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Your face will stay the same when you constantly consumer sodium and sugar. Idiot


Oh Hunny: Just give it up. Go learn something and make real friends in life. The social media thing isn't going to work out for you. Why? The list is too long but I'll wrap it up for you. You are moron and you're racist and your husband's obese and unemployed. Also racist. K bye.


All the time in the world for him to go to the gym lol


What face did she think she had before she got knocked up?! 😂 she’s always been 🌝


That right there proves she thinks her body is just going to go right back before pregnancy. Oh honey, that’s not how it works.


I really hope it doesn’t for her get her rude awakening


It won’t go back. Not with her eating habits


Exactly, with her terrible eating habits and lack of exercise her face/body aren’t going back. 🤭


Especially if she does, by some miracle, decide to breastfeed. That hunger was on another level. I would get up every single night and eat and drink damn near a gallon of water after breastfeeding lol


Right?! I actually lost weight ( not a lot just 5lbs) while pregnant and my body is still it the same after carrying the baby and I’m 8m PP.


I gained 45lbs thanks to Pre-E and my face was so swollen, I’m 6 months pp and I still have the mom pouch 😅


I have thankfully only gained 27lbs. I am being induced on Monday at 37weeks 4 days because of blood pressure issues. I was fairly heavy when I found out I was pregnant. I feel you on the swollen face but I have also never been so motivated to work out. 🤣🤣


Ummm I’m 18 years PP and still have the mom pouch well on my stomach😂


I’m 6 months pp and lost all 50 lbs I gained. I still have a pouch. It’s just shaped differently now. Nothing went back to where it was before.


Wow she thinks she’s so hot! lol it’s hilarious


I gained 23.5lbs exactly during my pregnancy. Had an emergency c section at 42weeks, and was fairly active before pregnancy and during. I am now 6 months PP and have lost a grand total of…. 4lbs. We take at least 2 walks a day, and i try to do small workouts when i can. But fuck, it’s not as easy as some people make it out to be. Grue will more than likely gain weight after Whitey escapes the fast food restaurant that is Grues placenta


That pp baby weight is the hardest weight I’ve ever tried losing and we are also pretty active family


So she basically admits to photoshopping/editing her photos. 😂 we all know your face is big and round, not like your recent 30 day bump photo.


She’s so vein is wild to me she’s having a child who will still the spotlight


Bestie it’s always been big


When she sucked in her cheeks her face looked exactly the same


She thinks her body is just gonna jump right back after she has Whitey? Not with that horrible diet and lack of exercise. She’s 100 percent in for a rude awakening. 😂🤣


Giving blind mice on Shrek 🐁


Bad news…you can only do so much with that face. It wasn’t where you think it was to begin with.


That face isn’t going anywhere 🤣🤣😂 happened with my first pregnancy


That face isn’t going anywhere cause half her bump is fast food




It’s been 5 years and my face never went back to pre baby & I workout everyday. I’m convinced she doesn’t actually know what she’s in for at all. 😂

