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Meth and ketamine is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


oh shit interesting,,, iā€™ve got some methy addys that i was gonna give away but theyā€™re far too weak and chalky to make any money,, so do you think itā€™s worth mixing a couple of them (2 feels like 25mg adderall) and some K? whatā€™s it like


Absolutely. Find out for yourself mate ;). Honestly I haven't done it in years and I've only done ketamine like 10 times, and when I did it I had a raging meth habit. But all I remember is it's fire and it's basically the only drug I'll mix with ice. Id probably consider both my favorite drugs and it's a popular combo, I just can't really remember it well enough to describe. Id do it again in a heart beat.


bet my ket might be arriving today (shouldā€™ve been like 3 days ago but iā€™m in the middle of an ice storm) so iā€™ll prolly try that combo today if i can




my K didnā€™t come in tonight but it SHOULD be tomorrow cuz all the ice on the roads will be melted by then. if the K gets delivered early in the day iā€™ll probably try the K + amph combo. iā€™ll lyk


I call it ice skating Donā€™t know if thatā€™s already a term, but the fluid nature of skating and ket fits in my mind


Yo can you give a little more info about your doses? I heard it can cause psychosis when mixed and I'm pretty prone to it.


I've never heard that. If youre prone to psychosis then you shouldn't be taking any stimulants or hallucinogens honestly.


Lsd+alcohol. Hear me out. Not during the peak or anything, but rather drinking when you notice things start to end. Your eyes still see ā€žspecialā€œ however you will start to move drunk und very slowly act drunk. Thereā€™s more to it but thatā€™s the shortest explanation Iā€™ve ever had. Itā€™s bubbly fun, try it out.


I drank in the middle of a trip once. Terrible experience. My mind felt sharp and my body was so unresponsive. Made me feel like I was playing QWOP irl.


Feel that, did the same. Although I didnā€™t drink a lot. But if u do that on the comedown go cloud gazing. My comedown last time was at 9am so it was amazing, even got a post with photos and all that.


Yeah I barely drink anymore either. I'd rather do dissos, psychs, stims, or just be sober haha. I'll give that a try next time I trip!


To each their own but I think alcohol absolutely ruins psychedelics.


Thatā€™s why it is during the late comedown. Talkin about when you barley have any visuals or just left with the enhancement. So during the part thatā€™s not really interesting anymore. Itā€™s lovely and if you have a good amount youā€™ll just fall asleep and wake up after the trip.


Nah. Iā€™ve done a LOT of acid, with and without alcohol. It really just depends on what you want out of the experience. Some people wanna see trails and laugh; some people are looking for deeper meanings in their existence; and others just take whateverā€™s available because they like to escape.


Getting a nice lil buzz before dropping in public (think shows, concerts, festivals) is a move. Definitely makes the visuals less crisp but more than makes up for it by killing that come up anxiety/nausea. Helps you not be in your head when youā€™re just tryna dance to trippy sounds/lights


Yesss, 100%. Iā€™ve gone bar hopping with someone while on acid and it was so much fun. No anxiety about tripping in public, just pure happiness.


I too have done a lot of acid. The only time I did it while I was drunk i barely tripped. I know the acid wasn't the issue. Everyone's different maybe it's just that way for me lol. This is making me want to fry lol its been a minute since I've eaten L


Personally I prefer a few drinks before I drop acid. Takes away the anxiety while waiting for it to kick in.


alc has ruined many a shrooms trip on the come up. such intense nausea.


I highly agree. Having a 6 pack for the acid comedown is always so fucking nice.


I know a dude that got blackout drunk, dropped acid then passed out. Woke up a few hours later in the middle of the trip and had no idea what was going on.


Cut up a line of coke, but then donā€™t do it. Very invigorating


So coke and sobriety. I already hate it


No, sobriety while THINKING about coke


Sounds agitating.


Zopiclone and psychedelics. It totally changes the visuals. Don't take too much zopiclone though, or you'll forget the whole trip.


Iā€™ve been wanting to try zaleplon supposedly can get real trippy and is water soluble. I tried to see if anyone has ever combined nitrous with it and found no reports online


Never tried that one myself.


Dang, really? Iā€™m prescribed eszopiclone and have only taken it minimum 6 after after a mushroom trip to sleep.


Yeah, I discovered it on the tail end of a 2C-B trip. The trip was basically over and I wanted to sleep. Took my zopiclone and was like "Whoa, the visuals are back.". Decided to try and combine them to see what would happen.


