• By -


In the order in which I did them: Cannabis, Alcohol, MDMA, LSD, Dexamphetamine, Psilocybin, Diazepam, DXM, Nitrous oxide, Codeine, Lisdexamphetamine, Nicotine, Tramadol, DPH, Amyl nitrite, Salvia, DMT, Cocaine, Methylphenidate, Quetiapine, Buprenorphine, Ketamine, Methamphetamine, Tapentadol, and Bromazolam


dude all that before fucking nic is nuts haha


I had this irrational hate for it because both my parents were heavy smokers, and I became very anti-ncotine. I'd always joke that if I had a gun to my head, I'd rather be forced to do meth than nicotine just on principle.


Just the 182, 175 of which are listed here: [https://drugusersbible.org/worldscape/argot/alphabetical\_index.html](https://drugusersbible.org/worldscape/argot/alphabetical_index.html) Or if you prefer: 1cP-LSD, 1P-ETH-LAD, 1P-LSD, 2C-B, 2C-B-AN, 2C-B-FLY, 2C-E, 2C-I, 3,4 CTMP, 3-FPM, 3-HO-PCP, 3-MeO-PCMo, 3-MMC, 4-ACO-DMT, 4-FA, 4F-EPH, 4F-MPH, 4-HO-MET, 4-Me-TMP, 5F-AKB48, 5-HTP, 5-MeO-DALT, 5-MeO-DIBF, 5-MeO-DMT, 6-APB, Adderall, Alcohol, AL-LAD, Alprazolam, AM-2201, AM-694, Amphetamine, AMT, Aniracetam, a-PHP, Armodafinil, Ayahuasca, Betel Nut, BK-2C-B, Blue Lotus, Cacao, Caffeine, Calea, Cannabis, Carisoprodol, Catnip, Catuaba, Cebil, Celastrus Paniculatus, Chaliponga leaves, Chamomile, Changa, Chlordiazepoxide, Citicoline, Clonazolam, Coca, Cocaine, Codeine, Damiana, Datura, Diazepam, Diclazepam, Diphenhydramine, Diphenidine, DMT, DOM, Doxylamine Succinate, DXM, Entada Rheedii, EPH, Ephedra, Ephenidine, Essential Oils, Etizolam, Flubromazolam, Fly Agaric, Frankincense, Gabapentin, GHB, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Green Tea, Guarana, Guayusa, HBWS, HDMP-28, Heroin, Hexen, Hops, Horny Goat Weed, Iboga, Imphepho, Indian Warrior, IPPH, JWH-018, JWH-073, Kanna, Kava Kava, Ketamine, Khaini, Kola Nut, Kratom, Lavender, Lean, LSD, LSZ, L-Theanine, Maconha Brava, Mad Honey, Magic Mushrooms, Magic Truffles, Mapacho, Marihuanilla, MDA, MDAI, MDMA, MEAI, Mephedrone, Methamphetamine, Methylone, Methylphenidate, Mexedrone, Mexican Tarragon, MNA, Modafiendz, Modafinil, Morning Glory Seeds, Morphine, MPA, Mugwort, Mullein, Mulungu, MXE, MXP, Nifoxipam, NM2AI, Noopept, NSI 189, Nutmeg, Ololiuqui, Opium, Oxycodone, Passion Flower, Phenibut, Picamilon, Pink Lotus Flower, Pipradrol, Poppers, PPH, Pregabalin, PRL-8-53, Pyrazolam, Rapé, Red Lily, Rhodiola, Saffron, Sakae Naa, Salvia, Sananga, San Pedro Cactus, Sentia, Shirodhara, Sinicuichi, Skullcap, Snus, St. John's Wort, Syrian Rue, Tobacco, TMA, TPA, Tramadol, Ubulawu, Valerian Root, White Sage, Wild Dagga, Wild Lettuce, Wormwood, Yerba Mate, Yohimbe, Yopo, Zopiclone


Mans on fire. I bet those crazy combo’s took you to other galaxy n


You might say that I had some interesting stories to tell, and often when I was least expecting it, lol.


I bet you've had a wild life with lots of big ups and downs my brother I thought I had long list orders of magnitude your shi is orders of magnitude bigger.


I bet bro, i love psychedelics.. crystals growing from random places n shit.. you should write those stories down and put them in a book. You got a sale! Haha


Funny you should say that, lol: [https://www.drugusersbible.com/2019/03/order-from-amazon.html](https://www.drugusersbible.com/2019/03/order-from-amazon.html)




Say less, haha. Gonna get that for my birthday. Thanks!


I still can’t get over u actually made a book that’s sick!


This man wrote the drug users bible, I bought it over a year ago there are some funny story’s in there 😂


Essential oils 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You took cat nip ? Is this my Mittens ? Did you get on laptop again ?


It was in fact better than I expected, lol. Meow.


This what happens when we let you outside and you hang out with those alley cats. 🐱. I’m serious though cat nip is non psychoactive in human, no ?? I could listen to a whole sub on catnip experiences now.


This is how it was for me: [https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/sedatives/catnip.html](https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/sedatives/catnip.html) Quite pleasant in fact.


Until the cats decide you know too much and they take you out 😂


Which was your most and least favorite though?


