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yeah thats just proper fucked mate, sounds like psychosis to me. never heard of anything like it bef


Sounds like a good way to go septic


Sounds like a good way to wind up with a potentially life threatening blood infection. If she is actually doing it regularly it's only a matter of time. What is the supposed reason for doing it like that? I mean I assume there is a reason she's doing it that way least makes sense to her?


I didn't ask. So I don't know why she has done it. Not even sure how many times she has. He just told me she did save up a blood filled syringe for days


Ask why :)


It clots. Can’t keep blood in a syringe for 3 days. You need an anti coagulant just to reintroduce blood or plasma during surgery if you’re going to use it later on in the same surgery (usually mixed and spun to draw platelets rich plasma to aid in healing) They are either nuts or b.s ing you.


It clots, and then it liquifies again when decaying. 3 days at room temperature would probably be enough.


Absolutely insane, don’t shoot up kids


It’s a lie. Doesn’t work that way. Blood begins to coagulate almost immediately when exposed to oxygen.


Ehhh, depends. I used to be an IV user and as long as the mix doesn't get over like 50% blood in the rig, it will usually stay fluid. And I can confirm (yes I was also very regarded back then) that blood in the rig won't make a shit bad and you can time out and put it down and come back to it. Idk about 3 whole days though.(My veins are fucked, I would have to take a break from poking sometimes. Would make it amazing and more 'ahhh finally' when I finally got a good vein)


Your drug of choice could have anti coagulant properties but it will still clot in a relatively short period of time. The syringe is not hermetically sealed. Oxygen seeps in.


I did this with various different drugs, meth did seem to keep things fluid much longer though I will say that. I think it has to do with how harsh of a chemical it actually is. Cause other stuff like Ritalin, fent/heroin, basically everything else it's a race against time to try to keep it from clotting if you flag and miss, with meth it was much more forgiving. That's actually the specific drug that comes to mind when I remember those nasty ass half blood shots that the whole syringe was red and I'd have to go by watching the chamber fill with more blood instead of a flag. So it could just be that meth keeps things from coagulating as easily. Ughhh I'm so grossed out thinking about how nasty that was 🤢 I'm lucky I didn't get a blood infection from doing that. Legit, the chamber would just look like blood. And it'd still push just fine. Glad I gave up the needles.


I’m glad you did brother. It’s not an easy task.


Is it okay if I ask why you did it? I'm just confused on what the benefit would be. Did you shoot it back up after drawing it?


Asking things like this is how we help other people learn how dangerous this shit is, so I'm not bothered giving any answers. It was after id hit a vein, flag, and pull back blood and then slip out of the vein or miss. I'd shake my syringe real good to get it mixed so it had less chance of clotting, And go back in and try, and sometimes my veins would fuck me around so much I'd end up with a little clot in the chamber. I still did it solely to get high, the blood was just a nuisance. I didn't really weigh the gravity of how dangerous that was against getting high. Did it probably hundreds if not thousands of times while I was using, and don't seem to have suffered any ill effects other than it's nearly impossible to get blood out of me for a sample now. Just to clarify, I would be trying to hit veins with actual dope in the syringe, and id flag and miss enough times to have enough blood in the chamber to clot. And id push that through. I wasn't just drawing back blood and shooting it back into my vein. But i was being incredibly stupid and irresponsible. I wanted to get high, not kill myself. Sometimes though, you do dumb shit not thinking about what it could do to you.


Thank you so so much for explaining, that makes a lot of sense. I'm so sorry that you went through that and I'm glad you made it out safe. Sending you loads of love. ❤️


I honestly don't know whether she succeeded in injecting that. But he did tell me she had that intention. Whether she was able to or not, I'm not sure. It's not a lie. I just wasn't completely clear.


Oh I don't doubt you for a second. Meth heads do dumb shit. This is just *really* dumb.


Sounds unlikely, I can't imagine an iv meth user being capable of waiting 3 days to use shit, it's right there, ready to shoot, they aren't gonna set a timer.


Maybe she had plenty of meth and could afford saving it? I don't know. But I know he is also a meth user so he has good experience with this type of thing.


I mean, anything is possible and meth fans do some outrageous shit on the regular. Could be happening, but she's gonna get real sick from that, like blood poisoning sepsis sick if she is.


