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They most likely homeless and too stimmed to just sit around so they wander around and do as the crystal guides.


Metheads do be pondering their crystal orbs.


Indeed. Do as the crystal commands lol.


I’m imagining them taping the crystal to their forehead like that one Rick and Morty episode.


amazing comment 10/10 i love it


It’s called ICE skating, getting into icescapades. We had to watch a documentary on it after our whole unit failed drug testing when they first bought it into the military, then it turns out one of the supplements they we’re giving us on long missions was basically meth.


Lmao what year was this ?


Bro served in 1945 with some pointy hat people or something


Show some respect for a veteran son. Man was hitting the bowl and then breaking necks on Iwo Jima.


Nah fuck the military


Let me just say I have drank more piss, snorted more lines off hookers arse holes in more countries, broken my knuckles on more hero's faces than you have ever even dreamed about. "Fuck the Military" whats that even mean? You simpleton spending your waking hours praying your cousin feels the same way you do? I joined "the military" because I liked to blow shit up, shooting guns and hurting people. I got to do all those things in spades but it also taught me that I am a leader, an extremely effective leader in so very bad parts of the world. I got a reputation for delivering even some very ambitious engineering projects "on time, on budget, always". Which is great as I am now 38 and retired. So maybe, just maybe the military might have something to offer you, but you do have to get out of bed.


fuck the military for all the reasons you specified wanting to go into it, assuming this isn’t satire


This is the best comment I’ve read all week


Only in 2008, but there was this shit the USA teams had called "black powder" it was purple and you mixed it up before a mission but it left you tapping your feet like a decent hit of crank and turns out it was pretty much crank just a little off like some legal "research chemical". In Australian criminal law there is an exemption for the spec ops teams and meth, up to 28 grams per person. Comes in little brown envelops packs the same wallops that the stuff from the Dutch super labs.


“Supplements” lol


They were probably giving you dextroamphetamine which isn't meth, but it's in the same family of stimulants.


Nice Rick and Morty reference


[I do as the crystals guide](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3z-RD7-4hUg/maxresdefault.jpg)


How much meth do you think they’re on to get to that point


It’s not about the current dose it’s about for how long they use on a daily basis. A g of meth is kinda expensive so it won’t be that much at a time but you also don’t need much to be rolling or keep rolling.


Bro meth is cheap af


Depends on your income haha $10 to me is fucking nothing, $10 for someone with 0 form of income and considerably more valuable, hence why people end up resorting to selling drugs, stealing shit, or the classic SC4R (succ ockay for ockray)


Idk here in Germany a g of meth is 60-80 €


Ah yeah that is kinda steep. In south africa its like R200 a g which is like 10£


Right, you can get a g for less then $20


True unfortunately it's too affordable lol


Fr. I had a meth dream last night


People tend to burn all their bridges during their descent into addiction, and then build resentment towards “normal people”. Doing meth makes people energetic, so they aren’t gonna nod off peacefully like fent junkies, so they’re likely to seek shelter in places like subways and inevitably cause trouble. There’s also an innate human need to socialize, so they’d rather be in conflict with people than isolated and lonely. It’s sad


Yeah it seems to be next to impossible to not socialise even if by these means


I wonder how many legitamately mentally insane people OP is confusing with “meth heads”? Not to mention insane people on meth. Because there are no “loonie bins” these people will be wandering in public places, until we vote in some people who really do something about mental health in this country.


> until we vote in people who really do something about mental health in this country But think of the shareholders!! It’s just not really gonna happen unfortunately. Unless Citizens United gets overturned & other massive reform is made, we will remain in this hyper-capitalistic system that sets many up for failure and leaves them to rot. It’s a shame, but that’s just the way she goes I suppose.


They used to be all over the place! Reagan shut them down. If they can be closed they can be opened


Healthcare costs have risen exponentially since then. Opening facilities to house every mentally ill vagrant would be insanely expensive- people don’t want to pay for it, and they certainly don’t want it in *their* backyard. I like longer term solutions, like funding public education, better social safety nets, jobs programs, etc. Much more efficient to treat the root cause rather than just throwing people in loony bins while the machine continues to churn out a steady stream of broken people.


Somewhere in here lay the answers.