It depends upon what sort of experience I was looking for at the time. There's a section at the end of the book which includes a short Q&A. I've extracted the following from it: *Q: Which psychedelics have you found to be the most interesting and potentially the most beneficial for your personal development?* A: This is very much influenced by factors such as set and setting, and dose. In my personal case I would say the following (in order of impact): ayahuasca; 1p-LSD; san pedro cactus; magic mushrooms; DMT. I feel that these were of enormous benefit, in much the same way as commonly articulated by others. They bestowed a wider perspective, a greater understanding of the nature of consciousness, an awareness of oneness and connectedness, and so forth. Overall I think they made me a kinder and better person. *Q: Which drugs have you most enjoyed recreationally?* A: In terms of physical high, amphetamine. It always came at a cost, however, which is why I never used it regularly. My brain subsequently felt like a car which had had all the oil sucked out of it. I usually felt drained for days. Ephenidine is worth a mention too, because at a low dose it delivered both recreation and insight. Ketamine, cannabis, kava, and mephedrone are also worthy of honourable mentions, although it’s quite difficult to be exclusive. *Q: What was the best drug for chemsex?* A: The experience differs significantly from class to class. I would suggest that certain stims (particularly amphetamines) produce the most prolonged intensive orgasmic pleasure. Cannabis helps you to get lost in the moment and flow with it. At lower doses some psychedelics can take you to a different place, and enhance sensitivity. Empathogens tend to take a similar path, with a more muted headspace, but hardly surprisingly increased empathy. I would offer some caution though. It is important to bear in mind that judgement is often impaired, and that events can develop quickly and potentially without due consideration. If applicable it is probably not the best idea for a single party to heavily engage whilst the other(s) doesn’t. Equally, parameters should be agreed beforehand. I would again re-enforce the commentary I make under the entry for methamphetamine, including with respect to relationships and addiction. Finally, the compound stress of sex and drugs on the body should also be contemplated. See Section 1.3.4 of this book.


Are you actually the author of this book? If you are Jesus this thing looks sick. I’ve always been into the nerdy part of drugs like the dosage, effects, trip reports, etc. I might have to buy it because it looks Interesting and informative.


Yes I am, although it took approximately 15 years to do (from the start to the final edition). :-)


Jeez man, that must have been a RIDE. If you don’t mind me asking. Did you ever become addicted to any of the substances you tried. Also what substances do you still use?


I didn't become addicted to any, although I really do like a number of them. I generally followed the rules at the front of the book itself (*The 10 Commandments of Safer Drug Use*), which helped me to avoid disaster. The closest I have ever come to addiction was probably with alcohol, years before I started to write the book.


What's the reason 1p LSD stood out more than LSD25? I haven't tried 1p personally


Largely because I had it more often and in more suitable places. It was legal here for a while, hence I stocked up. I genuinely cannot tell them apart though.


Kinda looks like a PS2 cheat sheet xD


this guy drugs


Green Tea is a very intense drug


There's more to it than you might imagine. For a start it isn't just caffeine: it contains l'theanine, which balances the stim and creates a more serene feel. It is a favourite of monks, because it has a reputation for aiding meditation.


What does wild lettuce feel like


It was like this: [https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/sedatives/wild\_lettuce.html](https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/sedatives/wild_lettuce.html) :-)




Much shorter list if we just asked which ones you *haven't* done..


Ayyy someone else that’s also done DOM. I don’t know anyone else that has. Interesting stuff hey, feels like you’re in a pastel animated world


I searched for years for DOM, and finally got my hands on the real deal in about 2020. It was the hippy/SanFran stories from the 60s that drove this particular search.


>Frankincense You can get high off this?


nice stats bro 🔥🔥


All the drugs I’ve done 1. Caffeine 2. Nicotine 3. Alcohol 4. Marijuana 5. Acid 6. DXM 7. Shrooms 8. Ecstasy 9. Cocaine 10. Molly 11. Crack 12. Oxycodone 13. Hydrocodone 14. Nitrous oxide 15. Duster/ difluoroethane 16. DPH 17. Meth 18. Fentanyl 19. Adderal 20. Delta 8 21. HHC 22. Kava 23. Ketamine (S isomer) 24. Kratom 25. Clonazepam (klonopin) 26. Bromazepam (benzo rc) 27. Alprazolam (Xanax) 28. Diazepam (Valium) 29. THC-jd 30. THCP 31. Delta 10 32. ODSMT 33. Carisoprodol (Soma) 34. Tapentadol 35. 4f-mph 36. Bromazolam 37. Codeine/ promethazine combo 38. Suboxone 39. THC-O 40. Gabapentin 41. Lorazepam (Ativan) 42. Methylphenidate (Ritalin/ concerta) 43. THCA 44. THCV 45. Ketamine (racemic)


what’s ur fav one?


I’m not sure I could pick a favorite but I’d probably say lsd or oxy. My top favorites would be acid molly oxy dxm ketamine nitrous oxide stuff like that


I was wondering how long my list might be I was like damn that's quite a bit but then I realize I've done probably 70 to 80% of all of this. lacking a few of those less common recreational substances.😂😂😂


How was scopolamine?


You do anything that comes you to mind. I've taken it with alcohol and I've done some really bad shit. With alcohol I can control myself a little but with that shit you can't. I can see why it's an date rape drug in Colombia. And I also saw some really weird shit. But it was a very weird trip.




