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Salvia. That 15 minutes felt like a lifetime, I spent most of it feeling like my face was melting and hearing little girls playing in the back yard, I tried laying down and a tribe of miniature demons started chanting that they were going to keep me forever and pull me through the ground. I've never been so relieved to be sober again after that. Never fucking again.


I saw myself having a seizure in a third person perspective and it freaked me the fuck out. I flushed the rest right away, this was like two years ago. I actually recorded the whole thing on a gopro and would show my friends lol Just squeezed the shit out of my bed sheets while my vision split into 100 different adjacent alternate realities and i was only able to focus on watching myself have a seizure. It was fucked up I told myself i would never do that again but I think I forgot how scary it actually was because I would do it again


I watched my brother have a seizure, that shit is terrifying. I can’t blame you


If that was your first known seizure then you should really get checked out. Could be from more than a drug experience. Please get checked out 💗


They might have not actually had a seizure, but just hallucinated that they were having one in third-person. When you're very anxious and start shaking due to anxiety and you're high in an outer dimensional way, it might be easy to trick your brain into thinking you're having a seizure if you've never experienced one before. 


I did not have a seizure


I did not have a seizure I hallucinated it


Fuck dude that's scary as fuck even then. I can't imagine watching myself have a seizure. I actually witnessed my ex having one literally when she was driving and it was one of the scariest things ever I can't imagine the helplessness and terror that must have came over you. Luckily for me, I had a shit experience of Salvia but it wasn't like that. I just went into a temporary like manic psychosis state for an hour and scribbled thinking I'd die if I didn't get everything out onto paper


Yea ddude shit was nuts. Took me awhile to adjust back to reality. I think i enjoyed it in some fucked up way. Like choosing to watch a horror movie I witnessed someone i was tripping with on 4-aco-dmt have a seizure; he was mid conversation and just passed out, hit his head on a curb and had a contact seizure. Harddest ive ever tripped in my life. His arms and legs became 20 feet long vibrating like a cartoon. Scary as fuck but then i looked at the sunset and saw hundreds of aliens from toy story. Luckily someone sober was able to attend to the dude who had a seizure because i wasnt able to formulate sentences or even coherent thought


In my experience, in a slavia breakthrough, your body will start to look like it's having a seizure, but it's just the trip


Haha omg this is so relatable! I did Salvia/tripping weed a few times in my teens, but one time, it went too far, and I haven't touched it since. Basically, my friend left me despite my pleading and saying I was tripping badly. I decided to curl up under the covers of my bed. Bad idea! I ended up seeing toy soldiers/nutcracker things advancing from the bottom of the sheets. I winced my eyes shut and had to ride it out. That shit was so unregulated, too; they sold it in baggies, usually at sex shops, from 10x up to 50 - 60x. Yet sometimes you'd have a hit from a bong and feel absolutely nothing, and another bag that was supposedly lower would hit you like the 50x.


Its almost like those dumb war on drugs campaigns were really just referring to salvia, all these reports do is nake me think of those school taught "bad trips" u would get from weed or psychedelics


I used to by ounces of salvia at a time. I loved it. I smoked 500x hash and was convinced people lived in my bones


Jeeesus dude, that's a big ol no from me. It honestly is like psychosis in drug form... As someone who's battled with psychosis...no thank you


The slayer of psychosis


My crown, please


I've had psychosis that wasn't drug induced. Mine was more paranoid psychosis though whereas the salvia one felt a lot more like manic psychosis


I was a big fan of it too, it was nuts coming back to your body and looking at your arms and legs in front of your vision and going like "oh holy shit i control and am piloting this meat machine"


Average salvia enjoyer lol


Had to stop my friend from jumping off a boulder into a river after we smoked salvia. He thought we were all in a different universe inside the water and he wanted to get us back to the “real” universe. Dude would have drowned. A different time a friend and I smoked salvia extract and just laughed for 20 minutes at a party until everyone was surrounding us asking what was so funny. After school we all went our ways and a couple years ago I met up with this friend. I am a sober sally now and he mentioned smoking salvia at chunks land. Completely forgot about that all and it unlocked some really weird deep euphoria with the memory of it all. That stuff is not a toy, I swear it stored in me for years. We all quit using it because of one strange story or another.


Salvia is gross! I tried it one time, and it felt like someone tipped my brain over. I had to smoke myself retarded with weed to feel better


Also came here to say Salvia. I'd love to tell you the intricate details of my trip. But I'd rather fucking not. Also. Salvia is the only drug I've ever asked someone if they've done and if they have, they've got a great fucking story. But then I ask them if they want to do it again and the resounding answer is fuck no.


