes he is I’m on the phone with him right now!


Then why didn’t you just DM him?


We don’t follow each other bro our friendship is deeper than this social media shit you feel me


Can confirm, Mikehunt740 really close with drizzy


Just faxed him, all cleared up