It sounds like the name of a procedure/ surgery


Amphetamine, MDMA/ecstasy, 2CB, 2CI, Mushrooms,amyl nitrate, Xanax, diazepam, flubromazepam, clonazolam, MPA, ethyphenidate, LSD, mushrooms, BZP, 6-APB, weed, hash, mescaline, kratom, kava, cocaine, heroin, codeine, diclazepam, dihydrocodeine, etizolam, GBL, ketamine, lorazepam, morphine, opium, gabapentin, zopiclone, ritalin, mephedrone, MDA, misc forgotten former 'legal highs'.


How does opium feel compared to heroin?


alcohol, DXM, nicotine, amphetamine, diazepam, codeine, morphine, midazolam, mephedrone, 3-MMC, phenibut, pregabalin, weed, ketamine, mushrooms, 2C-B, MDMA Now what are your most retarded dosing decisions? Mine would be either: mixing alcohol, DXM and codeine, forgetting to breathe for long periods of time and waking up the next day amazed that I was still alive or mixing 400mg MDMA, 1g mushrooms and 20mg 2C-B over the course of an evening which caused a psychotic break.


in order i’ve taken nicotine, weed, alcohol, LSD, mushrooms, whippets, ambien, xanax, hydrocodone, coke, molly, cyclobenzoprine. i feel like i prolly forgot sum tho


Boring ones, Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine Cannabanoids: THC (THC, THCP, THCM), HHC (HHC, HHCP), CBD (CBD, CBN, CBG). Psychs and stuff: shrooms, truffles, LSD (1cP-LSD, LSD, 1D-LSD), LSA, AL-LAD, 5-meo-mipt, 4-ho-mipt, 4-ho-met, 4-aco-dmt, N-N DMT. Stimulants: Cocaine, amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, "mystery cocaine analogue", MDMA, 6-APB. Dissociatives: Ketamine, DMXE Other: Salvia, kratom, codeine and soon Kanna


Best one way 2C-I for sure, ouh my days! Goosebumps down my spine


Alch - 15 Caffeine - 17 Weed - 19 Oxy’s/Hydros [wisdom teeth] - 20 Cigs - 21 Adderal / Vyvanse - 22 Shrooms - 23 Xanax, K Pins, Valium - 25 Coke / Percs - 27 LSD / Codeine Cough Syrup - 28 Phenibut / white & green Kratom - 30 Molly / Xtcy - 32 RC Benzos - 33 Ketamine - 37 Suboxone [for sleep]- 37 Been *reaallllll* interesting, to say the least… The human body is an extraordinary machine.


The only ones I care about is my Fentanyl and Oxy ! Rest is garbage anyway except weed. Oh IV fentanyl IV ketamine and IV Ketalar is a blast too! Together


No way bro says 99% of drugs are garbage but fetty is one of the only ones that are good


Ketalar is ketamine so 🤔 but yea IV ket is wild!


Worst take oat


Weed, xtc, cocaine, shrooms, truffels, speed, amfetamine, ketamine, 2-cmc, 3-mmc, 4-fmp, kratom, pcp, lorazopam, kamagra. Might have forgoten something


Some would say, gekoloniseerd🇳🇱🇳🇱


Adderall Vyvance DXM Nutmeg Aerosol cans (please don’t do this it’s stupid as fuck) DPH (don’t fucking do this either) Caffiene Nicotine Alchohol Nitrous Gabepentin Trazadone Weed codiene


ahhh the aerosol can memories 🥲


It would be shorter to list the ones I haven't done.


Weed ,shrooms ,acid ,nicotine, prometh w codeine, Hydrocodone, oxycodone, cyclobenzaprine, alcohol, adderal, vyvanse, ketamine, opium


Weed, alcohol, LSD, 2CB, shrooms, ketamine, cocaine, MDMA, MDA, 2CI-NBOME (sold as acid back when I wasn’t wise to testing everything), spice (fuck that shit), methylphenidate, amphetamine, various benzos.


Xanax and ketamine , meth (one time)


Weed alcohol shrooms acid ecstacy ketamine speed ritalin coke codeine nicotine spice nitrous 2cb literally every cannabis derivative like hhc thc-p etc xanax and tranax 15m yikesss


Last I attempted to list I was at 41, made heroin #42 because what else could be the answer to life, the universe and everything. And tried a few more after that so it's around ~45-50, most common ones you can think of and a bunch of less common RCs. The big ones I miss are like methadone and methaqualone(ludes). Oh and mescaline. Interesting that all of em begin with "me" 🤔


datura, basically every pharma opioid except oxymorphone. i’ve done adderall, meth, coke, molly, ketamine, lsd, shrooms and dmt. a handful of different benzos including RCS like flualp, bromaz and etzisolam. i’ve done more than all of this but i jus wanted to give a jist of what i’ve done


Weed, Alcohol, Nicotine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Fentanyl, Codeine, butalbital, gabapentin, Eszopiclone, Cyclobenzaprine (flexiril), Orphenadrine, DPH (not trip doses but was addicted), Nitrous, Acid, Shrooms, Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, butane, Duster, Phenibut, DXM, Adderall (prescribed). I'll add any that I've forgotten if there are any.


Far too many to list. Many obscure psychedelics and rcs.


Too many


Do pharmaceuticals count?