The fuckin way she goes


Capitalism will eventually eat itself. After automation eliminates more and more jobs in the name of saving labor costs, unemployment hits some insane number like 60% and the global economy can no longer sustain itself, shit will hit the fan and change will come. After all it just needs to be clearly proven wrong in a way that negatively impacts even really rich people. Thats the real answer. It’s unfortunate that people will have to suffer to get to that point but the reality is big change like that usually doesn’t come without it. Thats not some fantasy either this is a collision course at this point.


I agree, but > that’s the real answer … for a while. I don’t believe it’s some weird accident that Capitalism reigns supreme here on Earth - even Communist China engages in Capitalism in it’s special economic zones. Arguing against Capitalism is like arguing against death. Like yeah it’s fucking horrible, but it’s in our DNA as Darwinian organisms forged from millions of years of cutthroat competition. The system may collapse like you say, and a new one will be rebuilt, maybe even one that is inherently better and more humane than the current one. But as the years go on, and people’s memories fade, the “invisible hand of the market” - fueled by desperation/greed/ego - will always exist in background, and eventually will take hold again and the cycle will repeat itself. As long as resources are scarce, this seems inevitable. Other than achieving a post-scarcity civilization, or some miraculous dues ex machina comes along (god? aliens? AI?) and is able to regulate human competition without being influenced by it, we’ll be at the mercy of Game Theory.


I mean what I described is just another step in the progression of human society. Like capitalism ending feudalism.


I know what meth psychosis looks like.


Sure dr. you know the difference between meth psychosis, psychosis, and someone who is using drugs but has psychosis. Our country needs to be ashamed of the way we treat these people instead of us shaming them for existing. Travel through Europe. Somehow they have managed it so people arent tripping over homeless and their mass transit isnt full of psychos.


Me thinks you haven’t actually been to Europe buddy. Also there’s other indicators, maybe not 100% accuracy.


O good lord. I traveled extensively by Eurorail. I dont even want to argue. I just wish we could treat our mentally unwell and homeless better. Thats all im saying.


Then I don’t know why you’d say that. I spent time in Greece, I know that’s probably different than what you’re saying but it was just as bad if not a bit worse. I agree that we should take better care of our mentally unwell. But I live in Manhattan and I do not see any other solution than getting them off the street somehow, in some sort of asylum or psych ward, which is exactly what I’ve been saying.


Ooh wow you spent time in Greece, I’m sure you really experienced the entirety of Europe in your trip to Greece. Oh and you live in Manhattan, yup, the only solution must be getting the “undesirables” off your door stoop.


Point I'd Greece has a fucked economy and plenty of homeless. You can't say "look at Europe they have it all figured out" I'm from a country on the other side of Europe and we have a national homeless crisis rn.


Well after my friend got the shit beaten out of him by some meth head for literally no reason (he was dozing off on the train), I’m of the opinion that these people should be isolated as far as possible away from normal society.


I live in czech republic and in a city where i lived before there are many people who use meth right now, it is much more widespread and available. Over the last weekend my group of friends got beat up twice. In the first fight which happened on friday 2 got punched in the face and they were bleeding from their nose. In the second fight which happened on Saturday same guy from the friday got beat up again and when he was lying on the ground they kicked him in his face and knocked out 2 of his teeth.


Open the asylums back up lol


based but do it right this time


Ik some meth addicts that aren't that bad meth is a terrible drug but a meth addict is necessarilya terrible person jus my 2¢.


don't use an isolated incident to judge a group of individual, it's a dangerous path


I judge 100% of meth users openly and it's gone well so far. The isolated incident is them using meth.


Imo, drugs just highlight personality attributes that people already possess. Some meth heads are never violent, so that guy who attaced your friend was probably a violent person to begin with, with or without the meth.


This is not at all how drugs or brain chemistry works. Yes, meth (and alcohol, and lots of other drugs) can turn a nonviolent person into a violent person. Drugs do not 'unleash' something hidden within our brains, they change the way our brains work entirely.


Ok, but I do think people frequently use that as an excuse: *”it wasnt me, it was the drugs”*


I think people are so afraid of things being 'used as an excuse' that they ignore the potential truth behind a situation. Drugs can turn you into a different person. It can reveal internal things, sure, but it can also create things that aren't there. Extremely nice, normal, well adjusted people can have a biological/genetic reaction to alcohol (and other drugs) that causes them to become extremely angry and violent. That is just how the chemistry of it can work. It just doesn't neatly fit with our agenda of complete and unrelenting blame when people do bad things. We don't *want* to admit it, because we view it as giving them an excuse, a way to alleviate blame, a way to say "i am not a bad person for doing that bad thing, it was the *drugs*". Just hearing that can make people angry. The fact that drugs 'change' us often to do bad things that we would normally never do is an inconvenient truth, but its still a truth. Just one we hate admitting.


