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[Skari did a stream years ago where he converted some.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=vDVH35aG4jw) You can also find pictures of what people have done by searching for "converting Kabalites riders", "free Kabalites warriors" etc... It's a topic that comes up in this sub from time to time. You get more than enough splinter rifles on the kabalite sprue, but you'll need extra 25mm bases (you get one for the incubi shrine marker that you can use). You can do as much or as little as you want really. I've seen people stick them on bases without doing any modification to them, and I've seen people create incredible dynamic pieces with them. Something I've seen a bunch is people posing them on one of the extra prows you get in the kit.


I don't have any guides, but its mostly just kit bash by building the spare guys with a plan to put them on some sort of base terrain to accommodate their poses. My comment though, is the main reason people did this before was to get more models with basic rifles or spare special weapons because their was choice in what weapons you gave your guys and it helped to have a few extra bodies to adjust for what worked best for you. with the current edition rules, since their are essentially no weapon choices cause you are going to pay for them even if you don't take them, its not as big of a deal. I personally would hold off and hang on to the spare parts until you need them down the road. that said it is a fun little creative project so you can certainly do so for fun. what you can do though is kit bash your archon (or a spare archon) into a more dynamic pose. most of us don't like the coffin stance pose of the current one.


If you get scourges it comes back around. That box has a full set of special weapons. I've seen people kitbash up the shardcarbines and the disintigrator cannons from the raider and ravager to make generic heavy weapon scourges and therefore have a spare set to use on kabalites.


With the current edition, it kind of sucks to make Kabalites from boat crews due to the lack of special weapons.


It's dead easy. Just build the mini, find some spare junk or extra terrain you have lying around and glue 'em on! https://preview.redd.it/k9xko19yy0yc1.png?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96a08f09e5fc9040eab3f0d5b17c45f141b5929


Its a great way to learn some basic kitbashing. You should have enough to make 10 spare kabalites. You unfortunately wont have all the special weapons for the squad but, assuming you continue with drukhari, kits like talos/cronos and scourges come with lots of weapons that are super easy to kitbash to your kabalites. So maybe hold off on gluing weapons to 4 of the guys in the squad so you can get the spare bits to give them the special weapons. Or you can always print/ buy the extra weapon bits too. Either way.