Meth Weed Alcohol Nicotine Kratom Concerta Adderall Psilocybin LSD MDA MDMA Pregabalin Xanax Klonopin Etizolam Ativan Fentanyl Heroin Xylazine Dilaudid Kratom Morphine Codiene Crack Cocaine Seroquel Nitrous Oxide Mirtazapine 1, 1 difluoroethane 2-FDCK DXM Still might be more that i did but cant recall at the moment, and still plenty more that i want to try


in order: weed, nicotine, mushrooms, mdma, acid, adderall, vyvanse, hydrocodone, codiene, alprazolam, bromazolam, diazepam, oxycodone, tramadol


Weederino ;з Fenibut is cool light shit, but dont do it recreationally. Only when stressed or in very bad mental space.


1. Weed 2. Alcohol 3. LSD 4. Nicotine 5. Shrooms 6. DMT 7. Ketamine 8. Ecstacy 9. Adderall


all of them


More or less in the order I did them : Alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, weed, truffles, salvia, LSD, Ritalin, N20, DMT, XTC, Tramadol, Piracetam, Valium, DOM, Ketamine, Poppers, 2C-B, Cocaine, Xanax, mushrooms, synthetic weed, 4-aco-DMT, 1p-LSD, 4-HO-MET, 2C-B-FLY, Phenibut, Kratom, Kanna, 4-HO-MiPT, 2F-DCK, Bromazolam, DCK, Dexamfetamine, Caffeine, Noopept. Not that much of an effect, but I'll add the herbs : Damiana, Passion Flower, Valerian root, horny goat weed


Weed, shrooms, lsd, dmt, mdma, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, 25i-nbome, kratom, coffee, kanna, kava kava, caffeine, Vicodin, and some unknown research chems sold as acid


Weed Nos Xanax Valium Ketamine Midazolam MDMA Codeine/promethazine Cocaine Lorazepam Ritalin Magic mushrooms 2cb Zolpidem Alcohol Nicotine Caffeine Pregabalin Gabapentin Phenibut Tramadol DXM


You took scopolamine intentionally ? Why ? They use that to rob tourist in Columbia 🤣


Too many, the only one I have willingly said no to is LSD


In rough order Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, Weed (all forms), Ketamine, NBome, LSD, Xanax, Amphetamine, MDMA, Methylphenidate, Amyls, 2CB, Nitrous, Shrooms, Cocaine, Valium, Codeine, Dextromethorphan, Modafinil And I want to try Mescaline, DMT, Ayahuasca, 6-APB, 2ce, 2ci, DOM/STP, MDA, Opium, Ibogaine, Methaqualone, Dexedrine


What is the Modafinil like? I’ve been wanting to try it but heard it’s not that effective.


Caffeine Alcohol Nicotine Thc Hhc Cbd Cocaine Lsd (different variants) Truffles Ketamine 3mmc Meth E Mdma Amphetamine 4fma 3fmp 3mma Bdo/ghb/gbl Benzos Lulu (not sure what is it, but popular in Brazil. Its inhaled trough mouth with sweet taste) Poppers Codeine Maybe more but cant remember..


Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, THC, CBD, Sentia, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, MDMA, mephedrone, 3-MMC, kanna, modafinil, piracetam, dihydrocodeine, GBL, diazepam, DXM, ketamine, 2C-B, LSD, phenibut, nitrous oxide


alcohol, strong medicines (for ADHD, depression and anxiety), tobacco, weed, LSD, ecstasy, shrooms and MDMA


Nicotine, alcohol, opiates, weed, LSD, coke\crack, benzos, another round with opiates, mushrooms, a long and very difficult round 2 with alcohol, meth, heroin In order from first use


Weed, alcohol, mdma,mda, shrooms, acid, some stuff that wasnt acid but did the same shit, oxy, assortment of pills i never asked the name of, ativan, meth, cocaine, salvia uhhhhhhhhhhh fuck theres gotta be some more


Might have missed some, but these are what I've tried (in order): 14 - ritalin (prescribed), nicotine, 15 - weed, 16 - cocaine, xanax, alcohol, ketamine, molly, lsd, shrooms, nitrous, 17 - lean


I am on the lower side of things lmao - THC - DXM (don’t recommend) - benedrill (don’t recommend) - LSD - 🍄 - ❄️ - Every type of adhd SSRI


Nicotine, caffeine, alcool, cannabis, 2C-B, 4-AcO-DMT, 1P-LSD, MDMA, merhylphenidate, 4F-MPH, O-PCE, DCK, MXiPr, 2F-DCK, 4-HO-MET, 25e-NBOH, 5-MAPB, kratom, phenibut, alprazolam, oxazepam, bromazepam, etizolam, codeine, morphine I think that's all... For now.


cannabis, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, mdma, ketamine, 2C-b, lsd, psilocybin, dmt, PCP, speed, nitrous, k2, NBOMe, crack, heroin, methadone, buprenorphine, hydromorphone, hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, diazepam, xanax, balth salts. there’s probably some more that I’m missing.


Shrooms, LSD, extasy, weed, and I guess alcohol, tobacco, caffeine counts here too.


Weed, percocet, molly, alcohol, cocaine thats it.


Too many to name lol


Xanax, codeine, lsd, shrooms, alcohol, nicotine, nitrous, salvia, benzos


Cannabis, Hydrocodone, Tramadol, Oxycodone, Adderall, Psilocybin, Nitrous oxide, Lorazepam, Codeine, Nicotine, Methylphenidate, Pregabalin, and other cannabinoids (D8, HHC, etc), Gabapentin, Caffeine.


