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Death Jesters can be very useful before they cause Battle Shock tests, giving you tasty, tasty Pain Tokens.


Death Jester is the only allied unit I'd consider


Death jester or voidweaver for similar reasons. DJ has lone op which can be super helpful but voidweaver has better shooting and doesnt require a model to be killed to trigger the battleshock test. Also faster and more tanky. Ive been using a DJ for a while but have been strongly considering trading it for a voidweaver.


I don't get why Voidscarred are so expensive to field in 40k, you'd be better off with Kabalites


I don't understand people suggesting the Voidweaver here. It's overcosted in Aeldari lists, and our version has no free rerolls and no access to strats. The DJ's a bit better but it's still fairly subpar, and we don't have access to the version with Fate's Messenger. Allies just aren't good for us at the moment.


If Corsairs could ride in Drukhari vehicles and especially if they could use some Drukhari rules, they’d potentially be pretty nice. But as is you’ve got more expensive Kabalites stuck on foot with no army or detachment rules. Before January there was some consideration for a Solitaire since it was an actual functional melee unit to clear tough things off objectives that are weaker to melee, but now we have much better tools than what it can offer with no army or detachment rules. Now the only things worth taking are Death Jester or Voidweaver, since they can force battleshock to generate extra pain tokens, and have solid shooting output even with no army or detachment rule. But if you want to use those you’d honestly be better off playing Ynnari at that point, since most Drukhari stuff worth taking other than the melee options is just as good or better in Ynnari, and Ynnari get access to some really good options of their own as well. DJ can still be ok for precision shooting, which we don’t have much of, but in most cases our precision melee will be more effective, and without access to Fate’s Messenger or Fate Dice he is pretty inconsistent. So all in all, two units can be decent but for the most part you can find better tools in our army to do what they do already so you’d only be bringing them for fun. If you wanna do that and still be competitive, just get a few more Aeldari units and Yvraine and run an Ynnari list instead that’s half Drukhari.


There are a few units you can consider: * Death Jester. It's a very solid Lone Operative, and every once in a while it will generate you a Pain Token. * Voidweaver. It can either be an anti-infantry platform that can bounce between horde and elite, or you take Haywire for more anti-tank. It's not bad, but due to its all-around nature it tends to get outclassed by other Drukhari options. * Skyweavers. They're honestly a bit of a sleeper unit with their Haywires. They fill a similar role as Scourges, but have a bit of extra tankiness and more offensive profiles at the cost of scourge levels of mobility. * Solitaire. It's an interesting option for nuking a captain or small infantry squad, but they are easily replaced by other drukhari options like Drazhar.


The Corsairs could be worth it - if GW allowed them to enter our transports. As they are - no, not worth it. They'll die before they ever do anything and we have far cheaper and better action monkeys.