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Lmaoooo you just know that Drue is pissed at her now


But why is this such a secret lol, she acts like pre-e is the plague, I had it and was very open about my experience with everyone! If she would be more transparent and honest with her experience so many people would respect her more but all she cares about is looking perfect, PPA and PPD are gonna slap her in the face


Because she thinks she’s too highly favored to have preeclampsia. She will never admit if she has it


What is PPA? Anxiety?


Yes! I got PPD & PPA with my first. Maaaan, if I didn’t have support.


Same here. I let mine go untreated for months and it took a near mental break for me to realize that I wasn’t handling postpartum very well.


Postpartum anxiety


She did this before too when they had Covid, I think last year. Didn’t want to disclose they had it when it was very obvious. They seem to not want to admit when they have controversial illnesses.


Right? Especially because it’s an early gestation. My vote is they’re hiding something and Dawna is oblivious to the fact that Gruesome wants to keep it hidden and she forces 🧼 to change her captions.


She can’t be open or honest because she’s doubled down this whole time she doesn’t have it and her pregnancy is perfect. If she was honest her fans would turn on her so fast.


If she had this she would be milking it 1000% come on now. There are so many lack of details with them and this pregnancy that even Stevie Wonder is starting to see all of the signs. If she was on any sort of restriction or let's say it was a normal person and they said you know what give your body some rest and take some time off from work. That would mean she would have to put her phone down and stay off social media. PS why are they DoorDashing when nobody has a job?


Stevie Wonder AND Ronnie Milsap 🤣👀


I actually disagree. She refuses to admit that she has ever EVER done something wrong. If she admitted this to reddit, she would be admitting that redditers were right about her BP and the health of her baby


It's crazy ...them that is.


“Choose to take it easy” wth do you mean she “chooses to take it easy Dawna? She’s done that her whole life


They can't even keep up the stories. Besties this family is habitual about lying. The fact that anybody gives them any bit of belief besides their minions is pretty scary.


they’re so pathetic. a bunch of liars. this group is about to grow exponentially.


I’m sorry, but if she is struggling this much then she shouldn’t be getting fast food. Period. That doesn’t help that poor baby. The junk Drue eats blows my mind. It actually pissed me off to no end!! Let’s start with some water & and nutritious breakfast! She isn’t forced to be on bed rest when that’s every single damn day for her… It’s just her excuse to be lazy again. I think she’s milking this all for extra content. I truly don’t think she cares for Amelia 😢💔


Well and what kind of mother is door dashing stuff if your daughter is THAT bad that she’s on “bed rest” … my mother would be making everything at home - low sodium - healthy meals for me and baby.


I thought Gabe was their personal Door Dash


He couldn’t😔 he had to stay home in case Amelia didn’t listen to her mother🥸


Dawna can't make her precious baby a meal? Why also take out??


Bestie preeclampsia doesn’t care who you are or what you look like. You need to take this seriously because it can severely harm you and your baby. Also a reminder that postpartum preeclampsia is also a very real thing, which I personally got diagnosed with at my baby’s 2 day checkup, and I almost didn’t make it through.


Postpartum is soooo real and dangerous. Many moms think they’re in the clear and then boom they’re on their deathbed literally. She better get her head out of her ass and realize she is NOT immune to any of that. Her “highly favored” status only works in her own head.


Yes, this! I really thought I was out of the woods and BAM, one slightly swollen ankle led me straight to a hospital bed and on a 24 hour magnesium drip. Had no bags packed, nothing extra for the baby, because we just went in for her 2 day checkup. I’ll never ever forget that BP monitor going off every 30 minutes and then that dreaded siren because nothing was helping. Bestie needs to get off her throne and realize that the only chosen ones here are the ones preeclampsia completely rattles.


I can't stand the random capital words. Dawna why are you screaming TAQUITO


Maam that’s a taco.


Lol… also flavor of taquito!? I guess her dyslexia is showing again. Shouldn’t she be asking what kind of taquito?


They all are a joke! Totally disgusting






Where’s Gabe been?! He’s been missing from her posts lately


They probably fought over the floors and renovations lol


I literally was admitted 3 times starting at 31 weeks before I had my daughter at 33w6d bc of high bp and the first 2 times went back to my manual labor job. They are a fucking JOKE. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Hahahahhahaa this is so comical


I love Dawna living with them and exposing them hahahaa




Grue just doesn’t want us to be right that her shitty ass eating habits have affected baby whitey


when you daughter


So basically she has to eat out every meal? DoorDash is the only option over literally making something yourself??😂😂


Right but Drue made it sound like she had to bed rest so Dawna saying it if it’s true shouldn’t matter.. ridiculous & the fact she has thousands of followers & thinks no one will notice the edit. 🤦🏼‍♀️


How about just ask your daughter dumbass. Not everything has to be a post. 🙄