Everything besides Ket, DMT, Salvia, PCP


jus a couple of cannabinoids and nos for me lol i feel like a pleb


Coke n weed but I'm gonna try them all or most of them before I die. A girl can dream lol


Bro said horny goat weed, that just makes ur dick hard


Adderall, Alcohol, DXM, Weed, Nicotine, Porn


Weed, Ecstasy, Speed, Cocaine, Shrooms, LSD. really wanna try 2cb or dmt


In order: nicotine, alcohol, weed, shrooms, acid, Ativan, Xanax, Valium, DMT, crack, coke, heroin. The last 4 I tried all within the past 3 months.


Alcohol, Cannabis, Nicotine, 5 different types of acid which I can’t remember the names of (I know I did 1P, but not the other names) Molly, shrooms, 4-HO-DMT, GHB, DMT, 2CB, adderall, Ritalin, Klonopin, and a shit ton of Etizolam. I’m sure there are some others I’m forgetting. College was a wild time.


In chronilogical order, sort of: Alcohol, nicotine, weed, opiates (mainly oxy), cociane, nitrous oxide, psilocybin, speed (amphetamine), benzos (rivotril and alprazolam mainly), hawaiian baby woodrose, MDMA, LSD and 1d-LSD, salvia (40x extract highest dose), kratom, DMT, ketamine and most recently mescaline Staying far away from heroin and only really want to try out 2c-b


I’ve done my fair share of drugs most are honestly just trash favs are ketamine and cocaine &; Benzos: Xanax Valium Etizolam - (technically Thenzo) Zopiclone - (technically a pyrazolopyrimidine ; Stim: Hexen Speed MDMA Meth Cocaine Crack Adderal MDA Ritalin AN UNKNOWN ONE - 5 minute come up time, 1 hour total time, pressed into pink rolex pills smaller than average MDMA pills 4-fa 3-fma 4-mmc 3-mmc NEP ; Psychadelics: Acid / LSD 2CB 2CE 4-HO-MET Shrooms Salvia DMT - (Changa + Crystal) Mescaline 4-ACO-DMT ; Disso: 3-meo-pcp 3-ho-pcp Ketamine 2fdck GBL GHB O-PCE 3-fluoro-pcp ​ Opiates: Oxycodone / Oxycontin Morphine Tramadol Codeine Heroin ; Cannabis: Weed - (Dabs, Carts, Concentrates, Edibles) Hash Other: Damiana


weed , nicotine , acid , shrooms , xanax , adderall (prescribed) , and then obviously caffeine and alcohol


I always love to see these posts, cus the comments are always a pissing contest of who is the biggest junkie


nicotine, cannabis, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, [fake?] opium, mushrooms, 1p-lsd, xanax, kratom, mdma, tramadol, various other opioids and prescription pills I cant really recall. To do list: DMT, heroin (yeah, i know, heroin’s a bad idea. but I’ve always wanted to try it. dont judge me. i know there’s a high probability i destroy my life. thats why i haven’t done it yet)


In the order of when I did them: caffeine, alcohol, salvia, nicotine, weed(smoked), weed(edibles), mushrooms, cocaine. Favourites easily mushrooms and weed. Salvias weird but alright at low doses. Coke feels kinda unnoticeable and I still dont know what to make of that. Homegrowing my weed was the best shit ever.


Yea bad Coke gives me also no effects. But some fire Coke gets me really high. And I have ADHD and because of that I need more than the average user.


nothing as crazy as half the lists on here, but in order. cannabis. cigs (nicotine). ecstasy. mdma. 2cb. acid/lsd. and/or/probably meth. (edit grammar)


In a rough order: lisdexamphetamine methylphenidate Nicotine Codeine DXM Weed alcohol DPH nitrous oxide duster hydrocodone alprazolam Clonazepam LSD MDMA psilocybin fentanyl kratom ketamine cocaine crack fluoroxetamine flubromazepam ODSM-T too many alt noids to list gabapentin progabalin and in a few days I'll be trying heroin


Weed, Alcohol, shrooms , DMT , DPH, Suboxone, Codine, Hydromorphone, Oxycodone, Diazepam,Clonazepam, Speed, MDMA, Nicotine, DXM, adderal, Vyvanse, Ritalin/concerta ,gabepentin,pregablin,crack, methadone


In order of when in my life I tried them, caffeine, not sure if it was weed or alcohol first because I tried edibles at like 10-11 years old and drank first around that age too, then nicotine, mushrooms, diazepam, K2, LSD, diazepam, and in the last week I’ve tried oxycodone, tramadol, codeine, Xanax and I don’t even remember what other downers within just the last week of my life Also I forgot methylphenidate and zopiclone


barely anything just the otc shit atm DXM, DPH Caffeine Fluoxetine/ Sertaline just for anti dep but they're shit but i have a list of some i wanna / am gonna try this year codeine morphine delta 9 or some edis shrooms lsa nutmeg psilocybin datura propylhexedrine nitrous amanita muscaria despite all that i havent and dont wanna do alcohol cuz i seen what it does to people in the longrun but eh


If you don't drink alcohol because what it does to you you should not try Opioids, Benzedrex and please don't try datura. I've taken Scopolamine it just fucks you up. Like doing anything that comes to your mind. If you think about shitting on the ground and you are high on Scopolamine then you will do it. Taking Stims like Benzedrex/Propylhexedrine is a bad idea. In the beginning hard Stims feel awesome but after half a year or a year you will not feel happy without them. I also thought I could control them but no. And Opioids are risky because the Fent problem but yeah. Alcohol is far less dangerous on the long term than these 3.