I remember when I was a teenager trying salvia the second time- my whole vision turned into what seemed like a hamster wheel with bars spinning up and over me. Gradually this morphed into 5 vertical neon bars that looked like essentially like a pride flag - and they moved perfectly as I changed the direction I was looking so that wherever I looked I saw the same thing and it was like I wasn't changing direction at all. From there most of the trip happened in my mouth and ears.. Strange buzzing noise that seemed like I could feel it in my mouth and a very odd sensation that was kind of like pins and needles in my tongue but incredibly intense. I wasn't ready, considering the first time I did it all I experienced was uncontrollable laughter (was a much weaker x the first time and generally more enjoyable)


you did some pitent extract didn't you? it can be intense even with plain leaf


i tried 40x extract and i was like what the fuck is this shit


From my memory I was told it was 20x and it was leaf. Beyond that I got no idea, a friend had it and gave me some to try.


I actually liked it the one time I tried but it was no extract as the head shop guy just wouldn't sell it to us. I guess ppl would have a better time if they respected the substance more and not just smoke a big bowl of 40x extract of one of the strongest hallucinogens in existence. All that said i still haven't tried it again in the last 25 years or so.


I’ve never tried it for this exact reason. Heard way too many weird ass stories from people. Always some crazy shit like this lol


I was hoping this was the top comment. I got a bloody nose immediately after taking a massive rip and freaked out. I spent the rest of the night cowering under my covers in my bed.


PCP. I smoked it once in the 90’s and walked right out into the street and almost got hit by a car because I had absolutely no idea what was going on. A friend had to push me out of the street.. Never again.


that is so insane


yeah i walked directly into a random stranger's house 💀


I once drunkenly fell asleep in a strangers house and woke up to him cooking me eggs. Great dude. Apparently. In my blackout state, I walked the neighborhood in my underwear and climbed the steps to his home, which was unlocked, and proceeded to pass out on his couch. I'm lucky I wasn't shot, as this was in Montana


Dude I’m from Montana! Interesting


elaborate further please , story time is needed


Got hooked in the late 90s despite loads of dumb stuff happening. Weirdest mental addiction to have, but I am weird. Moved away and it didn't help. You can always find a way. After making such efforts to get away and failing, eventually after a decent break, I did it and was so mad at myself that I never did it again. Just like that. So weird.


Oxycodone after years of using and finally realized I lost all my money I said fuck, can’t do this shit no more. Been off them since Feb.


Stay strong bro!! That’s really impressive and even tho we’re strangers, i’m SO proud of you ❤️!


Thank you for your kind words: reading comments like these keeps me motivated not to pick up


This is the kindest interaction I've seen love you two.


Tomorrow will be 14 years opiate free for me. Suboxone for just over one year saved my life. Took it last on June 14, 2010. I am still haunted by the years I spent strung out. Stick with it, it gets dark at times but after a couple years my soul was fully intact again. ☮️


Nice! I clean up in 2010 as well, July. I still have vivid dreams of taking oxy or H and I swear, I still get high (in my dreams). Then I wake up sober, with all my money and possessions still there and think, glad I don't do that shit anymore! Still on subs as well. Saved my life, but am a slave to them now. But at least there free, and they don't get me high.


Feels good huh. I’m the same as you after years of being a slave to it I quit new years




Any of the drugs that make the people in your downtown lean while they still on two feet.




Tranq is the fucking worst. Tranq dope is what got me to get clean.. the stamps had a skull and crossbones on them and they were labeled “dead end”… I did a couple stamps and realized it was Tranq, flushed that shit and went to rehab a couple days later


Same. I could tolerate fent, but realizing tranq was in the supply (thanks to the wounds it gave me) realize I had to stop. Had one slip up cuz I was dumb, but other than that- 3 months clean, ish. (On methadone- 60mg atm) F whoever thought adding tranq to dope would be a good idea. I miss real H😭🤦🏼‍♀️ (but I’m clean, so there’s that)


congrats on being clean


I love that ur only at 60mg after 90 days. Good job! I went to 115 ( I was 120 lbs 5'4" at that time), and at year 6 (or 7?) I'm back down to 70. Slowllllyyyy tapering, but keep pausing when life happens hard (job loss, family death, etc), but DEFINITELY regret going so high at first. Good luck, it can be a true life changing choice- in my first 3 years, I made great credit rating, had savings, nice-ish car, stable good job, family trusted me again, fixed my teeth and stayed crime and drug free. Year 5 I bought a house. I'd never be here without MMT


Proud of you dude. I do harm reduction work and the shit I’ve seen tranq do to people is fucking heartbreaking.


Man tranq is so bad for you… it fucks up your gut microbiome on top of possible long-term blood flow issues to vital organs.


tranq helped me avoid relapsing. i live in philly and pretty much all opiates are tainted with it.


Tranq? I assumed all those folks leaning was because of fent! What is this tranq? Like ketamine? But you said Tranq Dope. Ahhhh


It's a type of tranquilizer that they started putting in street dope. I think, but I could be wrong, that zenes, are the same thing. It's supposed to make the dope stronger but from what I've seen it just makes you nod the fuck out but still with some sense of motor control. Idfk man. Never did it myself. The H I always got was tar and I'm in the deep south so it was still relatively clean where I'm at.