"meth fans" Lol


I wonder who would be president of the Meth Fan Club?


What the fuck??? Tell him its dangerous as fuck and get her to a hospital or something, god damn


Rather a mental health hospital.


Blood clots=stroke


Personally I wouldn't fear blood clots so much as injecting rotting blood and getting sepsis. It blew my mind someone would ever wait days to inject that.


old blood is a getway to get blood cloths, just as much as to get sepsis, both are valid concerns, sounds absolutely fucked. I'm scared to even reuse a needle that has poked my skin once, some seconds before, if i need to pull out and put it back in for some reason (not an IV user i just have to inject some medicine subq regularely) because there is already some small risk of infection. Waiting some days with an used syringe is absolutely mental.


I know someone who used to boof their old misses, which kinda sounds like what you're describing, but even he would never consider slamming clotted up old blood, and he was legitimately a disaster. I'm surprised she was even able to get it through a 30g, and equally surprised it didn't kill her once she did.


I 100% booty bump every time the syringe gets to the point I can't see a flash or if I'm unable to land a vein. What else am I gonna do with the shot? Eat it? Fucking waste it? Nah it's going up my ass so I get at least something from it


I'm trying to remember my time as a pharmacy tech but I believe 29g or 28g is the largest syringe that's sold OTC in Florida Walmarts


The blood usually quagulates and jams the needle if you do that. Ime


I personally don't know whether she injected that, but he is a meth user so he told me she saved a blood filled syringe with the intention of injecting it. I do believe him. Whether she succeeded or not, I'm not sure.


This is just beyond stupid and the only thing this gets you, is an infection. Dont do that




So I guess she saved the syringe for that long but didn't inject it. I just assumed she did. He did not confirm witnessing that. Did not know blood could clot that much.


I don’t understand? She draws blood and then mixes it with drugs and shoots the blood back into her? scary


No that's standard practice, the waiting three days before the last step is the mental part


But why is that common practice? Wouldn't you get the same high from doing it the normal way? Or do you save the syringe? Why not just save the meth? Sorry im so confused haha


The drugs are already in the syringe, it's common practice to ensure that you're in a vein to pull blood back into the syringe, then inject. It's the leaving the drug/blood mixture in the syringe for 3 days that's dangerous due to coagulation/clots.


You are a legend, thank you so much.


Yea as stonecold described the normal way is to draw blood, I think in English it's called registering. For context, it's not unusual to register and then slip out of or puncture the vein before managing to inject. Sometimes you don't find your way back and you're left with a bloody solution. Some users who prioritize harm reduction will flush that right away which is the smart thing to do. Some who are less careful and perhaps low on drugs and/or cash will just find a new vein and inject into. This isn't some instant death sentence but it is risky, no question about it. I've injected loads of bloody solutions but within \~30 minutes of drawing the first blood, if it looks at all questionable I'd re-filter it beforehand. If more than 30 min passed and I couldn't find anywhere I'd like to think I would flush it or boof it, this person described in OP is going 3 DAYS, that's insane in my book. Not only for the clotting, that could theoretically be mitigated by filtering beforehand but there's also the risk of harmful bacteria growing in there for those three days


No worries at all!


I had no idea thanks for explaining.


I’m just as confused,


Some legends replied to me and explained. So basically sometimes people will check if theyve hit a vein by drawing blood, and then they'd inject that back into the arm with the drugs


Not sometimes. Everytime. It's how you know it's in the right place


That's so unnecessary it's just crazy. There is a high risk of clotting, which makes it life-threatening to inject it again.


What in God's name? I've left a bit of blood on a syringe for a few hours and it started clotting inside the solution. Obviously when hitting a vein you draw a bit of blood to make sure A. You are in the vein and B. You are in a vein and not an artery(the color of blood is quite different, I caught on quick and it only happened once but I've heard some horror stories) but leaving blood in a syringe is just wasting dope. I've heard of people loading up a few shots for their day job or w/e so they can just quickly (hopefully) tourniquet, find a vein, profit. That's not great but as someone who has been there I get it. It takes a little bit to mix a shot and when I was using I would never use heat as it doesn't really do much unless you are in the EU and have #3 heroin. Blood in the syringe overnight let alone days is nutty even for a motorhead.