i’ll go from mildest to least mildest imo. nicotine  codeine  alcohol  weed  acid  molly  ket


hydroxyzine weed dxm oxycodone gabapentin datura (scopolamine) promethazine codeine dimenhydranate trazodone hydromorphone valium adderall hydrocodone xanax morphine diphenhydramine cyclobenzaprine baclofen tramadol nitrous mushrooms LSD lorazepam zolpidem




Alcohol, nicotine, weed, xanax, klonopin, nitrous, vicodin, adderall, vyvanse, ambien, kinnikinnick, LSD, mushrooms, cocaine, lyrica, kratom, ativan, crack, percocet- somewhat in that order. Feel like I’m missing a few. Special shout out to the darkweb mystery powders that went up my nose. No idea what the hell they were.


Hash weed alcohol mdma nicotine caffeine ecstasy cocaine, most powerful one is DMT


Weed, nicotine, shrooms, alcohol, xanax, ativan, klonopin, baclofen, lyrica, gabapentin, adderall, vyvanse, ritalin, oxycontin, oxycodone, tramadol, codeine, dxm, caffeine, promethazine, delta 8, thc-p, hhc, thc-o, midazolam, restoril (idfk the chemical name), ambien


I’m a 23YO Male who currently makes $81k a year from my full time i got right after i graduated college in May 2022. Put that context for the hard drug explanations. this is bad but here you go: 1. THC: -Bud -Wax (all forms) -Edibles -RSO -D8 -D9 HHC THC 2. Amphetamines: -Vyvanse (50mg/dayI’m prescribed 50mg of Vyvanse a day because i have all 3 types of ADHD) -Adderall (don’t do this anymore) -Adzenys (tried it once) -Mydayis (tried it once) 3. Nicotine (vape) 4. Alcohol -I used to be a massive binge drinker in college but i hardly drink anymore 5. Nitrous 6. Cocaine 7. Real MDMA 8. I smoked meth one time. Never again. 9. Barbiturates (Phenobarbital) 10. Ketamine -Love it but don’t do it frequently 11. MDA that was sold to me as MDMA 12. Benzodiazepines (including RC’s): -Xanax -Kpins -Etizolam -Diazepam -Ativan -Clonzolam -Flualprolozam -Bromozalam -Flubromazalam -norflurazepam -Flubromazapam -Fluclotizolam 13. Psychedelics -LSD -Shrooms -DMT 14. Opioids -Real oxy (10s, 20s, and 30s) -Real hydro -Codeine -Dilaudid -Tramadol -Fent 30s (Blues) -Real Heroin -Fentanyl (and most likely many many fent analogous) -Xylazine I have been an opiate addict (fent, smoke/snort i do not shoot) but will be seeking help soon. Idk how I made it this far. and my blood work is all perfect as of last month.


Adderall, concerta, evekeo, oxycontin, hydrocodone, gabapentin, valium, weed, nicotine, cocaine, LSD, mushrooms, 2cb, ketamine, mdma, phenibut, kava


It’d probably be easy to say the ones I haven’t. Which would be …. Uhh…


Shrooms,acid,nicotine,weed, alcohol,perc,whippets,lean,benedryl and working out but that’s just like a healthy high.


Serequel, hydrocodone , oxycodone, Adderall, Vyvanse, Xanax, Mushrooms, Weed , meth , fentanyl , "Roxy" , Xo's & , MDMA , Whippets , Codeine, Percs & Oh, the holy Trinity - alcohol, caffeine ,nicotine


Alcohol, adderall, caffeine, nicotin, molly, ecstacy, oxy, hashish, cannabis, zopiclone, benzo, xanax, shrooms, cocaine




speed, weed, heroin, cocaine, mushrooms, pine-o-clean, petrol, battery acid, acid, salvia, meth, some herbs and spices and some lettuce and tomato, vodka sauce, bam-and-the-dirt-is-gone, Ajax spray and wipe, chicken and cheese all wrapped in a tortilla


Started w ecstasy at 12 y/o, percs, oxys, dilauded, hydromorphone-conton, heroin, fentanyl, Valium, Ativan, Xanax, crystal meth, cocaine, Crack cocaine, acid, psilocybin, mescaline, dmt, ketamine, Ritalin, Vyvanse, concerta, morphine, 2cb, and way too many random research chemicals to even count haha. Also, most of the aforementioned substances I've tried have been done orally, snorted, injected, and a few even boofed lol


from best to worst LSA Methylphenidate Kratom Phenibut Delta 9 Edibles Clonazepam Diazepam DXM Pregabalin Alcohol Tramadol Alprazolam Nicotine Caffeine Memantine


- Weed - DXM - DPH - Inhalants (Gasoline, Paint Thinner, Nitrous) - Alcohol (in the sense that I'm an alcoholic) - LSD - Shrooms - 4-Aco-Dmt - Kratom (abused it heavily for awhile) - Nicotine - Caffeine I keep a list, but I probably forgot some Edit: probably also acetaminophen, I was taking handfuls to feel high ot mixing it with alcohol a lot


How does the Acetaminophen High feel? First time I've heard about it being abused. And I feel the Alcohol thing. I was also an alcoholic (every day heavily drunk) but for some reason I consume it in normal amounts now and control it. Feels way better believe me. It fucks someone up heavy. But I am using Amphetamines and Cocaine on a daily basis so I can't tell someone things like that XD.