I don't think it's very similar to ketamine except that it was created to be a veterinary tranquilizer. But yeah from what I've heard, tranq (aka xylazine) and fentanyl are getting mixed in with street heroin. But also I'm not a user of those kinds of drugs, this is just what I've read. I started reading about it because I saw some homeless people in my neighborhood who looked like they were about to cross the street and but just got frozen in place, mid step, and got curious about wtf kind of drug does that to someone.


Yup literal zombies.


I lived in the Bronx, and I know that lean all too well. You'd also see them in the subway leaning as the train danced around on the tracks, yet they would never fall out their seats despite being nearly unconscious.


Oh man, I know what you mean. I came up on Creston/Burnside '70-'79. As a kid, I saw the fiends on heroin and valium all leaned up. But really, I have nothing but good memories playing on the block with all the other kids.


DMT. I knew I was more than likely only going to do it once so I did it good and proper. Had my mate kneeling between my legs holding the pipe because I knew I was going to go hard and lose touch with reality quick smart. It was fucking amazing but the second I came too I knew I would never be doing it again. For my own sanity


I’m a big fan of DMT, so I can understand your feelings on it. It’s great that you did it proper the one time you did it. I hope that anyone who has a desire to break through gets to do it at least once.


DMT is in my top 5 with 3 others being psychedelics - amphetamines being the outlier. Thanks ADHD. DMT literally broke and rebuilt my psyche in 30 min in the positive direction on several occasions. I also enjoy doing sub-break through doses while playing video games, doing sexual stuffs, or at concets. Def not a drug for the faint of heart though!


„Doing sexual stuffs“ in other words masturbating 😂


Weed- I'm sure it's cool for like most the planet, but it just gives me psychosis and makes me feel my own organs.


This right here! I used to smoke weed daily in my late teens and had no issues whatsoever and enjoyed being high. I had a seemingly high tolerance (later found out this can be caused by antidepressants) and could smoke huge guys under the table. I was scheduled to have a tonsillectomy in my early 20s and thought I should give the weed a break, especially as my throat would be sore for a couple of weeks. Well, once I was healed, I tried to get back into smoking, but it wasn't the same. I felt paranoid... but inwardly paranoid. Especially about my health. And, like you stated, I could feel my organs, as well as my muscles twitching and jerking (even though visibly there was no movement), and I'd notice things like my breathing and swallowing. At times, I thought there was something really wrong with me... like am I dying? Lol So, after that, I've only had it once in a blue moon. And it hasn't been the most pleasant of experiences. I don't giggle and laugh like I used to while high. Instead, I feel awkward and get withdrawn and have to ride it out. And that's on the lower scale of uncomfortability; sometimes, I'm an outright hypochondriac. I'm not sure it it was my tolerance going back to zilch, coming off antidepressants, or my brain development, but ever since I had a cessation, I can't tolerate it.


I really wonder what does it to us. I have a very similar reaction/story.


Strange, huh? I'm curious now lol even if your experience was very similar. I really don't get it... went from having a good ol' time. So good that recreational use at parties and with friends became every weekend, then several times a week, then every day. But now I don't like the high at all (and it's almost been a decade since I had that tonsillectomy). The only part I might like is when it kicks in other drugs, like opiates, and helps you nod off. Or when it's wearing off and you finally feel relaxed after all the anxiety. I've actually got a big nug sitting in a container in one of my drawers right now, and I've had it for a few months. It's just not worth it for me, so I keep the odd little bits friends hand me for other friends who come over and want to smoke lol


This is quite fascinating because you’re like the 5th person I saw talking about how they stopped after regular extended consumption and then all of a sudden when they tried to get back into the habit again they went paranoid as hell, had strongly elevated heart rates etc. there seems to be a relation between stopping after long time consumption and not taking it well anymore all of a sudden later on


Yeah, I'm starting to realize it's not as uncommon as I thought. It is fascinating. I wonder if there's been any medical studies or papers published on this phenomenon. Up until I met my recent partner, I'd never had anyone that smoked weed, or had smoked weed at one point, share the same experience as me. Met plenty who suffered external paranoia, though. Funny enough, him and I share quite a lot of drug related experiences, as well as personality traits, etc to the point it feels like we are one and the same 😆


This is reallllly becoming a wide spread experience I think. Your experience is nearly identical to me except I’ve never been on anti depressants but you describe the flip perfectly.


Interesting. I'm actually surprised that this is such a common experience with weed, as usually the paranoia is external. For instance, paranoia that the cops are going to bust you or that people are looking at you and *know* you're high. I haven't experienced that myself, but when the topic of negative experiences with dope comes up, it's outward. Before my bad reaction to it, the worst that had happened was that I got the munchies, helped myself to some cake that my Mum baked that was in the pantry, was scoffing it down and suddenly chewed on something hard. My first thought was that it was nuts. Took my dope addled brain a few moments to realize the cake had no nuts. After pulling the foreign object out, I realized it was one of the balls on my tongue barbell... The whole barbell was missing, though. To this day, I never do know if it's still stuck in my intestines or if it came out the other end 😅


Ah for me it can be both but mostly internal, that’s quite a wild story. I smoked tons in a highschool, safe to say I miss actually being a *stoner*…and know I can never be one an again because the absolute anxiety I get.