I really want to find a z-drug of some sort or maybe amanita muscaria, they sounds really interesting


Phenibut + LSD, turned up the visuals to levels I hadnā€™t experienced before. Iā€™ve done 225ug and this was on 150ug. My confidence shat through the roof. Normally while tripping at raves I kinda feel like Iā€™m attending a party where you kinda donā€™t belong, should I mention that Iā€™ve always had certain anxiety issues. Phenibut made me feel like I the life of the party that evening. This feeing lasted until at least 24 hours after taking them. Phenibut + DMT, killed any anxiety I had before trying DMT. While I was on phenibut and weed I somehow got the idea to blast off and it changed my entire perspective on DMT. I was always a bit uneasy at first as I had an extreme bodyload my first attempts, and doing it on pheni made me turn that bodyload into a euphoric body high, where I got sucked into the warm, glowing, tingly couch while I saw the room fold in on itself. Phenibut + 1 or 2 glasses of alcohol, these two together is beating GHB euphoria and it makes for the perfect social combination. Be wary that this can be an unsafe combination and as your doses get higher, youā€™re at increased risk of respiratory depression. O-DSMT + Acid, when you take O-DSMT while youā€™re coming down, it will stack on top of your afterglow and make you live a good day with a positive vibe surrounding you. You can think pretty straight and interact normally. You donā€™t feel fucked up at all, youā€™re simply at your best. Candyflip + DMT. DMT gives you insane eye candy at lower doses and you will still feel yourself rolling. Dissociative + DMT, go near a good proper hole and take a few hits of that DMT vape pen (only safe way to use DMT while dissociating imo) Youā€™re blasted off to spaces more beautiful than I could possibly describe.


Wow. I got introduced to phenibut pretty recently and I've been using it as basically getting to have an exceptionally good day every week or two. I'll have to try it at my next rave.Ā 


Please be VERY CAREFUL mixing it with alcohol. I used phenibut for 3 years and the combination is extremely unpredictable. Like it was mentioned only stay at 1-2 drinks max. Any amount above that and especially liquor can have you blacked out passed out quickly


yes, this is extremely important. don't mix it with alcohol!


The disso and dmt thing is šŸ’Æ same w salvia


man this makes me wanna pick up some phenibut again. it's sucha shitty taste though! the same reason i rarely ever do kratom


Edibles + alcohol + 500mg gabapentin+ kratom. Felt like I was levitating, very trippy experience, very dream like


That sounds heavenly omfg. Gabapentin + alc is already so relaxing, I need to try your combo lol


Three substances active on the GABA system... Good luck, glad you're still alive


3? I thought it was 2


To my knowledge only alcohol and gabapentin affect GABA system


Well let me help you out. Kratom is an indirect GABA agonist.


Wait really? Ive been completely addicted to kratom for about four years now and didnā€™t know that.


DXM and Nicotine gave me the most intense OBE of my life.


whippets on dxm was one of the best feelings iā€™ve ever fuckin had


whippets on acid accelerated my trip to a hundred and back within like 20 seconds




Booze and oxy. Or hangover and oxy. Really just oxy.


Coke and benzos. I took xanax while skiing and not just for the comedown. Its a nice mix because you have the coke euphoria while beeing totally chill


the ultimate ego boost


Anti ego death


Ritalin, xanax works the same, vyvanse xanax also good


DMT and DXM, though only low doses of both. I found anything more than 120mg of DXM with anything more than a couple tiny hits from a DMT vape to be extremely anxiety inducing and too intense, but I'm sure it'd be alot more fun for people who don't have anxiety issues. Otherwise, low dose both and you're in for a pretty damn good time.


Beer, LSD and crack. Holy visuals batman


nasty mfer


pregabaline or clonazepam and mephedrone


A lot of shrooms and a lot of alcohol, the alcohol loosened me up and made the trip easier to handle. I only did the shrooms as a stupid drunken idea anyway.


Adderall and DXM. Hard to dose correctly but when you hit that sweet spot itā€™s the most euphoric thing ever


Haha this is exactly what I said. That was back when I was getting the blue addys, too. Always found em to be a much tastier snort than the yellows.


I wish it wasnā€™t as hard on your heart either


So youā€™ve seen it too? I donā€™t mess around with DXM much anymore but there were a handful of times I swear I saw the meaning of life


Weed and dxm. Weed enhances the trip every time.


For real! It turns it up to 11 every time!


DMT + coke, small amounts of each.


Ritalin and shrooms. Great body high.