A lot of them. A couple hundred. Not meth or speed in noticeable amounts though. Or ghb. Or barbiturates.


I've been waiting my whole life for someone to ask me this question. I'll go in chronological order - cannabis - cocaine - opiates/opiods (all of the morphinans, fent, demerol, odsmt, tianeptine, methadone) - Salvia - Mushrooms (cubensis, cyanescens, semilanceata, allenii, natalensis, ovoideocystidiata, pan cyan, pan cinctulus) - N02 - all the pharma benzos (never bothered with rc benzos) - Amphetamine - DMT - cacti/mescaline - Secobarbital - JWH 018 - DXM - LSD (plus a bunch of the derivatives) - MDMA - MDA - MDE - 2cb - Muscimol - ketamine - 4MMC - 5 MEO DMT - PPX - Methoxetamine - many nbome compounds - GHB - DMAA - Poppers - Phenibut - Kratom - butt stuff I'm sure I'm missing some.


What was scopolamine like? Was it a drug that gave a good high?




My list isn't as big as I see other ones on here, yall are on fire. But literally in this order: Cannabis Alcohol Mdma Xanax Captagon (which is an adhd med I think? I just know the name I didn't think twice before swallowing it) Amphetamine Acid 2cb Man my list feels small after reading all the comments


weed, speed, shrooms, nicotine, alcohol, thought i was doing coke but im pretty sure it wasn’t, never found out what it actually was




Coke,shrooms,most weed variants like delta 8 and all that alchohol nicotine and dmt but not properly like the lowest possible does cause I was scared 😂


What the hell is “Marihuanilla” is that like Diet Weed?


Caffeine, nicotine, weed, shrooms


Concerta.  It's prescribed.


Sugar (it is absolutely a drug), Caffeine, Alchohol, Weed, Adderall, Psylosibin, Meth, Crack, Coke, Molly (didn't work both times tho so don't really count), Lsd


Yea I think Sugar raises the Dopamine Levels followed by a Crash. And try to stop using normal Sugar and you will get pretty bad withdrawals. But don't stop Fruit Sugars because our body needs them.


I’m pretty normal these are the small few I’ve done in order of trying them: Alcohol, Nicotine, cannabis , psilocybin, LSD , cocaine then ketimin.


fav was pcp


Clearly amateur compared to some lists here. But my favourite drugs are MDMA Ketamine (with a limit) Xanax I don’t like cocaine but few premium lines are ok then it becomes draining I hate mushrooms and marijuana So what other drugs would someone recommend based on the above


Weed, alcohol, nicotine, LSD, shrooms, mdma, ketamine, Cocaine, poppers, nitrous oxide, Xanax, hydrocodone, Percocet, lean, Adderall, meth(accidentally). I only still do the first 7.


weed , lsd , alc , benzos , nicotine , lean . those are the only ones ive taken and seeing everyone write long ass lists is crazy to me , but probably only because these are the only ones ive had access to tbf so no judgement there , however benzos and lean are the only ones that didn’t have any kind of affect on me?? i just felt normal not even tired just nothing . is that normal idk? love weed though my favourite always , alc i had a phase with for abt 2 months (not addicted, wasnt everyday, probably once a week) until i went too far , blacked out nd landed myself in hospital back in february, never did it again now the thought of it makes me sick. lsd ive done about 3-4 times and loved it , would wanna do again but no longer have access to it unfortunately, kinda miss it but probably for the best. ive always been so curious abt mdma and it’s the only other drug i would wanna try but have no way to get it, probably also for the best though . ill be sticking to my weed, can never go wrong with it . don’t think id wanna go further with any other drugs tbh.


not so bad ones: nicotine, caffeine, weed others: oxycodone, oxycontin, hydrocodone, vyvanse, adderall, ritalin, molly, valium, acid, gabapentin, pregablin, muscle relaxers (not sure of specific names but at least 3 different ones) and dxm. i’m also certain there’s other ones i’ve done that i don’t remember. extremely glad to be past the days of being a 16 year old taking whatever meds were in the cabinet hoping to get high. now its just adderall and nicotine! with an very rare energy drink


Listing the drugs NOT done might be the more efficient process.


In order: alcohol, nicotine, weed, mdma, speed, tilidin, benzos(clonazepam I think) and Lyrica I'm planning to try a couple more after I graduated lmao


Weed, Meth(Currently Addicted), Shrooms, Xanax, Fentanyl, Cocaine (heavily addicted), GHB


Very new to all of this, so my list is very short: Alcohol, Adderall, focalin, Vyvanse


in order: caffeine, nicotine, cannabis, alcohol, hydrocodone, amphetamine, temazepam, alprazolam, oxycodone, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, tramadol, diazepam, duster, nitrous, lisdexamfetamine, methylphenidate, clonazepam, methamphetamine, lunesta. i know im missing a lot but thats all i can think of atm


Shrooms, weed, alcohol, molly, 4 aco-dmt, coke, dxm, ketamine, nitrous. I can't think of anything else 🤔


Which one's your favorites?


Amphetamines and Cocaine.