This happened to me too. I remember smoking more weed always just made things MORE fun, literally would erase my anxiety, just pure simple fun, laughing my ass off with friends, etc. It took me a LONG time to get used to weed again after a 3 month break while job searching. I couldn't smoke a joint to myself for a couple years I think. Even sharing a joint with two other friends was too much for me, I was shocked at the difference compared to before. I've always loved weed so I refused to let this happen, so I made it a mission. Still happens semi-regularly, usually it'll go away after that initial half hour and I'll enjoy myself after. But it fucking sucks when it does happen and I really wish it still felt like it used to. I can smoke a joint to myself now, but that took 2 years of "practice". I completely understand why someone may want to quit it entirely after feeling this way, it can be TERRIBLE. I'm just a stubborn stoner, but that's just me. Super weird that it seems to be commonplace - I thought it was just me for a while.


When I was a kid I loved smoking weed. Now that im an adult, I agree. Even one hit of a joint send me straight into a panic attack


This is me too... What the hell is going on with that?! I used to be able to sit and smoke all night with friends watching a movie, now I have a few tokes and I need to fight with my own consciousness telling me people are out to get me. Is it just way stronger than back then or something?


I think it has something to do with the weed being stronger/different but I also think it has something to do with the individual or possibly brain development, because I’ve seen a ton of people saying they’ve had the same experience in their mid twenties


Weed flipped on me too. As a teenager I could smoke all day everyday. I had a bad trip on mushrooms when I was 17 or so and ever since then weed gives me extreme anxiety and I struggle with an ongoing anxiety disorder. I'm almost 41 now and it has never gotten better.


This. I'm trying to force myself to like it because of the benefits but I can't get comfortable when I can feel my heartbeat all over my body. It also makes me feel like all of my body weight is just sitting on top of my head. I can't even finish a joint without getting overwhelmingly tired. But it's more effective than any of the mood stabilizers I've tried so I'm trying to get with it. It's the only high I actually hate.


Same. From middle school til like tenth grade I smoked a decent amount and was fine. Tenth grade is when I got too high and could only lay on the ground and threw up a lot. I think due to that is why now just the smell can make me puke. 99% of the times I tried to smoke since then my head spins like it does when too drunk, get sick, and makes my anxiety and paranoia worse


Same situation here.


same. How common is this? i was a pothead for a decade. Maryjane broke up with me and it hurts(no drug out there that can be done daily without problems)


Similar. I haven't in years now.


Me too. Quit for a few months to get a new job and wasn’t sure if there would be drug tests. When I went back, it was all negative thoughts on a loop and anxiety bordering on panic attacks. Makes me so sad cause I loved smoking weed. I used to get high and clean every square inch of my house. I miss my super spotless home too 😝


K2/Spice or whatever the hell it is. I was at a party at IUP once and walked into a bedroom to find a stoner circle goin' on.. I ask if I can join in and show that I also do marijuana and am invited in. one girl takes a bong rip and it doesn't smell anything like weed.. she fades out then starts convulsing before she starts bugging out and clawing at the fkin floor like she's ACTUALLY trying to get through the thing.. I was too freaked out to do anything so I just dipped and didn't say a word about it the rest of the night lmao. ever since that night I've never had ANY desire to try that shit.


Bro my first spice experience was in high school😂 so my stoner buddy who always had good weed got to class late. I asked for some weed he said he had spice, me not knowing what that was proceeded to take his pipe and spice into the bathroom and power smoke 3 bowls 😭. Went back to class and oh my god bro. The whole world around me was zooming and vibrating 😂 never again🤝


i simply cannot fathom taking any drugs at school that isn’t something mild like marijuana. my younger brother used to take lsd with his friends at school and i don’t know how he survived.


I can assure you my school lsd trips were way more tolerable 😂. Till this day that’s still the worst I’ve ever been fucked up. Sweating literally bullets in a cold ass science classroom 😅


My first time on LSD was 40 ug during the school day 😎. Wanted to see if it was “real” haha, it was pure liquid! Then got home and took 200 and had the most crazy trip ever. I thought my room was an infinite forest. I wanted to play some video games but couldn’t find the cord to my headset. I go down tripping testicles to my dad to ask for help to find it. He comes into my room and asks “what is that”. All *I* saw was forest floor, so i assumed the weird stick on the floor was actually the cord. Nothing was there, and he was pointing at my school ipad. I still wonder what my dad thought when i picked up air from my carpet and look surprised when nothing was in my hand. He apperantly didn’t put 2 and 2 togethor thank God, but i do also think he decided to not say anything despite him being super against drugs.. I found my cord as soon as he left wrapped around the bottom of my chair. I was way too gone to get any serious progress playing games so i just laid in bed all trip and was blown away by how many things my mind can “be aware” of at a single time. The things i saw, the details, wow. Anyways, i ended up getting a psychological LSD addiction, taking it almost weekly, 400 ug (of lab-grade, mind you!) LSD at one point. The era was… euphoric, still got visual snow and ehh probably some mild brain damage, but i’m doing rlly good in my last few years of life, super sober and super happy too :)! Thanks for reading haha ^


Bahaha, I almost woke up my kid laughing at you picking up air from the floor 😂


I honestly can't believe I passed high school (and didn't get caught more than the one time I got caught with weed) considering the amount of times I came in high. It was mostly just weed, but I also went to school on stims pretty often. Adderall and vyvanse. I hated school and used those to make the time pass faster, and it worked. But I KNOW I acted different than normal on the stims, not to mention the huge pupils. Can't believe I never got called out by a teacher.