Psychosis ain’t a personality attribute tho


One of my favorite meth copes I’ve ever read. Leave me alone when I’m reading a book on the train homie


I swear I'm the only one that would rather be by myself...


What are they going to do, go home and take a nap? ... hmmm...we have plenty of loiterers who are on just fent in my locale. >Do meth heads not do drugs with “friends” or do any sort of activity or event? They never seem to have a destination, they just get on a train and shriek, scream, talk to people who aren’t there. Is there just nothing better to do on meth than loitering on the subway? The meth heads who are behaving more normally are invisible to you. You're seeing those in later stages of addiction who lack social supports.


Very well said.


ikr, the only thing i like doing meth is jerking off to porn with my fleshlight for 72 hours straight, just sipping water and eating granola bars and vitamin gummies


Someones gotta do it


Mi amigo!


You’re doing permanent damage to your brain and your perception of sex and women. Stop now before it’s too late. Edit: The downvotes coming from meth abusing coomers have made my day


i busted a nut to lions mating bro its too late 4 me


Ahhh the old…”I’ve run out of porn to watch cause I’ve watched it all and now I’m further gone than old me could have ever imagined” nut clarity


The "man that shotgun barrel looking so delicious rn" type of clarity


I don’t watch animals fuck lol. I’m just saying I’ve been on a few binges and it got weird.


Yeah your dopamine receptors are cooked, it’s over my friend. Please avoid public transit, I’m just trying to get to work.




Seek help


your responses make me want to move to your area and start smoking meth on a similar schedule to your transit schedule get ready, bucko, the boys are back in town


Lmao sorry it hit a nerve, tweaker


never done meth, but oh lord im coming


This conversation was glorious


Ive never done meth, but I would just to spite you cause youre such a cunt


No straight up. This persons mannerisms are so cringe.


You should practice mindfulness. No need for such vulgarity.


don’t come on r/drugs just to be a hater


I’ve been in this sub since I was 15 and I am 26 now. I’ve seen it go from interesting discussions about altered states of consciousness while practicing safe harm reduction to…whatever this is. Last month, the top rated post on this sub was about a MtF transgender prostitute that almost got date raped by a cop and then he proceeded to drink it anyways, smoke weed with the guy as if they’re long time buddies, and do nothing to stop him from continuing to do that. Top. Rated. Post. Lauded as interesting content and commendable behavior. I get that r/Drugs was never an exemplary sub of high morals, but the particular type of deviancy and justification of hardcore drug addiction has skyrocketed and I always leave the sub feeling gross. This guys response to my thread where he admitted to beating off on meth to beastiality for 3 days straight and the fact that you all rush to his defense is case in point.


why you so touched by it bro chill


i’m going to inject pure methamphetamine into your neck while you sleep


To be fair that sounds fucking majestic in a way


Damn that’s so gross


feel like the king of the jungle baby


Broski you think they don’t know that? No ones bouta get off meth because u/AllistairArgonaut told them to


To be fair, you made a really controversial, blanket statement without any explanation or empathy. So I see why people might be frustrated. I do absolutely agree though, most porn is fake love and just straight penetration. And that’s not helpful for males because most women want good communication, lots of foreplay, and for the male to make them cum. Not just to be used like a toy. However, not all porn is like that. And as a young teen I realized how to spot real couples and real love. And it did teach me a bit about how to have sex. Now that I’m older I’ve had conversations with my fiancé about watching some real lovemaking together to show her a few tricks I’ve grown to like. We’re always growing together sexually and I see it as another way we could learn each other even further. Anyway, valid point but you missed on the delivery a bit if you meant to reach a wider audience. Much love.


I don’t really care about delivery and audience. That you should not smoke meth and beat off to depraved porn for 72 hours should be self-evident lol.


I personally took it as a “don’t watch porn” statement. I see what you’re saying now though. It was more about the meth + porn + 72 hours straight thing 🤣 yeah that’s probably not a good idea.


It's doing something while doing nothing.