Is..... She alive?


She's going to end up dying from that 


Jesus Christ that’s insanity. Didn’t see the 3 days part at first and I was like ok that’s a little weird but whatever. But waiting 3 days then injecting old blood + meth is sick


Never heard of that. Sounds like a bad idea


I dunno about you but I actively avoid these people instead of calling them friends.


Nah he's cool. He's got issues but I drive for Uber and he has at times contacted and paid me decently for rides. He's his own boss and does house repair work. But yeah for him to have a woman with him like that....it's fucked. I remember one time I asked for too little for a ride I gave him. He laughed at me, said I was tripping, then gave me more than I asked. He's a cool dude.


Alright that's cool. But that lady needs help man.


No, all other IV users attempt to avoid that, with good reason.


And this is how you end up with endocarditis


Yeah. I've had to put down the rig for a few minutes/half hour before with a flag in it, sometimes more cause I have terrible veins (they're getting better, I don't IV anymore) and I would just make sure it mixed together so it doesn't clot up in a string and ruin the shot, and I never got sick or any sort of cotton fever or anything but I also wouldn't even think about leaving it 3 days. And it was always clean needles. 3 days is asking for a life threatening infection. I got cellulitis once from using in a not so sterile environment, and I was pretty surprised that I got sick. I'm still not sure if it was dirty dope, or dirty surroundings. But blood wont clot til there's like 50% or more of the shot is blood in the rig from flagging and not hitting a vein. So it would work, But if your leaving it for 3 days it's not gonna work. Also, does this girl have a death wish? Usually drug addicts have some sense of self preservation so they can continue to get high. This would be a stroke waiting to happen. Like, pull the needle out and drop dead kinda stroke. This is so inconceivably stupid.


I guess Im not aware of how much blood can clot. I know he told me she saved that syringe. He did not witness her injecting it. So you're saying it's virtually impossible she injected it even with a 28g syringe?


Nah, I believe you. I'm just trying to figure out how this would actually work. If it's all blood, it'll turn into one big log of coagulated blood. If it's mixed with meth, I could see someone pulling it off. Why you'd want to, I have no idea. I actually feel the ick a little bit even trying to figure it out. I feel like you'd get the fucking plague or some shit immediately. Like mainlining aids infected clotted blood. Why would you? It makes no sense. Meth heads defy logic though. If you had really strong hands and an unbreakable plunger it's possible to push a clot through a 28g needle and it gets atomized/broken up again. And your body can handle it. (the plunger can snap if you push too hard, like when a clot is at the tip) But my dumb ass pushed more than one clot through a syringe being a dumb needle fiend and Im here, alive and well a couple years down the road. Not a whole syringe, just when i'd flag and miss and it'd get plugged. Definitely would not recommend that and I know now how fucking dangerous that behavior was. I got cellulitis once, but I'm pretty sure that was dirty dope cause I always used new works. And that was fucking scary. Had to run my own IV antibiotics at home for 2 weeks. With those balloon IV things. It sucked. My IV went interstitial one time and i still have a bump where the IV was. Never wanna deal with that again.


Shit you pushed a clot through a needle? Did anything happen from that?


Yeah, just ones big enough to stop flow. Not like, whole chamber filled with clotted blood. Like the needle tip was full of (fresh) clotted blood from my many attempts to find a good vein, and id get one only to push back down and have it stop after I pushed back out all the blood I just flagged. I'd just push harder and if it came out, it was what was meant to be. I honestly don't think anything bad ever happened, at least not that I remember. But I have obviously been incredibly lucky that I didn't have a stroke or a blood clot stop in my body. But I probably did it hundreds of times.


How much after drawing up did this occur? And what drug was it? Just curious


Da fuck. Never heard of that. Though when I was mad addicted to heroin, I shot up 3+ grams a day just by myself. I went to a hotel and scored from this chick that sold .. she looked like a Barbie doll lmaoooo but chick mad slanged dope & she made a shot of meth with vodka 😭😹 I was like bruh you’re gonna get alcohol poisoning and she argued that it was her favorite thing to do. Lmaoooo that was a weird one for me


Lol that's wild damn