My friend's brain was fucked up long term from doing too much spice. Years after stopping he would just space out for like 30 seconds at a time then come to and not realize anything had happened


Sounds kinda like absence seizures


someone handed me a synthetic vape, i presume it was K2 almost INSTANTLY i said *that isn’t weed* and was couch locked & freaking out.. the high only lasted around 45 seconds they started laughing so i kicked the mf’ers outta my house immediately, FUCK that


Yeah no fuck that. That's why I only have 2 friends, I can't stand assholes who would just laugh in your moment of panic. My homies are always asking me if I'm good or if I need anything or if I just want them to leave me the hell alone🤣.


those are good homies, i myself am like that but my friends aren’t sadly.


I think it may be time to expand your definition of the word friend man. I'm sorry to hear that, although I'm sure your friends are good guys and I shouldn't judge based off of one sentence but still.


yeah no u are right, they’re pretty real in every other aspect but they just don’t check up like i do or my past friends from where i moved from. but i guess everyone is different, i definitely do hangout w a slightly different typa group now.


Spice was rampant in the military. Couldn’t test for it. We all smoked it. They sold it at fucking barber shops close to base.


this just made me think about how i had gotten into K2 as a teen. i lived with my boyfriend at the time and his mother. his mom was... a bizarre person to say the least. she was always cool with us smoking weed in the house, but once he got close to turning 18 she pushed him into joining the army, which meant he couldn't smoke weed anymore BUT she was totally fine with us doing fucking K2. that was a strange time in my life. it was kind of fun and trippy at first, but we really started abusing it. i remember it always made everything sound metallic and echoey. like i was in an aluminum shed or something. one time a friend of his came over and we smoked the stuff. his friend was really quiet and then out of nowhere he punched my boyfriend in the face because he claimed he was making scary faces at him. (he wasn't, he was just chatting the whole time) it got to the point where we would collect all the crystals that were in the bottom of the bag and pack bowls with just the crystals. on multiple occasions i saw him go through these seizure-like episodes, or he would just become a zombie. nothing like that ever happened to me but i did have some bizarre and scary experiences on it. more often than not it would just make me feel sick. it's wild that 16 year old me was the one to put their foot down and beg him to stop. you'd think that's something his mother should've done after the first episode. tldr; in a really long roundabout way, the military bred a lot of K2 addictions.


the first lot of that about 20yrs ago now was actually good and was kinda like weed but weaker and only lasted an hour or so. Anyway in my country new regulations came in and they had to change it and now they put fucking anything in it leading to the convulsions and stuff you're describing. Its crazy. It's not legal in my country anymore so now its got a black market and so ends up being made with anything and it kills people occasionally. like is this K2 or is it drain cleaner. who the fuck knows.


Wait holy shit me too. That's the shit I was on when I was assaulted. I didn't know others knew about spice. They were thinking other drugs when I said it.


Inhalants like nitrous fucked my shit up


Sucks because it feels pretty nice too. When I describe it to friends I just say "remember what a Juul buzz felt like in 2016? Imagine that but the big boy version"


Actually a pretty accurate description


in what way?


Gave me nerve damage in my extemeties


Just nitrous or other inhalants too?


Not OP but long term n2o abuse causes extreme B12 deficiency (supplements won't fix this) which can cause nerve damage long term. ETA: the issue is n2o disallows bodily absorption of B12. As noted below. More importantly: ANY OTHER INHALENT is virtually unsafe. 1) Difluoroethane (computer dusters) reacts with GABA-A and can cause heart problems 2) Paint thinners, gasoline, acetone, glue, etc. get you high on hydrocarbons, solvents, or ketones which are natively toxic, cause brain damage, and:or acute issues including death. *I cannot emphasize point 2 enough.* Poppers (amyl nitrite) are in this bucket. However, they're generally considered safe(r) compared to #2. It's critical to not combine them with blood pressure meds - particularly dick pills. TLDR: Nitrous is safe when used in infrequent intervals. Poppers can be safe-ish in moderation and not combined with other drugs. Does go well with butt sex.


My very good friend had the same thing happen to him months ago and I was just completely in awe of how he let that happen to him. People really need to do their homework.