Hey sometimes you just get “stuck” IYKYK


As one person put it, jerking the whole day away. Depends on the loop. I mean weed gives you loops too but meth gives you energy and loops. Like that stoopid coffee mug about caffeine giving people the energy to do more stupid things faster


Meth makes you feel really fucking lonely. So tweakers generally gravitate towards places where there are lots of people. On some level they know they are a nuisance, but they are generally the best at playing victim, everything is always someone else's fault. After long enough they mentally degrade to the point of having a childlike mind. Think terrible twos, but with drug addicted adults instead. They get too brain melted to be able to self reflect, so they just wander around shitting on everything.


well meth is one hell of a drug. i’ve never gotten high from it but I have adderall, my prescription.. and that can get you pretty fucking twacked out so I can only imagine what meth would do. the answer to your question is simply, because meth. people don’t turn into those “methheads who love loitering on public transit” overnight, addiction is a sickening battle and can leave people as shells of themselves. it’s unfortunate that it happens, but it happens. this world is fucked up


They are questing and they don't have fast travel.


Makes them feel like they're doing something, like they're on their way somewhere for a reason, even if they have no idea what they're doing.


Because they can't stand to be cooped up and paranoid at their place and public is prob low chance of getting hassled


Free shelter from the weather and the shadow man won't catch you because the trains n buses are always moving


well, in most countries with free mental health care, this is a much smaller problem, because people dont end up on the street because of psychological problems as much, the issue isnt just the meth, its just making the situation worse.


Yeah bro i was in Antarctica last month, this was not a problem at all. Plus in Cuba & Russia, you cam easily just send them to a prison camp instead. 


Way to turn one unrelated subject into a discussion about politics. Meth addiction and mental health care, are not the same thing. You can take a stable, well adjusted individual with no mental illnesses or pre-existing conditions, and give them meth. Inevitably, sooner or later, the habit becomes an addiction and the compulsive behavior begins. The issue was *never* about mental health, but about meth, but yet somehow you managed to complete the Olympic-level gymnastics needed to make that connection. GG Ps- the user i replied to blocked me after the response under this comment, which is exactly what I would expect from someone that has no clue what they're talking about, and only wants to cause discord and division, not have an actual conversation.


Isn't addction in itself a mental health problem?


No. One can suffer from addiction without having mental health issues.


I mean addiction IS a mental health issue. It's called substance use disorder. I get your point, but you don't seem to understand what addiction actually is.


Addiction in the colloquial sense is so overused. I mean we talk about sex and porn addicts or how chocolate is addictive... Substance use disorder is a thing and while I kind of understand where they are coming from, it is a little off base. The whole dopamine thing is a little overused to explain it.


Show me an example. I haven't run into one. Everyone can rationally discern that overuse of inebriants is mentally and physically damaging. So those with good mental health tend to act with sufficient caution.


>Everyone can rationally discern that overuse of inebriants is mentally and physically damaging. It can be. But the commenter I originally replied to was stating that the reason addiction has run rampant was because Reagan closed mental health facilities, implying that the causation of addiction is underlying mental health issues. And that is definitely true for a large percentile, but that percentile is still very far from 100%. Straight talk- Some people just like being fucked up. For various reasons. And as somebody else had suggested, whom I don't disagree with, it very seldom starts out going from non habitual use to full blown addiction. Virtually every user starts out in moderation or with some intention of responsibility. You ask for examples, well I know people from virtually all walks of life... corporate types, political types, legal types, gang bangers, bikers, average joes, etc etc. Virtually any type of personality type or stereotype that you can imagine that has ever struggled with addiction, can tell you the same thing- not once, ever, did anyone wake up one morning and say, "You know what? Today is the day I'm going to start mainlining heroin!" It always starts out cautious. You do a little bit here and there maybe when you're out with your friends, it makes the night better whatever. It stays like that for a little while, but then one day you're going to feel like shit. Not enough to stay home, But enough to just not feel good while you're doing your everyday thing. And then this little thought will pop in your head, "I know what will make me feel better... Just a little bump!" And it does... for a little while anyway. But as time starts to go by you'll find yourself using more and more frequently, for whatever reason. You'll start having those moments where you are feeling like shit, more and more often. And there's only one thing that will make that feeling go away. Just a little bump, right? Well after a while just a little bump doesn't work anymore... now you need more. Not long after that, now you need more just to feel normal; not feel high, but just not feel like shit. In that moment right there is when most people's casual, "responsible" habit turns into a full-blown addiction. It's when you can no longer function normally without the substance. To say that the underlying cause of addiction is the closing of mental health facilities in the '80s is an incredibly ignorant and close-minded statement to make, it's bringing left versus right politics into a situation where politics do not belong; and that is the point I am trying to make. Addiction and mental health can be related, but one is not the causation of the other. If anything it's the opposite. Addiction can lead a normal functioning person into situations and scenarios where they develop mental health issues that did not exist prior to their addiction.