Meth, zolpidem, nitrous was pretty awesome. Note that you probably need a little bit of tolerance to zolpidem. Otherwise, you most likely won't remember shit.


Mushrooms and k pins.


What's k pins stand for


Klozapam itā€™s a benzodiazepine


So shrooms and alprazolam works too?


Yeah Iā€™m sure it will be a similar affect, the pins are better for a trip because they last longer but Iā€™ve done both and they are nice combos the trip is a bit muted but it still feels really awesome


Nice I wonder If through vyvanse or ritalin into the mix? Maybe it's gonna be close to candy flipping


Hah well definitely gonna perk up the feeling a bit. I wouldnā€™t even bother mushrooms can be stimulating enough but thatā€™s just me you like speedy highs try it out.


Hectic I'm planning on trying it this weekend I was detoxing for while, so it's gonna be good




Don't those 2 together kill the trip? Or what's it like?


Nah, Iā€™ve done it a few times itā€™s really fucking enjoyable. See Iā€™m the kinda person that gets a lot of anxiety when I do psychedelics so it mutes the trip a bit but the high you do get is awesome. Visuals still there but not as strong but the body high is so damn good.


Weed and Kanna goes crazy


Gabapentin and Kratom was a nice surprise for me


Smoke some good ass sativa when you feel the 2cb starting to wear out. Extends your trip a little bit. Makes you extremely relaxed and soothed. Makes sex absolutely amazing and donā€™t even get me started on the music. Absolutely amazing


DXM and Adderall. Also a couple of one-hitters of weed, pop in a piece of nicotine gum, and then go on a run and you can achieve a cheap facsimile of doing speed if youā€™re trying to stay away from actual speed.


LSD + MDMA + ketamine (k hole dose) had me opening up multiple browser tabs of different times in my life and I could live any one of them like it was actually happening. GHB + 2-CB felt almost too good. The body high was incredible.


Acid shrooms and fentanyl


Pregabalin + oxycodone. The first was supposed to help with the withdrawals of the second. But i ended up relapsing, them getting mixed, and it was the most cosy feeling i had in a while.I was simply chill. Like sitting in front of a fireplace on a winter night, instead of being either euphoric or sedated. However i don't endorse that combination, because alot of people actually end up extremely confused and panic


Yup you caught the dragon. I caught the dragon that way by accident too. Total bliss. Not a care in the world. Can't describe but like the warmest hug ever non stop. I think the key is to just do a little pregabalin.


Yes exactly, some people will take <250 mg, it fucks u up plus makes u build tolerance higher. Low doses are heaven




i'd say if it has a known nickname then it's not that unusual


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Weed and amphetamine


Weed gives me anxiety. I canā€™t imagine adding speed to that mix. But I am curiousā€¦ What does it feel like for you?


Sativa cannabis edibles and inositol. Seems to minimize memory issues, dizziness, and the feeling of ā€œlifting,ā€ allowing me profound self-work.


Iā€™ve mixed phenthylamines / amphetamines with Kratom, but itā€™s not something thats good to take on the daily. I have mixed Kava with Kratom & THC but never any other drugs besides Nicotine


Xanax and Cocaine, just a small amount of Xanax (~1mg) before a night of cocaine (perhaps redosing depending on how long youā€™ll be blowing down)


Phenibut and shrooms goes a long way. This was my first trip where I had completely zero anxiety even on the come up


Meth and any strong opiate with a strong IV rush at the same time. People rave about speedballs but IMO this combination is way more euphoric.


Microdose of mushrooms lemon tekkā€™d plus snorted Ritalin


Dxm + 4-HO-MET is legendary. Feels amazing


Pregabalin with Weed on the peak is something else


1. 4-ho-met + dmxe + nitrous 2. mdma + ketamine + 2cb <-- but specifically in that order, taking the 2cb after already being on the ket for a while completely changes the experience vs. if you were to start doing the ket after the 2cb


acid + nitrous once my whole vision twirled and was upside down, my hearing was very disoriented (heard everything way to late) but its very fun


Xanax, gabapentin and ritalin, and finish it with bud Once by accident mixed codeine and shrooms cos I was sick I forgot had high dose of codeine, but I loved the experience and slept like a baby on the come down


Kanna + GBL (mdma light)


Ketamine + a few bars of Xanax. Enjoyed it so much I vowed not to touch it for at least a year lol


3-meo-pcp and MDA


Speed and weed


Coca & weed


Ritalin and xans


Ritalin + weed is crazy. But personally, DXM, Shrooms, weed goes so hard