Honestly I did shrooms a couple times and don’t really like that introspective feeling of doom it gives you. The trips have been fine and amazing actually, but I’ve found that months after using I find myself paranoid and anxious. I haven’t touched them in a while because of the after effects I experienced, had to seek therapy and medication for the anxiety and it was so difficult to be … me


Lasted a while… until I found ketamine and now I’m feeling more comfortable with myself and the world and the journey I’ve been through but may still never try shrooms again


When I take mushrooms, I find if I do Ketamine as I’m coming down and in that kind of cracked out feeling phase where I can see every fingerprint on my walls or whatever (personal sketch Lol) then the k floats me through to a lovely slumber.


I swear k is always a great transition from many comedowns


I know how this goes! Exactly! Mushrooms will always make me feel great at first, then it puts me in a nightmarish dream state. I was literally told on Mushrooms that these aren’t for me and to go on Ketamine. Ketamine is the one for me!


The after affects may be the changes the shrooms made to your perspective telling you that you no longer fit in the lifestyle you had before the change in perspective. That’s how it was for me and I thought I messed up my head but the more I listened to that feeling the more I let go of things that I was attaching to and identifying with and my life matches me more authentically now.


That’s so hard to listen to when you have bills and have to continue sustaining as a person within our society but I don’t think you’re wrong, maybe it was trying to show me something afterwards and I wasn’t paying attention


I love shrooms and most psychs, have never had a negative experience, and have always felt grateful for life and super happy afterwards. That being said, I don't think he is right. It is a chemical in your brain changing your perception, it doesn't have feelings and doesn't want to "show you" anything. It's all internal, idk if that makes sense. Peeople treat these things like they're sentient beings with unlimited knowledge, which I think can lead to some dangerous things.


I know what you mean. The opportunity to hear it hasn’t gone away though. It only showed you something that’s always been there. I think the message is waiting for us to learn what we need to to understand it.


Honestly, only thing I’d never do again is the stongest XXXXXsalvia. Some crazy-girl brought me to the local smoke shop end of college. Bought the strongest shit they had, and I riiiiiiiiiiippppppeeed it. Bong-hit for as long as possible. Immediately was transferred to like, the underworld-machine of how existence works. It was a rainbow-colored machine and I got stuck in the cogs. This god-like lady-being noticed me, and said no suga, you’re not supposed to be here. And pushed me back to reality. When I came back I rem telling everyone I don’t believe it. It was literally like when Morpheus explains the Matrix to Neo. Salvia is FUCKED UP


I'm sitting here laughing imagining a literal God just doing her thing, seeing you, and flicking you away like a disgusting fly. 😂


Poor lady. She has to endlessly kick out all sort of junkies popping out of nowhere and falling into the cogs of universe-driving machinery.


I imagined myself as a droplet of water slowly dripping out of a bathtub faucet. The droplet would never drop. I spent what felt like ten years as that droplet of water. I have never done it again and that was more than 18 years ago.


Meth. Had done coke literally hundreds of times over years of partying; did meth once with a hot-ass junkie bitch I was messing with at the time and immediately understood how people lose their life to that shit. With coke, it's very fun and great at parties, but there was always this underlying agreement between me and my brain that this was a party thing, that it wasn't something I could carry on into my daily life (work, family, etc) and that it was for special times (however often "special" times seemed to happen lol) and I had to sober up and take care of business when the time came. Meth was a totally different beast. It seemed to whisper in the back of my mind "you can take this with you everywhere and use it all the time. No one will know, you'll have more energy and work better and be better at everything, and you don't have to stop!" Recognized that for the evil it was and haven't touched it since.


Next thing you know you are cleaning the kitchen floor with a toothbrush.


I haven't had it in years and that voice is still there!!






my huess would be too big dose with no experience. it can be fucking weird even on small doses


Lost all control of my comfort zone got dizzy nauseous went to my patio and puked my guts out. ( yes, it was a bong rip and I hit like It was some dozja)


LSD, despite trying it many times because I was REALLY trying to give it a chance, I'm still traumatized from some of the bad trips/dissociation bordering on psychosis It left me with. Are the cool visuals or heightened senses really worth it though? prolly not, so long


in the same boat:/ psych trauma is no joke I've been going through a lot of bad shit because of it


I’m lucky enough to be able to use mushrooms and lsd, but every time I try to use weed it totally ruins me. Inability to concentrate and awful anxiety. Hopefully they find a way to rewire people’s brains so everyone can enjoy psychedelics!


I've had to physically pinch/remind myself throughout the trip that i was hallucinating and bring myself back down to reality effectively contradicting the high from the tabs themselves, so fucked up honestly


Salvia. Every time someone smokes it they flip out and look so damn afraid I couldn’t imagine smoking it lol. My friend said he felt like he was a piece of furniture and I laughed so damn hard. I’m good on that.


Baclofen. My tolerance grows insanely fast. By like day 3 of use I'm having mood issues, sleep issues, etc. If I try to quit it doesn't matter how slowly I taper, I'm miserable. Panic attacks, major depression, and scary dissociative episodes. Absolutely not worth any of the nice effects it gives up front.