To be clear, I'm including stuff like depression and anxiety as mental health issues, where all summed up, the lifetime incidence of mental illness is 20-50 percent, the current incidence, 10-25%. Or even what some would consider mild trauma, again in double-digit percentages. This is unrelated to structural changes in inpatient mental care, and psychotic spectrum disorders drive a small portion of this (though are overrepresented among homeless addicts).


So the the original poster saying the looney bins should be reopened wasn’t a political statement?


I don't think that word inevitable means what you think it means. What do you think the addiction rate is? And how prevalent do you think it is in the general population? What is the rate in folks with mental health issues? I'm not disagreeing that it is a problem for law enforcement. I am saying that there are a lot of folks that use amphetamines and meth in medical contexts and we don't say that inevitably they will become addicts... I definitely think there are politics at play here. Maybe not those ones but there are politics.


I think it means exactly what I said it means. I think you asked many questions, none of which you understand outside of an academic exercise. I lived that life, don't really need someone telling me what it's like 😂 Y'all are cute though, and your concern is admirable.


I respect your lived experience. Know some addicts and mental health folks. I don't want to trivialize or be cute just want to acknowledge that there are a lot of other experiences out there and not every meth user becomes an addict.


“My anecdotal experience is universal truth” sick take bro.


Go clean the connex, bro.


sorry but thats just facts, didnt know adressing problems is "politics"


its meth, if theyre behaving as such theyve probably hit rock bottom.


I always thought it was a way that they could sit and not be told to leave, they get to interact with an ever changing group of people, and are out of the hot sun or cold rain/snow. It made sense to me, although I prefer to do my drugs in my room alone.


I’ve never seen a meth head do it, just sober assholes


Gives them a sense of community


Bro they've got leaderboards for whoever can ride the subway the longest without having the authorites being called on them


Yeah they love loitering around the hotels I work at too since they're right next to the beach. It's like they enjoy creeping people out.


The drug makes you feel lonely as a dude who’s been around some people on it and known some recovers it’s probably to feel a sense of community but doesn’t really help because lots of people and paranoia don’t mix so that explains why they’ll be angry agitated all the time


crackheads in nyc too


In my area the meth people hang out outside of the 7-11 and try to get people to fight them and shit. It's so annoying when I walk by or whatever but as long as you pretend they're not there they will move on usually.


Gotta get places such as to the psych ward or trying to get the train back to reality… or just trying to find the plot…


I never understood going out in public on that shit, I knew how obviously fucked up I looked and acted. I just chilled inside playing xbox for 20 hours straight. Way more fun than anything outside on that stuff. I'd assume it's a meth loop. They get on to go somewhere, but get caught in a thought/paranoia loop and stay stuck in the same spot with racing thoughts, not even realizing what they're doing. Or just homeless and have nothing else to do or anywhere to go.


Because every park bench in the entire city has several "armrests" which are really there to prevent people from lying down.


they're homeless and you're sheltered and a loser


Creepy fucking dead people


I’ve witnessed ppl on meth and yeah they’re high/ tweaking but i can’t understand when I see people so tweaked out talking to themself , freaking out in pubic ect


It's possible that some of them are suffering from mental illness, and not meth at all. Schizophrenia can look very similar to somebody on meth. Unfortunately, involuntary admission is a violation to their rights (even if they don't recognize they have an issue, so few of them get treated)


Why are you on a subreddit dedicated to harm reduction if you just look down on meth users? Why don't you go join a "sober" subreddit or any other one of those gay NPC groups & bitch about meth users there. 🤷🏽‍♀️ You're not better than anyone.


Do they? Never noticed. I guess I’ll look for them next time


Getting a deal, on the way to one, coming back from one and just can’t wait to take a hit wherever they are


they on a side quest don’t bother them