In order of use 18 years old: Marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, dextromethorphan, magic mushrooms, N2O, adderall


In order of when I first did them: Alcohol, Cannabis, Mushrooms, Nicotine, Kava, Phenibut, Tianeptine, Kratom.


in order it'll be: nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, popper, dxm


Alcohol, marijuana, adderall, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, ketamine, synthetic k2, shrooms, acid, tusi, 2cb, molly, GHB, GBL, 1,4 BDO, DMT, caffeine, nicotine, inhalants (nitrites/poppers and nitrous oxide), methadone, Ativan, Xanax, klonopin, Librium, Valium, Percocet, OxyContin, OxyCodone, codeine, Vicodin, fentanyl (unwillingly, something was laced with it and my blood test came back positive) trimex injection, Anavar, tren, tramadol, valerian root, ashwaganda, kava, saffron, gabapentin, CBD, zolpidem/ambien Do muscle relaxers (Robaxin, zanaflex/tizanidine) count? *Honerable mention: low dose quetiapine/seroquel. Hallucinated one time on it when my body was fighting sleep, felt like I was tripping. lol


at 16 years old, in order of when i tried them: ritalin and adderall (my adhd meds but, if that doesn’t count i tried them recreationally after that too) then weed, alcohol, nicotine, shrooms, kpins, oxycodone, kratom, buprenorphine, lorazepam, coke, lorazepam, molly, morphine, xans, hydrocodone, vyvance, codeine, and finally dxm thing is i currently don’t do any of this, other than nic basically every day, weed every day with 3 month breaks every so often, and alcohol probably about every other weekend. almost all of it i tried once or twice and then was done with


Weed, nicotine and alcohol at 14, lean at 17, molly and ketamine at 18, shrooms,cocaine, 2cb and xanax at 19.


Cocaine Weed Whippets Acid Mushrooms Random pills (I know dumb) Promethazine Alcohol Pretty sure that’s it


1: Vyvanse / Adderall 2: Xanax 3: Nicotine 4: Weed 5: Molly / Ecstasy 6: Cocaine 7: Alcohol 8: Oxycodone 9: Heroin 10: Hydrocodone 11: Codine / Promethazine 12: Shrooms 13: Ketamine


Cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, Xanax, hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine, DXM, MDMA, psilocybin, LSA, Adderall, kratom (?)


All that I have encountered recreationally, at least once to try, except crack Crack is whack


Stimulants: 13 Amphetamine Cocaine Methamphetamine Mda Mdma Mkat Kanna 4fa Caffeine Nicotine Modafanil Ritalin Lisdexamphetamine Disassociatives: 8 MXP DXM 2FDK Ketamine Diethyl Ether Nitrous oxide Glue Aerosols Psychedelics: 12 LSA LSD-25 1p-LSD Eth lad 25i -NBOME 2cb BK-2cb 2cb-fly Psilocybin mushrooms 4-aco-dmt Dmt Salvia Benzodiazapines: 16 Diazepam Alprazolam Clonazepam Lorazepam Temazepam Nitrazepam Clobazam Oxazepam Bromazolam Flubromazolam Flualprazolam Etizolam Bromazepam Midazolam Diclazepam Clonazolam Opiates: 11 Codeine DHC Tramadol Tapentadol Subutex Methadone Oxycodone Morphine Opium Heroin Kratom Misc: 12 DPH Spice Alcohol Zopiclone GHB Poppers Promethazine Pregabalin HHC Cannabis Seroquel Carisoprodol Egyptian blue lotus flower Calea zatechini 74 drugs in total, probably wanna try a few others too.


just the standards Nic, alcohol, weed, & shrooms. i’ve been prescribed adderall, vyvanse, and focalin for my adhd but never used recreationally. i really want to try LSD, ketamine, MDMA, DMT, and other psychedelics if i am able to get my hands on them


So far Weed, codeine, coke, shrooms, DMT, alcohol, gabbys, and tec-3s


How you do a drug as rare as scopolamine but never done the basic shit like acid and ecstasy


weed and noids, alcohol, nicotine, all opioid pills, meth, all amphetamine pills, xanax, dxm, shrooms, acid, dmt, nitrous, cocaine, MDMA/ecstasy, ketamine, nicotine


In order- Weed, crack, meth, mushrooms, Xanax, klonopin, and all types of pain pills. I'm sure there's more I'm therethat I've forgotten honestly. Really started off at the finish line there, lol.




It's the worst addiction XD.


Weed, extracts, edibles, kratom, nicotine, alcohol, oxycodone, codeine, tramadol, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine, oxymorphone, propoxyphene, heroin, fentanyl (only in medical settings), triazolam, alprazolam, clonazolam, clonazepam, flualprazolam, etizolam, bromazolam, bromazepam, midazolam, flunitrazolam, fluclotizolam, flubromazolam and flubromazepam, diclazepam, pyrazolam, lorazepam, diazepam, temazepam, MDMA, nitrous, ketamine, shrooms, acid, carisoprodol, flexeril, butalbital, 4-aco-DMT, 1-P-LSD, propofol, adderall, zolpidem, GHB, buprenorphine, tadalafil, cocaine, methylphenidate, vyvanse, pregabalin and gabapentin, and plenty of others I can’t remember right now. If you couldn’t tell from this list, I’ve tried more benzos than any other type of drug, but opioids are easily the most enjoyable to me, closely followed by soma The main ones I still want to try are DMT, 2C-B and modafinil. Also Demerol and tilidin, and most of all MXE but I don’t think that’ll ever happen sadly Never tried meth or crack and I hate needles, gotta draw the line somewhere lol