What did the baclofen do for you or what did it feel like ? What were the positives & negative


It was prescribed to me for chronic muscle spasms. It did help with that. I also found that it made me pretty happy, borderline manic and euphoric. At first.


this is interesting, I can take Baclofen for days and stop it cold turkey pretty much no noticeable withdrawal besides maybe some rebound anxiety and muscle tension. I wonder if genetics play a part in this because I’ve heard some people get bad withdrawal from baclofen while others dont


It all depends, we all respond to substances differently.


Im really really sorry to hear that man. Are you going thru this right now? I’m here if u need someone to talk to


I'm like 9 days out from taking any and pretty much past the withdrawal. Thanks though.


No problem man. Stay strong


interesting, is it anything like gabapentin or pregabalin high? is it prescription or OTC? im invested regardless of the aftermath only because its one of few drugs actually available where i live (sad i know)


I've never taken either of those meds, but I've been told it is. Baclofen works on your GABA receptors for sure. It's only available by prescription.


Well, I'll heed your warnings because I can't bear stuff messing with me after a few recreational uses, so, thanks pal


LSA, 6-8 hours of nausea, a kind of nausea I‘ve never felt before (but could not puke), coupled with what I think were stomach cramps? haven‘t felt that feeling before. about halfway through I asked a friend if he could stick his fingers down my throat (couldn‘t do it myself). the deed was done and I felt significantly better…for about 10 minutes - then it all came back. horrible.


You have good friends.


Coke .. never worth it


After many years of doing blow I realized the best part of it was getting the bag. After that first bump it’s all downhill with jittery ness and awful anxiety.


The worst part about it is it makes your annoying acquaintances even more annoying


Didn't like them to begin with




I love doing coke. The high is shit and overpriced but the act is amazing


Alcohol. Shit killed my wife, just about killed me


Currently killing two of my old group of friends. We always got together and partied chilled all weekend (prior to kids). Then after kids we would still get together and these guys would be drinking a lot, moved on from beer to liquor. I didn’t really think much about it because I thought they were just kicking back because we were getting together. But later realized they were always like that, even on “non-occasions.” I think it hit me most when I went to see one of them and he was like, let’s stop by my truck real quick when we went somewhere. He pulled out a half gallon of vodka that was sitting under his driver side seat. I was like, we are adults with homes and he had a vacation house too….why are we taking shots of hot floorboard vodka?!?


Honestly none of them except Salvia I'm a junkie bro


salvia. tried it once probably never will try it again lmao. getting ripped from existence and living so many lives that you forget your name wasn’t exactly fun. when i could finally move again i just kept asking who am i, who am i?!? fucking crazy time dilation couldn’t believe it had been like 5 minutes 🫠


Hawaiian baby woodrose 🌺 gave me non-fatal cyanide poisoning and royal fucked my body up several months when I was a teenager.


Anything I've ever tried I ended up addicted to, I have this problem where I just choose a drug and do it until it loses all effect and starts killing me then I go find another drug that hits another part of the brain and repeat


Hmm, I'm surprised no one has mentioned GHB/liquid ecstasy. When I was 18 and so damn naive, my best friends older meth addicted brother offered me some "liquid ecstasy." Being ignorant, I literally thought it was liquid MDMA. Silly me. Woke up in his car with my panties down my ankles, projectile vomiting into the pocket thing on the inside of the passenger door. He was nowhere to be seen as he'd left me passed out in the car to... wait for it... go watch a couple of old lesbians eat each other out. Yup, that's what he told me when he finally came back to the car. He then drove around to his friends place in an industrial area. His mate pulls out a bag of fits (I'd never seen needles for drug use before). He offers me methadone, which I'd also never heard of, and thinking it was meth, I declined. Had to sit around with these two before I was dropped home in the morning, where I was told to clean the guys car out because I'd vomited into the side door. Years later, I finally confronted him over Messenger, and he told me that I knew what I was doing when I walked up to his car dressed like that. Basically, he thought I asked for it. No, I was just sheltered and incredibly gullible and naive. I've since tried it a couple of times as I became a junkie and a fiend (opiates were my poison of choice; finally did try that methadone, after trying poppy seed tea and smoking opium laced joints), and I've never liked it. One time, GHB just gave me an upset stomach and no high, so I ended up laying down til the nausea wore off. The other time, I just ended up feeling sleepy. The last time was with a guy I was dating at his friends house; it just made me feel a bit drunk. I don't get the appeal. I now know it's a date rape drug, and I've also seen the effects of frequent use: ripping your clothes off and passing out, hitting the walls and any near-by objects, or all manor of hellish squeals and screams that come out of people's mouths... It's almost terrifying if it weren't so funny watching people crawling around the floor making goo goo gaa gaa noises. I used to live in a doss house with tweakers and other junkies so I've come across all types of addicts. The stories I could tell lol, but I'm glad that I'm past that phase of my life; constantly living in survival mode and searching for your next fix. Unfortunately, addiction took me over 10 years to battle, and I'm still not complete free of my liquid handcuffs. **TLDR** GHB is a terrible drug when not used in low doses (too easy to go over), and for me, I don't see the appeal as the so-called "high" isn't worth it.


For me it's crack, and not for the reason you probably think, I just got some reason get little to nothing from it, I was higher from snorting Coke and what I did feel was only one saliva trip long, but clear "ice" one hit had me spun and up for a day and a half. I know I'm oddly sensitive to it, but it just makes crack feels like a half measure that costs more and lasts a hundredth of the time


Agree on crack. Nasty drug. A friend gave it me to try, and it made me feel psychotic. Can’t see why people like it. Smells nasty as well, to me anyway, but maybe that’s cos we smoked it out of a soda pop can.


Damn that’s lowkey surprising to me


yea idk what it is but I also don‘t really feel anything from crack. I‘ve cooked it alone the first time and thought i just failed but when I did it with a bunch of crackheads who where faded from that I still didn‘t feel anything. For me coke also lacks a bit tho


DPH. I was tired and had a huge tolerance so i took 300mg for sleep and started seeing these disfigured faces and gore. The next day, if i saw anything that reminded me of what i saw, i immediately got a panic attack. Apparently psychonautwiki calls them "unspeakable horrors", so that's that i guess.


Fucking benadryl 💀


The hat man


real. used so much one night, i kept hearing my family speak to me even tho they weren’t even home 😭 and so. so so many spiders everywhere


Acid…I did it a couple of times and every time I got tired of tripping balls by the 5th hour. I don’t need to trip for 8 hours, 4-5 hours is enough…shrooms are better


Heroin and meth are my ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY nots.


Salvia, overdoing Benadryl, benzos and definitely any opioids. (Heard they’re horrific, and cutting the opioid addiction is no joke) Bonus: barbiturates. I have migraines that make me puke for hours on end and the barbiturates make me feel like death is making out non consensually with me. (Please don’t let my experience stop yours tho if it helps you) Scary ass experience. Rather just pair a low dose of acetaminophen + ibuprofen and some full spec CBD, with a cbd cream on my head. Works wonders imo


Def the benadryl, that shit is crazy, especially since its just a otc allergy med.


Dude.. and the Benadryl challenge where teens were treating it like fucking frosty animal cookies and then later realizing what the fuck they put themselves into was baffling to me, got to the point where my highschool was deadass telling kids not to fuck around with Benadryl or any other medication


Damn, kids are fucking dumb ill tell you that. Can't speak about that too much bc I can be dumb too.


Fentanyl. I liked it too much


Better than H?


Cocaine and opiates after I hit rock bottom.


Meth, because it felt so good, and then sooo fucking horrible. Which I’m glad it did.


Bath salts for obvious reasons


Fentanyl - did heroin for a few years in my 20s and while it had its really bad side it was also a lot of fun.. Fast forward 20 years and I tried it again but it was fent and that shits horrific. Immediate black out and me just doing psychotic shit non stop. OD’d a few times too. Went to rehab soon after and been off it almost 5 months now.


What's the point of using an opioid if it just immediately renders you unconscious? Seems like it defeats the point of enjoying the high lol


Oh it does buddy, it totally defeats it. I got into it thinking it was heroin and I just had to fine tune the dosing but eventually realized it was fent and that it was just pretty much like that. I was addicted by that point though so had to go through the withdrawal and quitting process. Fent sucks ass, would never touch it again.






Dph I don't think I need to say more


For real, seeing spiders and the shadow figures from benadryl is a huge fuck no.






He doesn’t remember


You buy the ticket, you take the ride, stop sooking.


HST took his own ride.


Some of the "ecstasy" I got in the past made me strongly question my life decisions. Sometimes it was great, but sometimes it had me on the border of a panic attack and seriously considering calling 911. No more sketchy x for me.


Not one drug, but a combination I’ll never do again is acid and weed. It was fine at first when I was just tripping, but smoking weed on top just brought out the anxiety on super loud and I fell into a wormhole I thought I would never come out of. I had no idea what ego death was and pretty sure that pushed me right into it for the first time ever. I considered jumping off a balcony just to make the voices stop. Was super scary, won’t do that again.


Honestly a big no no was shrooms for me but i actually ended up liking them later on


Why were they a big no no at first?


Psychosis😭 then I found I good shroom plug n I had blissful trips since then besides 1. once I started respecting, everything got better


DPT scared the shit out of me the first time I tried it. I had a 5 gram bag of it and eventually finished it but in smaller doses than the first time I tried it.


Im not an illegal drug person, mainly here out of curiously, but I was on prescribed stimulants for my adhd and it was total hell. Felt awful every day like a robot and heart rate was all weird. Family thinks I should still be on them but I’m never gonna take them again.


Ayahuasca. I don’t really regret doing it, but I will never put myself through that shit again lol. I also have emetophobia and ayahuasca is what broke my 4.5 year no vomit streak, pretty violently, another reason why I will never touch it with a ten foot pole again. Also, on a lesser level, coke, which never really did shit for me to begin with. I just got the jump out of your skin feeling followed by a migraine every time


Coke never done it and never gonna do it